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Financial debt continues to rise, especially among college students, indicating a need for behavioral research to develop more effective money-management interventions. This study examined social psychological variables relevant to money management decision making among college students. Attitude, affect, perceived ability, and past experience were found to influence money-management behavior (i.e., maintaining a budget). We also examined an attitude model of money management and found 9 variables (e.g., normative influence, perceived barrier, perceived control) that determined attitudes toward maintaining a budget. The relevance of our findings to debt prevention is discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes a dual‐system model of consumer behavior. This model is based on the assumption that all human behaviors are a joint function of reflective and impulsive mechanisms. Those mechanisms have different principles of operation but contribute to the act of buying. However, the relative contribution of impulsive and reflective processes depends on personal and contextual circumstances. The operation and interaction of the 2 systems at different stages of information processing is described and applied to the dynamics of consumer behavior, with a special emphasis on impulse buying.  相似文献   

This study compared 3 models of waste management behavior: (a) a theory of reasoned action model, (b) an environmental belief-behavior model, and (c) an integrated waste management model which is based on the theory of planned behavior. The three models were compared using data from a sample of over 1,400 individual respondents who each completed a survey and a 2-week diary of their consumer composting activities. Overall, the results suggest that while the environmental beliefs-behavior model and the integrated waste management models both fit the data well, the integrated waste management model provided better predictive power and offers significant insight into the factors that influence composting behavior.  相似文献   

In a community sample of 116 children, assessments of parent-child interaction, parent-child attachment, and various parental, child, and contextual characteristics at 15 and 28 months and at age 5 were used to predict externalizing behavior at age 5, as rated by parents and teachers. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis and path analysis yielded a significant longitudinal model for the prediction of age 5 externalizing behavior, with independent contributions from the following predictors: child sex, partner support reported by the caregiver, disorganized infant-parent attachment at 15 months, child anger proneness at 28 months, and one of the two parent-child interaction factors observed at 28 months, namely negative parent-child interactions. The other, i.e., a lack of effective guidance, predicted externalizing problems only in highly anger-prone children. Furthermore, mediated pathways of influence were found for the parent-child interaction at 15 months (via disorganized attachment) and parental ego-resiliency (via negative parent-child interaction at 28 months).

The present study simulated an organizational dispute to test 12 hypotheses about mediator behavior that were derived from the strategic choice model of mediation. This model is based on the assumption that mediators have four basic strategies to resolve disputes: (a) integrate, which involves a search for mutually acceptable outcomes; (b) press, which involves lowering one or both parties' aspirations; (c) compensate, which involves offering positive benefits in exchange for concessions; and (d) inaction, which involves letting the parties handle the dispute by themselves. The major proposition of the model is that two factors, the mediator's assessment of the likelihood of a mutually acceptable agreement and the mediator's concern for the parties' aspirations, interact to predict mediator behavior. Nine of the 12 hypotheses derived from the model were supported. Pressing by mediators occurred most when mediators had a low estimate of the likelihood of agreement in combination with a low concern for the parties' aspirations. Compensating occurred most when mediators had a low estimate of the likelihood of agreement in combination with a high concern for the parties' aspirations. Inaction occurred most when the mediators' estimate of the likelihood of agreement was high and their concern for the parties' aspirations was low. Integrating occurred most when the mediators had a high concern for the parties' aspirations.  相似文献   

Identity status and self-esteem were determined for 88 undergraduate college women. Identity status was measured two ways: with the sexual values questions included, and with the ORP (occupational goals, religious ideology, and political ideology) interview alone. Significant differences in self-esteem as measured by the Texas Social Behavior Inventory (TSBI) were found for women in the four identity statuses. These differences were significant on the basis of both methods of identity assessment. Achievement women scored higher than Moratorium and Diffusion women, but not Foreclosure women. Moratorium women had the lowest self-esteem in the sample. Results were discussed as supportive of the notion that achievement of identity is enhancing of self-esteem in women, and that nontraditional areas of identity development are becoming more important determiners of adjustment in women. The differential adaptability of Moratorium and Foreclosure statuses for women was discussed.  相似文献   

