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立足于人类历史活动的唯物主义——对马克思主义哲学总体特征的再认识辛敬梁编者按:这里发表的两篇文章,从不同的角度、以不同的方式对多年来流行的关于马克思主义哲学的解释模式进行了反思。其实,这种努力并非自今日始。随着改革实践的不断深化,大家越来越深切地感到,那种对马克思主义的简单、片面和僵化的理解不仅在回答现实难题方面显得束手无策,而且也是造成对马克思主义的怀疑、动摇乃至否定倾向滋生、蔓延的重要原因。当前,需要像列宁当年一再告诫的那样,“从头开始”,正面研究问题,而对马克思主义哲学本身做些“正本清源”…  相似文献   

新中国成立70年来的马克思主义哲学研究在整体上构成了运用马克思主义立场、观点和方法认识、解决理论与现实问题的学术传统。新时代中国马克思主义哲学的研究深化面临着三重解释张力问题:事实性与规范性之间的解释张力,涉及马克思主义哲学研究的理论性质,反映了现实社会主义运动的实践矛盾,规范性议题将在经典文本的耕犁与社会现实的探寻中成为研究的生长点;批判性与建构性之间的解释张力,关乎马克思主义哲学研究的理论态度,要求哲学研究发挥"社会病理学"的解剖作用,并立足现实问题建构一种迈向"利益和价值共同体"的世界观;学术性与现实性之间的解释张力,关涉马克思主义哲学研究如何切入现实的理论方法取向,要求对进入马克思主义学说本身的"条件"形成高度的认识自觉,建立理论体系与现实实践相互检验的中介环节,从而推动理论研究与社会实践的双向互动。重视和审思三重解释张力及其认知变化,有助于从总体上理解马克思主义哲学研究的问题域以及哲学与时代的关系。  相似文献   

曹天航  黄明理 《学海》2014,(3):167-174
马克思文化理论的话语逻辑及其实践旨趣在于:一是其现实前提与可能基础是现实的人以及现实生活实践活动的统一性;二是其实践旨趣或主题在于文化自觉与人的自由、解放和幸福等核心价值目标及其现实化路径的探寻;三是其逻辑路径与方法论则是基于"生产逻辑"与"资本逻辑"相结合的社会总体性批判。马克思文化理论的超越性在于科学的真理性与哲学的价值性、内在具体的社会分析与哲学思维的形上价值相统一的二重属性。而当代西方马克思主义的意识形态研究根据社会历史条件的变化,把重点转向了文化价值批判,由此重构历史唯物主义的当代形态,承继与发挥且在一定程度上转换了马克思文化理论的主题及其实践方式,从而为当前中国文化实践提供了启示:需要建构以马克思主义话语权为指导的主流意识形态,并为审视当前我国马克思主义话语权问题提供了文化路径与理论资源。  相似文献   

近年来 ,马克思主义哲学研究领域出现了许多新的倾向 ,成为各种现代思潮的交汇点。这些新倾向的最表面的一致性在于 :通过引入现代哲学及其表述方式 ,颠覆人们早已习以为常的那种“原理 +论证”或“论证 +原理”的循环解释和把哲学论文降为宣传手册的粗陋做法 ,以对抗马克思主义哲学研究中的“非哲学化”现象 ,恢复“学术性”。这种努力所蕴涵的意义应当引起足够的重视。然而 ,从其内在的层面看 ,这些新的倾向与其说是对于马克思主义哲学的“非哲学化”的反动 ,不如说是对某种危机的反应。这既包括理论自身的危机 ,也包括现实方面的危机。对于这种危机的反思 ,自当具有更为深远的意义。从最初对“教科书体系”的清算 ,到晚近“走近马克思”和“马克思主义本体论”问题、“马克思主义学科建设”问题的讨论 ,马克思主义哲学在恢复其自身“学术性”的演进中不断经历着的变化 ,大致可以概括为两种趋向 ,其一是在马克思思想的原有框架内发现新的资源 ,其二是试图在现代哲学的方法中谋求出路。两种趋向都揭示出马克思主义哲学发展的某种可能空间 ,但也都蕴涵着一些重要而值得进一步探讨的问题。前者或许应当注意的是马克思主义哲学方法论与目的论的统一以及如何将其贯彻到底的问题 ,后者或许应当注意的是如何  相似文献   

