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Several studies have established that humans orient their visual attention reflexively in response to social cues such as the direction of someone else’s gaze. However, the consequences of this kind of orienting have been addressed only for the visual system. We investigated whether visual social attention cues can induce shifts in tactile attention by combining a central noninformative eye-gaze cue with tactile targets presented to participants’ fingertips. Data from speeded detection, speeded discrimination, and signal detection tasks converged on the same conclusion: Eye-gaze-based orienting facilitates the processing of tactile targets at the location of the gazed-at body location. In addition, we examined the effects of other directional cues, such as conventional arrows, and found that they can be equally effective. This is the first demonstration that social attention cues have consequences that reach beyond their own sensory modality.  相似文献   

The present experiments tested whether endogenous and exogenous cues produce separate effects on target processing. In Experiment 1, participants discriminated whether an arrow presented left or right of fixation pointed to the left or right. For 1 group, the arrow was preceded by a peripheral noninformative cue. For the other group, the arrow was preceded by a central, symbolic, informative cue. The 2 types of cues modulated the spatial Stroop effect in opposite ways, with endogenous cues producing larger spatial Stroop effects for valid trials and exogenous cues producing smaller spatial Stroop effects for valid trials. In Experiments 2A and 2B, the influence of peripheral noninformative and peripheral informative cues on the spatial Stroop effect was directly compared. The spatial Stroop effect was smaller for valid than for invalid trials for both types of cues. These results point to a distinction between the influence of central and peripheral attentional cues on performance and are not consistent with a unitary view of endogenous and exogenous attention.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined visual orienting in response to spatial precues. In Experiment 1A participants were informed that targets usually (p =.8) appeared on the same side as cues in a particular colour (e.g., red). Rapid orienting was observed, with both central and peripherally presented cues. In Experiment IB cue displays were spatially symmetric. Participants were informed that target location (left or right) was usually predicted (p =.8) by cue colour (red or green). Orienting effects were observed, but these were slower to develop and much weaker than in Experiment 1 A. In Experiment 2A and 2B the cue was a single, centrally presented letter. We compared effects of spatially symmetric (T, X, v, o) and asymmetric (d, b) letter cues. Validity effects were present for asymmetric cues, but entirely absent for symmetric cues. These finding are discussed in terms of Lambert and Duddy's (2002) proposal that spatial correspondence learning plays a critical role in spatial precueing. Implications of the results for the distinction between endogenous and exogenous orienting are also considered.  相似文献   

Birmingham E  Pratt J 《Acta psychologica》2005,118(1-2):101-121
Three experiments examined inhibition of return (IOR) with onset and offset cues in a multiple-cuing paradigm. In the first two experiments, five sequential cues either appeared and remained present (onset cues) or disappeared and remained absent (offset cues). In the third experiment, the cues were either onset cues or on-off cues (appeared and then disappeared quickly after). With placeholders present, onset and offset cues produced similar declines in IOR from the most recently cued location (Experiment 1). In contrast, onset cues produced overall more IOR than on-off cues (Experiment 3). With placeholders absent (Experiment 2), no IOR was found for either onset or offset cues. The results suggest that even in a complex multiple-cuing paradigm, onsets and offsets are treated similarly by the attentional system. Furthermore, it appears that onset cues are easier to encode as previously searched than on-off cues, suggesting a role of working memory in IOR. Finally, when multiple locations are cued sequentially by onsets and offsets they must be marked by placeholders for inhibition to occur.  相似文献   

The experiment conducted examined the effect of simultaneously presented onset and offset cues on the orienting of attention in the visual field. Subjects were presented with a display that consisted of four placeholder boxes around a central fixation point. An onset and an offset cue appeared simultaneously in two of the locations, and the other two locations provided a neutral baseline condition. Reaction times were measured in a simple target detection task with stimulus-onset asynchronies (SOAs) that ranged from 100 ms to 1,000 ms. As expected, the onset cue produced early facilitation and later occurring inhibition of return (IOR). The offset cue produced significant inhibition at all but the earliest SOA. These results suggest that simultaneously presented onset and offset cues both capture attention, but that attention is rapidly disengaged from the location of the offset cue, resulting in earlier occurring IOR. For the onset cues, attention is allocated for a longer period of time, producing the typical pattern of early facilitation and later occurring IOR. The differing time course of attention at each location may reflect separate facilitatory and inhibitory processes, and the priority given to the onset of a stimulus by the attentional system.  相似文献   

