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本文是在科学和哲学两种时间观启发下,以道家方式对时间所作的一种全新理解和诠释.这种时间观立足于传统道论,通过道家的生命体验模式,指出时间的本质是能量.这种能量是道的主要运动和存在形式,时间的流逝发散造就了万事万物,时间能量的不同存在方式决定了事物的不同形态.在时间的能量性中完成时间形式与内容、生命与宇宙的统一,是道学实现个人和人类生命升华的方式,也是其对当今哲学和生命问题的独特回应.它或许将是道学和科学、哲学的主要交汇点之一.  相似文献   

本文援引了大量当代非洲哲学的研究成果,认为当代非洲哲学研究的主旨在于对非洲哲学进行重新定位;在此基础上分析了传统主义和反人种哲学这两种研究进路,指出反人种哲学所引发的争论,构成了当代非洲哲学的重要内容。本文还从比较哲学的视野研究了英法哲学家们关于非洲哲学的研究、英语哲学与非洲哲学之间的联系与区别,以及非洲传统哲学与当代的相关性;指出非洲哲学研究要进行概念上的去殖民化,这需要非洲人依据本土的思维模式来重新反思自己思想传统里的殖民化模式并将其一一剥除。最后,本文描述了非洲哲学的传统维度、当代维度以及历史维度。  相似文献   

康德先验哲学中的时间与"我思"问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢亚洲 《世界哲学》2008,(5):104-107
本文重点分析并论述了海德格尔在康德先验哲学中建立时间和“我思”的决定性联系的内在原因所在,同时指出了这个联系的建立对康德先验哲学的思想意义。  相似文献   

这是<哲学的哲学>一书的导言部分,作者指出了该书的基本思想是:第一,认为哲学不同于自然科学研究的例外论假定是错误的,甚至先验与后验之间的区分最终遮蔽了内在的相似性.第二,哲学与其他科学之间在主题上的差异,也不如我们通常认为的那样深.第三,当前的哲学主流未能清楚地阐明一种适当的哲学方法论,部分地是由于它陷入了对数据的心理学化的传统认识论错误.本书对哲学方法论的再思考,包含了在一种恰当的抽象水平上理解如何做哲学.  相似文献   

对新时期以来中国哲学史研究的追溯,如果说在盘点三十年积累的研究成果之余,还应该自觉承担一个反思和总结的任务的话,那么,追溯的本意,应该是去追问三十年来中国哲学史研究所遵循的观念和方法的背景,去探讨推动新时期以来中国哲学史研究展开的学科动力和问题意识,更为重要的是,去"如其本来"地重构中国哲学史研究展开中的时代逻辑与知识逻辑之间的互动关联.这样一种"还原重构"工作的重要性在于,可以促使我们理智地认识当前中国哲学史研究所处位置的来龙去脉,历史地理解当前中国哲学史研究的处境.而这一点,要远比立足于某一立场之上评点过往,更具建设性意义.  相似文献   

Schmidt  Jon Alan 《Axiomathes》2022,32(2):233-269
Axiomathes - Charles Sanders Peirce is best known as the founder of pragmatism, but the name that he preferred for his overall system of thought was “synechism” because the principle of...  相似文献   

Book Information Time and Memory: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. Time and Memory: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology Christoph Hoerl and McCormack Teresa, eds., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2001, xiii + 419, £45 (cloth), £17.99 (paper) Edited by Christoph Hoerl; and McCormack Teresa. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Pp. xiii + 419. £45 (cloth:), £17.99 (paper:),  相似文献   

《周易》重"时",强调"生生"、"与时偕行",蕴藏着丰富而独特的时间观念,而过程哲学亦重视"创造"、"生成"和时间问题,《周易》与过程哲学存在诸多相合之处。从上世纪三十年代以来,中国学者就多有留意此问题者。本文不打算面面俱到地评述八十年来华人学者援引过程哲学阐述《周易》思想的全部努力,而仅把视角集中在过程哲学与《周易》时间观念之间关系上,尝试撮述并评骘方东美、程石泉、牟宗三、唐力权、成中英、于连、张成武等海外学者的相关研究论著,以期厘清并进一步揭示过程哲学与《周易》时间观念在哲学理路上的相通与龃龉之处,思考作为现代哲学的过程哲学对于《周易》时间观念这一古典思想的接引与提升作用。  相似文献   

Thom Brooks 《Metaphilosophy》2013,44(3):254-266
The future of philosophy is moving towards “global philosophy.” The idea of global philosophy is the view that different philosophical approaches may engage more substantially with each other to solve philosophical problems. Most solutions attempt to use only those available resources located within one philosophical tradition. A more promising approach might be to expand the range of available resources to better assist our ability to offer more compelling solutions. This search for new horizons in order to improve our clarity about philosophical issues is at the heart of global philosophy. The idea of global philosophy encourages us to look beyond our traditions to improve our philosophical problem‐solving by our own lights. Global philosophy is a new approach whose time is coming. This essay offers the first account of this approach and an assessment of its future promise.  相似文献   

Tim Mulgan 《Metaphilosophy》2013,44(3):241-253
In this article the editor of the Philosophical Quarterly briefly outlines the editorial process at that journal; explains why it is foolhardy to attempt to predict the future of philosophy; and, finally, attempts such a prediction. Drawing on his recent book Ethics for a Broken World, he argues that climate change, or some other disaster, may lead to a broken world where the optimistic assumptions underlying contemporary philosophy no longer apply. He argues that the possibility of a broken world has deep and unexpected implications for philosophy.  相似文献   

If philosophy consists of conceptual analysis, is it thereby debarred from being a science? This article argues that it is not and that philosophy so conceived is a science. The argument takes the form of careful attention to the meaning of “science,” “experiment,” “empirical,” and related words. Philosophy is a formal science. This does not mean it is not part of the humanities. The role of observation in other kinds of science is investigated. There is more methodological homogeneity in the various sciences, including philosophy, than has been recognized, despite some clear differences. Seeing this helps restore philosophy to its rightful place in the academic firmament.  相似文献   

Cohen  Ted 《Philosophical Studies》2002,108(1-2):183-193
John McCumber is right to think that analytic philosophy has had a particularly central and dominating position in American philosophy, and that philosophy is less significant in American public life than in the public life of many European countries. I believe he is wrong to think that American philosophers have turned to analytical work in order to escape being politically relevant, and that he is wrong to suppose that prominent academic philosophy is something to wish for.  相似文献   

分析哲学是有其人文和社会的兴趣与关怀的。本文试图从批判理论的视角.运用哲学与生活世界相关联的解释学方法,分别解读了分析哲学创始人之一的罗素的逻辑分析哲学与他作为一个哲学家的社会批判兴趣之间的关系,以及前期维特根斯坦的逻辑语言分析哲学和后期的日常语言分析哲学与维特根斯坦所属的生活世界的关系。指出分析哲学由于没有建立在对现代性的科学一形而上学思维方式和生活方式的足够反思基础上,所以它对形而上学的批判兴趣最终仍然导致了一种非批判的形而上学。  相似文献   

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