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50%成年癫痫患者伴发抑郁、焦虑情绪,影响了患者的疗效及生活质量,本文分别采用汉密尔顿抑郁、焦虑量表(HAMD、HAMA)、生活事件量表(LES),对成年癫痫患者及正常人的抑郁、焦虑情绪及相关影响因素进行对照研究,探讨癫痫患者伴发抑郁焦虑情绪的比例、临床特征及主要影响因素,以期为临床医生的临床决策提供循证医学证据,从而全面提高癫痫患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

日常生活中, 个体通常有不同的理想与目标, 当个体被特定的目标驱动, 试图去影响自身将要体验到的情绪类别、将要体验到的情绪感受发生的时间, 以及如何体验、表达此种情绪时, 情绪调节就发生了。精神分裂症是一种复杂的精神疾病, 该类疾病患者普遍存在情绪方面的缺陷, 通过操控各种内外因素, 可以帮助精神分裂症患者进行有效的情绪调节, 有利于帮助他们构建健全的情绪体验, 对促进其身心健康发展具有现实临床意义。  相似文献   

探讨患者的需求与对策。应用会谈法收集资料,教育患者认知所患疾病相关知识、帮助患者和家属适应住院环境、支持家属对患者的生活护理、缓解患者心理紧张情绪、协助患者遵从医疗护理服务行为、照顾患者口服用药过程、满足患者治疗过程中的需求、加强护理操作周边作业的督导,进而提出了满足需求对策的依据。  相似文献   

对15例直肠癌保肛术后患者进行半结构式访谈,运用现象学方法进行资料分析与提炼,以深入了解直肠癌保肛术后患者的心理灵活性现状,探索影响心理灵活性的因素。研究发现直肠癌保肛术后患者心理灵活性的影响因素可归纳为知识缺乏、价值感降低、情绪痛苦、生活方式改变和社会支持五个方面。医护人员应借鉴和发展有针对性的干预措施,不仅能为患者提供照护,更能与患者共同管理疾病和帮助患者发展适应性能力,最终提高患者的心理灵活性,减轻心理应激。  相似文献   

一例合理情绪疗法治疗焦虑症的案例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过一例大学生焦虑症来访者的咨询案例,阐述了运用合理情绪疗法协助来访者解决自身问题的整个过程。本案例中来访者因为对生活中的负性生活事件存在不合理认知而形成焦虑情绪。在咨询方法上,运用合理情绪疗法,帮助来访者改变不合理认知,重新调整对生活事件的看法以及对其他人的态度,缓和焦虑情绪和不安全心理,并通过给予其行为指导和压力管理建议帮助其矫正不良生活习惯,恢复正常学习能力和社会交往功能。  相似文献   

探讨患者的需求与对策.应用会谈法收集资料,教育患者认知所患疾病相关知识、帮助患者和家属适应住院环境、支持家属对患者的生活护理、缓解患者心理紧张情绪、协助患者遵从医疗护理服务行为、照顾患者口服用药过程、满足患者治疗过程中的需求、加强护理操作周边作业的督导,进而提出了满足需求对策的依据.  相似文献   

心理危机是一种失调的心理状态。青少年由于生理、心理发展的不平衡及生活事件的影响,容易产生各类心理危机,如不能及时发现并实施帮助,会增加心理障碍与疾病的发病率。因此,需要在探索青少年心理危机生成机制的基础上,对寻求专业心理咨询与治疗的青少年开展各项心理功能和特征的调查研究。调查结果显示,情绪不稳定的人格特征、情绪指向的应对方式等内在特质以及生活事件、童年受虐待的经历以及家庭环境等外在因素,是青少年心理危机的重要预测因素,焦虑情绪则可作为危机的重要预警指标。这些结果可帮助了解危机发生的机制和影响危机发生的因素,为青少年危机的预警和干预提供理论基础。  相似文献   

以977名9~14岁学生为对象,探索负性生活事件与儿童反应性攻击性之间的关系。研究使用了反应性与主动性攻击性问卷、Rosenberg自尊量表、青少年生活事件量表、艾森克人格问卷(儿童版)–情绪稳定性维度问卷,建立了以自尊和情绪稳定性作为中介变量,描述负性生活事件与反应性攻击性之间关系的结构方程模型。结果发现,负性生活事件可直接影响儿童反应性攻击性的形成,同时还可以通过改变情绪稳定性来影响反应性攻击性,即当负性生活事件发生时,情绪状态会倾向于不稳定,进而提高反应性攻击性的水平。此外,负性生活事件也会通过降低自尊水平来提高情绪状态的不稳定性,从而提高反应性攻击性的水平。  相似文献   