Attention has often been considered to be a gateway to consciousness (Posner, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 91(16), 7398–7403, 1994). However, its relationship with conscious perception (CP) remains highly controversial. While theoretical models and experimental data support the role of attention in CP (Chica, Lasaponara, Lupiáñez, Doricchi, &; Bartolomeo, NeuroImage, 51, 1205–1212, 2010; Dehaene, Changeux, Naccache, Sackur, &; Sergent, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 204–211, 2006; Mack &; Rock, Inattentional blindness, 1998), recent studies have claimed that at least some forms of attention—endogenous or top-down spatial attention—are neither sufficient nor necessary for CP (Koch &; Tsuchiya, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11, 16–22, 2007). In the present experiments, we demonstrate the importance of exogenously triggered attention for the modulation of CP. Weak or null effects were instead observed when attention was triggered endogenously. Our data are discussed in the framework of recent neuropsychological models (Dehaene et al., Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 204–211, 2006), postulating that activity within reverberating frontoparietal networks, as colocalized with spatial--orienting systems, is the brain correlate of consciously processed information.  相似文献   

In a visual simple reaction time paradigm with attention divided between the left and right visual fields, redundancy gain refers to the finding of faster responses to stimuli presented in both fields than to single stimuli. The present study investigated whether the effects of low-level perceptual processing affect the redundancy gain by comparing the detection of onsets versus offsets. In different blocks, participants responded to left and right visual field stimuli that either appeared (onset) or disappeared (offset), with a single stimulus change in some trials and two redundant stimulus changes in others. With onset stimuli, the results replicated previous redundancy gain effects. In contrast, there was much less redundancy gain when participants responded to stimulus offsets. This finding suggests that redundancy gain is sensitive to low-level perceptual characteristics, such as onset versus offset presentation of stimuli.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that nonpredictive gaze cues trigger reflexive shifts in attention toward the looked-at location. But just how generalizable is this spatial cuing effect? In particular, are people especially tuned to gaze cues provided by conspecifics, or can comparable shifts in visual attention be triggered by other cue providers and directional cues? To investigate these issues, we used a standard cuing paradigm to compare the attentional orienting produced by different cue providers (i.e., animate vs. inanimate) and directional cues (i.e., eyes vs. arrows). The results of three experiments revealed that attentional orienting was insensitive to both the identity of the cue provider and the nature of the triggering cue. However, compared with arrows, gaze cues prompted a general enhancement in the efficiency of processing operations. We consider the implications of these findings for accounts of reflexive visual orienting.  相似文献   

The golden hamster's (Mesocricetus auratus) performance on radial maze tasks has not been studied a lot. Here we report the results of a spatial memory task that involved eight food stations equidistant from the center of a circular platform. Each of six male hamsters depleted the food stations along successive choices. After each choice and a 5-s retention delay, the hamster was brought back to the center of the platform for the next choice opportunity. When only one baited station was left, the platform was rotated to evaluate whether olfactory traces guided hamsters' choices. Results showed that despite the retention delay hamsters performed above chance in searching for food. The choice distributions observed during the rotation probes were consistent with spatial memory and could be explained without assuming guidance by olfactory cues. The radial maze analog we devised could be useful in furthering the study of spatial memory in hamsters.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined visual orienting in response to spatial precues. In Experiments 1 and 2, attentional effects of central letters were stimulus driven: Orienting was dependent on the spatial layout of the cue display. When there were no correspondences between spatial features of the cue display and target location, attentional effects were absent, despite a conscious intention to orient in response to the symbolic information carried by the cue letters. In Experiment 3 clear orienting effects were observed when target location corresponded with spatial features of the cue display, but the magnitude of these effects was unaffected by whether participants were aware or unaware of the cue–target relationship. These findings are consistent with the view that (1) spatial correspondences between cues and targets are a critical factor driving visual orienting in cueing paradigms, and (2) attentional effects of spatial precues are largely independent of participants’ conscious awareness of the cue–target relationship.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to test the hypothesis that the latency of response to the offset of light can sometimes be shorter than the latency of response to the onset. The subjects' task involved the temporal order discrimination of the offset of one light and the onset of another. The results indicated that offsets were perceived about 40 ms earlier than onsets. Reasons were suggested for the shorter onset latencies found by other investigators, and a model was proposed to account for changes in the relative latencies of onsets and offsets as a function of stimulus duration and intensity.  相似文献   

