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江苏省伦理学会 2 0 0 2年年会暨“小康社会与民族道德素质”学术研讨会 ,于 2 0 0 2年 1 2月 2 1日在解放军南京政治学院召开。来自全省的 80余名伦理学工作者出席了会议。与会者围绕贯彻党的十六大精神 ,建设小康社会道德文明“小康社会与民族道德建设”这个主题展开研讨。会议讨论了小康社会道德体系问题、小康社会诚信建构问题、小康社会道德问题对策、小康社会道德层次问题等。大家普遍认为 ,加强思想道德建设 ,提高全民族的道德素质 ,是全面建设小康社会的重要目标。十四大提出建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求 ,十五大提出建立社会主…  相似文献   

应当把社会伦理关系的变革和主体道德人格的完善列为全面建设小康社会的基本的价值目标 ,不仅要切实理顺经济伦理关系 ,而且必须逐步建立起与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的、公正的政治伦理关系和文化伦理关系。小康社会的道德要求包括经济交往中的效率与公平、政治生活中的正义与民主、文化领域中的服务与奉献。小康社会的人格理想将以追求人性的自我完善和人格的自主、自觉、自由为基本特点。小康社会也将使人们的行为方式发生这样或那样的变化。  相似文献   

军队应在精神文明建设中起带头作用赵学斌,曹二刚这些年来,我们根据社会主义初级阶段的实际情况,强调对社会主义精神文明建设中的理想建设和道德建设,区分层次状况,这是必要的。然而这几年又出现了一种倾向,即以道德建设分层次为理由,过分迁就道德建设中的低标准,...  相似文献   

中国古代的“武德”范畴,涵盖着一切与“武道”相关的道德现象和道德问题。广义的武德,包括属于领域型道德现象的军事道德(亦即古代所谓“武备之德”),属于组织行为型道德现象的军队道德(亦即古代所谓“武旅之德”),属于个体行为型道德现象的军人道德(亦即古代所谓“武夫之德”)。狭义的武德特指军队道德,因为军事道德的领域是通过军队的道德实践所开创的,军人道德是军队道德在军人个体行为中的具体表现,军队道德则是贯通于军事道德和军人道德的中介和枢纽。中国古代的武德理论形成于先秦时期,其主要思想  相似文献   

伟大的革命家朱德身上凝聚着中华民族的优良道德传统,他的一生是践履共产主义道德的典范。他十分重视共产主义道德原则和规范的社会作用,特别是对党和军队建设的作用。在他的许多科学著作中对共产主义道德的基本规范如为人民服务、革命英雄主义、革命纪律、艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约等进行了深刻的阐述,丰富了毛泽东伦理思想。这是朱德留给我们的宝贵精神遗产。  相似文献   

论道德建设   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
中国改革与社会发展的伟大实践需要我们将道德建设作为一个特定的伦理学范畴进行全面系统的研究。道德建设是促使道德进步的系统工程。在这个系统工程中 ,道德的理论建设是前提 ,家庭、学校和社会的道德教育是基础 ,职业道德建设是主体。道德建设系统的开放性特点要求经济、政治、法制和文化等方面的建设提供必要的保障 ,要实现这个要求就必须建立健全的伦理制度。  相似文献   

论社会主义初级阶段道德建设的特殊性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义初级阶段的道德建设 ,既不能完全照搬马克思主义经典作家关于社会主义道德和共产主义道德的论述 ,也不能沿用过去曾经倡导但效果并不明显的非社会主义市场经济条件下的社会主义道德和共产主义道德。必须从社会主义初级阶段的现实出发 ,努力探索与社会主义市场经济相适应的社会主义道德和共产主义道德。做到这一点 ,至少必须考虑社会主义初级阶段生产关系、经济体制、道德结构、道德主体和国际环境的特殊性 ,必须从构建新的思想道德基本框架和建设社会主义思想道德体系这两个方面开展工作  相似文献   

道德建设论要   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国改革与社会发展的伟大实践需要我们将道德建设作为一个特定的伦理学范畴进行全面系统的研究.道德建设是促使道德进步的系统工程.在这个系统工程中,道德的理论建设是前提,家庭、学校和社会的道德教育是基础,职业道德建设是主体.道德建设系统的开放性特点要求经济、政治、法制和文化等方面的建设提供必要的保障,要实现这个要求就必须建立健全的伦理制度.  相似文献   

回顾中国道德建设30年,其逻辑起点即是关于道德建设的科学定位。社会主义道德建设的战略地位,决定了它必须是推动中国特色社会主义现代化建设的道德建设,必须是促进全面改革和实行对外开放的道德建设,必须是适应社会主义初级阶段的道德建设。在邓小平德治思想的指引下,我国道德建设呈现四大战略创新。一是提出“以德治国”方略。二是实施公民道德建设纲要。三是树立社会主义荣辱观。四是道德建设融入社会主义核心价值体系。2008年,我们夺取了抗震救灾的重大胜利,成功举办了第29届北京奥运会,形成了“抗震救灾精神”与“奥运精神”。这两大精神是社会主义道德建设30年的最新成果。  相似文献   

基层青年军官是军队基层建设的主体力量,也是军队建设的希望,由于深刻的社会原因和职业原因以及个人原因,导致部分基层青年军官产生的职业倦怠不仅制约了他们潜力的发挥,而且导致了工作的恶化,影响了军队基层整体建设。因此必须加以重视研究,并从社会、军队和基层青年军官个体方面寻求切实可行的缓解方法。  相似文献   

生态文明建设的道德思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态文明建设蕴含着复杂多样的道德问题.从道德的视角把握生态文明建设,需要处理好人与自然、人与生存环境、人与社会的道德关系.生态文明建设中的道德操作应遵循以人为本、公正、科学发展的原则.生态文明建设要注重道德价值,加强社会的道德建设,提升主体的道德素质,更新道德实现的途径和方法.  相似文献   

