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研究旨在考察青少年自我控制、调节聚焦在父母教养方式与心理复原力关系中的中介效应。使用父母教养方式量表、自我控制量表、调节聚焦量表和心理复原力量表对安徽、江苏、山东四所初高中922名青少年进行调查。结果发现:(1)父母教养方式、青少年自我控制、调节聚焦均能够直接显著预测青少年心理复原力;(2)父母积极教养方式能够通过青少年自我控制、调节聚焦间接正向预测心理复原力;(3)父母消极教养方式能够通过青少年防御聚焦间接负向预测心理复原能力。结论:青少年的自我控制与调节聚焦在父母教养方式与青少年心理复原力之间存在链式中介作用。  相似文献   

编制了青少年印象管理倾向量表,并采用中学生人格五因素量表、一般自尊量表、自我监控量表考察了不同印象管理倾向的影响因素,结果发现:①因素分析显示青少年印象管理存在人际倾向和自我倾向;②青少年人际倾向印象管理预测因素有自我监控、情绪性和谨慎性,自我倾向印象管理受到外向性、开放性、自尊预测;③在发展特点上,青少年由注重自我倾向到注重自我、人际倾向印象管理的共同发展。研究提示,青少年印象管理有人际和自我两个动机性倾向,自编制量表是可适用的测验工具。  相似文献   

基于自我决定理论和人与环境互动理论,研究考察了父母行为控制、心理控制与高中生消极社会适应的关系,以及人际自立与校园排斥的中介效应。采用父母控制问卷、青少年人际自立量表、青少年校园排斥问卷、消极社会适应问卷对辽宁省3所中学的1209名高中生进行施测。结果发现:(1)父母行为控制对高中生消极社会适应无明显预测作用,心理控制对消极社会适应具有正向预测作用;(2)人际自立和校园排斥在父母控制与消极社会适应之间发挥中介作用。具体而言,父母行为控制只能通过人际自立的单独作用以及人际自立与校园排斥的序列中介作用预测高中生消极社会适应;父母心理控制既能直接预测消极社会适应,还能分别通过人际自立和校园排斥的单独作用,以及人际自立与校园排斥的序列中介作用预测高中生消极社会适应。研究最终梳理出一条“父母教养→人格发展→人际反馈→适应结果”的理论作用机制。  相似文献   

采用《特质宽恕量表》测量了102名大学生的特质宽恕能力,并通过Flanker任务和情景回忆法评估了被试的认知抑制和人际宽恕水平,目的是探讨特质宽恕、认知抑制与人际宽恕三者之间的关系。结果发现:(1)认知抑制、特质宽恕与人际宽恕各维度之间存在两两显著相关(除认知抑制与仁慈动机之外);(2)特质宽恕对回避、报复和仁慈动机均具有预测作用,而认知抑制则只对报复动机具有预测作用;(3)特质宽恕与认知抑制对回避动机具有负向的调节作用,对仁慈动机具有正向的调节作用。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查的方法,对691名初一至大四学生的自我表露和自我隐瞒特点及其与主观幸福感的关系进行了研究。结果表明:(1)女生对父亲、母亲以及最好同性朋友的表露高于男生,自我隐瞒则低于男生。(2)初中生对母亲的表露高于高中生;中学生对最好同性朋友的表露低于大学生;青少年对最好异性朋友的表露随年级增长而提高。(3)独生子女对最好同性朋友和最好异性朋友的表露显著低于非独生子女。(4)青少年自我表露时对目标人的偏爱也存在性别和年级差异。(5)多元回归分析表明,对父母的表露能正向预测生活满意度;对父亲和最好异性朋友的表露能正向预测正性情感;自我隐瞒和对父亲的表露分别能正向和负向预测负性情感。  相似文献   

本研究选取1296名青少年为研究对象,进行友谊满意度、归属需要、自我表露和共情的测量,以探讨归属需要与友谊满意度之间的中介机制。结果表明,(1)归属需要可以显著正向预测青少年的友谊满意度;(2)归属需要可以分别通过共情、自我表露的中介作用影响友谊满意度;(3)共情—自我表露在归属需要预测友谊满意度中起多重中介作用。本研究结果对于理解青少年的友谊满意度发展规律,在教育中促进其心理健康和社会化发展有一定意义。  相似文献   

采用《青少年社会适应量表》、《青少年人际压力量表》和《青少年人际交往自我效能感问卷》对916名中学生进行施测,探讨青少年人际压力、人际自我效能感与社交适应行为之间的关系以及人际自我效能感在其中所起的作用。结果表明,人际压力与人际自我效能感、社交适应行为之间均存在显著负相关,人际自我效能感与社交适应行为呈显著正相关;人际自我效能感在青少年同伴压力、家庭环境压力与社交适应行为关系之间起着部分中介作用。  相似文献   

采用父母冲突儿童知觉量表(CPIC)、抑郁体验问卷(DEQ)、莱顿抑郁敏感指数量表(LEIDS)测量753名高中生,以便分析认知反应性在父母冲突与抑郁之间的中介作用。结果表明:(1)父母冲突显著正向预测认知反应性; 认知反应性显著正向预测青少年抑郁;(2)认知反应性在父母冲突与青少年抑郁之间具有完全中介作用。因此,认知反应性作为中介变量,父母冲突通过认知反应性对青少年抑郁具有稳定的间接作用。  相似文献   

