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Ito H  Seno T  Yamanaka M 《Perception》2010,39(11):1555-1561
We investigated how motion lines drawn in the background of a running human silhouette affect motion impressions of a runner in a static image. Observers evaluated the strength and direction of motion impression. The results show that parallel lines do not enhance frontoparallel motion impressions, while converging lines do so in an in-depth direction. This is a counter-example to the hypothesis that motion lines in the background represent motion streaks of the background when one visually tracks a moving object.  相似文献   

Motion lines (MLs) are a pictorial technique used to represent object movement in a still picture. This study explored how MLs contribute to motion perception. In Experiment 1, we reported the creation of a motion illusion caused by MLs: random displacements of objects with MLs on each frame were perceived as unidirectional global motion along the pictorial motion direction implied by MLs. In Experiment 2, we showed that the illusory global motion in the peripheral visual field captured the perceived motion direction of random displacement of objects without MLs in the central visual field, and confirmed that the results in Experiment 1 did not stem simply from response bias, but resulted from perceptual processing. In Experiment 3, we showed that the spatial arrangement of orientation information rather than ML length is important for the illusory global motion. Our results indicate that the ML effect is based on perceptual processing rather than response bias, and that comparison of neighboring orientation components may underlie the determination of pictorial motion direction with MLs.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to examine the effect of the angle of converging contours on the subjective midpoints of vertical lines. According to the inappropriate size-constancy scaling theory of Gregory (1963) increasing the angle of converging contours should increase the apparent depth of the figure and therefore exert a measureable influence on the subjective midpoints of vertical lines enclosed by the contours. However, this manipulation was not found to affect the subjective midpoints of test lines indicating that an explanation of the Ponzo illusion based on the operation of inappropriate size-constancy scaling must be restricted to certain test configurations.  相似文献   

The processing time for quantifying numerosity of two-dimensional dot patterns was investigated as a function of both number of dots and relative proximity between dots. A cluster algorithm (CODE) was first developed as a formal model of how human subjects organize neighboring dots into groups. CODE-based predictions of grouping effects on number processing latencies were then tested with patterns consisting of n dots (range n = 13–23). The results largely confirmed CODE-based predictions and thereby indicated that large collections of dots are preferably counted by groups. Small (n ≤ 5) groups are subitized and their partial results are summed to a running total. Based on criteria other than dot proximity, large (n > 5), proximity-based groups are subdivided into smaller groups of two or three dots, which are again subitized.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments we investigated whether identification of a lateralized visual target would benefit from concurrent execution of a reaching movement on the same side of space. Participants were tested in a dual-task paradigm. In one task, they performed a speeded reach movement towards a lateralized target button. The reach was cued by an auditory stimulus, and performed out of the participant's sight. In the other task, participants identified one of two simultaneous visual stimuli presented to the left and right visual fields, close to movement target locations. If motor activity were effective in modulating perceptual processes via a visuo-attentional shift, identification performance should have improved when the visual stimulus appeared at the movement target location. In fact, identification was not affected by the side of reach. Such results suggest substantially independent selection processes in motor and visual domains.  相似文献   

Theories of attentional control are divided over whether the capture of spatial attention depends primarily on stimulus salience or is contingent on attentional control settings induced by task demands. The authors addressed this issue using the N2-posterior- contralateral (N2pc) effect, a component of the event-related brain potential thought to reflect attentional allocation. They presented a cue display followed by a target display of 4 letters. Each display contained a green item and a red item. Some participants responded to the red letter and others to the green letter. Converging lines of evidence indicated that attention was captured by the cues with the same color as the target. First, these target-color cues produced a cuing validity effect on behavioral measures. Second, distractors appearing in the cued location produced larger compatibility effects. Third, the target-color cue produced a robust N2pc effect, similar in magnitude to the N2pc effect to the target itself. Furthermore, the target-color cue elicited a similar N2pc effect regardless of whether it competed with a simultaneous abrupt onset. The findings provide converging evidence for attentional capture contingent on top-down control settings.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, many findings in cognitive neuroscience have resulted in the view that selective attention, working memory and cognitive control involve competition between widely distributed representations. This competition is biased by top-down projections (notably from prefrontal cortex), which can selectively enhance some representations over others. This view has now been implemented in several connectionist models. In this review, we emphasize the relevance of these models to understanding consciousness. Interestingly, the models we review have striking similarities to others directly aimed at implementing 'global workspace theory'. All of these models embody a fundamental principle that has been used in many connectionist models over the past twenty years: global constraint satisfaction.  相似文献   

Confinement of a rat in a running wheel results in the rat's subsequent avoidance of the taste consumed before the confinement. This phenomenon has been ascribed to taste aversion conditioned by spontaneous wheel running. As a first step toward clarification of the underlying mechanism of this phenomenon, we manipulated two parameters of the taste-confinement procedure: duration of wheel confinement (Experiments 1A and 1B) and temporal intervals between the taste consumption and the wheel confinement (Experiments 2A and 2B). In general, longer confinement and shorter inter-event interval caused stronger taste avoidance. However, the results also suggested that it is possible to establish taste avoidance when wheel confinement was delayed 1-h after the taste consumption. These results correspond to those of conventional taste aversion caused by illness-inducing agents, suggesting similar mechanisms in the both preparations. Experiment 3 revealed that running in a wheel rather than wheel confinement itself is the effective factor for establishing taste avoidance.  相似文献   