The present paper reviews research that focuses on the dissociation between bottom-up attention and consciousness. In particular, we focus on studies investigating spatial exogenous orienting in the absence of awareness. We discuss studies that use peripheral masked onset cues and studies that use gaze cueing. The results from these studies show that the classic biphasic pattern of facilitation and inhibition, which is characteristic of conscious exogenous cueing can also be obtained with subliminal spatial cues. It is hypothesized that unconscious attentional orienting is mediated by the subcortical retinotectal pathway. Moreover, a possible neural network including superior colliculus, pulvinar and amygdala is suggested as the underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

There is a biphasic pattern in response times to peripheral uninformative cues, with faster responses to targets in cued locations when the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) is under 300 ms and slower responses when it is over 300 ms. The effect has typically been attributed entirely to the SOA while ignoring other aspects of the cues (duration, spatial configuration). To examine these other factors, along with SOA, the present experiments included manipulations of SOA (50, 100, 200, 400, 800 ms), inter-stimulus interval (ISI; 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 700, and 750 ms), and whether or not the cue and target overlap in the same space. The results indicate that cueing effects depend on the combination of cue duration, ISI, SOA, and the spatial configuration of the cues and targets. Three factors are used to explain these time course results.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the importance of spatial and surface cues in the age-processing of unfamiliar faces aged between one and 80 years. Three manipulations known to affect face recognition were used, individually and in various combinations: inversion, negation, and blurring. Faces were presented either in whole or in part. Age-estimation performance was largely unaffected by most of these manipulations; age-processing appears to be a highly robust process, due to the numerous cues available. Experiment 1 showed that, in contrast to face recognition, age-perception appears to be substantially unimpaired by inversion or negation. Experiment 2 suggests that age-estimates can be made on the basis of either surface information (the 2D disposition of the internal facial features, together with texture information) or shape information (head-shape plus feature configuration, as long as shape-from-shading information is present).  相似文献   

The spatial characteristics of thermal perception were studied in two experiments that examined how thermal stimuli are processed within the hands. A thermal display that simulates cues associated with making contact with different materials was used in these studies. In the first experiment, participants indicated which of two simulated materials that were presented to the index fingertip was cooler. The results indicated that participants were unable to resolve the two areas of thermal stimulation. In the second experiment, the effects of concurrent thermal stimulation on the ability to discriminate between simulated materials were evaluated. Thermal cues were presented to the middle fingers of both hands and to two adjacent fingers on one hand. Thermal spatial summation was evident across the fingers, which enhanced the ability to discriminate between materials when the cooler stimulus was presented to three fingers. When the same stimulus was presented to the two hands, the stimulation of adjacent fingers altered the perceived thermal response.  相似文献   

Shifts of attention that are directed by spatial words are thought to be mediated by a spatial frame of reference. Previous studies have documented a selection cost when visual attention is directed along the left/right axis relative to the above/below axis due to the greater ambiguity of the horizontal endpoints. The present study investigated whether the horizontal endpoints may be more fully disambiguated when “left/right” cues are first enacted by nondivisible, more discrete, modes of orienting such as directional motor responses. This issue was investigated using a repetition priming paradigm in which the effects of prior enactments were measured on the subsequent conceptual control of visual attention. The results of four experiments showed that grounding spatial language in the motor system can enhance the focus of visual attention by disambiguating the endpoints of the horizontal axis. In so doing, the present study extends previous research demonstrating that spatial concepts can influence the spatial distribution of attention by demonstrating that different modes of orienting can also influence the semantics of space. Implications for the premotor theory of attention and grounded theories of cognition are also discussed.  相似文献   

