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对当前一些大学生在道德方面存在的知行背离现象,不能采取存在的就是合理的态度而放任之。产生知行背离现象的原因在《思想道德修养与法律基础》课教育方面并非像一些学者所说的那样在于知性德育,而在于大学生轻视道德修养导致的德性缺失。《思想道德修养与法律基础》课教育应通过做人、成己的教育调动起学生德性修养的动力与毅力,以此提高《思修》课教育的知行一致的效果。  相似文献   

马克思主义无神论教育融入高校思想政治理论课教学,可从五个方面来进行。把马克思主义无神论基本原理教育融入《马克思主义基本原理概论》课教学内容,使大学生牢固树立马克思主义关于无神论的立场观点方法;把马克思主义无神论中国化基本历程教育融入《中国近现代史纲要》课教学内容,使大学生深刻理解马克思主义无神论在人民群众思想中占据主导地位的历史必然性;把马克思主义无神论中国化基本理论政策教育融入《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》课教学内容,使大学生准确把握党和国家关于无神论的大政方针;把马克思主义无神论基本精神和基本法律法规教育融入《思想道德修养与法律基础》课教学内容,使大学生更加坚定理想信念和不断增强法律意识。  相似文献   

马克思主义宗教观教育融入高校思政课教学内容,是开展大学生马克思主义宗教观教育的主渠道、主阵地。把马克思主义宗教观基本原理教育融入《马克思主义基本原理概论》教学内容,使学生学会运用马克思主义立场观点方法认识和对待宗教;把马克思主义宗教观中国化教育融入《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》教学内容,使学生掌握党的宗教理论和方针政策;把宗教国情教育融入《中国近现代史纲要》教学内容,使学生懂得我国宗教走上与社会主义社会相适应道路的必然性;把宗教相关法律法规教育融入《思想道德修养与法律基础》教学内容,使学生增强法治观念和提高法律素质。  相似文献   

做人有做人的分寸,做人的分寸把握得当,就显得老练、成熟、有修养,否则就显得浅薄和稚嫩。把握做人的分寸自然颇有讲究,我以为,处理好做人的“大”与“小”的关系,似在“分寸”之列。  相似文献   

走出半人时代--对知识与道德的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来 ,人们在对知识与道德的关系问题的理解上存在着分歧。笔者认为 ,其中一个重要原因就是没能正确地理解知识的概念 ,没能摆正知识与道德的关系。近代以来盛行的科技理性主义进步观 ,片面夸大科技知识的作用 ,忽视道德的作用 ,导致了一系列社会问题的产生 ,也导致了“半个人”的出现。要走出“半人时代”,必须正确认识知识与道德的关系 ,才能促进人的全面发展。  相似文献   

青年时期 ,是人的思想和道德的重要发展时期。如何根据时代的要求和青年的特点对其施加系统的思想道德影响 ,引导青年进行思想和道德的修养 ,从而开启青年的良智 ,促进青年的思想道德进步 ,这是摆在思想道德工作者面前的一项至关重要的课题。《思想道德修养》一书是对这一课题进行积极探索的成果 ,是开启当代青年“良知”的好书。《修养》一书是中共湖南省委高校工委 ,湖南省教育厅组织的马克思主义理论课和思想政治教育课(简称“两课”)系列统编教材中标项目之一的最终成果。这是一本由湖南师范大学伦理学研究所唐凯麟教授、杨君武教授、王…  相似文献   

《思想道德修养与法律基础》课(简称“基础”课)是高校思想政治理论新课程(“05方案”)开设的第一门课程。任何一门新课程,都包含着一些新的教学理念,同时需采纳一些新的教学方法。而对这些教学理念和方法的理解和领会,在很大程度上关系到课程教学能否取得良好的效果。基于这种理解,本人试图立足于自己的教学实践,结合对于教材内容的思考,侧重于从教学理念和方法入手,对这门课程的教学进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

