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To provide information on the use of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) with adolescents, the BDI-II was administered to 105 male and 105 female outpatients between 12 and 18 years old who were seeking psychiatric treatment. The internal consistency of the BDI-II was high (coefficient = .92). The mean BDI-II total score of the girls was approximately 5 points higher than that of the boys (p < .001), and age (years) was positively correlated with the BDI-II total scores (r = .18, p < .01). An iterated principal-factor analysis identified three factors, but only the Cognitive and Somatic-Affective factors were generalizable.  相似文献   

The Arabic version of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II; Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996) was administered to 200 students enrolled at the University of Bahrain. Using exploratory and confirmatory factor analytic techniques, I obtained reasonable validity and reliability data for the BDI-II. Three oblique factors provided the most parsimonious and meaningful solution for students' responses. Findings of this study generally provide strong support for the psychometric soundness of the BDI-II as a measure of depression in college student populations even in Arabic culture, which differs dramatically from Western culture in both values and taboos.  相似文献   

The current study examined the psychometric properties and cut-off scores of the Beck Depression Inventory II in Turkish adolescents. A total of 503 non-clinical and 166 clinical adolescents participated in the study. Test-retest (r = .89) and internal consistency (α = .90) reliabilities, convergent validity (r = .81) and discriminant validities (r = .39, r = .49 and r = .42) were satisfactory. Exploratory factor analyses yielded two factors. The cut-off score for mild depression in Turkish adolescents was lower than that reported previously for adults. The findings are discussed in relation to those of previous studies conducted in other countries.
Runa I. UsluEmail:

The present study developed new clinical cutoffs for the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) with 59 older adult psychiatric outpatients. Maximum discrimination of a current major depressive episode resulted, with cutoff scores of 22 for the BDI and 16 for the GDS. Specifically, the following validity scores emerged for the BDI: sensitivity, 64%; specificity, 73%; positive predictive power, 75%; negative predictive power, 61%; and hit rate 68%. For the GDS the validity scores were as follows: sensitivity, 79%; specificity, 69%; positive predictive power, 77%; negative predictive power, 72%; and hit rate, 75%. Combined BDI and GDS scores did not result in improved prediction of a current major depressive episode as compared to the GDS alone. These results support the notion that the BDI and GDS are valid quick screening instruments in discriminating a current major depressive episode for older adult psychiatric outpatients.  相似文献   

In an attempt to improve assessment of recovery from depression, a modified Beck Depression Inventory (mBDI) was created that permits endorsement of positive feelings in addition to depressive symptoms. In both normal and clinical samples, the mBDI showed evidence of reliability for measuring varying degrees of depression. In comparison to the original BDI, the mBDI did not significantly improve differentiation in depression severity among depressed individuals and assessment of remission of depressive symptoms. However, the mBDI was significantly better than the original BDI in detecting differences in depression level when overall depression severity was low. Clinical implications for evaluating remission of depression are discussed.  相似文献   

王英春  邹泓  叶苑 《心理科学》2006,29(4):980-982,966
本研究在已有理论及开放式问卷基础上首先确定友谊认知的初步结构,采用探索性因素分析调整结构并筛选题目,最终确定友谊认知问卷的4个维度。验证性因素分析表明,自编的友谊认知问卷具有较好的结构效度,其他各项信效度指标也均达到心理测量学的要求。另外,聚类分析表明可以把初中生的友谊认知划分为重情感-重兴趣、重情感-轻兴趣和情感淡漠-轻兴趣3种类型。  相似文献   

中学生自我隐瞒倾向:因素结构与发展特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王才康 《应用心理学》2002,8(2):15-17,7
本研究旨在探讨自我隐瞒量表在中学生样本中的适用性 ,以及中学生自我隐瞒倾向的特点。一个由 51 3名中学生组成的样本接受了自我隐瞒量表和中学生应付方式量表的测试。结果发现中文版自我隐瞒量表具有较好结构效度和较好的效标效度以及较好的信度 ,因此中文版自我隐瞒量表可在今后的有关研究中使用。研究还发现男生的自我隐瞒倾向同女生相比相对较高 ,而且无论男生和女生 ,中学生的自我隐瞒倾向显著地高于大学生。这些结果可能表明 ,处于心理“断乳期”的中学生的心理具有一定闭锁性 ,而男生的自我隐瞒倾向高于女生 ,则可能表明自我隐瞒跟男生的独立性较强有关  相似文献   

The Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS), developed by Frost, Marten, Lahart, and Rosenblate (1990), was constructed using an all female sample at an elite university. This study examined the psychometric properties of the instrument using a more typical sample (n=278) of college students from a large state university and a small liberal arts college, both located in the South. Significant differences were found on the overall MPS score as well as six of the seven subscales between this sample and that of Frostet al. No gender differences were found for any of the MPS scores. Internal reliability was found to be .88 for the total score, with subtests ranging from .57 to .95. Interscore correlations were relatively consistent with the Frostet al. sample except for a negative correlation between the PS subscale and the total score. There was a strong confirmation of the underlying factor structure reported by Frostet al. The overall impression was that the MPS is a psychometrically sound instrument of potential value in studying the construct of perfectionism.  相似文献   

Depressive disorders are major public health issues worldwide. We tested the capacity of a simple lexicographic and noncompensatory fast and frugal tree (FFT) and a simple compensatory unit-weight model to detect depressed mood relative to a complex compensatory logistic regression and a naïve maximization model. The FFT and the two compensatory models were fitted to the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) score of a representative sample of 1382 young women and cross validated on the women's BDI score approximately 18 months later. Although the FFT on average inspected only approximately one cue, it outperformed the naïve maximization model and performed comparably to the compensatory models. The heavier false alarms were weighted relative to misses, the better the FFT and the unit-weight model performed. We conclude that simple decision tools—which have received relatively little attention in mental health settings so far—might offer a competitive alternative to complex weighted assessment models in this domain.  相似文献   

This study examined the factor structure, validity, and reliability of the Fear Questionnaire in Hong Kong. The sample consisted of 226 college students who were ethnic Chinese and they came from different parts of Hong Kong. Exploratory factor analysis produced three meaningful factors. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the three-factor model of Marks and Mathews (1979) in the present sample of subjects. Findings also showed that the Fear Questionnaire was both reliable and valid. Limitations of the study and implications for future research in this area were discussed. In particular, the need to assess the cross-cultural application of the Fear Questionnaire was stressed.This research project was supported by the Research and Conference Grants of the University of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

旨在编制适合我国大学生的生命意义量表。通过文献综述、开放式调查、专家咨询等方法形成大学生生命意义量表的初始项目。以陕西省四所大学的591名大学生为被试进行施测,通过项目分析、探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析等,形成最终问卷。结论:大学生生命意义量表由44个题目,七个维度构成。验证性因素分析表明,所提取的7个因素模型拟合较好,量表各维度的信度系数在0.608~0.847之间。生命意义量表与生活取向量表、幸福感指数效标关联效度分别为0.506、0.501,在0.01水平上达到显著。大学生生命意义量表具有较好的信、效度。  相似文献   

Agreement among several depression scales was investigated as regard the relative influences of administration mode (self-rating or clinical rating) and scale content. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD), and three corresponding scales with identical structure and content but the alternative administration mode were administered to 47 outpatients with diagnoses of DSM-III major depression disorders. Correlations between the total scores and the degrees of association between corresponding items of different scales were calculated. The results suggest that differences in content contribute more to inter-scale discrepancy than differences in administration mode. The implications for the evaluation of outpatients with major depression are discussed.  相似文献   

编制适合我国大学生的心理健康筛查工具具有重要意义。本研究首先通过文献分析、实际调研及专家研讨的方式构建出量表的三个筛查级别,22个维度指标,并据此发展出具体项目。再通过对890名普通大学生和67名正在接受咨询的临床大学生样本进行预试,对另810名大学生进行正式测试,以及多轮专家评估来检验和修订项目,最终形成中国大学生心理健康筛查量表。结果表明,中国大学生心理健康筛查量表的模型结构合理,拟合良好;量表各项目区分度良好,信度和效度符合心理测量学要求;咨询求助和未求助大学生在量表以及各维度上的得分均有显著差异。因此,该量表可作为中国大学生心理健康筛查的测量工具。  相似文献   