Depth cues do not underlie attentional modulations of the Stroop effect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The well-known Stroop effect is usually attributed to the automaticity of word reading. Recently, Wühr and Waszak (2003) had participants name the color of one of two rectangles and found that words in the relevant object produced larger Stroop effects than did words in the irrelevant object or in the background. They attributed this difference to an object-based mechanism of attentional selection that amplifies processing of all the features of an attended object. However, in the displays used by Wühr and Waszak, occlusion suggested the presence of different depth planes. Hence, the increased Stroop effect could have resulted from perceiving the words to be in the same depth plane as the relevant object and not from perceiving the words to be parts of the relevant object. Two experiments tested between these accounts by using displays without monocular depth cues. The results of both experiments replicate those of Wühr and Waszak, supporting their object-based account.  相似文献   

A wealth of data indicate that central spatially nonpredictive eyes and arrows trigger very similar reflexive spatial orienting, although the effects of eyes may be more strongly reflexive (e.g., Friesen, Ristic, & Kingstone, 2004). Pratt and Hommel (2003) recently reported that the orienting effect for arrows is sensitive to arbitrary cue-target color contingencies; for example, an attentional orienting effect for blue colored arrows is evident only for blue targets. We reasoned that if the orienting effect elicited by eye direction is more strongly reflexive than the orienting effect elicited by arrow direction, it follows that eyes, unlike arrows, may trigger orienting effects that generalize across congruent and incongruent cue-target color contingencies. Replicating Pratt and Hommel (2003), we found that the reflexive attention effect elicited by arrows is specific to color-congruent target stimuli. The attention effect triggered by eyes, however, generalizes across color-congruent and color-incongruent target stimuli. These data support the hypothesis that eye direction and arrow direction trigger similar reflexive shifts in spatial attention, but that the attention effect triggered by eye direction is more strongly reflexive.  相似文献   

Three experiments establish the size-weight illusion as a primarily haptic phenomenon, despite its having been more traditionally considered an example of vision influencing haptic processing. Experiment 1 documents, across a broad range of stimulus weights and volumes, the existence of a purely haptic size-weight illusion, equal in strength to the traditional illusion. Experiment 2 demonstrates that haptic volume cues are both sufficient and necessary-for a full-strength illusion. In contrast, visual volume cues are merely sufficient, and produce a relatively weaker effect. Experiment 3 establishes that congenitally blind subjects experience an effect as powerful as that Of blindfolded sighted observers, thus demonstrating that visual imagery is also unnecessary for a robust size-weight illusion. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for both sensory and cognitive theories of the size-weight illusion. Applications of this work to a human factors design and to sensor-based systems for robotic manipulation are also briefly considered.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the type of attentional selection (location- and/or object-based) triggered by two different types of central noninformative cues: eye gaze and arrows. Two rectangular objects were presented in the visual field, and subjects' attention was directed to the end of a rectangle via the observation of noninformative directional arrows or eye gaze. Similar experiments with peripheral cues have shown an object-based effect: faster target identification when the target is presented on the cued object as compared to the uncued object, even when the distance between target and cue was the same. The three reported experiments aimed to compare the location- and object-based attentional orienting observed with arrows and eye gaze, in order to dissociate the orienting mechanisms underlying the two types of orienting cues. Results showed similar cueing effects on the cued versus oppositely cued locations for the two cue types, replicating several studies with nonpredictive gaze and arrow cues. However, a pure object-based effect occurred only when an arrow cue was presented, whereas a pure location-based effect was only found for eye-gaze cues. It is suggested that attention is nonspecifically directed to nearby objects when a noninformative arrow is used as cue, whereas it is selectively directed to a specific cued location when noninformative eye gaze is used. This may be mediated by theory of mind mechanisms.  相似文献   

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