《军人思想道德修养》(以下简称《修养》)一书,是党的“十六大”召开后,在解放军总政治部宣传部的组织下,由王联斌、翁世平等全军十余名长期从事军队伦理学教学、研究的专家教授编写,国防大学出版社新近出版的一部思想道德修养教材。本书的编写,力求适应我国社会主义市场经济发  相似文献   

高校《思想道德修养》课现状调查和改革探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《思想道德修养》课是高校开展德育教育的主阵地,是大学生思想素质提升的重要渠道。经过调查,目前该课程的实际效果与人们的期望仍有一定的差距,因此必须从该课程教育的针对性、实效性和主体性等方面着手进一步改革。  相似文献   

“人情”伦理与市场经济秩序   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国是一个重视“人情”的国度,对普通中国人而言,如何处理好“人情”关系是日常交往生活中无法回避的现实问题。建立在“人情”关系基础上的“人情”伦理,集中地反映了中国世俗伦理文化的特质。由于复杂的“人情”伦理关系网络的存在,在今日中国由计划经济向市场经济...  相似文献   

本研究通过测验法对北京市六所中学的802名初一至初三的学生进行调查,考察了初中学生函数概念的发展水平。结果表明,初中生函数概念的发展存在着较为特殊的年龄特征;学生所接受的学校教育内容显著地影响其函数概念的发展水平。但是,初中学生进行正与反、肯定与否定之间相互转化的辩证思维能力还较差;还有很大一部分(将近一半)的学生不能用运动、变化的观点来看待问题;初二是学生函数概念发展的一个转折点。从初二以后,学生无论是进行文字信息、还是图形信息加工的能力都有明显的增强,但将文字信息与图形信息进行转换的能力水平还很低;考察同类问题间的联系时,学生还不能脱离开问题的实际内容,概括化地理解抽象的数量关系。  相似文献   

Entrants to medical and dental courses in London University were given questionnaires covering aspects of study organization, attitudes towards the course, and approach to studying. Two factors were identified with a significant relation to examination performance at the end of the first year, a general study organization factor and performance at the GCE advanced level examination. The first was a stronger predictor than the second. However these factors only demonstrated a limited ability to identify students who failed the first year of the course, so can at best enable a modest improvement in selecting students who will pass, or in identifying students in need of counselling during the course. Some differences were found between results for the two samples and possible reasons for these are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. After the disheartening results of an informal investigation of content knowledge and reading comprehension among her students, the author ponders the implications for her teaching objectives. What are we, as educators in religious studies, really teaching and how are we doing it? How are we accommodating students with less traditionally honed academic skills without diminishing content? She describes her experiments with several new teaching strategies for enhancing student learning by helping them improve basic skills, develop cultural literacy, and relate course content to their personal experience.  相似文献   

In response to the difficulty of teaching an increasingly large number of students who are ill prepared for the sort of abstract thinking and well-structured essay writing that are essential to the field of Philosophy, I have discovered a five-step method for teaching students in my Philosophy and Social Ethics course how to examine any ethical issue and write well-structured essays discussing the issue. Just as important, students are now required to take more responsibility for the learning process which, I believe, is an appropriate goal for a course in Ethics.  相似文献   

At the University of the West Indies, large courses often require the involvement of multiple persons in their delivery. Within the English Language Foundation Unit, several of the courses offered cater to over 500 students in any given semester. The large number of students necessitates multiple practitioners providing instructions as part of the same course offering. While stylistics may vary, there is the need for course instruction and content to depict uniformity. Practitioners’ conceptualization of a specific topic will inform the instruction received by students. In instances where practitioners do not conceptualize content in a like manner, students within the same course may receive varied instruction, thus affecting student output and overall evaluation. The paper looks specifically at a service course offered at the University of the West Indies and the practices of the multiple persons involved in the teaching of the course. It provides an overview of practitioners’ discussion of their conceptualization of content areas within the courses and assesses the extent to which there are variations and/or similarities. It also discusses how these impact teaching and learning. The research seeks to derive an actionable direction for collaboration and further discussions within large service courses with the aim of improving teaching and learning.  相似文献   

