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This study examined the effect of rest breaks on traffic accidents by 720 randomly selected professional drivers who completed a postal questionnaire. Drivers involved in an accident preferred to enjoy their breaks at rest places meant for professional drivers, whereas accident-free drivers chose more freely the timing of their breaks during driving.  相似文献   

Alcohol intoxication appears to be a contributing factor to many bicycle crashes with serious consequences. Despite this, there is no specific limit on the blood alcohol concentration permissible when cycling in Sweden, and there is very little knowledge of the perception of sobriety associated with cycling. The aim of this study is therefore to identify the behavioural, normative, and control beliefs underpinning cyclists’ attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control associated with riding a bicycle when mildly alcohol intoxicated. A total of 34 participants answered questions based on the theory of planned behaviour (Ajzen, 1991). The results indicate that the participants saw great advantages (practical, free, safe, nice, and better than taking the car), but also disadvantages (impaired ability, danger to oneself, and danger to others) from cycling when mildly alcohol intoxicated. Furthermore, they identified both factors making it easier (small amounts of alcohol, bicycle-friendly infrastructure/conditions, poor alternatives, group pressure, and emergency situations) and more difficult (large amounts of alcohol, aggravating circumstances, bicycle-unfriendly infrastructure/conditions, good alternatives, social censure, group resistance, parenthood, and experience) to opt to cycle when mildly alcohol intoxicated. Finally, some participants believed that certain people (e.g. students, people with poor finances, and nearly everyone) think that it is acceptable to cycle when mildly alcohol intoxicated, while others (e.g. parents, responsible people, and nearly no group) think that it is unacceptable. These results support the use of information dissemination/campaigns to reduce the incidence of cycling when alcohol intoxicated and/or the amount of alcohol consumed in connection with cycling. At the same time, they do not support the introduction of a specific limit on the blood alcohol concentration permissible when cycling, and the potential of improved public transport to reduce the number of inebriated cyclists is uncertain.  相似文献   

The overrepresentation of young drivers in road crashes, and the fatalities and injuries arising from those crashes, is an intractable problem around the world. A plethora of research has led to the development and application of a range of research tools, including self-report survey instruments. One such instrument, the five-factor Behaviour of Young Novice Driver Scale (BYNDS), was developed in an Australian young driver population, and has recently been validated in a New Zealand young driver population. The current study aimed to validate the BYNDS in a Colombian young driver population, the first application of the instrument in a developing country. Translation from English to Spanish, and back translation from Spanish to English, in addition to culturally-appropriate modifications (such as changing ‘right hand side’ to ‘left hand side’) resulted in a Spanish version of the BYNDS (BYNDS-Sp). The BYNDS-Sp was administered to a sample of 392 young drivers aged 16–24 years (n = 353 aged 19–24 years) with a valid driver’s licence. An exploratory factor analysis revealed a six factor structure using 40 of the original 44 BYNDS-Sp items, accounting for 58.5% of the variance in self-reported risky driving behaviour. Ninety-three percent of participants reported having ready access to their own vehicle (42% owned their own vehicle), with Colombian young drivers most likely to report driving at night and on the weekend. The majority of participants reported driving in excess of posted speed limits (e.g., only one third of participants reported never driving 10–20 km/h over the speed limit), and driving in response to their mood (e.g., only one third of participants reported they never drove faster if in a bad mood). As such, the BYNDS-Sp can reveal patterns of problematic behaviours (such as risky driving exposure), in addition to specific behaviours of concern (such as carrying passengers at night, and driving when tired), guiding the development and implementation of interventions targeting the risky driving behaviour of young drivers in Colombia. In addition, the BYNDS-Sp can be used as a measure of intervention success if used as a baseline and as a follow-up tool. Further research can investigate the utility and applicability of the BYNDS-Sp in other Spanish-speaking countries, such as Spain and Mexico.  相似文献   

