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中国入世给道德嬗变提供了现实基础和动力,本从分析经济全球化两种道德话语入手,提出中国入世后的道德建设主要应着力于继续高举爱国主义伟大旗帜,建立起经济活动中的“诚信”机制和寻求“绿色壁垒”的伦理跨跃。  相似文献   

诚信思想无论在中国传统道德中,还是在现代市场经济社会中都是重要的道德规范,《论语》中的诚信思想包括诚信是个人安身立命的基础,诚信是处理人际关系的根本要求,诚信是为政治国的基本原则。这些思想对于大学生加强思想道德建设,建立良好的人际关系,促进大学生全面健康发展有重要意义。本文首先介绍了大学生缺失诚信思想的现象;其次剖析了大学生的诚信思想缺失的成因;最后重点讲了《论语》中的诚信思想对大学生道德修养培育的启示。  相似文献   

论市场经济条件下的有限诚信原则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
诚信是一种美德 ,这已经是不需要讨论的。但是 ,在市场经济领域 ,无论从道德功利主义推出的诚信原则 ,还是从道德理想主义推出的诚信原则都不具有普适性。因此 ,当前市场经济条件下的诚信原则应该是一种保持必要张力和弹性的有限诚信 ,这种诚信原则既具有广泛的普适性 ,又是培育手段和目的价值相统一的理想诚信精神的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

曹刚 《学海》2004,(3):172-176
诚实信用原则从一个道德原则成为一个法律原则的过程 ,是一个道德法律化的过程。一方面 ,诚实信用在当事人之间以及当事人和社会利益之间确立了一个“度” ,使得民法的正当性随着社会的不断发展得到不断的确证 ,从而成为民法中的“帝王条款”。另一方面 ,诚实信用作为民法的基本原则 ,是以具体的法律制度为载体的 ,在道德特性转淡的同时 ,有着显著的法律特性 ,这个过程具体表现为从德性诚信向契约诚信、从主观诚信向客观诚信、从人格诚信向制度诚信的三个转化。通过上述考察 ,为我们思考道德的运行机制提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

胡凯明 《天风》2004,(4):26-27
“向善与诚信”在人类社会生活中具有相应的道德理念,其意义是比较广泛的。基督教圣经称为“良善与信实”,其道理是相通的,那么何为“向善”又何为“诚信”。  相似文献   

诚信道德探源   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
诚信是中国传统道德中的一条重要德目。它的本来涵义就是诚实不欺 ,真实无妄。作为一种道德活动 ,诚信之德在原始社会中就已经存在了。作为一种道德概念 ,它是在殷周之际出现的。“诚”、“信”二者相互依存 ,它们既可以互释 ,又各有侧重。  相似文献   

诚信建设与价值导向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于社会经济体制的转型 ,传统诚信赖以发挥作用的基础与条件发生了重大变化 ,使“天然性诚信”相应地走向“建构性诚信”。诚信在道德价值体系中属于基础性的规范 ,这种基础性使诚信建设具有优先性。诚信建设既要承接传统、面向现代、与其他社会规范相协调 ,又要充分展现其层次性 ,使之成为攀登更高的道德价值目标的起点。  相似文献   

诚实信用既是道德原则 ,又是法律原则。作为道德原则 ,诚实信用在当事人之间以及当事人和社会利益之间确立了一个“度”,使得民法的正当性随着社会的不断发展得到不断的确证 ,从而成为民法中的“帝王条款”。作为民法的基本原则 ,它以具体的法律制度为载体 ,在淡化道德特性的同时 ,具有显著的法律特性 ,具体表现为从德性诚信向契约诚信、从主观诚信向客观诚信、从人格诚信向制度诚信的三个转化。通过上述考察 ,为我们思考道德的运行机制提供了一个新的视角 ,即要解决当代社会道德需要制度化又不能制度化的悖论 ,就要跳出就道德论道德的圈子 ,必须在一个更高的、更宽泛的含义上来理解道德的制度化问题 ,用制度的正当化来取代道德的制度化 ,使道德在法律等其他社会制度中运行。  相似文献   

