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从婚姻家庭发展的历史轨迹看婚外恋与社会文明的关系郭学贤婚外恋是我国目前婚姻家庭进步发展趋势中的一股暗流。它虽然表面上是当事人之间的感情纠葛,但实质是现代社会生活在婚姻爱情中存在的一个问题,它的滋生蔓延和对社会文明的危害,不能不引起人们的关注。婚外恋是...  相似文献   

古希腊先哲至近代西方哲学家对爱情的思考主要集中在人与爱情、爱情的本质与特征、爱情的价值与意义、爱情的形式与艺术、爱情与婚姻、爱情中的嫉妒等六个方面.这些思考为正确认识爱情与婚姻的关系做出了不同程度的贡献,其中一些思想和观点,在今天看来也是正确和深刻的.对西方哲学家爱情观进行反思,对于促进社会文明具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

生态文明建设的道德思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态文明建设蕴含着复杂多样的道德问题.从道德的视角把握生态文明建设,需要处理好人与自然、人与生存环境、人与社会的道德关系.生态文明建设中的道德操作应遵循以人为本、公正、科学发展的原则.生态文明建设要注重道德价值,加强社会的道德建设,提升主体的道德素质,更新道德实现的途径和方法.  相似文献   

论家庭文明建设的社会约制机制关颖中共中央十四届六中全会通过的《关于加强社会主义精神文明建设若干重要问题的决议》中明确提出把家庭美德建设作为思想道德建设的基本任务之一,为家庭问题研究提出了新的课题。本文拟从社会学角度探讨家庭文明与社会文明的关系,家庭文...  相似文献   

在社会主义和谐社会的建设中,如何加强社会建设始终是问题的核心。而社会建设的前提之一是深刻理解社会的内涵,把握社会理论中人与自然界的内在统一性。马克思的社会理论对于我们理解社会本质,从而开展关于社会建设的思考、特别是生态文明建设的思考,具有根本性的指导意义。  相似文献   

在爱情关系中, 如何付出和索取才对自身和关系发展有利, 这是爱情关系双方和心理学家都想知道的问题。根据社会交换理论和相互依赖理论, 情侣之间的付出和索取可以被称之为爱情交换, 已有大量研究探讨了它的基本心理过程。近年来, 心理学家提出新的理论, 用以解释爱情交换的复杂的心理机制。他们的观点得到实证研究的支持。所有这些理论和研究结果, 为论述爱情交换的基本原则、特点以及影响因素提供了丰富证据。未来研究可以更多地关注爱情交换过程中情感的作用, 以及自动化过程和有控制的过程。  相似文献   

论建设制度文明   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在考察一个社会的文明进步程度中,我们通常注重以物质文明、精神文明这两个方面加以考察,而对于制度文明则往往被忽视。其实,制度文明也是评价一个社会进步程度的一把标尺。制度文明与精神文明有密切的联系,今天,我们进行精神文明建设不可忽视制度文明的建设,应该把制度文明放在突出的地位。一、制度文明是建设现代文明的一个重要内容现代社会文明是一种文明系统或文明群。这种文明系统呈现出物质文明、精神文明、制度文明和生态文明的四维并进的过程。在现代文明系统中,第一层面是物质文明,它是人类改造自然界所取得的物质成果的总…  相似文献   

爱情是人类文明的产物,是一种社会现象。从静态来说,爱情具有自然和社会两重属性。爱情的社会属性有三个基本特征:人性特征、社会特征和个性特征。人性特征:在两性关系上,爱情使人类与动物界划清界限。动物的两性关系完全受本能支配。而人类的两性交往和爱情是人的心理和精神的需要,并不单纯由性欲支配。社会特征:人的本质是“社会关系的总和”,爱情也只有在社会生活中才能产生和发展,爱情关系交织于其他社会关系之中。任何爱情都要受到社会经济、政治、文化和思想的影响。个性特征:爱情是异性之间一对一的情感联系,它表现为人的私生活。它与相爱双  相似文献   

网络文明和网络伦理建设是与网络化、信息化共生的时代课题,其目的和意义在于保障和维护网络空间信息生产、社会生活以及社会交往的优良秩序和风清气正的网络环境。网络文明和网络伦理建设的首要问题是厘清其价值指向与价值诉求的问题。由于网络空间中的一切活动都是现实的人在虚拟空间中的活动,所以人格尊严保护就逻辑地成为网络文明和网络伦理建设的价值内核和价值诉求。事实上,在实践中,尤其在法律实践中,保护人格尊严已经成为世界上许多国家的立法理念与法律活动的重要组成部分,并且有逐步向网络空间虚拟化延伸的趋势。因此,加强网络空间人格尊严的法律保护,建设文明的具有伦理秩序的网络社会,尊重和保护网络空间中每一个公民的"虚拟人格尊严",对于构建和谐的网络空间氛围并推动中国特色社会主义的发展具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

当今社会,正面临着一系列严峻的生态问题。党的十八大报告提出要"全面落实经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设五位一体总布局",将建设生态文明看作关系人民福祉和民族未来的长远大计。在这一时代背景下,倡导人与自然和谐相处的全新的生态伦理学应运而  相似文献   

