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A H Wertheim 《Perception》1987,16(3):299-308
During a pursuit eye movement made in darkness across a small stationary stimulus, the stimulus is perceived as moving in the opposite direction to the eyes. This so-called Filehne illusion is usually explained by assuming that during pursuit eye movements the extraretinal signal (which informs the visual system about eye velocity so that retinal image motion can be interpreted) falls short. A study is reported in which the concept of an extraretinal signal is replaced by the concept of a reference signal, which serves to inform the visual system about the velocity of the retinae in space. Reference signals are evoked in response to eye movements, but also in response to any stimulation that may yield a sensation of self-motion, because during self-motion the retinae also move in space. Optokinetic stimulation should therefore affect reference signal size. To test this prediction the Filehne illusion was investigated with stimuli of different optokinetic potentials. As predicted, with briefly presented stimuli (no optokinetic potential) the usual illusion always occurred. With longer stimulus presentation times the magnitude of the illusion was reduced when the spatial frequency of the stimulus was reduced (increased optokinetic potential). At very low spatial frequencies (strongest optokinetic potential) the illusion was inverted. The significance of the conclusion, that reference signal size increases with increasing optokinetic stimulus potential, is discussed. It appears to explain many visual illusions, such as the movement aftereffect and center-surround induced motion, and it may bridge the gap between direct Gibsonian and indirect inferential theories of motion perception.  相似文献   

Watching a rubber hand being stroked by a paintbrush while feeling identical stroking of one’s own occluded hand can create a compelling illusion that the seen hand becomes part of one’s own body. It has been suggested that this so-called rubber hand illusion (RHI) does not simply reflect a bottom–up multisensory integration process but that the illusion is also modulated by top–down, cognitive factors. Here we investigated for the first time whether the conceptual interpretation of the sensory quality of the visuotactile stimulation in terms of roughness can influence the occurrence of the illusion and vice versa, whether the presence of the RHI can modulate the perceived sensory quality of a given tactile stimulus (i.e., in terms of roughness). We used a classical RHI paradigm in which participants watched a rubber hand being stroked by either a piece of soft or rough fabric while they received synchronous or asynchronous tactile stimulation that was either congruent or incongruent with respect to the sensory quality of the material touching the rubber hand. (In)congruencies between the visual and tactile stimulation did neither affect the RHI on an implicit level nor on an explicit level, and the experience of the RHI in turn did not cause any modulations of the felt sensory quality of touch on participant’s own hand. These findings first suggest that the RHI seems to be resistant to top–down knowledge in terms of a conceptual interpretation of tactile sensations. Second, they argue against the hypothesis that participants own hand tends to disappear during the illusion and that the rubber hand actively replaces it.  相似文献   

A reproduction design is used to show that temporal intervals containing brief tones appear longer than empty intervals of the same duration, the effect being independent of duration. These and previous data are discussed within a theoretical framework which allows for the interrelation of data from different time perception tasks; and a reversible encoding model is stated which accounts for much of the data obtained with empty intervals. A “chunking” model, in which tones occurring in an interval serve to segment the interval during encoding, can account for the filled-duration illusion if certain conditions are met. Finally, mechanisms that are consistent with these conditions are stated.  相似文献   

When a horizontally elongated surface is occluded in the middle by a larger surface, it appears narrower than its true width (Kanizsa’s compression illusion). We report that a similar compression effect occurs for closed-loop visuomotor matches of size, but not for otherwise comparable open-loop “mimed” reaching or size-matching visuomotor responses. Our study is the first in which a comparison of size perception in personal space with bilateral actions performed with both hands (instead of precision grips employing the thumb and the index finger) is used to investigate motor responses to Kanizsa’s compression illusion. Implications for the current debate on the existence of dissociations between spatial perception and visually controlled actions in personal space are discussed.  相似文献   

A new theory, called the tilt constancy theory, claims that the Ponzo illusion is caused by the misperception of orientation induced by local visual cues. The theory relates the Ponzo illusion-along with the Z?llner, Poggendorff, Wündt-Hering, and cafe wall illusions-to the mechanisms that enable us to perceive stable orientations despite changes in retinal orientation or body orientation. In Experiment 1, the magnitude of the misperception of orientation was compared with the magnitude of the Ponzo illusion. In Experiment 2, predictions of the tilt constancy theory were compared with accounts based on (1) low spatial frequencies in the image, (2) memory comparisons (pool-and-store model), and (3) relative sizejudgments. In Experiment 3, predictions of the tilt constancy theory were tested against predictions of the assimilation theory of Pressey and his colleagues. In the final experiment, the orientation account was compared with theories based on linear perspective and inappropriate size constancy. The results support the tilt constancy theory.  相似文献   