浅谈“向善与诚信”的道德理念胡凯明在《天风》2004年第四期撰写文章,认为“向善与诚信”在人类社会生活中具有相应的道德理念,其意义是比较广泛的。基督教圣经称为“良善与信实”,其道理是相通的。“向善”是时代的要求,是一种高尚人格的人格价值导向。基督教圣经特别提倡人“向善”的本性,强调用爱心无偿地给予别人服务和帮助。我们是社会中人,在社会成员中能广泛形成一种知善知恶的能力和去恶从善的自觉态度,不但可以使社会风气不断地改善,而且有助于个人和群体道德水平的提高。“诚信”是社会文明、社会进步的一种无形资本。当今我们的…  相似文献   

政务诚信对于其他方面的诚信有着既广泛又重大的影响,在全社会的诚信建设中,我们必须以政务诚信建设作为突破口,通过大力提升政务诚信来引领和推动全社会的诚信建设.以政务诚信作为全社会诚信建设的突破口,就是抓住了当前我国诚信建设的主要矛盾.在这个问题上,首先必须切实完善并加强有助于政务诚信的制度和相关机制;其次必须大力提升政府官员的诚信道德.  相似文献   

With the growth of research collaborations, the average number of authors per article and the phenomenon of equally important authorships have increased. The essence of the phenomenon of equally important authorships is the approximately equal importance of authors, both because of the difficulties in comparing authors’ contributions to a paper and some actual research evaluation practices, which (approximately) give full paper credit only to the most important authors. A mechanism for indicating that various authors contributed equally is required to maintain and strengthen collaboration. However, the phenomenon of multiple important authors can cause unfair comparisons among the research contributions and abilities of authors of different papers. This loophole may be exploited. Normalizing the credit assigned to a given paper’s authors is an easy way to solve this ethical dilemma. This approach enables fair comparisons of the contributions by the authors of different articles and suppresses unethical behaviour in author listings. Bibliometric researchers have proposed mature methods of normalized paper credit assignment that would be easy to use given the current level of computer adoption.  相似文献   

In assessments of attitudes, personality, and psychopathology, unidimensional scale scores are commonly obtained from Likert scale items to make inferences about individuals' trait levels. This study approached the issue of how best to combine Likert scale items to estimate test scores from the practitioner's perspective: Does it really matter which method is used to estimate a trait? Analyses of 3 data sets indicated that commonly used methods could be classified into 2 groups: methods that explicitly take account of the ordered categorical item distributions (i.e., partial credit and graded response models of item response theory, factor analysis using an asymptotically distribution-free estimator) and methods that do not distinguish Likert-type items from continuously distributed items (i.e., total score, principal component analysis, maximum-likelihood factor analysis). Differences in trait estimates were found to be trivial within each group. Yet the results suggested that inferences about individuals' trait levels differ considerably between the 2 groups. One should therefore choose a method that explicitly takes account of item distributions in estimating unidimensional traits from ordered categorical response formats. Consequences of violating distributional assumptions were discussed.  相似文献   

论信用建设的社会保障机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
良好社会信用形成的非自发性和我国目前失信对市场经济健康发展的阻抑性 ,凸显了信用建设的必要性和迫切性。立足于信用环境的创设 ,我们认为 ,必须提出了信用建设的四大保障机制 :法治机制、监管机制、信息公开机制、教育机制 ,以促人们循善而为。  相似文献   

Consumer borrowing is a highly topical and multifaceted phenomenon as well as a popular subject for study. We focus on consumer credit use and review the existing literature. To categorize what is known we identify four main psychological perspectives on the phenomenon: credit use as (1) a reflection of the situation, (2) a reflection of the person, (3) a cognitive process, and (4) a social process. On top of these perspectives we view credit use as a process that entails three distinct phases: (1) processes before credit acquisition, (2) processes at credit acquisition, and (3) processes after credit acquisition. We review the international literature along a two-tier structure that aligns the psychological perspectives with a process view of credit. This structure allows us to identify systematic concentrations as well as gaps in the existing research. We consolidate what is known within each perspective and identify what seems to be most urgently missing. Some of the most important gaps relate to research studying credit acquisition from the perspective of credit use as a reflection of the person or as a social process. In particular, research on credit use as a reflection of the person appears to focus exclusively on the first stage of the credit process. We conclude with a discussion that reaches across perspectives and identifies overarching gaps, trends, and open questions. We highlight a series of implicit linkages between perspectives and the geographical regions in which studies related to the perspectives were conducted. Beyond diagnosing a geographical imbalance of research, we argue for future research that systematically addresses interrelations between perspectives. We conclude with a set of global implications and research recommendations.  相似文献   

