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朱熹的诚、信观建基于四书中的相关思想,他的诚意味着人从肉体的欲望中超拔出来,获得了合于天道的超越境界;他的信主要指人际交往关系中的表里如一,言行相顾。朱熹的诚、信大体上可以归为法理学家富勒所说的愿望的道德和义务的道德两种道德类型。分别立足于义务的道德和愿望的道德的研究范式,审视朱熹对诚、信的观点,有助于我们思考当前诚信建设的问题:第一,义务的道德提示我们应以公共法规进行诚信制度的建设,确保人们达到朱熹所谓凡事都著信之境;第二,愿望的道德提示我们回味朱熹‘诚之者,人之道也’,便是信,借助信仰力量夯实个体的诚信道德的基础。  相似文献   

中国传统诚信观的特点及其现代意义   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
本文分析了中国传统诚信观中关于“诚信”的基本内涵和要求。“诚信”是一个伦理学意义上的完整范畴 ;同时“诚”与“信”又是两个分别有着不同含义、相对独立的范畴。中国传统诚信观在历史发展的过程中 ,形成了重视和要求实事求是的精神 ;重视诚对信的根本制约关系 ;重视和要求对善的不懈追求 ,寻求诚信的正当等特点。这些特点使它在现代社会生活中仍然具有重要的继承和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

无论是儒家的还是基督教的伦理体系都非常重视"诚"的伦理规范,前者的诚论主要变现为要把天道之"诚"内化为人道之"实"("信")1,后者的诚论集中体现为对于人格化的至上神——上帝的虔诚信仰。两种诚论体系之间既有相似的论证逻辑,从真实无妄、表里如一的情感要求上来看,基督教的虔诚与儒家的诚信是相通的。同时,二者也有明显的差异,这突出地表现在二者的强制性程度之上。在现阶段的社会诚信建设中,我们可以借鉴基督教的虔诚伦理,增强诚信建设的外在的强制力和助推力。  相似文献   

诚信与公民社会散论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“诚”在中国传统思想文化中具有本体特性之义和德性之义 ,“信”具有主体对客体的态度 ,主体—客体相互作用的过程或行为 ,客体对主体的状态三种情形 ,“诚”与“信”之间略有差异。诚信不完全等同于信用 ,诚信的特点是主观性、渐成性和根本性 ,信用之所以具有伦理品格是由它的时间差、不确定性和不充分性等特性来决定的。公民社会异于威权社会 ,它是以诚信为基础的社会 ,在平等交往、契约自由、权利与义务统一的公民社会 ,诚信具有广泛存在的社会基础和学理根据。维护公民社会的诚信要注重社会机制的建设。  相似文献   

论徽商的商业伦理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周志斌 《学海》2002,(6):123-126
明清时期 ,徽商贾而好儒 ,深受儒家传统诚信观、义利观的影响。在商业活动中 ,他们身体力行 ,以诚为本 ,诚信待人 ,诚实守信 ,以义为利 ,充分体现了儒家诚、信、仁、义的道德规范  相似文献   

中国古代诚信思想浅析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在中国传统道德中 ,信被看做是做人的根本 ,是事业成功的保证 ,是社会秩序赖以建立、维持的根本 ,是有效治理国家、维护统治的保证。诚是一切道德行为的基础和根本 ,是道德修养的关键 ,是一切事业得以成功的保证。当前 ,诚信道德建设应从重信、守信入手 ,进而培育人们诚的品德 ,建立对诚信的心理认同。  相似文献   

本文以儒家内部关于若干契约事件的评述作为一条线索,试图在某种程度上回应外界对儒家诚信的质疑和批评。在儒家关于以管仲为中心的两个契约事件的解读中,贯穿着一个隐含的思路:"大信""小信"之辨,由此可知儒家关于诚信限度的规定具有复杂的情况,而契约内含义务是其主因。在儒家关于另一类契约事件——"要盟"的相关评述中,暗含着一条由"诚"而"信"的价值路径。由此深究下去,有助于重新理解儒家"诚""信"之辨的历史逻辑。儒家关于"讳隐"的思路,则包涵了"信""礼"之间的张力。通过以上同情之理解,儒家诚信与现代诚信的内在关系才能获得有效沟通和恰当定位。  相似文献   

孔子之"信"可从个人生活和政治生活两方面来理解.个人生活中的"信"的总的特点可概括为"直",它既是对于社会交往的一种基本要求,适用于非血缘的、身份大体平等的关系类型.也是一种个体的道德境界,这种道德境界的"信"由低到高大致可分为"言必信,行必果"、"忠信"和"信义"三个层次.政治生活中的"信", 既是要求政府应通过合理的政策以取信于民,也是要求为政者须具备"信"德.要将孔子的"信"沟通到当代的诚信研究,既要求变革学术界流行的源自西方启蒙哲学的阐释规范,也应分清孔子之"信"的适用领域与层次,并恰当理解经济活动者在当代社会生活中的角色.  相似文献   

中国古代明是一种以伦理一政治为取向、以维护封建专制王权为核心的政治明。中国古代政治明是建设社会主义政治明不可逾越的历史积淀,与现代政治明有着根本区别,在建设社会主义政治明的过程中,要十分注意批判专制主义政治的糟粕。  相似文献   