The horizontal-vertical illusion consists of two lines of the same length (one horizontal and the other vertical) at a 90 degree angle from one another forming either an inverted-T or an L-shape. The illusion occurs when the length of a vertical line is perceived as longer than the horizontal line even though they are the same physical length. The illusion has been shown both visually and haptically. The present purpose was to assess differences between the visual or haptic perception of the illusions and also whether differences occur between the inverted-T and the L-shape illusions. The current study showed a greater effect in the haptic perception of the horizontal-vertical illusion than in visual perception. There is also greater illusory susceptibility of the inverted-T than the L-shape.  相似文献   

In the New Look literature of the 1950s, it has been suggested that size judgments are dependent on the affective content of stimuli. This suggestion, however, has been 'discredited' due to contradictory findings and methodological problems. In the present study, we revisited this forgotten issue in two experiments. The first experiment investigated the influence of affective content on size perception by examining judgments of the size of target circles with and without affectively loaded (i.e., positive, neutral, and negative) pictures. Circles with a picture were estimated to be smaller than circles without a picture, and circles with a negative picture were estimated to be larger than circles with a positive or a neutral picture confirming the suggestion from the 1950s that size perception is influenced by affective content, an effect notably confined to negatively loaded stimuli. In a second experiment, we examined whether affective content influenced the Ebbinghaus illusion. Participants judged the size of a target circle whereby target and flanker circles differed in affective loading. The results replicated the first experiment. Additionally, the Ebbinghaus illusion was shown to be weakest for a negatively loaded target with positively loaded and blank flankers. A plausible explanation for both sets of experimental findings is that negatively loaded stimuli are more attention demanding than positively loaded or neutral stimuli.  相似文献   

J I Laszlo  P Broderick 《Perception》1985,14(3):285-291
Earlier studies have shown the size of kinaesthetically presented two-dimensional movement patterns to be significantly overestimated. Whether this size overestimation is characteristic of the kinaesthetic system alone has not been established. Two experiments are reported which were designed to investigate size judgment made after kinaesthetic and visual pattern presentation and the effect of environmental cues on the perception of movement patterns. In experiment 1 patterns were presented kinaesthetically (experimenter guided hand movements around the outline of the pattern) or in combination with visual information given by a moving light (pinpoint light attached to the stylus which was moved around the pattern); visual and kinaesthetic cues were either congruent or conflicting with each other; and environmental cues were either present or absent. In experiment 2 static visual display was compared with visually traced pattern presentation, again with or without environmental cues. Overall the results showed that, regardless of experimental manipulation, in all cases where the information was given over time the subject perceived the pattern larger than reality. After static visual display, overestimation of size did not occur.  相似文献   

Masking, aftereffect, and illusion paradigms were used to establish the spatial selectivity of curvature detectors in human vision. Arcs with the same chord orientation mask each other maximally when they are identical in radius and direction of curvature. There is gradual reduction in masking over an extensive spatial range as arcs diverge in curvature. The transition from convexity to concavity does not produce discontinuity in the masking function. The extent to which a straight line appears curved also depends on the curvature of arcs shown previously (aftereffect) or at the same time (illusion). It is suggested that these effects could occur through selective adaptation of detectors responsive to either global curvature or the orientation of local straight-line approximations within an arc. Evidence is reviewed in support of the latter interpretation.  相似文献   

Magnitude estimation was used to measure subjective motion for two indicators of vestibular function. Twelve as made estimates of 5-sec pulses of angular acceleration across the range of angular acceleration × time (at) =10-150 deg/sec. Results were: (1) the power law describes subjective motion for all individual as, (2) the power function exponent (1.41) for the perception of rotation is slightly greater than the exponent (1.25) for the oculogyral illusion, (3) a significant number of as gave higher exponents for the perception of rotation, and (4) the magnitude estimates of the oculogyral illusion and perception of rotation were highly correlated within and across as.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to the Wundt-Hering illusion was studied as a function of age and contrast. Preschoolers, third-graders and college students were shown light-grey, medium-grey, and black Wundt-Hering figures on white ground. Pre-schoolers were most susceptible to the illusion, differing from third graders in the medium and high contrast conditions and from college students in all contrast conditions. Low contrast figures resulted in significantly less distortion than did high contrast figures for the preschoolers. The significant interaction of age and contrast effects highlights the importance of a developmental approach to the study of illusions.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on two aspects of the time course of visual information processing during the perception of natural scenes. The first aspect is the change of fixation duration and saccade amplitude during the first couple of seconds of the inspection period, as has been described by Buswell (), among others. This common effect suggests that the saccade amplitude and fixation duration are in some way controlled by the same mechanism. A simple exponential model containing two parameters can describe the phenomena quite satisfactorily. The parameters of the model show that saccade amplitude and fixation duration may be controlled by a common mechanism. The second aspect under scrutiny is the apparent lack of correlation between saccade amplitude and fixation duration (Viviani, ). The present study shows that a strong but nonlinear relationship between saccade amplitude and fixation duration does exist in picture viewing. A model, based on notions laid out by Findlay and Walker's () model of saccade generation and on the idea of two modes of visual processing (Trevarthen, ), was developed to explain this relationship. The model both fits the data quite accurately and can explain a number of related phenomena.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated anisotropic perception of visual angle outdoors. In Experiment 1, scales for vertical and horizontal visual angles ranging from 20° to 80° were constructed with the method of angle production (in which the subject reproduced a visual angle with a protractor) and the method of distance production (in which the subject produced a visual angle by adjusting viewing distance). In Experiment 2, scales for vertical and horizontal visual angles of 5°–30° were constructed with the method of angle production and were compared with scales for orientation in the frontal plane. In Experiment 3, vertical and horizontal visual angles of 3°-80° were judged with the method of verbal estimation. The main results of the experiments were as follows: (1) The obtained angles for visual angle are described by a quadratic equation, θ′=a+bθ+cθ2 (where θ is the visual angle; θ′, the obtained angle;a, b, andc, constants). (2) The linear coefficientb is larger than unity and is steeper for vertical direction than for horizontal direction. (3) The quadratic coefficientc is generally smaller than zero and is negatively larger for vertical direction than for horizontal direction. And (4) the obtained angle for visual angle is larger than that for orientation. From these results, it was possible to predict the horizontal-vertical illusion, over-constancy of size, and the moon illusion.  相似文献   