Summary: The Reaction Inventory-Guilt was developed to isolate, in individuals, the specific stimulus situations which result in guilt. The 50-item inventory was administered to 96 subjects. The estimate of the internal consistency coefficient was .94. The inter-item correlations were factor analyzed by the principle axis method, and rotation to oblique simple structure was accomplished by the Promax method. Four Oblique factors were obtained: intentional behavior disrupting interpersonal relations; self-destructive behavior; behavior contrary to moral or ethical principles; and unintentional behavior disrupting interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   


The study tested the validity of a new measure of dogmatism by examining university students' evaluations of the Bible. Those who believed that every word in the Bible came directly from God and that the Bible is free of any error, contradiction, or inconsistency scored much higher on this dogmatism measure than students who thought otherwise. Such “true believers” then read the 4 highly varying Gospel accounts of the resurrection of Jesus. The most dogmatic of them still insisted there were no contradictions or inconsistencies in the Bible. The less dogmatic acknowledged that contradictions and inconsistencies exist. These results reinforce those of 4 earlier studies that indicated that the new measure of dogmatism has empirical validity.  相似文献   

This study examined whether characteristics of behavioral items reported by parent and child are related to parent–child agreement. Data were collected from 20 judges rating 59 child behaviors on 11 dimensions hypothesized to affect parent–child agreement. Data from 675 parent–child dyads (85% female caregivers, 62% male children, aged 7–17) reporting on 59 child behaviors were used to examine agreement. Behavior characteristics accounted for 43% of variability in parent–child agreement. Three components, saliency to the parent, saliency to the child, and observability/willingness to report, contributed uniquely to prediction of agreement.  相似文献   

Relationships between perceived stress, coping, and smoking behavior were examined both cross-sectionally and prospectively in a large sample of English adolescents recruited from secondary schools in East Sussex. Significant cross-sectional and prospective associations are reported between smoking behavior and perceived stress, “cathartic” coping, and perception of smoking as a coping resource. The hypothesis that female adolescents smoke more than do males because they perceive more stress in their lives and cope with it differently was not supported.  相似文献   

Two behavioral prediction models were compared. The behavior used was church attendance, and the models used were those proposed by Triandis (1977) and Fishbein (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975). The results indicated that both models were effective in the prediction of intention and behavior. However, while Triandis' model accounted for a greater percent of the variance in the prediction of intention, Fishbein's model did better in predicting behavior.  相似文献   

Following several political-psychological approaches, the present research analyzed whether orientations toward human rights are a function of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), social dominance orientation (SDO), basic human values in the sense of Schwartz (1992 ), and political ideology. Three dimensions of human rights attitudes (endorsement, restriction, and enforcement) were differentiated from human rights knowledge and behavior. In a time-lagged Internet survey ( N   =  479), using structural equation modeling, RWA, universalism and power values, and political ideology (measured at Time 1) differentially predicted dimensions of human rights attitudes (measured at Time 2 five months later). RWA and universalism values also predicted self-reported human rights behavior, with the effects mediated through human rights endorsement. Human rights knowledge also predicted behavior. The psychological roots of positive and negative orientations toward human rights, consequences for human rights education, and the particular role of military enforcement of human rights are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated recently that men will judge their own (threat-relevant) personalities and sexual practices as safer than another man's if that man's HIV status is believed positive compared to negative or is unknown (Gump & Kulik, 1995). The present experiment was designed to expand our understanding of the moderators and mediators of this recently documented 'self-protective similarly bias.' College students (N=150) participated in a 2 (Sex of Participant) x 2 (Sex of Model) x 3 (Serostatus: Positive, Negative, Unknown) x 2 (Threat Relevance of Item) factorial design with repeated measures on the last factor. Results indicated that the similarity bias specifically occurs with same-sex models. Analyses of self-ratings and model ratings suggest that the similarity bias was more a functions of 'blaming' or devaluing the victim than of inflated ratings of the participant's own safety characteristics. Finally, although this bias reduced perceived personal susceptibility and was specific to same-sex models, intentions to adopt safer sexual practices were raised by all HIV-positive models regardless of sex concordance.  相似文献   

