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Les jeunes qui viennent d’obtenir leur premier diplôme universitaire (?college?) constituent un potentiel important de candidats à l’embauche dans les grandes entreprises. Les responsables des organisations ont besoin de savoir en quoi les profils de ces futurs diplômés susceptibles d’être attirés et sélectionnés par l’organisation se différencient des profils de la population générale des candidats. Nous avons, dans cette recherche, étudié la relation existant entre les profils de 223 étudiants sur le point d’obtenir leur diplôme du ?college? et l’attirance pour une organisation, l’obtention d’un score satisfaisant à une procédure de sélection et l’interaction de ces deux variables. Les résultats montrent que ceux qui sont attirés par l’organisation diffèrent de ceux qui ne le sont pas. Ceux qui seraient retenus pour la poursuite du recrutement sont différents de ceux qui seraient éliminés. Mais l’interaction de l’attirance et de la sélection n’est en rapport avec aucune des differences individuelles. En outre, l’attirance et la sélection n’interagissent pour réduire la variance sur aucune des variables de différences individuelles. Ces résultats ouvrent une nouvelle perspective sur les conséquences modélisées dans le schéma Attirance‐Sélection‐Elimination de B. Schneider (1987). On discute enfin des implications de notre recherche pour ce modèle et pour le recrutement des étudiants de ?college?. New college graduates are an important source of hires in large firms. Of interest to organisational decision makers are how the individual‐difference profiles of soon‐to‐be college graduates that are likely to be attracted to, and selected by, the organisation compare with the profiles of the overall applicant population. In this research, we investigated how self‐reported attraction to an organisation, achievement of a passing score on an organisation's screening device, and the interaction of these two variables related to the individual‐difference profiles of 223 senior‐level college undergraduates. Results indicated that those who were attracted to the organisation differed from those who were not attracted. Those who would be screened in for further selection by the organisation differed from those who would be rejected. However, the interaction of attraction and screening was unrelated to any of the individual differences. Moreover, attraction and screening did not interact to restrict variance on any of the individual‐difference variables. These results provide a new perspective on the effects hypothesised in B. Schneider's (1987 ) Attraction‐Selection‐Attrition model. Implications for this model and for recruiting from the college student population are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the persuasive impact of different types of evidence supporting an organizational recruitment message. In the first experiment, information on organizational values, presented in a recruitment brochure, was supported using statistical, anecdotal, or no evidence. Graduating university students who were attending a job fair (N = 69) were most attracted to the company as an employer when statistical evidence was presented. In the second study, an employed sample (N= 172) received organizational value evidence in the context of either a recruitment brochure or a community newspaper article. Whereas we replicated the findings of the first study in the brochure condition, we found that anecdotal information was most persuasive in the newspaper condition. We conclude that predicting the persuasive impact of evidence for organizational values requires knowledge of both the type of evidence to be employed and the medium in which that evidence is conveyed.  相似文献   



This research examined how job pursuit and application decisions of male and female job applicants are impacted by beliefs about the organization’s culture.  相似文献   

Human–rights organizations and prisoner advocacy groups try to create positive attitudes toward liberal prison reform by emphasizing similarities between the public and prisoners. Theories of similarity and attraction, however, suggest that this strategy can backfire. Although it commonly increases liking, similarity can increase rejection when the similar other is stigmatized. An experiment tested the efficacy of appeals to similarity in changing prison reform attitudes. Republicans and Democrats listed aspects of themselves that made them similar to or different from prisoners, and then they completed a measure of prison reform attitudes (Silvia, 2003). Emphasizing similarity between the participant and prisoners did not always cause positive attitudes. After focusing on similarity to prisoners, Democrats reported more liberal prison reform attitudes, and Republicans reported more punitive attitudes. Implications for changing attitudes toward prison reform are discussed.  相似文献   



We investigate job seeker visual and verbal attention, and perceptions regarding company web sites in the applicant generation phase of recruitment.


We report three studies using varied methodological approaches including eye-tracking, verbal protocol analysis (VPA), and survey data.


