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日本江户时期著名的儒学家松村九山著有《管仲孟子论》,其内容有两大部分,其一为“管子论”,其二为“孟子论”。在“管子论”中主要论述了管仲“非不忠不义也”;“仁斋失之墼,皆非知管仲者也”;“太宰子已好管仲过寅,牛尾子反是”。在“孟子论”中主要论述了“娇枉者过直,太宰子之论”;驳斥太宰子(太宰春台)的“孟子牵强持论、为齐王言好货好色”之论。松村九山著《管仲孟子论》的思想主旨,就是驳斥近世陋学对管仲、孟子的非议,其论数千言,辨析其精。  相似文献   

当今世界,建筑不仅是一种文化现象,一种美学现象,也是人类文化信息交流不可缺少的一部分。过去用建筑理论和空间原理来分析建筑都比较片面,不能完全地阐释建筑内涵与外延的双重意义,无法概括建筑的所有特征,因为建筑不仅仅是一种形式,而且还是一种带有信息的媒介,具有符号的意义,并且表达了建筑与人的关系、建筑符号之间的关系。  相似文献   

运用科学哲学、后现代主义哲学、后殖民批判关于科学认识论、方法论问题的观点,讨论了中医药存在的合理性和价值问题,认为中医是对生活世界和主体性的回归,是另一种科学或文化范式,中西医都是各民族原创的具有同等地位的元叙说方式和文本。  相似文献   

孟子论及人的大体和小体时,提出了一个先立乎其大的观点,认为首先确立了大体的主导地位,小体就不可能动摇或取代大体的地位。梁启超认为,这是孟子发明的道德修养方法。其实,这还应该涉及到一个带有普遍意义的哲学方法论问题,即:我们观察和处理问题,应该立足于高,着眼于大,牢牢抓住主要矛盾或矛盾的主要方面,以求得矛盾的正确解决。  相似文献   

孟子认为,仁义价值等是人的本性。价值是人的标志。它具有首先性、主体性。诚是善良的人性本体的现实化。可是性善说显然无法自圆其说。这便是人性悖论。义内说表明,陈述同样具有主体性。主体对对象的把握方式是推恩。推恩是一种感应方式。被感应的对象,有时候被称为神。  相似文献   

陈志伟 《现代哲学》2016,(1):100-105
文章从善与正当性这两个概念来探讨孟子政治哲学的内在架构,区分了作为事物之属性的善与实体之善,认为在孟子那里善是与人的存在直接相关的范畴,分析了善内在关联于人与世界的意义创生的深层含义;考察了正当性的双重意义,即个人道德行为的正当性和政治领域内的正当性,指出孟子并没有将这两者加以清晰区分;并且指出善更多地具有作为整体的实质的价值意义,而正当则更多地是一个单独的道德和政治哲学概念,并且往往带有较强的形式色彩,其基本含义与一定的原则、规范相一致。在上述区分和考察的基础上,文章初步厘清了善与正当性的关系,进一步分析孟子是如何将具有形式意义的正当性加以落实的,最终得出正当性从客观的天命落入行为主体的理性自觉之自主性中的结论。  相似文献   

梁涛 《管子学刊》2024,(1):53-78
中国古代的气可分为物质之气与精神之气,后者又包括血气、情气和德气。血气主要针对人的生理欲望而言;情气指人的自然情感活动,如“喜怒哀悲之气”;德气则指人的道德情感活动,如仁气、义气等。孟子的浩然之气不是来自血气、情气,不是对血气、情气的理性升华,而是来自仁义之气,是“集义所生”。孟子的“夜气”“平旦之气”均是指德气而言。孟子自称可以做到知言,可以辨别言辞的错误所在,但没有提出一套分析错误言辞的理论方法。出现这种情况,主要因为孟子过分重视良知、良能,强调心的直觉能力,在一定程度上忽略了经验认知的作用。辨别错误言辞不能仅仅靠良知、良能,还要靠经验观察、逻辑分析,而这恰恰是孟子所缺乏的。孟子高度肯定、赞美孔子,实际是通过孔子寄寓自己的政治理想,视孔子为自下而上用文化、道德影响政治的新王,在得君行道之外,探寻一条觉民行道,甚至为君行道的道路,故“自生民以来,未有盛于孔子也”。  相似文献   