The risk of violent behavior is known to be higher for patients who suffer from a severe mental disorder. However, specific prediction tools for clinical work in prison psychiatry are lacking. In this single-center study, two violence risk assessment tools (Forensic Psychiatry and Violence Tool, “FoVOx,” and Mental Illness and Violence Tool, “OxMIV”) were applied to a prison hospital population with a primary psychotic or bipolar disorder and subsequently compared. The required information on all items of both tools was obtained retrospectively for a total of 339 patients by evaluation of available patient files. We obtained the median and inter-quartile range for both FoVOx and OxMIV, and their rank correlation coefficient along with 95% confidence intervals (CIs)—for the full cohort, as well as for cohort subgroups. The two risk assessment tools were strongly positively correlated (Spearman correlation = 0.83; 95% CI = 0.80–0.86). Such a high correlation was independent of nationality, country of origin, type of detention, schizophrenia-spectrum disorder, previous violent crime and alcohol use disorder, where correlations were above 0.8. A lower correlation was seen with patients who were 30 years old or more, married, with affective disorder and with self-harm behavior, and also in patients without aggressive behavior and without drug use disorder. Both risk assessment tools are applicable as an adjunct to clinical decision making in prison psychiatry.  相似文献   

Two experiments were made to test whether a blood ethanol concentration of about 1 g ethanol per kg blood influences the ability to recognize faces which were shown 24 hours earlier. 18 subjects who saw the faces for the first time when sober and whose task it was to recognize the faces when under the influence of alcohol, recognized the faces significantly less frequently than controls. The controls saw the faces for the first time when sober and their task was to recognize the faces later when also in a sober state. When 20 sober subjects had to recognize faces which they had seen 24 hours earlier under the influence of alcohol, they recognized the faces significantly less frequently than controls. 18 subjects to whom visual forms were shown when under the influence of alcohol and who had to recognize these forms 24 hours later when sober again performed like subjects who had to recognize faces under identical experimental conditions. Subjects who saw the forms, however, in a sober state and who had to recognize these forms when intoxicated performed significantly better than subjects who had to recognize faces under identical experimental conditions. In additional experiments, it was shown that alcohol did not influence ability to compare simultaneously presented faces. Intoxicated subjects' reduced abilities to recognize faces is regarded as a symptom of prosopagnosia since it cannot be explained by a reduced ability to recognize forms or to compare faces.  相似文献   

Vehicle overtaking is a complex maneuver on highways and high-speed arterials. When overtaking occurs in heterogeneous traffic conditions, it becomes even more challenging due to the variety of different vehicle sizes and operating characteristics. This study analyzes overtaking behavior on Indian highways under high vehicle heterogeneity. Data were collected using LiDAR and video cameras from an instrumented vehicle. Overtaking times for both sides of overtaking and for different types of vehicles were analyzed. This study introduces a new variable, “excess distance,” to understand overtaking. The results show that on divided four-lane roads, the side of overtaking plays an important role in determining overtaking behavior. On undivided two-lane roads, the type of overtaken vehicle is found to be significant. It is observed, as expected, that while overtaking at higher speeds, overtaking vehicles maintained greater excess distances with the overtaken vehicle. However, data shows that the rate of change of excess distance depends upon the type of road and the type of overtaking vehicle. The analysis also shows that overtaking behavior on undivided roads is affected by the presence of oncoming vehicles and the type of overtaken vehicle.  相似文献   