Studies using identical measures have identified different levels of depression in different countries or cultures. Until now, however, explanations for such differences, other than methodological ones, have not been empirically addressed. It was hypothesized and found that soft or feminine nations in which both women and men are offered equal opportunities for the fulfillment of multiple social roles that are associated with good self-rated health would score significantly lower on national depression levels than tough or masculine societies in which such opportunities exist to a clearly lesser extent. Analyses of data collected in 14 nations in Europe (total N>5000) demonstrated that higher scores on Hofstede's national masculinity index and lower ones on national wealth were independent predictors of higher national depression levels. National trait neuroticism did not mediate the relationship between national masculinity and national depression levels.  相似文献   

考察短式知觉压力量表(PSS-10)在中国大学生中的效度和信度。用PSS-10、一般健康问卷(GHQ-12)、生活取向测验修订版(LOT-R)、一般自我效能量表(GSES)以及Connor-Davidson心理韧性量表(CD-RISC)对1762名大学生进行调查。PSS-10的条目质量良好; 经探索与验证后,量表的潜在结构为稳定的两个因子,与实测数据拟良好; PSS-10的效标关联效度较好。总量表、无助感和自我效能信念的内部一致性系数达到了测量学要求; 两周后其重测信度大于0.6; 它们的问卷辨识系数均大于0.9。短式知觉压力量表在中国大学生中具有良好的信效度,能够作为有效测量大学生领悟或感受到压力的程度。  相似文献   

Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire—Revised were investigated in an Italian sample of 553 subjects (328 females and 225 males). The main psychometric features of the questionnaire are similar to those reported for the original English form. Factor analysis, however, showed six (out of 32) items of the P scale, referring chiefly to compliance to formal rules of conduct, to have their highest loadings on the Lie factor. The consistency of this finding with previous results suggests that, in the Italian context, these items tend to be more closely connected with the social conformity aspect of the Lie scale than with the psychopathy facet of Psychoticism and should be excluded from the scoring of the P dimension.  相似文献   

本研究采用短视频使用强度量表、自我客体化量表、身体满意度量表及流调中心抑郁量表对366名有短视频使用经验的女大学生进行调查,探讨短视频使用对女大学生抑郁的影响及其作用机制。结果显示:(1)相关分析表明,短视频使用与女大学生抑郁和自我客体化呈显著正相关,但与身体满意度呈显著负相关;身体满意度与自我客体化、抑郁呈显著负相关(2)短视频使用不仅对女大学生抑郁有直接预测作用,还能通过两种间接效应对抑郁产生影响,即身体满意度的单独中介作用以及自我客体化和身体满意度的链式中介作用。  相似文献   

Interest has been growing in the mental health benefits of self-compassion. Whereas, most research on this topic has been conducted with the 26-item Self-Compassion Scale (SCS), a briefer 12-item version of the instrument, the Self-Compassion Scale-Short Form (SCS-SF), also exists. The SCS-SF has demonstrated good validity and reliability in non-clinical samples, but it has not been used often in research with psychotherapy clients. This study was designed to examine the factor structure and construct validity of the SCS-SF in a clinical population. Data for this study were collected from 1609 college students receiving services at 10 campus counseling centers. The previously proposed factor structure of the SCS-SF was not supported. Instead, analyses revealed two factors, Self Care and Self Disparagement. Evidence for the construct validity of these factors was found via expected relationships with indices of depression, anxiety, social anxiety, hostility, academic distress, eating concerns, family distress, maladaptive perfectionism, suicidality, self-injurious behavior, and social support. SCS-SF scores were unrelated to various measures of substance use. Implications for clinical work and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) were translated into Xhosa, a language widely spoken in South Africa to yield translated scales referred to as the XBDI-I (Xhosa BDI-II), the XBAI (Xhosa BAI) and the XBHS (Xhosa BHS). These scales were administered to a sample of 122 Xhosa respondents which included students and patients. The psychometric properties of the translated scales were comparable to those of the original English versions. Measures of internal consistency were as high as those for the validation studies in the USA and good item-scale correlations were obtained. This suggests that the translation yielded clinically useful scales which tap symptoms that are largely culturally universal.  相似文献   

《中国大学生心理健康量表》的编制   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
本研究在文献研究、咨询案例分析、专家访谈和讨论、开放式问卷调查的基础上,采用实证法,编制了大学生心理健康量表,制定了全国大学生常模,并对其信度和效度进行了检验。结果表明:该量表具有良好的信度与效度,可以用于我国大学生心理健康水平的的检测。  相似文献   

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