What determines job-seeking behavior following a job loss? What are the mental health consequences of an unsuccessful job search? These questions were addressed in a longitudinal panel survey of 297 recently unemployed people, over a four-month period of their lives. In support of the Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) attitude-behavior model, intention to try hard to seek reemployment was the main significant predictor of job-seeking behavior during the subsequent four months. Intention, along with affirmation support from a significant other regarding the value of job search, accounted for 24% of the variance in job-seeking behavior. The attitude toward job seeking and the subjective norms (perceived social pressure to seek reemployment) were the main determinants of the intention, accounting for 69% of its variance. The unemployed person's attitude toward job seeking and subjective norms were, in turn, determined by (a) perceived instrumentality (expectations that job-seeking will lead to reemployment), (b) perceived economic hardship, (c) social support from the significant other (usually the spouse) in the form of affirmation of the value of job-seeking activities, and (d) the significant other's perception of the instrumentality of various job-seeking behaviors and of subjective norms regarding job-seeking. Other analyses showed that social support can counteract the negative effects of unsuccessful job search on mental health and that such effects are particularly pronounced among the more highly motivated job seekers. The implications of these findings for intervention programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the processes by which employees' emotional states at the end of their work day are reflected in subsequent behavior at home. Previous research in this area is critiqued in terms of measurement issues and research design, and data are used to illustrate ways in which this phenomenon could be more accurately examined. This study links reports of four psychological states (stress, fatigue, arousal, and depression), collected from 29 men on 2 weekdays following their return home from work, to subsequent involvement in household tasks, leisure, and negative marital interactions. Group comparisons, comparing men "high" and "low" on the various states, produced a generally consistent pattern, although results were usually not statistically significant on both occasions of measurement. When nonparametric prediction analysis was utilized, however, a cleaner pattern emerged with: (a) high levels of stress and fatigue associated with low involvement in housework, (b) low levels of stress and high levels of arousal associated with greater involvement in active leisure, and (c) higher stress associated with higher levels of negative marital interactions. The data collecting method used in this study is evaluated, the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology are identified, and implications for future research are considered.  相似文献   

Empirical support for a two-dimensional measure of job search behavior was found using 114 hospital employees, 103 pharmaceutical managers, and 418 graduating college seniors. The two dimensions are preparatory job search behavior and active job search behavior. A structural model of determinants and consequences of job search behavior was tested using the hospital employee and pharmaceutical manager samples. LISREL results indicated that financial need and task-specific self-esteem affected both job search behaviors, and that task-specific self-esteem moderated the relationship between job search behaviors. Results and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the concept of family resilience among impoverished families has increased as a main focus area for family scholars. Similarly, individual, family, and community-level factors that promote family resilience and their impact on behavioral health outcomes have particularly received increased amounts of attention. To date, however, few empirical studies have simultaneously validated the socioecological determinants of family resilience within multi-dimensional conceptual frameworks. In the current study, we test such a model using a cross-sectional design among 380 women and men with an average age of 35 experiencing poverty as a chronic stressor, the majority of whom are ethnic minorities. Individual, family and community determinants of family resilience are examined for their differential effect on outcomes of physical and mental health, as well as risks for substance abuse. Results from structural equation modeling provide support for the model. Findings suggest that community-level determinants impact health through indirect pathways. In this case, community factors predict family and individual-level determinants, and individual factors then directly predict health. Similarly, the relationship between family-level determinants and health was indirect through individual-level factors. Although, a strong positive relationship was found between individual-level determinants and health, the relationship between individual-level factors and substance abuse was also found to be indirect through health. Methodological limitations and implications for family life education, clinical interventions, policy, and future research that are socioecologically-informed are discussed.  相似文献   

The present experiment examined the impact of victim characteristics on the judgment of behavior as being sexist or racist. Freshmen from the University of Amsterdam read eight scenarios describing instances of everyday discrimination. The race, gender, and socioeconomic status (SES) of the victims in the scenarios were varied systematically. Each scenario was followed by three consecutive questionnaires designed to assess the degree to which research participants perceived the behavior of the agent as racist, sexist, or otherwise. The asymmetry hypothesis for blacks of high and low SES was confirmed Blacks of low SES were more often considered to be victims of racism than blacks of high SES. However, contrary to the asymmetry hypothesis, we found that women of high rather than low SES were more likely to be considered victims of sexism. This finding is inconsistent with other results, and demonstrates that it is not always the less empowered group that is judged as being the most discriminated against. Further, this study demonstrates the relevancy of victim's SES in discrimination research. Finally, the importance of disentangling sexist and racist elements of discrimination is stressed, especially in research involving black women.  相似文献   

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