Two samples of 10 random polygons were scaled tactually and visually using multidimensional scaling techniques. Unidimensional solutions were very similar for both modalities and were linearly dependent upon the number of independent sides of the forms. Solutions of higher dimensionality did not produce clearly interpretable unique orderings of the forms beyond the first dimension with these samples. Within the limits imposed by these samples of forms. the data strongly support equivalence for visual and tactual form perception.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated anisotropic perception of visual angle outdoors. In Experiment 1, scales for vertical and horizontal visual angles ranging from 20 degrees to 80 degrees were constructed with the method of angle production (in which the subject reproduced a visual angle with a protractor) and the method of distance production (in which the subject produced a visual angle by adjusting viewing distance). In Experiment 2, scales for vertical and horizontal visual angles of 5 degrees-30 degrees were constructed with the method of angle production and were compared with scales for orientation in the frontal plane. In Experiment 3, vertical and horizontal visual angles of 3 degrees-80 degrees were judged with the method of verbal estimation. The main results of the experiments were as follows: (1) The obtained angles for visual angle are described by a quadratic equation, theta' = a + b theta + c theta 2 (where theta is the visual angle; theta', the obtained angle; a, b, and c, constants). (2) The linear coefficient b is larger than unity and is steeper for vertical direction than for horizontal direction. (3) The quadratic coefficient c is generally smaller than zero and is negatively larger for vertical direction than for horizontal direction. And (4) the obtained angle for visual angle is larger than that for orientation. From these results, it was possible to predict the horizontal-vertical illusion, over-constancy of size, and the moon illusion.  相似文献   

Perception of relative phase and phase variability may play a fundamental role in interlimb coordination. This study was designed to investigate the perception of relative phase and of phase variability and the stability of perception in each case. Observers judged the relative phasing of two circles rhythmically moving on a computer display. The circles moved from side to side, simulating movement in the frontoparallel plane, or increased and decreased in size, simulating movement in depth. Under each viewing condition, participants observed the same displays but were to judge either mean relative phase or phase variability. Phase variability interfered with the mean-relative-phase judgments, in particular when the mean relative phase was 0 degrees. Judgments of phase variability varied as a function of mean relative phase. Furthermore, the stability of the judgments followed an asymmetric inverted U-shaped relation with mean relative phase, as predicted by the Haken-Kelso-Bunz model.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare thresholds for angular acceleration derived by subjective cupulometry and by a staircase method. Thresholds for the perception of rotation and the oculogyral illusion were determined for 10 Os who were rotated about their vertical axis. The cupulometric thresholds were significantly higher, more variable, and not predictable from the staircase thresholds. Furthermore, cupulometry failed to distinguish between the thresholds for the perception of rotation and the oculogyral illusion, although both indicators functioned according to the prediction of the underlying linear model. Individual differences supported the general conclusion that cupulometric thresholds bear no relationship to the sensory threshold derived in a classical psychophysical manner.  相似文献   

The role of apparent depth features and the proximity of the test lines to the adjacent contours in the actuation of the Ponzo illusion was examined. Six versions of the Ponzo figure were employed: a standard Ponzo figure and five modified figures in which the test lines varied in orientation (horizontal or vertical) and in location (inside or outside the converging contours). Both manipulations resulted in a significant decrease in the magnitude of the illusion in comparison to the standard Ponzo figure. The results suggest that the Ponzo illusion is significantly affected by contextual factors.  相似文献   

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