哲学回归现实世界之路高清海人的现实世界也就是属人的世界。它深深地印上了人的足迹,投进了人的身影,贯注了人的本性,即是对象化着人的本质力量的世界。传统本体学说追求的是处于事物的本真的存在的真理。作为本体的思维方式便成为肢解现实矛盾、瓦解现实世界的一种理解方法和模式。首先,注重绝对存在,追求终极真理是这种思维方式的第一个特征。其次,坚持本质先在,追求本源和本真是这一思维方式的另一个重要特征。第三,从对立两极去把握绝对一元本性是本体思维的基本方法。由此我们可理解,传统的本体学说本来是从人出发,结果却失落了人,本来想要深入现实世,,’5界,结果却走进了彼岸世界。1、我们要否定传统本体论哲学,主要是否定并破除其本体化的思维方式,从而使哲学’回归人的现实世界。我们遵行的是马克思主义哲学,马克思创立的实践哲学思维方式是对传统哲学的彻底否定,也是开创哲学新时代的理论基石。但是,我们绝不能按照传统的本体思维模式去理解马克思主义哲学。有人认为,既然马克思主义哲学承认自然对人具有优先性,那么它就自然地应当以自然物质为本体,是一种“自然本体论”理论。这一看法乍看似不无道理,但如果认真地思考一下传统本体论学说所经历的发展过程,我们就  相似文献   

当前,人学研究已成为哲学研究中的一个热点问题,其中引人注目的基本问题仍然是马克思主义哲学与人学的关系问题。我们认为马克思主义哲学并不排斥人学,但绝不肯定马克思主义哲学就是人学。事实上,承认马克思主义的人学,绝不意味着马克思主义留给我们的人学遗产像一般认为的那样是一种人学的理论体系,是普适一切的人学公式,恰恰相反,它是研究在现实历史活动中的人的人学世界观和方法论,这才是马克思主义人学留给我们的宝贵思想遗产。因此,认真梳理马克思主义人学方法的形成逻辑及其最终形态的确立,对于上述问题的科学解决以及理解…  相似文献   

继承和发扬中华民族优良的思想文化传统,吸收人类文明发展的一切优秀成果,在生动丰富的社会主义实践中创造出人类先进的精神文明,这是具有中国特色的社会主义现代化建设的一项战略任务。为实现这一目标,就要正确认识和处理传统与现实的关系,探索传统文化走向现实的诸多理论和实践问题。例如,对传统与现实本身的理解,社会变革中的实践与传统的关系,传统向现实转化中的方法和价值观,经济社会进步与文化发展,文化发展的机制,典籍文化和制约现实生活的文化与传统,文化发展中的民族性与时代性,对传统批判继承中的理解和解释,主体性、主体间性与民族传统的继承和外来文化的吸收,传统的继承与创新,文化发展中的接受与传播,等等。对这些问题的探讨,也将促进哲学自身的基础理论研究。为此,本刊辟“传统与现实问题研究”专栏,做为探讨这些问题的园地。实际上,传统与现实问题不仅是个“史”的问题,又是马克思主义哲学的一个基本理论问题,而且也是哲学其他分支学科甚至社会科学的众多学科都会涉及的综合性理论问题。因此,我们诚望学术理论界的同志对这个问题的研究给予更多的关注和支持。  相似文献   

关于马克思主义哲学性质的研究近况边立新(中共中央党校100091)我国哲学界根据马克思主义精典作家的原本和当代社会现实,重新思考马克思主义哲学的本质问题,进而产生了不同的理解,大体上可以概括为以下五种意见。一、辩证唯物主义的理解这是对马克思主义哲学的...  相似文献   

十多年来,我国哲学理论研究的一个十分重大的积极成果,是确立了这样一个共识:科学实践观是马克思主义哲学世界观的核心、基础。因而,理解马克思主义的实践观,就成为理解马克思主义科学世界观的关键。然而,正是在“什么是马克思主义的实践观”这个关键问题上,哲学界还不能说已经有了  相似文献   

建设现代形态的马克思主义哲学,即哲学现代化问题,在我国哲学界讨论得很热闹。人们普遍认为,马克思主义哲学没有过时,但是我国马克思主义哲学的现状不能令人满意,主张进行哲学改革,实现马克思主义哲学现代化。但有的同志不赞成哲学现代化和建设现代形态的马克思主义哲学的提法,理由是:(1)如果承认马克思主义哲学基本原理没有过时,就不应再针对它提“现代化”,免使人产生怀疑,误以为它过时了;(2)自然科学的发展历来都是补充和丰富马克思主义哲学某些具体结论,系统论、信息论、控制论也只能起这个作用,谈不上什么哲学现代化。因此,要使马克思主义哲学现代化顺利发展,还有必要解决几个认识问题。  相似文献   

复杂性哲学和复杂性研究为科学研究开辟了一条蹊径,使得人们能够以一种全新的、复杂性的视角来重新认识他们所“熟知、熟悉”的人类世界。复杂性理论的世界观为当前心理学的转向提供了理论支持,而且它的一些具体的研究方法如“黑箱”的方法以及功能模拟方法已经在心理学研究中体现出其价值。可以说,复杂性理论为心理学摆脱当前困境及实现整合开启了一扇光明之门。  相似文献   