Background and Aims  In night driving, the fatal accident rate is about four times that in daytime. There is a lack of published studies of the effect of darkness on electrocortical responses in professional drivers (PD). Aim: Assessing relations between electroencephalographic (EEG) reactions to enforced darkness reminiscent of night driving, and untoward behavioral response patterns, notably Type A behavior. Methods  PD: 13 with ischemic heart disease, 12 hypertensives (HTN), 10 borderline hypertensives and 34 normotensives, and 23 non-PD controls. Five minutes of electroencephalographic recording with eyes closed, and subsequently 3 minutes exposure to darkness. EEG parameters were: alpha abundance, amplitude and frequent. Type A behavior (TAB) was assessed by observation and by questionnaire. Results  Alpha abundance diminished significantly for darkness compared to spontaneous recording for all groups. No between-group differences were found for EEG. There were no significant differences in EEG between drivers with IHD or HTN taking versus not taking centrally active β-blockers. Drivers with IHD were the only group to show significant increase in dominant α frequency at darkness. The IHD group also had the highest TAB questionnaire scores and the heaviest exposure to professional driving. Type A scores were significantly correlated with dominantt alpha frequency during darkness. Low availability of attachment and special driving hazards best predicted TAB scores in driven. There was a significance between group difference with respect to Symbolic Aversiveness at the work place comparing each driver group with the non-PD control group. Conclusions  Exposure to darkness reminiscent of night driving can elicit central arousal, in conflict with circadian rhythm, and in combination with other driving hazards which contribute to symbolic aversiveness, the essence of driving. And low availability of social attachment could contribute to sustained, and in turn to the development of Type A behavior in professional drivers.  相似文献   

Clinical fear of spiders was assessed in 39 patients before and after exposure treatment and at a 3-month follow-up. The assessment included behavioral, physiological and self-report measures. Some patients were tested in the treatment context (group Same), while others were tested in a different context (group Different). Both groups demonstrated a significant fear reduction from pre- to post-treatment in all measures, which persisted at the 3-month follow-up. Contrary to our expectations, no clear difference was observed between the groups at any moment. However, a 1-year follow-up test of the self-report measure revealed a return of fear in group Same, but not in group Different. These results show (1) that the effects of exposure treatment persisted over contexts and time in the short term, and (2) that conducting treatment and tests in different contexts enhanced efficiency of exposure treatment in the long term.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a device that prevents drivers from shifting vehicles into gear for up to 8 s unless seat belts are buckled. Participants were 101 commercial drivers who operated vans, pickups, or other light trucks from the U.S. and Canada. The driver could escape or avoid the delay by fastening his or her seat belt before shifting out of park. Unbelted participants experienced either a constant delay (8 s) or a variable delay (M = 8 s). A 16‐s delay was introduced for those U.S. drivers who did not show significant improvement. Seat belt use increased from 48% to 67% (a 40% increase) for U.S. drivers and from 54% to 74% (a 37% increase) for Canadian drivers. The fixed delay was more effective for U.S. drivers than the variable delay, but there was no difference between these two delay schedules for Canadian drivers. After the driver fastened his or her seat belt, it tended to remain fastened for the duration of the trip.  相似文献   

Six rats with electrodes chronically implanted in septal or hypothalamic sites were tested for intracranial reinforcement on a progressive fixed-ratio schedule. Two variations of this schedule were also examined and compared. Functions relating the highest level of stable fixed-ratio responding to a wide range of stimulus currents were, unlike those derived from continuous reinforcement rates, monotonic at all stimulation sites tested. One of the procedures described, in particular, is quite sensitive to intracranial reinforcement parameters, provides a reliable technique for within-session assays of these parameters, and successfully avoids many problems commonly encountered with administration of central stimulation on a continuous reinforcement schedule.  相似文献   

AimThis study aims to determine the effects of partial sleep deprivation (PSD) on driving performance of professional and young non-professional drivers.MethodsThe study included fifty participants (20 professional taxi drivers and 30 young non-professional drivers) driving the simulator-cab in three conditions. The first test session (TS1) was conducted after one night of PSD followed by the second test (TS2) after two consecutive nights of PSD. The driving performance metrics in two conditions of PSD (i.e., sleep duration = 4.25 ± 0.5 h) were compared with the baseline drive with no sleep loss. Sleep restriction was monitored using Actiwatch. Drivers subjectively self-reported their alertness using Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). Driving performance metrics and reaction time to emergency events were collected during each drive.ResultsA preliminary mixed-design ANOVA showed deterioration in driving performance of all drivers in terms of speed (p < 0.1), speed variability (p = 0.06), standard deviation in lateral positions (SDLP) (p < 0.001) and delayed reaction time (p < 0.05). Separate Mixed-Effects Generalized Linear Models for professional and non-professional drivers showed that speed variability, SDLP and reaction time increased from baseline during both the PSD tests, among both the driving groups. The speed variability, SDLP and reaction time of professional drivers differed significantly from other drivers under PSD conditions. Contrary to the existing belief, the professional drivers had significant decrements in driving performance due to PSD.ConclusionA critical and comparative analysis revealed that driving experience/skill of professional drivers does not improve their resistance to deteriorating effects of sleep loss.  相似文献   