By taking on a consumer viewpoint, we apply a process framework to our review of varied literature on consumer credit use, and introduce a process model. This conceptual model relates credit use to other consumer decisions, and is comprised of three main parts: (a) processes before credit take up, (b) processes at credit take up, and (c) processes after credit take up. In the literature review and the subsequent discussion section, frequent shortcomings of, and gaps in, research on consumer credit use are identified and implications for future research are derived.  相似文献   

如何揭示群体规范和公平价值在个体心理发展中的作用机理, 提升儿童-青少年在群际互动当中的公平感知与规范执行, 是教育心理领域的关键问题。公平规范执行中内群体偏爱现象是近年来的研究热点之一, 然而先前研究存在以下不足:1)大多采用问卷法, 易受社会赞许性的影响, 存在言行不一致的情况; 2)大多采用情景实验, 聚焦社会互动的最终行为输出端, 无法实时有效地把握社会决策的动态进程; 3)脑成像研究仍以fMRI技术为主, 侧重于评估认知加工潜在的脑区激活模式及各脑区间的功能连接, 缺乏对群际公平规范执行中大脑激活动态模式的精确把握。针对这些不足, 本项目从资产分配情景出发, 以儿童和青少年为研究对象, 联合运用认知、行为、眼动和电生理等多层次测评手段, 对公平规范执行中内群体偏爱的发生过程进行认知解析, 探讨认知控制和心智化在其间的关键作用机制及其心理发展轨迹。研究结果将服务于中小学管理中的德育教育, 引导与培养学生的公正感与行为。  相似文献   

“时间”是跨期决策的“必需品”, 人们感知到的延迟时间决定跨期决策的结果。近年来, 研究者发现“时间长度感知”、“时间资源感知”和“时间框架感知”是时间感知作用于跨期决策的主要方式。时间感知的神经作用机制包含微观层面和宏观层面两种。“对数/指数时间折扣模型”、“感知时间基础模型”及“多模态漂移扩散模型”解释了时间感知的作用方式。然而, 现有理论模型还存在诸多局限, 主要包括“长短时距预测偏差”和“实际决策与预期决策偏差”两个方面。因此, 深入探讨时间感知影响跨期决策的基本方式, 分析现有理论模型的局限性并提出整合的机制框架具有十分重要的意义。未来研究亟需进一步整合时间感知的理论模型, 开展脑机制与应用方面的研究, 从深层揭露时间感知的作用本质, 帮助个人与社会更理性地决策。  相似文献   

Adam Green 《Synthese》2014,191(1):79-95
Human beings are promiscuously social creatures, and contemporary epistemologists are increasingly becoming aware that this shapes the ways in which humans process information. This awareness has tended to restrict itself, however, to testimony amongst isolated dyads. As scientific practice ably illustrates, information-processing can be spread over a vast social network. In this essay, a credit theory of knowledge is adapted to account for the normative features of strongly distributed cognition. A typical credit theory analyzes knowledge as an instance of obtaining success because of or through the ability of the individual knower. The extended credit theory developed here broadens this framework so as to accommodate team-like epistemic achievements. The extended credit theory is then contrasted with some similar proposals given from within a process reliabilist framework. Once one isolates pairs of cases of distributed cognition in which there is a difference between sheer reliability and reliability grounded in ability, one can see that the extended credit theory maps the normative terrain better than the alternatives.  相似文献   

信用危机与信用重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从商业伦理学的视角详细地检视了导致我国信用危机的各种商业欺诈行为,指出信用危机对我国社会经济发展的各种危害,在剖析信用缺失的社会历史原因基础上提出了建立现代信用制度的各种具体措施。  相似文献   

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