于奇智 《世界哲学》2009,(1):152-158
1968年“五月风暴”不仅早已成为历史(包括思想史)的徽章与历史学的记载对象,而且体现了一种时代精神。可见,回答“什么是五月风暴?”这个问题当然是哲学沉思的一项任务。如果说,启蒙运动的一份珍贵遗产是促使人们对现代性的深刻反思和强力推动,那么,五月风暴则把后现代性推向了一个前所未有的高度,并且秉承启蒙运动发展起来的自由与民主传统。与“启蒙运动”一样,五月风暴能促使一大批法国公共知识分子思考“今日”,激活哲学问题以给出关于哲学的崭新定义,与结构主义思潮产生错综复杂的关系。因此,通过对五月风暴的哲学沉思,我们学会如何理解“我们自身”的现实性和当前危机。  相似文献   

《来复铭》是目前所知最早由宗教学者所撰写的汉文伊斯兰教碑文,自碑文披露以来颇受学界关注。本文在前人研究的基础上,试对其内容从伊儒会通的角度给予新的解读,认为《来复铭》主旨在于运用儒学话语论述苏非哲学的"来复"理论,堪称"伊儒会通"的先驱。  相似文献   

中国儒家伦理文化非常重视个体的道德修养,并将之视为齐家、治国、平天下之基础.孔子、孟子开创了儒家文化发展之先河,在他们那里有着非常丰富而精辟的道德修养思想.在如何通过道德修养铸造自我品性方面,孔子和孟子既具有认知上的共同性和传承性,同时又具有各自的思想特色,对之进行比较研究,挖掘和开发其中之思想精髓和理论精华,对于开启我们今日之心智无疑大有裨益.  相似文献   

This essay is concerned with the relation between motivating and normative reasons. According to a common and influential thesis, a normative reason is identical with a motivating reason when an agent acts for that normative reason. I will call this thesis the ‘Identity Thesis’. Many philosophers treat the Identity Thesis as a commonplace or a truism. Accordingly, the Identity Thesis has been used to rule out certain ontological views about reasons. I distinguish a deliberative and an explanatory version of the Identity Thesis and argue that there are no convincing arguments to accept either version. Furthermore, I point out an alternative to the Identity Thesis. The relation between motivating and normative reasons can be thought of as one of representation, not identity.  相似文献   

Based on Miller's theoretical model, it is predicted that (1) pupils high in motive to approach success and low in motive to avoid failure (approach-oriented) would increase and (2) those with the opposite motive constellation (avoidance-oriented) would decrease their level of performance as a distant future goal approaches in time. These hypotheses were supported when number of problems solved correctly was used as measure of level of performance, while only Hypothesis 1 received support when number of problems attempted was employed. The hypothesis (3) that avoidance-oriented pupils would have a steeper slope of goal gradient for performance than the approach-oriented pupils, received no support.  相似文献   

Previous research relating status to intimate behavior has demonstrated that persons are more reluctant to initiate physical intimacy with another of higher than one of equal or lower status. The present research explored three potential interpretations of the observed relationship: (1) that persons perceive others of higher status as less likely to react positively to intimate behavior, (2) that social norms discourage intimate behavior toward higher status others, and (3) that persons of different status may be differentially liked. Using a modification of the apparatus developed by Davis, Rainey, and Brock, seventy-seven undergraduate subjects chose to give either a verbal or physically pleasurable reward for correct responses to a confederate learner whom they believed to be of either higher (PhD candidate), equal (freshman), or lower (high school drop-out) academic status. The learner was either responsive to the physical reward (expressing enjoyment) or unresponsive (remaining silent). In support of the first interpretation, status affected the magnitude of physical reward only when the recipient remained silent. When clear evidence of positive reaction to the vibrations was provided by the recipient's responsiveness, status differences were eliminated. This indicates that status may be used as a basis for regulating intimate behavior only when direct information about the recipient's reactions is unclear or unavailable. The differential liking interpretation received no support, in that status affected neither rated liking of the recipient nor the magnitude of verbal reward.  相似文献   

Ninety-four engineers were asked to describe their supervisors' leadership style, to indicate their expectancies whether performing effectively in their jobs would lead to job rewards and the valence of these rewards. It was hypothesized that employees' expectancies and a considerative leadership style interact to influence the performance levels of these engineers. Results indicated that leader consideration and employee expectancies operate in joint fashions to effect job performance.  相似文献   

The choice between immediate and delayed shock was investigated in three experiments with college students. Some Ss were required to choose between a longer-duration shock immediately and a shorter-duration shock later. Immediate, as opposed to delayed, choices were more frequent when: (a) Ss were required to choose the immediate or the delayed shock in contrast to other procedures in which Ss were required to choose immediate shock or passively wait for automatic shock to occur, (b) the duration of the immediate shock was reduced, (c) the S was given prior experience with shock, and (d) the probability of the immediate shock was reduced. Under some circumstances, shock delay and anxiety increased the frequency of immediate choices.  相似文献   

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