Thirty-three brief case histories of suicidal patients were given to 19 experienced crisis workers for 7-point ratings of short- and long-term suicide risk. The ratings revealed considerable variability, raising questions about the reliability of such global assessments of suicidality. The most consistently rated cases were selected to operationally define "mild," "moderate," and "high" risk. Thus, each level was "anchored" by several vignettes. It was hoped that these anchor points would lead to more uniform future ratings among crisis workers. The correlation between short- and long-term risk ranged from near zero for some vignettes to as high as .82 (median = .46), demonstrating the need to rate both separately. Long-term risk was more difficult to rate, as demonstrated by a larger number of cases judged to be unrateable because of "insufficient information" (94 vs. 53 rater-case combinations). When the anchor vignettes were provided as a guide to the same sample of crisis workers, their ratings of suicide risk, as expected, showed significantly improved consistency.  相似文献   


(Thorndike, E. L. Human Nature and the Social Order. New York: Macmillan, 1940. Pp. 1019.) Reviewed by Herbert S. Conrad  相似文献   

The Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale (SCORS), developed by Western, Lohr, Silk, Kerber, and Goodrich (1985), is a diagnostic instrument used to assess an array of psychological functioning by using clinical narratives such as the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT; Murray, 1943) stories. This study investigated the utility of the SCORS to differentiate between Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed. [DSM-IV]; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) antisocial personality disorder (ANPD), borderline personality disorder (BPD), narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), and Cluster C personality disorder (CPD). A sample of 58 patients was separated into four groups: ANPD (n = 9), BPD (n = 21; 18 with a primary BPD diagnosis and 3 with prominent borderline traits who met 4 of the 5 DSM-IV criteria necessary for a BPD diagnosis), NPD (n = 16; 8 with a primary NPD diagnosis and 8 with prominent narcissistic traits who met 4 of the 5 DSM-IV criteria necessary for a NPD diagnosis), and CPD (n = 12). These groups were then compared on the 8 SCORS variables by using 5 TAT cards (1, 2, 3BM, 4, and 13MF). Spearman-Brown correction for 2-way mixed effects model of reliability for the 8 SCORS variables ranged from .70 to .95. The results of categorical and dimensional analyses indicate that (a) SCORS variables can be used to differentiate ANPD, BPD, and NPD; (b) the BPD group scored significantly lower (greater maladjustment) than did the CPD group on certain variables; (c) the BPD group scored significantly lower (greater maladjustment) than did the NPD group on all 8 SCORS variables; (d) the ANPD group scored significantly lower than did the NPD group on certain variables; (e) certain variables were found to be empirically related to the total number of DSM-IV ANPD, BPD, and NPD criteria; and (f) certain variables were found to be empirically related to Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2; Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989) Personality disorder scales. The results of this study are discussed in terms of clinical utility, conceptual, and theoretical implications.  相似文献   

The psychological assessment is an important component of the diagnostic evaluation in young children suspected of having an Autism Spectrum Disorder but can be hampered by behavioral difficulties. Overt behaviors during administration of the Mullen Scales of Early Learning were coded in 22 preschoolers with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and 20 age-matched typically developing children. Children in the Autism Spectrum Disorder group required less time to complete the assessment but spent proportionally more time exhibiting off-task behaviors and less time engaged with the assessment. Scores obtained on the Mullen Scales were positively correlated with level of engagement and negatively correlated with off task behaviors.  相似文献   

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