腹膜透析患者存在许多心理障碍,迫切需要人文关怀,但整个社会和许多医务人员对此缺乏正确认识和重视,影响了患者身心康复.将我科2009年1月~2011年12月治疗的64例腹膜透析患者列入研究,随机对其中32例患者给予人文关怀,并进行生活质量评估.分析发现人文关怀可以帮助改善患者的抑郁、焦虑情绪,提高患者的幸福指数,减少并发症的发生.建议对腹膜透析患者加强人文关怀,不仅有助于治疗患者心理障碍,增强患者应对不良情绪的能力,更能让患者保持良好心理、生理状态,提高其生活质量.  相似文献   

郑晓明  余宇  刘鑫 《心理学报》2022,54(6):646-664
本文关注配偶情绪智力对员工工作投入的跨领域的人际间影响。基于努力-恢复模型视角和情绪智力文献, 本文提出高情绪智力的配偶能够通过提升员工生活幸福感, 从而促进员工工作投入。此外, 通过整合社会性别角色理论, 本文进一步讨论了员工性别的调节作用。通过两个子研究, 本文发现:配偶情绪智力与员工生活幸福感之间呈现正相关关系; 员工生活幸福感与员工工作投入之间呈现正相关关系; 员工生活幸福感中介了配偶情绪智力对员工工作投入的影响; 并且, 员工性别调节了配偶情绪智力和员工生活幸福感之间的关系, 即当员工为男性时, 配偶情绪智力对该员工生活幸福感的正向影响更强; 此外, 员工性别还调节了员工生活幸福感在配偶情绪智力和员工工作投入之间起到的中介作用。本研究首次提出和检验了配偶情绪智力对员工工作投入的跨领域的人际间积极影响, 具有理论和实践上的重要意义。  相似文献   

Cognitive mechanisms have been proposed to play an important role in tinnitus. In the present study, tinnitus participants were administered an emotional Stroop test via the Internet, incorporating words related to tinnitus concerns. In line with previous research using this Web-based version of the emotional Stroop test, faster color naming was demonstrated for concern-relevant words relative to neutral words. The present results thus provided support for a role for cognitive factors that are important for the understanding of tinnitus. However, future research is warranted in order to clarify the precise mechanisms involved in tinnitusrelated Stroop effects.  相似文献   


Optimism was investigated in a sample of audiology clinic patients, consisting of one group of tinnitus sufferers (N = 30) and one group of hearing impaired subjects not experiencing tinnitus (N = 44). Optimism was measured by the Life Orientation Test (LOT). In the tinnitus group the LOT correlated significantly with measures of tinnitus related distress and in the hearing impaired group with measures of disability and emotional reactions due to the hearing impairment. Cronbach's alphas for the measures used were generally high. Principal components analysis of the LOT confirmed earlier findings by showing two separate factors; one with the positively worded LOT items reflecting the presence of optimism and one with the negatively worded LOT items reflecting the presence of pessimism. The results indicate that dispositional optimism is an usable concept in research with audiological samples, and that optimism is related with tinnitus distress and experienced disability and emotional reactions due to hearing impairment. Further research should investigate the possible role of personality factors in tinnitus and hearing impairment.  相似文献   

Chronic earnoises lead to severe emotional disturbances in many individuals. At the moment, it is not possible to treat chronic tinnitus effectively on a medical basis. If the individual suffers strongly, psychological interventions can help reduce the degree of subjective tinnitus annoyance. Psychotherapists are often insecure when treating tinnitus sufferers, because of their tendency to strongly focus on the chronic earnoises. Knowledge about typical dysfunctional beliefs and systematic cognitive mistakes, that hinder the habituation process in tinnitus sufferers, help understand the patient and help find an anchor point for reducing tinnitus annoyance. In this paper, the most important cognitive characteristics of tinnitus sufferers are summarised and the cognitive modification process is systematically described.  相似文献   

