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Self-disclosure: a literature review   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

This experiment examined the effect of timing of an intimate disclosure and assignment of responsibility for the event disclosed on interpersonal attraction. Subjects were induced to interact with a confederate who in all cases revealed something quite personal about himself. The disclosure occurred either early or near the end of a 10-minute conversation. The confederate accepted responsibility for the event disclosed, did not mention responsibility, or assigned responsibility to external factors. Negative traits were assigned to the early disclosure, and he was liked significantly less than the late discloser. The results are explained in terms of differential attributions made to early and late disclosures. The results for the assignment of responsibility variable were surprising: The confederate who accepted responsibility for the event disclosed elicited more negative reactions than the confederate who blamed other factors or who did not mention responsibility. Some possible reasons for this unexpected finding are discussed.  相似文献   

The psychosocial consequences of HLV-infection were studied using a semi-structured interview and the psychiatric questionnaire SCL-90-R, in 3 matched groups of homosexual men: 20 patients with Aids, 20 asymptomatic HIV-infected and 20 non-infected controls. The data was collected before the HAART (Highly Active Anti-retroviral Therapy) era. The results showed that the infected subjects more often concealed their homosexuality, engaged in more risky sexual behavior and were less inclined to regard AIDS as a serious problem. The infected subjects also revealed more psychopathology on 5 of the 9 indexes on the SCL-90. Across all 3 groups, contact ability was correlated to being open about homosexuality and to psychological well-being. These results indicate that HIV has considerable impact on psychological well-being among the infected and point to the need for health-care workers to be especially attentive to those HIV-infected who have difficulty in talking to others about their situation.  相似文献   

Although educational attainment has been found to be moderately heritable, research has yet to explore candidate genes for it. Drawing on data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, in the current study, we examined the association between polymorphisms in three dopaminergic genes (DAT1, DRD2, and DRD4), a dopamine index, and educational attainment. Statistically significant effects were found for DAT1, DRD2, DRD4, and the dopamine index for highest level of education. This study is the first to our knowledge that links measured genes to educational attainment.  相似文献   

This study assesses the psychometric properties of the Condom Barriers Scale (CBS), an instrument originally designed to measure women's perceptions and attitudes regarding male condom use, with a sample of men at high risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Participants include 590 male patients in drug abuse treatment involved in a gender-specific HIV prevention intervention for teaching safer sex skills. Second-order confirmatory factor analysis generally supported the underlying four-factor subscale structure of the CBS. However, exploratory factor analysis revealed a few specific discrepancies in the factor structure between men and women. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability estimates were moderate to high in value. CBS scores correlated with use of condoms for men with high-risk sexual partners, supporting criterion-related validity. Overall, the analysis indicates that the CBS is a potentially valid and reliable instrument and has utility for assessing barriers to condom use with men, but may need some item content modifications to allow appropriate assessment of gender differences and comparisons across studies.  相似文献   

The present study prospectively investigated the relation between avoidance coping and active cognitive and behavioral coping and the progression of HIV infection over 7 years in 181 gay men. Findings revealed that for a number of medical and behavioral factors, (a) avoidance coping predicted a lower rate of decline in CD4 cells, (b) the proportional hazard (PH) attributable to avoidance of developing a syncytium-inducing HIV variant was 0.72 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.53 - 0.99, p < .05), and (c) the PH attributable to avoidance of dropping below 200 CD4 cells/microl was 0.66 (95% CI: 0.50 - 0.89, p < .01). Avoidance coping was not related to the development of AIDS-defining clinical symptoms. Active cognitive and behavioral coping was not related to the outcome measures.  相似文献   

Innovation and adaptation in a Turkish sample: a preliminary study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to examine the representations of adaptation and innovation among adults in Turkey. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with a sample of 20 Turkish adults (10 men, 10 women) from various occupations. The participants' ages ranged from 21 to 58 years. Results of content analysis showed that the representation of innovation varied with the type of context. Innovation was not preferred within the family and interpersonal relationship contexts, whereas it was relatively more readily welcomed within the contexts of work, science, and technology. This finding may indicate that the concept of innovation that is assimilated in traditional Turkish culture has limits. Contents of the interviews were also analyzed with respect to M. J. Kirton's (1976) subscales of originality, efficiency, and rule-group conformity. The participants favored efficient innovators, whereas they thought that the risk of failure was high in cases of inefficient innovation. The reasons for and indications of the representations of innovativeness among Turkish people are discussed in relation to their social structure and cultural expectations.  相似文献   