采用问卷法,以655名初高中生为被试,考察青少年与同伴自我表露的发展特点及其与孤独感的关系。结果表明:(1)高中生与不同表露对象以及在不同主题上的自我表露都高于初中生;(2)女生在除身体发育外的6个主题上的自我表露以及与同性最要好朋友的自我表露都高于男生;(3)青少年与最要好同性朋友的自我表露以及在兴趣爱好和身体发育两个主题上的自我表露能显著负向预测其孤独感。  相似文献   

该研究采用人际能力问卷(ICQ)、UCLA孤独感量表第二版、父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)测量456名高中生,以便分析不同人际能力在父母情感温暖与青少年孤独感之间的中介作用。结果表明:父母情感温暖与青少年孤独感呈显著负相关,而与五类人际能力均呈显著正相关,五种人际能力与孤独感均呈显著负相关;五种人际能力在父母情感温暖与孤独感之间起到部分中介作用,且不同人际能力的中介效应不同。因此,父母情感温暖不仅可以直接影响青少年孤独感,也可以通过不同人际能力的中介作用间接影响孤独感。  相似文献   

本追踪研究旨在考察父母养育压力对儿童问题行为的影响方式是否存在差异。被试为364名。6个月时, 父母报告各自的养育压力;24个月时, 父母报告各自的养育方式;48个月时, 父母分别报告儿童的问题行为。结果发现, 母亲养育压力可直接显著正向预测学前期儿童的外显问题行为;父亲的养育方式在其养育压力与学前期儿童的内隐和外显问题行为之间起到了完全中介作用。这表明, 母亲早期养育压力可直接影响学前期儿童的外显问题行为;而父亲养育压力完全通过其养育方式影响学前期儿童的内隐和外显问题行为, 且严厉起主要作用。  相似文献   

Shek DT 《Adolescence》2008,43(169):153-164
Over three consecutive years, 2,559 Chinese adolescents (mean age = 12.65 years at Wave 1) responded to instruments assessing their trust of parents, perceived parental trust of the children, readiness to communicate with the parents, and satisfaction with parental control. Results showed that mutual trust between the parents and their adolescent children and the children's readiness to communicate with the parents were related to perceived satisfaction with parental control at Time 1, Time 2, and Time 3. Although readiness to communicate with the parents and mutual trust between the parents and their adolescent children predicted perceived satisfaction with parental behavioral control and its change over time, trust of the parent was the strongest predictor. While the influence of trust of the father on satisfaction with paternal control was stronger for adolescent girls than for adolescent boys, influence of paternal trust on satisfaction with paternal control was stronger for adolescent boys than for adolescent girls.  相似文献   

采用父母心理控制、亲子依恋、抑郁量表对从北京市、山东省和云南省14所小学筛选出来的246名对立违抗障碍(Oppositional Defiant Disorder,ODD)儿童进行施测,并由被试的班主任填写儿童攻击行为量表,考察父、母心理控制对ODD儿童抑郁和攻击行为的影响,以及父子依恋和母子依恋在其中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)ODD儿童中男生人数更多,且男孩的抑郁和攻击行为更严重;(2)父亲对男孩的心理控制更强,而母亲在对男孩和女孩的心理控制上没有显著差异;(3)父、母心理控制与ODD儿童的父子依恋、母子依恋和抑郁均呈显著相关,但只有父亲心理控制与ODD儿童的攻击行为显著相关;(4)父子依恋在父母心理控制和ODD儿童抑郁之间没有起到显著的中介作用,母子依恋在母亲心理控制和ODD儿童抑郁之间有显著的中介作用。父子依恋和母子依恋在父、母心理控制和ODD儿童攻击行为之间均没有起到显著的中介作用。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were (a) to compare families with low (n = 47) and high (n = 44) levels of preseparation interparent conflict on mothers' report of paternal involvement (frequency, regularity, and length of visitation as well as regular payment of child support), children's adjustment, and mothers' level of stress; (b) to intercorrelate the four dimensions of paternal involvement; and (c) to relate the four dimensions of paternal involvement to children's age, children's gender, length of parental separation, children's adjustment, mothers' stress, paternal investment in the children, degree of environmental change, and children's level of interpersonal understanding. Children's mean age was 10.24 years, and parents had been separated a mean of 13.15 months. Compared to fathers in low-conflict families, fathers in high-conflict families visited less regularly and were less regular in their payment of child support. Mothers reported more adjustment problems for children in high-conflict families. All four dimensions of paternal involvement were intercorrelated only for high-conflict families. For both low- and high-conflict families, paternal involvement was related to paternal investment in the child but was unrelated to children's age, children's gender, and length of separation. Paternal involvement was most frequently related to children's adjustment in high-conflict families. For low-conflict families, paternal involvement was related low environmental change and children's well-developed interpersonal understanding skills.  相似文献   