Tinnitus therapy according to the Heidelberg model of music therapy integrates psychological strategies in order to manage the perception and approaches to tinnitus aimed at curing the underlying somatic disorder. The specific musical therapeutic interventions as well as the postulated specific effective factors are explained. Several multidisciplinary studies support the effectiveness of this form of therapy. The results indicate that the therapy is highly advantageous in terms of treatment duration, effectiveness, and follow-up stability compared to customary interventions. Furthermore, the results of brain imaging strongly suggest the usefulness of further investigations and discussion in the realm of neuronal modeling of chronic tinnitus.  相似文献   

Tinnitus is defined as the perception of sound in the absence of an acoustic stimulus. With a prevalence of about 10-15% among adults tinnitus is a common symptom. If tinnitus persists for a longer time and if the patient does not adapt to it, a range of associated problems can be found. The most common problems are sleep disturbance, emotional disturbance and concentration problems. Given the distress caused by tinnitus the risk of patients falling into a vicious circle of increased attention to tinnitus, dysfunctional appraisal processes, negative emotions and avoidance behaviour increases. This in turn, can severely affect tinnitus distress and quality of life in the long run. Different treatment approaches for tinnitus have been developed and cognitive-behavioural forms of treatment in particular were found to be effective in reducing tinnitus distress. The present paper provides an overview of the symptom tinnitus, etiological models, diagnostic approaches and different forms of treatment.  相似文献   

Theoretical accounts suggest an increased and automatic neural processing of emotional, especially threat-related, facial expressions and emotional prosody. In line with this assumption, several functional imaging studies showed activation to threat-related faces and voices in subcortical and cortical brain areas during attentional distraction or unconscious stimulus processing. Furthermore, electrophysiological studies provided evidence for automatic early brain responses to emotional facial expressions and emotional prosody. However, there is increasing evidence that available cognitive resources modulate brain responses to emotional signals from faces and voices, even though conflicting findings may occur depending on contextual factors, specific emotions, sensory modality, and neuroscientific methods used. The current review summarizes these findings and suggests that further studies should combine information from different sensory modalities and neuroscientific methods such as functional neuroimaging and electrophysiology. Furthermore, it is concluded that the variable saliency and relevance of emotional social signals on the one hand and available cognitive resources on the other hand interact in a dynamic manner, making absolute boundaries of the automatic processing of emotional information from faces and voices unlikely.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that schizophrenia patients report similar amounts of experienced emotion in response to emotional material compared with nonpatients. However, less is known about how schizophrenia patients describe and make sense of their emotional life events. We adopted a narrative approach to investigate schizophrenia patients' renderings of their emotional life experiences. In Study 1, patients' (n=42) positive and negative narratives were similarly personal, tellable, engaged, and appropriate. However, negative narratives were less grammatically clear than positive narratives, and positive narratives were more likely to involve other people than negative narratives. In Study 2, emotional (positive and negative) narratives were less tellable and detached, yet more linear and social compared with neutral narratives for both schizophrenia patients (n=24) and healthy controls (n=19). However, patients' narratives about emotional life events were less appropriate to context and less linear, and patients' narratives, whether emotional or not, were less tellable and more detached compared with controls' narratives. Although schizophrenia patients are capable of recounting life events that trigger different emotions, the telling of these life events is fraught with difficulty.  相似文献   

Vocal perception is particularly important for understanding a speaker's emotional state and intentions because, unlike facial perception, it is relatively independent of speaker distance and viewing conditions. The idea, derived from brain lesion studies, that vocal emotional comprehension is a special domain of the right hemisphere has failed to receive consistent support from neuroimaging. This conflict can be reconciled if vocal emotional comprehension is viewed as a multi-step process with individual neural representations. This view reveals a processing chain that proceeds from the ventral auditory pathway to brain structures implicated in cognition and emotion. Thus, vocal emotional comprehension appears to be mediated by bilateral mechanisms anchored within sensory, cognitive and emotional processing systems.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in brain activation using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during cognitive and emotional tasks have been identified in bipolar disorder patients, in frontal, subcortical and limbic regions. Several studies also indicate that mood state may be differentiated by lateralization of brain activation in fronto-limbic regions. The interpretation of fMRI studies in bipolar disorder is limited by the choice of regions of interest, medication effects, comorbidity, and task performance. These studies suggest that there is a complex alteration in regions important for neural networks underlying cognition and emotional processing in bipolar disorder. However, measuring changes in specific brain regions does not identify how these neural networks are affected. New analytical techniques of fMRI data are needed in order to resolve some of these issues and identify how changes in neural networks relate to cognitive and emotional processing in bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

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