Research is needed on desistance from crime comparatively by gender. This research uses a national longitudinal sample of youth transitioning to adulthood. Drawing on Sampson and Laub's Age-Graded Theory of Informal Social Control, social bonds found in marriage and military involvement are examined to determine if they decrease delinquency over time. The results for the full sample revealed that marriage but not military involvement led to desistance. However, gender sub-sample analyses further showed military enlistment led females, but not males, to desist from crime. Implications and future research aims are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationships between several independent variables (ego development, commitment to the spouse, length of marriage, church attendance, and sex of subject) and three marital quality variables (marriage problems, expression of love, and dyadic adjustment) in a community sample of 72 married couples age 50 and up. Commitment to the spouse was the strongest and most consistent predictor of marital quality; commitment was negatively related to marriage problems and positively related to expression of love and dyadic adjustment. The other independent variables were generally unrelated to marital quality.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationships between several independent variables (ego development, commitment to the spouse, length of marriage, church attendance, and sex of subject) and three marital quality variables (marriage problems, expression of love, and dyadic adjustment) in a community sample of 72 married couples age 50 and up. Commitment to the spouse was the strongest and most consistent predictor of marital quality; commitment was negatively related to marriage problems and positively related to expression of love and dyadic adjustment. The other independent variables were generally unrelated to marital quality.  相似文献   

The field of couple and relationship education is dominated by a focus on helping committed couples strengthen their relationship. This article reviews several lines of research to argue that the field should give greater priority to youth relationship education—individually oriented relationship literacy education for adolescents and young adults. Serious problems are common in adolescent and young adult romantic relationships and increasing numbers of youth follow paths from adolescence to marriage that make it harder for them to form and sustain a healthy marriage. Early evidence on the effectiveness of individually oriented youth relationship education provides some reason for optimism. The article concludes by exploring implications of this proposed shift in the field for practice and policy.  相似文献   

蔡敏 《心理学探新》2012,32(3):257-262
研究在文献分析、大学生访谈、专家反馈及理论建构的基础上,编制了大学生婚恋观初始问卷。研究者在50名大学生中征求了对于问卷内容的修改建议,对300名大学生实施了试测,进行了项目分析和探索性因素分析,初步确定出问卷的维度和项目。在正式测试中,将1608名大学生随机分成对等两组,分别进行了探索性和验证性因素分析。研究结果表明,大学生婚恋观问卷包含六个维度,分别为择偶条件、婚恋价值、情感需求、性爱道德、婚姻本质及夫妻地位。该问卷的六个维度与构想模型拟合较好,并具有良好的信度和效度指标,可以作为大学生婚恋观的测评工具。  相似文献   

The meaning and purpose of marriage, and the manner in which spouses are selected, varies across cultures. Although many cultures have a tradition of arranged marriage, researchers interested in marital dynamics generally have focused on love-based marriages. Consequently, there is little information on relational outcomes within arranged marriages. This study compared relationship outcomes in love-based and arranged marriages contracted in the U.S. A community sample of 58 Indian participants living in the U.S. (28 arranged marriages, 30 love-based marriages) completed measures of marital satisfaction, commitment, companionate love, and passionate love. Men reported greater amounts of commitment, passionate love, and companionate love than women. Unexpectedly, no differences were found between participants in arranged and love-based marriages; high ratings of love, satisfaction, and commitment were observed in both marriage types. The overall affective experiences of partners in arranged and love marriages appear to be similar, at least among Indian adults living in contemporary U.S. society.  相似文献   

According to Australian regulations, the right to marriage migration applies only to genuine relationships. Marriage migration couples must demonstrate to state agents the authenticity of their romantic attachments in order to achieve a positive outcome in their applications. This article examines how love and intimacy in the context of Australian immigration regulations are interpreted by Thai women who originate from a non-Western culture. Drawing on interviews and ethnographic work with 15 Thai women marriage migrants, this article illustrates the ways in which the practical actions of caring and sharing are mobilized as important strategies for expressing real love and intimacy in marriage migration processes. Thus, although these women narrate their migration experiences as based on love and intimacy, such narratives are not free from global economic and structural inequalities. Women's constructions of love and intimacy presented here can transform over time in response to new personal experiences, changing social contexts and fluctuating circumstances in the processes of marriage migration.  相似文献   

略论现代中西婚姻基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代社会中西的婚姻基础各有不同.中国的婚姻以生育为基础,西方的婚姻以性爱为基础,中国婚姻重家庭责任,西方婚姻重个人感情,两种婚姻模式各有利弊?它们应该相互借鉴、相互融合。  相似文献   

The aim of this article was to define, on the basis of theorizing and research, the love that supports marriage and the family, or the type of love that is related to high levels of satisfaction in relationships, to the psychological well-being of family members and to stable family relationships. Literature is reviewed that explores the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of both mature and immature love, and I conclude that all three aspects of love can be either mature or immature. With regard to the emotional component, I have noted that feelings of both passion and companionship can continue throughout life. Immature love is exemplified in such constructs as limerence, love addiction, and infatuation. Given that love is socially constructed, I note that it can be strongly affected by the beliefs about love that are present in the culture, and that these beliefs can be either functional or dysfunctional. Particularly dysfunctional beliefs include those emphasizing that love is blind, external, and beyond the control of the lovers. Behaviors characteristic of mature and immature love are also explored. It seems that mature love may be best conceptualized as creating an environment in which both the lovers and those who depend on them can grow and develop. This type of love supports marriage and family life.  相似文献   

The practice of gift giving on official occasions in the Garhwal Himalayas is subject to a number of tacit rules. For example, the quality and quantity of gifts given before, during, and after a wedding ceremony are carefully recorded so that when the time arrives to reciprocate in the event of another wedding, the return gifts correspond appropriately. Giving and receiving gifts are part of the negotiations in the normative order of Garhwal through which social relationships are established. In recent years, gifts have become markers of crucial shifts in values attached to young brides and grooms while, at the same time, discourses on love and young people’s attitudes about marriage have also changed significantly. The practice of gift giving in relationships of love and friendship has become important to young Garhwali people, for whom acts of gift giving are strongly connected with ideas of romantic love. These acts are also part of new friendship networks and bonds of love between young men and women outside of marriage.  相似文献   

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