以北京市、山东省和云南省14所小学中的340名有对立违抗障碍(Oppositional Defiant Disorder, ODD)症状的儿童及其158名班主任为被试, 收集了儿童自己填写的父母心理控制、自尊、抑郁量表, 班主任评估的儿童攻击行为量表, 用以考察父亲与母亲心理控制对ODD症状儿童抑郁、攻击行为的不同影响, 以及自尊在其中的中介作用和儿童性别的调节作用。结果发现:(1)与有ODD症状的女孩相比, 具有ODD症状的男孩人数更多, 抑郁、攻击行为问题更为严重, 自尊也更差;(2)父亲对男孩的心理控制显著多于女孩, 而母亲对男孩、女孩的心理控制没有显著差异;(3)父亲和母亲心理控制与ODD症状儿童的抑郁、攻击行为都呈显著正相关且父亲心理控制能显著预测儿童的抑郁和攻击行为, 而母亲心理控制能显著的预测攻击行为;(4)自尊在父亲心理控制与ODD症状儿童的抑郁、母亲心理控制与儿童的攻击行为之间均起部分中介作用, 在父亲心理控制与儿童的攻击行为、母亲心理控制与儿童的抑郁之间均起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

Parents' goal orientations in parent-child reminiscing were examined in this study, where 28 preschoolers (mean age = 46 months) experienced a standardized event. Dyads discussed the event that evening, with parents randomly assigned to either an "outcome-oriented" or a "process-oriented" condition. Outcome-oriented parents, who were told that children subsequently would be tested on event-related recall, were more controlling in these conversations compared with process-oriented parents, who were told that children's personal perspective would be assessed. Parents did not differ in their provision of structure. Children were interviewed 2 weeks later. Autonomy support in the parent-child conversation predicted children's engagement in the interview. Parental structure predicted children's recall of details and the coherence of their memories. Effects of parental reminiscing styles for children's memory and motivation to reminisce are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that sex offenders were more likely to have been reared in dysfunctional families and to have identified less with their parents than were individuals in most comparison groups. It is unclear whether such failure to identify may be related to the perceived parenting styles and attitudes of the sex offenders' parents. 16 rapists, 18 pedophiles, 9 general offenders, and 11 college students completed the Children's Report of Parental Behavior Inventory to assess perceived parental communication patterns and attitudes. It was predicted that rapists and pedophiles would perceive their parents as (1) having been more rejecting, (2) as having exerted more control while encouraging less autonomy, and (3) as having provided harsher discipline than would individuals in comparison groups. Results supported the first two predictions.  相似文献   

Dimensions of martial conflict, children's emotional security regarding interparental conflict, and parenting style were examined as mediators between parental dysphoria and child adjustment. A community sample of 262 children, ages 8–16, participated with their parents. Behavioral observations were made of parents’ interactions during marital conflict resolution tasks, which children later observed to assess their emotional security. Questionnaires assessed parents’ dysphoria, parenting, and children's adjustment. Structural equation modeling indicated that parental dysphoria was linked with child adjustment through specific and distinct mediating family processes, including marital conflict and parenting. Children's emotional security in the context of particular marital conflict styles also mediated relations between parental dysphoria and child adjustment problems, with similar pathways found for mothers and fathers. These pathways remained significant even after significant parenting contributions were considered.  相似文献   

通过5年的追踪,考察儿童早期气质特征对后期社会适应的影响。选取200名2岁儿童,采用实验室观察法评价其气质上的活跃性和自我控制;在其7岁时追踪到125名儿童,请父母报告养育方式、班主任老师评价其社会能力和学业表现。结果表明:(1)儿童2岁时的活跃性对5年后学校适应的预测总体是消极的,并且受父母养育方式调节;父母的高限制和低压制能够抵消活跃性对学习问题和任务定向的消极影响;(2)儿童2岁时的自我控制对于5年后的所有积极学校适应指标(学业成绩、低学习问题、果敢社交、挫折耐受、任务定向)有直接预测作用。这一结果揭示了气质上的活跃性与自我控制在儿童发展过程中的不同作用,父母应根据孩子的气质特点实行差别化教育。  相似文献   

Examined parent's ability to accurately report their child's cognitive functioning. Participants were 145 children and their parents referred to an outpatient mental health clinic for cognitive testing. Parent reports were measured using Likert ratings designed for research and clinical purposes. Children's cognitive abilities were measured using the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery—Revised (Woodcock, 1989) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Third Edition (Wechsler, 1991). For boys, parental reports of general cognitive ability, fluid reasoning, comprehension-knowledge, visual processing, auditory processing, and acquisition and retrieval were significantly related to performance-based measurements of these same traits, and parental report of boys' fluid reasoning and visual processing ability evidenced specificity. For girls, parental report of general cognitive ability, fluid reasoning, visual processing, and auditory processing were significantly related to performance-based measurements of these same traits, and parental reports of girls visual processing and auditory processing evidenced specificity. These findings suggest areas where clinicians can be more confident of parental report of children's cognitive abilities and other areas where clinicians should be wary of parental report.  相似文献   

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