重义轻利是传统社会的基本价值取向,国人的义利观经历了一个从长期的“羞于言利”到逐渐面对市场逐利,再到一部分人重利轻义、见利忘义的历史转化过程;今天,应改变传统义利观中义与利相互对立的状态,倡导一种义利并重、道义与功利协调发展的新型义利观。诚实信用既是我国传统道德的基本规范,又是市场经济、法制经济的必然要求,从而具有道德建设和法制建设的二重性;法律原则要以其本身所包含的道德合理性为价值基础,而良法的实施又离不开相应的社会道德环境的配合。在市场化和法制化背景下,应该既依托传统,又立足现实,实现传统义利观和诚信观的现代转换。  相似文献   

Cardinal Bernardin provides an analysis of the Catholic Church and society at large for developing a consistent ethic of life. The Cardinal's position is that the pro-life position of the Catholic Church must be a comprehensive and consistent ethic of life. Furthermore, questions of abortion and nuclear war must be linked by a consistent ethic of life. Cardinal Bernardin closes with a conviction that there is a new openness today in society to the role of moral argument and moral vision in public affairs. The Catholic Church needs to commit itself to domestic and foreign policy changes that reflect a respect for life.  相似文献   

Most of the attention regarding the balance between autonomy and paternalism has been focused on the therapeutic relation. Much less attention has been devoted to the problem of autonomy in the application of medical knowledge for preventive purposes. Here, because the good to be achieved is social as well as individual, an unavoidable dilemma ensues. Effective preventive measures of benefit to all must necessarily limit autonomy and involve some coercion. I argue that there are principles which can be established to guide society in a moral use of coercion. The question of employing medical knowledge is not, as it is in therapeutic medicine, to preserve or enhance autonomy. Rather its aim is to enhance voluntary co-operation. Principles for moral use of coercion must thereby be derived from health as a moral value.  相似文献   

The article discusses a need for action in teaching values and morality in the public schools to gain control of the social problems that hinder school learning. Moral and ethical education are necessary to support parents and the community in teaching appropriate civic and moral values. Problems affecting school learning were substantiated by data collected from a national sample of public school principals reporting an alarming number of serious problems in the schools related to the home and society. Through teacher education programs, teachers must be prepared to provide moral education. Suggestions are offered to address the moral education of children and youth.  相似文献   

James Bogen misinterprets what Kierkegaard (or more accurately, Johannes de Silentio) meant by the ethical in Fear and Trembling (see Inquiry, 5 [1962], pp. 305–17). Kierkegaard did not intend to depict morality as a system of duties where moral duties derive from the particular position(s) one holds in society. Kierkegaard thought that moral duties were based on universal principles that were divine commands. Although Kierkegaard thought that it was necessary for an action to be moral that it be done in accord with such universal principles, he did not think that this was sufficient. In order to be a moral action, the action must be done not only in accord with certain universal principles but in a certain way. Kierkegaard notes the appropriate way by saying the agent must reveal himself in his action. Thus revelation by the agent and acting in accordance with certain principles are jointly sufficient and singly necessary conditions for an action to be moral.  相似文献   

Rationalism in political philosophy is the view that politics should be governed by moral principles and that those principles can and should be justified independently of the situations and circumstances that make up political reality. This traditional view of political philosophy implies that the meaning of right political action is determined by moral principles the rational authority of which derives from abstract philosophical reasoning, not from the situations and circumstances that are the substance of political reality. In this essay I argue that rationalist moralities must presuppose the understanding of particular situations and circumstances for their meaningful and correct interpretation. This means, I argue, that the rightness of political judgement and action is immanent in particular situations, not in abstract moralities. And this, I argue, suggests a shift from the traditional view of political society as the embodiment of abstract principles, towards a view of political society as the embodiment of the activity of situational judgement. A society worth hoping for, then, is one in which we can live in the light of our understanding of the situations and circumstances that are the substance of everyday life, rather than in the shadow of abstract moralities. Such a society would be sensitive to the particularities and complexities of political reality, but at the same time it does not succumb to moral relativism and skepticism.  相似文献   

Anomie, as defined by sociologists, refers to a state of society characterized by deregulation and erosion of moral values. In the present conceptual analysis, we bring the concept of anomie under a social psychological spotlight. We explore the conditions under which anomie arises and develop a model outlining various responses to anomie. We define anomie as a shared perception of the state of society and propose that two conditions must be met for anomie to emerge. First, a society's social fabric must be perceived to be breaking down (i.e., lack of trust and erosion of moral standards). Second, a society's leadership must be perceived to be breaking down (i.e., lack of legitimacy and effectiveness of leadership). We highlight two key responses of individuals to an anomic situation: a contraction of the personal self and a contraction of the social self. We discuss how a psychology of anomie can inform and advance broader theorizing on group processes.  相似文献   

生命科学家的社会伦理责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生命科学的发展导致了复杂的伦理道德问题,对传统的社会道德观念形成了强烈的冲击.为了最大限度地避免和消除生命科学技术的负面效应,必须制定相应的科技政策和强有力的社会伦理道德规范来约束生命科学家的行为,增强生命科学家的社会责任感,使生命科学更好地为人类造福.  相似文献   

乡村自律性组织是农村社会转型过程中推进农民道德建设的一种与时俱进的组织依托,具有自主性、功能的单一性、务实性等特征,其类型和形式多种多样。它反映了农民道德建设的一种自觉,充分发挥了道德的自律作用,强化了农村道德的评价机制和赏罚机制,提高了道德教育效果。  相似文献   

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