The purpose was to evaluate the effect of an infusion curriculum model on attitudes of physical education majors toward teaching students with disabilities. 91 undergraduate students (61 men, 30 women) matriculating through the core curriculum of physical education teachers were exposed to the infusion curriculum as part of each course during one academic year. Attitudes were assessed pre- (Fall) and posttest (Spring) on the Physical Educator's Attitude Toward Teaching Individuals with Disabilities III. Analysis indicated a significant positive change in attitudes toward teaching students with disabilities. Findings suggest, when exposed to issues of disability by infusion into course content, these students self-reported they would have increased confidence in teaching and an appreciation when teaching students with disabilities. An independent validation of this change would be valuable.  相似文献   

As web instruction becomes more and more prevalent at universities across the country, instructors of ethics are being encouraged to develop online courses to meet the needs of a diverse array of students. Web instruction is often viewed as a cost-saving technique, where large numbers of students can be reached by distance education in an effort to conserve classroom and instructor resources. In practice. however, the reverse is often true: online courses require more of faculty time and effort than do many traditional classes. Based on personal experience teaching an online course in health care ethics for students in the Allied Health Professions, it is evident that there are both benefits and challenges in teaching online courses, particularly in ethics. Examples of benefits are (1) the asynchronous nature of web instruction allows students to progress through the course at their own pace and at times that are convenient given their clinical responsibilities; (2) web courses allow for a standardization of content and quality of instruction over a diversity of programs; and (3) examples can be tailored to the differing experiences of students in the course. Some challenges to teaching online ethics courses include (1) the fact that online instruction benefits visual learners and disadvantages those lacking good reading comprehension or strong writing skills; (2) developing meaningful student-student and student-instructor interaction; and (3) teaching ethics involves teaching a process rather than a product. Allowing students to apply their knowledge to real-world cases in their disciplines and encouraging them to share experiences from clinical practice is an effective way to meet several of these challenges. Building an online community is another good way to increase the interaction of students and their engagement with the material.  相似文献   

There were no differences in achievement in a college-level general psychology course between students who had completed a high school psychology course and those students who had not completed a high school psychology course. The results are discussed in terms of the content, quality, and objectives of high school psychology courses. The discussion includes a consideration of the role of school psychologists in high-school-level psychology courses. Future trends in the teaching of psychology at the secondary and university level are reviewed.  相似文献   

A commitment to empathetic understanding shaped the field of religious studies; although subject to critique, it remains an important teaching practice where students are charged with the task of recognizing, and perhaps even appreciating, a worldview that appears significantly different from their own. However, when the focus of the course is historical trauma there are significant epistemological and ethical reasons empathetic understanding may not be our best pedagogical strategy. Drawing primarily on my experience teaching a general education class “The Holocaust and Its Impact” at California State University, Bakersfield, I advocate replacing empathetic understanding with engaged witnessing as a pedagogical framework and strategy for teaching traumatic knowledge. To make this case, I delineate four qualities of engaged witnessing and demonstrate their use in teaching about the Holocaust.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the role of impulsivity in procrastinators' problems. In the first study, 147 freshmen completed questionnaires measuring the Big Five personality factors, a broad impulsivity scale, and Lay's general procrastination scale, and their perceptions concerning a compulsory course. The data revealed that procrastination was closely related to a lack of perseverance, that is, the inability to complete projects. This relation explained a large part of the well documented relation between conscientiousness and procrastination. In the second study, a subsample of these students was followed up during 11 weeks before their exams. They had to provide their study intentions and behaviour, the reasons why they failed to enact their intentions, and the perceived impact of studying on their final grade. The data revealed that all students tend to postpone the bulk of their study activities to the last week before an exam, and that this trend could nicely be described by a hyperbolic curve. The results also revealed that procrastinators postponed more of their intentions, mainly because of fun alternatives, but did not intend to study less or later. On the contrary, they even seemed to compensate for their vulnerability by formulating more intentions earlier. Procrastinators emerged as highly motivated students who lack the ability to ward off temptations and distractions during their studying activities. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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