对诚信的内在结构可有多种解析。从所属领域角度,诚信可以被分为心诚、言诚、行诚三个层面。这三个层面相互依赖、相互作用:心诚是言诚和行诚的内在依据,言诚和行诚是心诚的必要外化,而言诚和行诚则相互促进。从所涉对象角度,诚信可以被分为诚己、诚人、诚群三个维度。这三个维度彼此相关、层层推进:诚己是诚人和诚群的必要前提,诚人是诚己的必然延伸和必要确证,而诚群则是诚人的合乎逻辑的扩展。  相似文献   


In this essay, I argue that Kant’s Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View is fundamentally about the sphere of civilization, and, with this, a particular kind of philosophical self-understanding. By civilization, Kant means to indicate the process by which human beings transform their inner natures based on pragmatic or prudential considerations born of our living together. Civilization is what we do to ourselves in order to get along with others with whom we share the earth. In the Anthropology, what we come to understand about ourselves is the possibility of transforming our inner natures based on our will.  相似文献   

It took a long time for humanity to know about biogenetics. And yet its role as a determinant in the living system was not proven until the twentieth century when DNA was discovered. Similarly, it took a long time for humanity to know about culture and civilization. And yet until now there is neither definite standards for differentiating them nor a definition that is commonly acceptable. By taking an evolutionary pluralism as ontology framework and the transdisciplinary research method of the systems science, we have in the new social system model discovered the central rules that govern the social–cultural heredity: Culture–Production–Civilization. The relationship between culture and civilization is exactly that of genotype and phenotype. Culture is the S-cDNA within the social system while civilization is the social phenotype. Culture is a determinant that ultimately determines the existence, stagnation, change, and evolution of the social system.  相似文献   

Although public health care systems often depend on revenue generated from client payment for services, inadequate agency fee payment systems continue to create substantial administrative problems. The first study examined the effects of implementing a system for producing and maintaining routine client fee payment. The second study was a replication of the first study. The Credit Criterion System was designed to: (a) allow clients to establish intra-agency credit by paying cash for each of the first three visits; and (b) pay for services monthly after credit was established. The system resulted in a baseline collection rate of 20%, compared with the Credit Criterion rate of 96.6%. The Credit Criterion System did not create additional administrative costs and it had no effect on attendance. Thus, the Credit Criterion System appears to be a reasonable set of procedures for allowing clients to meet their financial obligations to an agency.  相似文献   

Robert B. Glassman 《Zygon》1998,33(4):661-683
Ralph Burho's paradigmatic scientific innovation is the extension of the concept of symbiosis to coadapted human genotypes and "culturetypes," centered on religion. Civilization also requires a coexistent secular arena, where religion's nearness may help prevent our natural synergistic instrumentalizations of each other from degrading to losses of respect for one another as responsible free agents. The mixed messages in the Bible's diverse stories help to preserve a richness of choices in memory as we navigate history. We science-and-religion theorists should expand our cademic base to include economics, politics, literature, and other areas, while emulating Ralph's wise and good-humored ways of drawing us together and affecting our lives.  相似文献   

Civilization and Its Discontents is shown to occupy a special place in Freud's development of psychoanalytic theory and technique. Especially emphasized is its implications for an inclusive understanding of the reality principle. The concept tragic knots is then defined and used to emphasize Freud's readiness to include tragic elements in that principle. An extended section then illustrates the spread of tragic knots into several diverse aspects of human existence: victimization, intimacy, and maintaining privacy. Finally, implications are drawn for the clinical assessment of working through unconscious conflicts.  相似文献   

医患诚信问题探讨   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
近些年,诚信缺失现象大量滋生,信用问题日益凸现,医疗行业也深陷其中。医患诚信问题严重地挫伤了医患感情,医患间不信任情绪不断加深。关注和研究我国医患关系中的诚信伦理问题已刻不容缓。  相似文献   

Freud's reaction to the death of his mother as he reported it in letters to Ernest Jones and Sandor Ferenczi is discussed. The sense of liberation and the absence of grief which he emphasized is given some analytic consideration. An attempt is then made to gain an understanding of Freud's somewhat cryptic remark that a change in the "values of life" in the "deeper layers" will have occurred following his mother's death. His discussion of these concepts in Civilization and Its Discontents, which was published just before her death, is utilized. The question is raised of whether the death of his mother may have been related to the change in Freud's view of the significance of the preoedipal mother which he presented in "Female Sexuality," the first paper he wrote after her death.  相似文献   

Book reviewed:
Civilization and Its Enemies: The Next Stage of History , Lee Harris, Free Press 2004 (0-7432-5749-9), pp. 232, Hb $26  相似文献   

A widely accepted view in recent work in epistemology is that knowledge is a cognitive achievement that is properly creditable to those subjects who possess it. More precisely, according to the Credit View of Knowledge, if S knows that p, then S deserves credit for truly believing that p. In spite of its intuitive appeal and explanatory power, I have elsewhere argued that the Credit View is false. Various responses have been offered to my argument and I here consider each of these objections in turn. I show that none succeeds in undermining my argument and, thus, my original conclusion stands—the Credit View of Knowledge is false.
Jennifer LackeyEmail:

Assuming that psychic reality and social phenomena are two sides of the same social totality, this article attempts to discuss the building up of the concept of superego in the Freudian text emphasizing its social roots and the function it performs as the representative of the symbolic law. Critical turning points in the development of the concept are presented and possible theoretical consequences of Freud's argument in “Civilization and its Discontents” are questioned when considered against the background of our present society determined by globalization and consumption. The author concludes by suggesting that the contemporary superego may represent an erractic reaction against the conditions prevalent in the social realm. Thus it appears to be rather the heir to the initial state of helplessness than the result of a paternal identification. That could account for its role as the representative of the symbolic law.  相似文献   

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