Eye-tracking results suggest Web-based job seekers focus visual attention on information containing hyperlinks and on text more than graphic images or navigation tools. VPA suggests Web-based job seekers focus verbal attention on content more than design, especially job opening information. Survey results suggest content, design, and communication features are all related to applicant attraction. Design explains the most incremental variance in web site evaluation, while perceptions of communication features explain the most incremental variance in attitude toward the organization and intentions to pursue employment.


We provide multi-method evidence concerning features that attract applicant visual and verbal attention, and influence attraction and intentions to pursue employment. The findings also provide practical implications for designing recruitment web sites.


We report three methodologically distinct perspectives on an important and timely issue: Web-based recruitment. We are aware of no other psychomotor eye-tracking studies in the recruitment literature, and only one other VPA. Combining multiple methods in this way provides unique perspective.  相似文献   

Drawing on marketing and recruitment theory, we examined relationships among early recruitment practices, organizational factors, and organization-level recruitment outcomes, predicting that low-involvement recruitment practices, high-involvement recruitment practices, corporate advertising, and firm reputation would positively affect the quantity and quality of organizations' applicant pools. We also predicted that corporate advertising and firm reputation would moderate the effects of the 2 recruitment strategies. Data for 99 organizations collected from multiple sources provided some evidence that early recruitment practices, corporate advertising, and firm reputation each had direct effects on applicant pool quantity and quality. More importantly, we found that low-involvement recruitment practices were more effective for firms with relatively low levels of corporate advertising and firm reputation, whereas high-involvement recruitment practices were more effective for firms with relatively high levels of advertising and reputation.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine male and 37 female adults served as mock jurors in a simulated criminal trial in which the amount of preview offered in both the prosecution's and defense's opening statements was factorially varied. It was found that the effects upon verdicts of guilt of the amount of preview in either side's opening statement depended on that in the other side's opening statement. Extensive prosecution opening statements led to more guilty verdicts only when the de fense's opening statement was also extensive; when the defense's opening statement was brief, participants tended to find the defendant guilty regardless of the amount of preview in the prosecution's opening statement. Extensive opening statements from the defense led to more not-guilty verdicts only when the prosecution's opening statement was brief. Results from a series of mid-trial measures indicated that opening statements predisposed jurors to favor one side or the other very early in the trial, and that jurors tended to maintain this predisposition throughout the course of the trial. It was suggested that opening statements serve to create thematic frameworks which the jurors use to assist them in their processing of trial information. Implications for legal practice were also discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of interpersonal attraction for group behaviors, it has been largely unexplored in the context of organizational environments. This study examined two possible determinants of interpersonal attraction in organizational settings: managers' performance and perceived attitudinal similarity. Using a videotape medium, subjects assessed their interpersonal attraction to a manager interacting with a subordinate within a 3 × 3 experimental design. Main effects for managerial competence and perceived attitudinal similarity were observed but with no evidence of an interaction effect.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impacts of publicity exposure and recruiting advertisement sequence on freshmen's job search attraction to organizations and their job decisions. The current research uses a two‐factor experiment design, publicity (positive vs. negative) and recruiting ads (detailed vs. general), and recruits 415 undergraduates (seniors are the majority). Results indicate that negative publicity has greater effect on applicant attraction than positive publicity. The perceived truthfulness of sequential intervening recruiting advertisement rules the reaction to job ad, then further impacts on organizational attractiveness and job pursuit intention. With negative publicity exposure, higher specificity of recruiting advertisement has more significant mitigation effects than lower specificity. This work discusses implications and directions for future research.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between Dickinson's (1993) components of teamwork and ratings of team members' contributions to team success. Undergraduate students (n= 179) each viewed 1 of 8 videotapes depicting a team interacting to solve the Winter Survival Problem. Participants then completed a 52-item questionnaire assessing the connection between teamwork components and perceptions of contributions to team productivity, team viability, teamwork, and overall team performance. With 1 exception, all of the teamwork components manipulated in the study significantly affected appraisals of several aspects of worker effectiveness. Furthermore, raters considered teamwork behaviors that provided direct assistance or direction to team members as being especially critical.  相似文献   