A discrete-time survival analysis of recovery from major depressive episodes for a sample of married subjects (N = 119) identified several significant predictors of recovery including comorbidity for anxiety disorders or substance abuse, social support, age, and education. Furthermore, the analysis distinguished between different sources and types of social support, documenting that spouses' positive responses to the depression predict rapid recovery whereas the perception that friendships are conflictual predicts slow recovery. Finally, the analysis documented changes in the importance of predictor variables over the course of the episode. Specifically, spouse's negative reactions to the depression and subject's education level became more important predictors of recovery as the episode became longer, and the recovery advantage experienced by younger respondents lessened over time.  相似文献   

Widespread Internet use has revolutionized health information and patient education for persons with chronic illnesses. The authors surveyed 147 HIV-positive persons to examine factors associated with Internet use and associations between Internet use and health. Information, motivation, and behavioral skills associated with using the Internet were related to Internet use. The authors found that health-related Internet use was associated with HIV disease knowledge, active coping, information seeking coping, and social support among persons who were using the Internet. These preliminary findings suggest an association between using the Internet for health-related information and health benefits among people living with HIV/AIDS, supporting the development of interventions to close the digital divide in HIV/AIDS care.  相似文献   

Recently, a growing number of electronic mentoring (e-mentoring) Web sites have become available that provide vocational and career support. To date, few researchers have addressed the phenomenon of e-mentoring from a socioemotional perspective for populations with special needs. This paper presents a pilot study designed to test and evaluate an e-mentoring intervention program based on mutual self-disclosure and friendship for youth with special needs. Using qualitative methods, the study characterized the e-mentoring process and its contributions to this population. Results provided support for the socioemotional potential of computer-mediated communication for youth with special needs, although some barriers were found. Practical implications for implementing feasible e-mentoring programs for youth with special needs are discussed.  相似文献   

Maslow's contention that happiness includes striving and is more than a hedonistic construct was tested in a sample of 146 homeless men. Since all participants were homeless, environmental experiences can be considered as largely held constant, allowing an examination of personality and happiness under conditions of strain. Principal axis factor analysis with promax and oblique rotations placed scores from the measures Unhappy-Happy and the Brief Index of Self-actualization on the same factor which supported Maslow's idea. Humanistic-existential psychology has interest in the happiness construct particularly regarding the development of human potential.  相似文献   

Based on data from a probability sample of 912 Latino gay men in 3 U.S. cities, a multivariate model of sexual risk was tested, including experiences of homophobia, racism, and poverty as predictors. Participants reported multiple instances of verbal and physical abuse, rude mistreatment, and discrimination on account of their sexual orientation and their race or ethnicity. Many reported experiences of poverty, such as inability to pay for basic necessities of food or shelter. Men who reported more instances of social discrimination and financial hardship were more psychologically distressed and more likely to participate in "difficult" sexual situations, as predicted. Participation in difficult sexual situations mediates the effects of social oppression and psychological distress on sexual risk behavior.  相似文献   

This study, using secondary data analysis, examined prospectively a mediation model of the relationship between acculturation and problem behavior proneness among 330 Hispanic children and adolescents from an urban school district in the southwest region of the United States. Acculturation was predicted to have an indirect, but positive, relationship to problem behavior proneness through parental involvement and self-esteem. The results partially supported the model and indicated that parental involvement, but not self-esteem, played a significant mediational role in children's problem behavior proneness. The individual indicators of problem behavior proneness among Hispanic youth were significantly interrelated, which is consistent with problem behavior theory as conceptualized by R. Jessor (1984) and R. Jessor and S. L. Jessor (1977). Findings from this study provide implications for future research and intervention designs.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a series of studies to validate the factor structure of the English version of the Need for Cognition-Short Form (NFC-SF; J. T. Cacioppo, R. E. Petty, & C. F. Kao, 1984) in a U.S. Hispanic sample. Study 1 is an exploration of the factor structure in 238 Hispanic and relationships between gender and acculturation. Analyses in Study 2 confirmed the factor structure from the sample in Study 1 in a group of 185 U.S. Hispanics. Results indicated that the English version of the NCS-SF has a one-factor structure and is reliable for use with U.S. Hispanics.  相似文献   

Basing on the actual publications, the most important neurological and psychopathological symptoms of HIV-infection are systematically reported. Opportunistic infections are producing important neurological symptoms. A case of Cryptococcus neoformans-Infection of the brain is described.  相似文献   

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