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心理治疗整合是指试图超越某单一心理治疗流派的局限,借鉴其他流派的优势,对各种不同的治疗理论和方法持包容和开放的态度的一种当代心理治疗取向.心理治疗整合主要有四种模式:技术折衷、共同因素、理论整合、同化整合.整合取向仍是目前心理治疗的大势所趋,越来越多的治疗师开始接受整合理念,不仅不同的治疗理论和方法之间需要整合,而且理论研究与临床实践也需要整合.  相似文献   

I consider my classical psychoanalytic training experience in the context of the current controversies surrounding theoretical pluralism.  相似文献   


I felt a compulsion to return to the Roseland Peninsula in Cornwall late last autumn. My son had returned for his third university year, my daughter had left for her first university term. I felt very sad as one glorious autumn day succeeded another and I walked until I was exhausted. I felt full of memories, of endless summer and Easter holidays, of excited children running to beaches, of expeditions, of tired children trailing home, of prawning, sailing, picnics, crabbing—and later of long walks and evenings spent playing chess, racing demon or scrabble. All past. A chapter had closed, everything around me echoed and I mourned for what had passed. I remember vividly sitting alone gazing at a favourite view, acknowledging my womb had done its work, and how immensely sad that felt.  相似文献   

As our understanding of the human mind, idioms of human distress and mental health has improved, it has become apparent that culture has an impact on all aspects of our lives, including mental illness. Systems of care across the globe need to adapt and adjust delivery of care in order to accommodate the impact of globalisation and therefore be able to deliver person-centred care. A key aspect of delivering personalised care is the development and delivery of culturally adapted interventions that benefit cultural minority groups in developed countries and the majority cultural groups in developing countries. The journey of acknowledging the need for culturally relevant services has begun but we are a long way from delivering the personalised care that people deserve. This paper makes a case for action in this important area.  相似文献   




Growing racial and ethnic diversity in the United States and globally requires culturally competent mental health professionals who can address ongoing racial tensions and experiences of racism and xenophobia. Attending to racial and ethnic issues and infusing race and ethnic dialogues in group psychotherapy can play a major role in addressing mental health problems, promoting racial harmony, and healing deep psychological wounds and trauma that are the result of racial tensions. This article describes seven key issues necessary to effectively address race and ethnicity in group psychotherapy.  相似文献   

This editorial summarizes the founding of the Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, and its evolution into its current form. Also, the editor provides several recommendations for authors hoping to publish their ideas regarding psychotherapy. Finally, the current editor acknowledges the numerous people who have worked to develop, improve, and strengthen the journal.  相似文献   

Challenges and opportunities for psychologists and psychotherapists in respect to explicit and implicit discrimination issues in therapy are explored, both from the side of the therapist and the client. Furthermore, personal reflections on such issues are discussed drawing on examples of indirect discrimination on the basis of race and sexual orientation. It is suggested that a combination of professional anti-discriminatory guidelines, a willingness to understand deeply the client’s frame of reference and self-reflection can guard against such phenomena that can harm ethical and constructive psychotherapy.  相似文献   

The use of Interactive Psychoeducational Group Therapy to ameliorate authority problems of veterans with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder is described. Despite the common occurrence of authority problems in this population, and the degree of damage they have caused in family, work, and legal domains, they are rarely specifically targeted by treatment interventions. A conceptual framework linking psychological trauma with distortions in authority relations is presented, followed by the format, procedures, and case examples of this form of group therapy. By uncovering the distorted beliefs associated with traumatic schemas as they emerge in the group interaction, the group therapist can first help the clients question their assumptions about authority, and then explore more adaptive behaviors. The need to examine in greater detail the causes and impact of authority problems among clients with posttraumatic stress disorder is emphasized.  相似文献   


This article examines how therapists' expressions of authority affect the psychotherapeutic relationship. The article is based on the proposition that the clinical practitioner is always in a position of authority, regardless of how the role of authority is conceptualized within treatment approaches. The article includes an investigation of power and authority differentials within and across therapeutic approaches that espouse both hierarchical and egalitarian authority relationships. Process material from these approaches is analyzed to identify therapists' exercise of authority within these two approaches. It is suggested that researchers and therapists might use a heuristic research design to study the conveyance of therapeutic authority to identify whether dimensions of authority are overtly or covertly expressed, and whether or how such expression might affect practice and a client's exercise of personal authority.  相似文献   

This article examines the development of cross-cultural and psychotherapy in the United States, and theoretical models and their implications for research and training are reviewed.  相似文献   


This paper is an attempt to illustrate some of the ethical and clinical difficulties which may arise when student counselling takes place under conditions which pay insufficient attention to the ground rules of therapy. It considers the importance of the frame in psychotherapy and the implications for this of working in an institutional setting. It also looks at the changes that may be made in the way the counsellor functions in the institution in order to secure the best conditions for effective counselling work with students, based on the author's personal experience.  相似文献   

This research project was undertaken to provide family professionals with the basic information necessary to work appropriately with Muslim families. The Muslim population represents 4–6 million people in the United States, yet it is significantly underrepresented in the family literature. Qualitative analysis of focus groups and interviews revealed multiple key findings. Emergent themes include an interest in gender respect rather than gender equity, the importance of extended family, the centralism of Islam in daily life and the qualified acceptance of professional interventions. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Contemporary psychotherapists are being called on to provide treatment with increased degrees of brevity and efficacy. To meet these demands, the practice of brief psychodynamic psychotherapy has turned to (a) the increased emphasis upon a specific psychodynamic focus for treatment versus the more comprehensive goals of longer-term treatment, and (b) the augmented use of confrontation of psychological defenses versus the enhanced use of emotional support as in more nondirective psychotherapy. Other approaches to insight-oriented psychotherapy that have been influenced by this trend include: client-centered psychotherapy with its focus upon the therapeutic relationship; existential psychotherapy with its focus upon death anxiety; and, the revitalization of interpersonal psychotherapy from its original Sullivanian conceptualization. The clinical dilemmas that limitations of time and restricted therapeutic focus place upon each of these methods of treatment are the central issues of this discussion.  相似文献   

Psychotherapy has a rich past and great potential. However, psychotherapists should be aware of several areas of strength as well as some problem areas. Strengths include the benefits of a strong therapeutic alliance, a diverse range of theories, and quality research that documents the effectiveness of psychotherapy. Weaknesses include conflicting theories, financial matters, and misunderstandings between clinicians and researchers. Hopefully, mental health professionals can focus on mining the gold from the gold mines while also working to understand and disarm the land mines.  相似文献   

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