C S Royden  J F Baker  J Allman 《Perception》1988,17(3):289-296
A computer-controlled display of random dots was used to study perceptions of depth. In this display, a field of stationary random dots surrounded a rectangular area in which random dots moved with uniform velocity in a single direction. The boundaries of this rectangle did not move. When dot motion was perpendicular to the longer boundary of the rectangle (occluded motion), the rectangle seemed to be behind the stationary background surround. Motion parallel to the longer boundary of the rectangle (shearing motion) made it appear in front of the surround. The relative lengths of the sides of the rectangle determined which effect predominated. Thus, for motion perpendicular to the long axis of the rectangle the occlusion predominated and naive subjects reported that the central area seemed farther away than the surround. For shearing motion parallel to the long axis, the subjects reported that the rectangle was closer than the surround and the strength of both effects also depended on the length-to-width ratio of the rectangle. If there was occluded motion along the long axis, as the length-to-width ratio increased so did the likelihood that subjects would report seeing the rectangle behind the surround. Conversely, with shearing motion along the long axis, increasing the length-to-width ratio increased the likelihood that the rectangle would appear unambiguously in front of the surround. Some subjects integrated the two cues with the resulting perception being a rotating cylinder. The occlusion effect was stronger than the shearing effect.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Nanotechnologies are often said to be "converging" with other technologies like biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science. And so-called "NBIC convergence" is thought to enable "enhancement" of human performance. First, I classify various kinds of enhancement. Second, I focus on the "cybernetic enhancement," to which nanotechnologies are supposed to contribute, and analyze the connection and integration of humans with machines, which could lead to the cyborgization of human beings. Third, I examine the portrayal of robot/cyborg technology in Japanese popular media, point out the tendency to empathy or ensoulment concerning robots/cyborgs, and raise the question of "ethical issues of ethical enhancement." Fourth, I compare nanotechnologies with neurotechnology and criticize the hype of "converging technologies."  相似文献   

Gray disks inserted into the central gaps of an Ehrenstein pattern appear to lighten up and scintillate with each movement of the eye or stimulus pattern. We call this phenomenon scintillating lustre. Both phenomena-illusory brightness and scintillating lustre-depend on the presence of the radial inducing lines converging onto the gaps. Without the radii the gray disks appear matte. Using parametric stimulus variation, we show that the strength of scintillating lustre covaries with line-induced brightness enhancement when the length, width, number, and contrast of the radial lines, as well as the size of the gaps in the Ehrenstein figure, are varied. Following the proposal by Anstis (2000, Vision Research 40 2551-2556), we suggest that lustre results from a competition between the ON and OFF visual pathways. Whereas Helmholtz's binocular gloss is elicited by stereoscopically fused incremental and decremental stimuli, the present study demonstrates that lustre can also arise from the interaction between line-induced brightness (illusory increment) and a dark gray disk (physical decrement).  相似文献   


Illegitimate tasks are tasks that violate norms about what an employee can reasonably be expected to do. Representing a relatively recent stressor concept, illegitimate tasks have been linked to strain, but so far have been assessed only by self-report. The current multisource study investigates to what extent supervisors’ assessments of illegitimate tasks converge with incumbents’ self-reports of illegitimate tasks and predict three kinds of strain, namely psychological strain (incumbent report of exhaustion), behavioural strain (supervisors report of incivility), and family strain (partner report of work-family conflict). Low convergence between assessments was expected due to idiosyncratic appraisals but also to differing perspectives of supervisors and incumbents due to their roles, as described by the newly developed roles-as-perspectives theory proposed in this paper. Data from 166 triads were analysed by structural equation modelling and Relative Weight Analysis. Results showed that convergence between incumbent and supervisor reports of illegitimate tasks was rather low; it was higher when the supervisor had a limited span of control. Illegitimate tasks were associated with all three types of strain for both self- and supervisor reports of illegitimate tasks, indicating that the detrimental effects of illegitimate tasks cannot be explained by common method biases alone and that incumbents and supervisors have overlapping but not identical concepts of illegitimate tasks.  相似文献   

McLeod P  Shallice T  Plaut DC 《Cognition》2000,74(1):91-114
People make both semantic and visual errors when trying to recognise the meaning of degraded words. This result mirrors the finding that deep dyslexic patients make both semantic and visual errors when reading aloud. We link the results with the demonstration that a recurrent connectionist network which produces the meaning of words in response to their spelling pattern produces this distinctive combination of errors both when its input is degraded and when it is lesioned. The reason why the network can simulate the errors of both normal subjects and patients lies in the nature of the attractors which it develops as it learns to map orthography to semantics. The key role of attractor structure in the successful simulation suggests that the normal adult semantic reading route may involve attractor dynamics.  相似文献   

This account of one of the now rare cases of fire-raising through homesickness brings into clear relief what is peculiar to the abnormal development of the fire-raiser's personality, the abnormal pattern of subjective experience and the abnormal motivation of the criminal act.  相似文献   

Memory for A-B word pairs (e.g.,child-apple) was tested by a cued recall test (e.g.,child-app__). Showing an A-C “relative” (e.g.,child-bicycle) reduced recall, especially if it was shown recently and was highly accessible (Experiments 1 and 2). In Experiment 3, a relative facilitated recall if it was semantically similar to the target (A-B′:child-cookies) but interfered if it was semantically dissimilar (A-C:child-fever). The best explanation for these results is that the relative primed features that affected the functional retrieval cue, and that interference occurred if the cue did not match the trace for the target (Martin, 1972). In other words, the interference effects are an example of cue-dependent forgetting. Neither blocking nor a discrimination process can account for these findings, although some evidence for a discrimination process has been found with other materials  相似文献   

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