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The Cross     

My aim is a philosophical understanding of sacrifice, and especially of the Christian conception of sacrifice. Initially distancing myself a little from the strictly ritual notion of sacrifice, I work with a concept of sacrifice as 1) a voluntary choice (2) to forgo or lose or give away (3) something costly, perhaps supremely costly, (4) as an expressive action, where (5) what is so expressed typically is or includes devotion or loyalty to something exalted. I consider three historical examples of political sacrifices, sacrifices made for a cause, and three literary examples of personal sacrifices, sacrifices made by one person for another. I note that in the Christian context it is very common for sacrifices either political or personal to be taken to be imitations of Jesus’ sacrifice as presented in the New Testament, and ask therefore how we are to understand that. My conclusion is that Jesus’ sacrifice can be seen as involving both a political and a personal aspect—but that in fact, it can only be made as intelligible as may be by understanding it, as the Letter to the Hebrews does, in ritual terms.  相似文献   

The COVID Cross     
Ernest Simmons 《Dialog》2020,59(2):71-72

Abstract: Jerry Fodor has defended the claim that psychological theories should appeal to narrow rather than wide intentional properties. One of his arguments relies upon the cross contexts test, a test that purports to determine whether two events have the same causally relevant properties. Critics have charged that this test is too weak, since it counts certain genuinely explanatory relational properties in science as being causally irrelevant. Further, it has been claimed, the test is insensitive to the fact that special scientific laws allow for exceptions which do not undermine those laws. This paper refines the cross contexts test to meet these objections while still allowing it to play its role in Fodor's argument for narrow content in psychology.  相似文献   

John F. Hoffmeyer 《Dialog》2008,47(3):240-250
Abstract : A theology of the cross must (1) connect Christ's cross with the reality of torture, and (2) differentiate misuse of Christ's crucifixion from its power in the struggle against torture. To meet these tasks, a theology of the cross needs to (1) refuse to separate Christ's crucifixion from his life and resurrection, and (2) recognize that the crucified Christ can only be understood in relation to all Christ's suffering sisters and brothers.  相似文献   

为探讨以性别与专业构成的交叉分类群体的理科性别刻板印象,研究采用了内隐联想测验和自我报告两种方式,分别从内隐和外显两个加工层面对其予以考察.结果发现,内隐层面上四类交叉分类群体都存在理科性别刻板印象,但外显层面上只有理科男性、 文科男性和文科女性存在该刻板印象,而理科女性不存在.该结果表明理科性别刻板印象非常顽固,即使...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Scotus's belief that any created substance can depend on the divine essence and/or divine persons as a subject requires him to abandon the plausible Aristotelian principle that there is no merely relational change. I argue that Scotus's various counterexamples to the principle can be rebutted. For reasons related to those that arise in Scotus's failed attempt to refute the principle, the principle also entails that properties cannot be universals.  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(3):259-267
Perception of some affordances requires action scaling rather than simply body (size) scaling. Crossing a road safely is such an affordance. Perceiving accurately whether crossing in front of oncoming traffic is possible entails perceiving the relation between environmental properties (the to-be-crossed distance and the available time) and one's walking abilities. Only while walking is perceptual information about walking abilities available; hence, a more accurate perception of whether crossing is possible is expected than when stationary. We observed crossing behavior (stopping, staying, and crossing) at a crosswalk and related this behavior to the time that was available before the next vehicle arrived. The critical time gap that separated not crossing (stopping or staying) and crossing was smaller, that is, closer to the actual crossing time, when walking than when standing still. Thus, crossing from standstill entailed a larger safety margin. This suggests that information about ongoing action can yield more accurate perception of the affordance in question.  相似文献   

The theologies of Kierkegaard and Luther begin with hiddenness as a necessary qualification of deity. Because God is transcendent and human reason is fallen, he cannot be directly known. To reveal himself, God must wrap himself in sensuous media that veil his deity while manifesting it. The indirect character of revelation implies a negative principle of cognition: God's nature is not recognizable in its transcendent glory, but rather in the lowliness and suffering of the cross. This epistemological principle yields virtually identical results for Kierkegaard and Luther alike, such that the term 'theologian of the cross' aptly describes each.  相似文献   

The Unity We Have and the Unity We Seek: Ecumenical Prospects for the Third Millennium , Jeremy Morris and Nicholas Sagovsky (eds), T. & T. Clark 2003, A Continuum Imprint (Hb 0-567-8907-X, Pb 0-567-08879-0), pp. xix + 244, Pb £14.99
In One Body Through the Cross: The Princeton Proposal for Christian Unity , Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson (eds), Eerdmans 2003 (0-8028-2298-3), pp. 62, Pb £7.99/$10  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between Christianity and new technologies. I contend that the “Christ and Culture” model of H. Richard Niebuhr, while influential for many authors, is inadequate to grasp the real relationship. Authors who follow this framework tend to overlook the reality of the situation due to in-built biases. Actor-Network Theory, which attends carefully to intricate networks of relations, is a better lens through which to understand this relation. This allows us to see that Christianity interplays with new technologies, sometimes shaping them and sometimes being shaped by them.  相似文献   

The research reported in this talk involves comparisons of verbal and spatial memory tasks across groups of children (and adults) with different types of learning difficulties. The research focuses on children with literacy acquisition problems and investigates whether such problems are related to specific areas of deficit. In the first piece of research, children with dyslexia (literacy learning problems) and dyspraxia (motor deficits) were contrasted on measures of memory (for example, tasks that required the retention of sequences of verbal material or spatial movements) and additional measures of literacy (reading and spelling), phonological (awareness of sounds within words) and motor (fine and gross motor tasks) functioning. The data were consistent with a dissociation between tasks/groups such that dyslexics showed weak phonological processing but intact visuo-spatial processing, whereas children with dyspraxia showed weaknesses on task involving visuo-spatial information, but average levels of performance on tasks that required phonological processing. Similar results were identified amongst adult groups, consistent with a deviant level of functioning rather than a developmental delay. A second line of research contrasted children with or without literacy problems across language backgrounds (English, Arabic, Chinese and bilingual children). Consistent with the dyslexia data, children with poor English literacy skills showed weaknesses in verbal/phonological memory tasks but not in visuo-spatial memory. However, for Chinese-language children, visuo-spatial memory differed between good and poor literacy learners, but there was little evidence for verbal memory differences. In contrast, the Arabic and bilingual children showed differences in both verbal and visuo-spatial areas, although the evidence was consistent with enhanced visual/spatial skills amongst the good literacy groups, rather than poor literacy children showing weaknesses in those tasks. These data suggest that the influence of memory skills on learning may vary with the language of instruction. A final line of enquiry considers whether teaching strategies to children with learning difficulties may overcome some of the identified memory deficits and lead to better levels of learning. English language children with learning difficulties were taught visual and verbal strategies to support retention of materials in short-term memory tasks. In the majority of cases, learning was improved when it focused on visuo-spatial strategies but not when verbal strategies were used. These data support the relationship between learning difficulties and different aspects of short-term memory that may lead to poor levels of learning. It also presents evidence that memory (particularly those related to visuo-spatial) processes are influenced by the context within which learning is taking place, both in terms of the language of instruction and the strategies used to support learning. For some children with educational difficulties based around language-related deficits, visuo-spatial strategies may support acquisition.  相似文献   

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