Meta-analysis was used to integrate findings from two paradigms (questionnaires, experiments) that examined the effects of both similarity and physical attractiveness on attraction to a stranger of the opposite sex. Meta-analytic findings from both paradigms indicated that men valued physical attractiveness more than did to women, and that women valued similarity more than did men. Between-factor comparisons found that women consistently valued attractiveness less than they valued similarity. For men, the relative importance of the two factors varied across studies within each paradigm.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to investigate the sequential effects of recruitment information on applicant reactions following three recruitment stages (campus fair, recruitment interview, and site visit) and the timing of communications independently, across stages, and in combination.  相似文献   

Organizations often require managers to travel globally to fill international roles. Attending to fit with an organization's need for international mobility and global openness during recruiting could increase the proportion of effective global managers in an organization's applicant pool. We use recruitment research and theory to develop and test a conditional process model of the relationship between recruitment messages and job seeker perceived fit, attraction, and job pursuit intentions, depending on job seekers’ global openness and willingness to travel globally. Recruitment messages include information about a job's travel requirements and the global presence of the business. Two studies were undertaken to test our hypotheses. Analyses were conducted with conditional process modeling using nonlinear bootstrapping. Study 1, involving 230 job seekers, found that applicants’ willingness to travel interacted with recruiting messages about a job's global travel requirements to relate to job pursuit intentions through perceived job fit and job attraction. Study 2, involving 260 participants recruited through Mechanical Turk, indicated that global openness interacted with a global recruitment message, and willingness to travel interacted with a travel recruitment message, to relate to job pursuit intentions through job and organizational dimensions of perceived fit and attraction.  相似文献   

On the basis of previous research on college satisfaction and Cohen and Wills'(1985) social support framework, we hypothesized that structural social support has a main effect on college satisfaction and that the effect of positive college events on college satisfaction is boosted by self-esteem and belonging functional social support. Analyses were based upon a convenience sample of 392 community college students enrolled in psychology courses. Structural social support had a main effect on college satisfaction, and positive college events interacted with self-esteem functional social support. The beneficial effect of positive college events on college satisfaction increased as the level of self-esteem functional social support increased.  相似文献   

Although managers and researchers have invested considerable effort into understanding corporate social responsibility (CSR), less is known about corporate social irresponsibility (CSiR). Drawing on strategic leadership and moral licensing research, we address this gap by considering the relationship between CSR and CSiR. We predict that prior CSR is positively associated with subsequent CSiR because the moral credits achieved through CSR enable leaders to engage in less ethical stakeholder treatment. Further, we hypothesize that leaders’ moral identity symbolization, or the degree to which being moral is expressed outwardly to the public through actions and behavior, will moderate the CSR–CSiR relationship, such that the relationship will be stronger when CEOs are high on moral identity symbolization rather than low on moral identity symbolization. Through an archival study of 49 Fortune 500 firms, we find support for our hypotheses.  相似文献   

This study examined relationships among same‐ethnicity friendships, perceptions of ethnic discrimination, and social and academic adjustment in college using a large longitudinal sample of White, Asian, Latino, and African American students. Results demonstrated that Latino students who had more in‐group friends during college exhibited reduced belonging and academic performance at the end of college. Perceived discrimination also had negative effects on Latino students' sense of belonging. For African American students, having more in‐group friends during college was related to enhanced academic commitment and motivation at the end of college. Perceiving more discrimination was also associated with enhanced academic motivation for African American students. Explanations for the divergent experiences of the two minority groups on campus are discussed.  相似文献   

This research compares the position of workers of majority and minority ethnic backgrounds in two Dutch organizations (the police force and health care). Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered. The data do not indicate a consistent difference between majority and minority workers on performance and well-being. This does not mean that they have the same experiences: Most minority workers are confronted with discrimination and negative expectations, and many are in a solo position. Their majority colleagues do not have to face these challenges. The diversity in the group is liked by most respondents, and they see a positive effect of ethnic diversity on the quality of their work. Research findings are compared with the findings of experimental research on ethnically diverse groups.  相似文献   

研究考察了自我表露热情与能力是否对人际吸引存在不同影响。通过两个实验发现,自我表露热情对社会吸引影响更大,自我表露能力对任务吸引影响更大,但表露负面热情也会显著削弱任务吸引,且表露正面热情与能力在社会吸引上的差异在男性身上不再显著。研究表明,自我表露热情与能力对人际吸引存在不同影响,且会受到表露内容效价与表露者性别的调节。  相似文献   

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