In order to answer the three crucial questions (why, what and how) about the development of indigenous psychology, three levels of breakthrough need to be made, namely, philosophical reflection, theoretical construction and empirical research. The controversial issues that have occurred in the earlier development of indigenous psychology are analyzed in terms of the switch in Western philosophy of science from positivism to post-positivism. Based on this analysis, it is argued that indigenous psychologists should construct formal theories illustrating the functioning of the human mind that may be applicable to various cultures, and then use these theories to study the particular mentalities of people in a given culture with the scientific methods of empirical research.  相似文献   

How far is Thomas Aquinas available for current discussions in political philosophy? While there are certainly things to be learned from him about our political preoccupations, the pedagogy of his moral teaching typically resists our familiar questions. This holds even when the question is put in terms that Thomas should recognize—say, as a question about the virtues appropriate for a democracy. Thomas not only gives different meanings to these terms, he moves political topics away from the center of theological attention and so organizes them very differently. A reader can notice these differences at many points but perhaps especially in the attention that Thomas gives in the Summa to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. His account of these gifts qualifies significantly what he says of virtue and suggests large limits on human agency, whether in ethics or in politics.  相似文献   

A model is described for implementing a program in research ethics education in the face of federal and institutional mandates and current resource, disciplinary, and infrastructure limitations. Also discussed are the historical background, content and evaluation process of the workshop at the heart of the program, which reaches a diverse group of over 250 students per year—from first-year graduate students in basic research labs to clinical fellows. The workshop addresses central issues in both everyday laboratory ethics and in larger societal questions. Goals include improving overall awareness of ethics guidelines and philosophy and enhancing skills in identifying and then analyzing the ethical components of situations. Pedagogies used and their effectiveness and that of the overall workshop and extended program are addressed. Programs like these have initiated a shift in the culture of basic research, which is a critical need given the current atmosphere.  相似文献   

A model is described for implementing a program in research ethics education in the face of federal and institutional mandates and current resource, disciplinary, and infrastructure limitations. Also discussed are the historical background, content and evaluation process of the workshop at the heart of the program, which reaches a diverse group of over 250 students per year—from first-year graduate students in basic research labs to clinical fellows. The workshop addresses central issues in both everyday laboratory ethics and in larger societal questions. Goals include improving overall awareness of ethics guidelines and philosophy and enhancing skills in identifying and then analyzing the ethical components of situations. Pedagogies used and their effectiveness and that of the overall workshop and extended program are addressed. Programs like these have initiated a shift in the culture of basic research, which is a critical need given the current atmosphere.  相似文献   

Samuel Fleischacker is interested in two questions that are—what he refers to as—a rephrasing of three implications Charles Mills takes away from his encounter with Kant: (1) Is Kant's moral philosophy racist at its core? and (2) Whether it is or not, how should we respond to the fact that Kant displays open racism in some of his writings when we study, teach, or try to make use of his purportedly egalitarian teachings? Frederick Douglass was an abolitionist who wrestled with similar questions regarding the liberatory and inclusive nature of emancipatory documents like the Constitution. In this essay, I want to consider Douglass's changing views on this issue and reasons behind them to think about how he might offer insights into this current debate concerning Kant and race. In doing so, I will consider to what extent Fleischacker adheres to Douglass's guidelines on this matter as he makes his case. I then offer suggestions on how to move forward.  相似文献   

Philosophy of physics is a small but thriving research field situated at the intersection between the natural sciences and the humanities. However, what exactly distinguishes philosophy of physics from physics is rarely made explicit in much depth. We provide a detailed analysis in the form of eleven theses, delineating both the nature of the questions asked in philosophy of physics and the methodology with which they are addressed.  相似文献   

Conclusion From what has been argued, it should now be apparent how Heidegger's philosophy of the affect, its ontological disclosures and its relation to authenticity might be enlarged to meet certain marxist challenges. The most valuable instruction to be gained from these citicisms, I think, is that which Lukacs offers in the example of Szilasi's intuition of co-presence. Traditional phenomenology needs to enrich its investigations into the social and historical reality of situation. Kosik's point that Heideggerian authenticity lacks the crucial third step (revolutionary change of society) is also profound but again, not incompatiblein se with Heidegger's concept. Alternatively, one might as easily say that Critical Marxism or any Marxist Humanism can still be enriched by certain Heideggerian insights.  相似文献   

In the former socialist countries the relation of philosophy to social reality, as shaped by the political interests of the State, must be considered for each particular case with a view to the historical dynamics of its own development. The Polish case is not typical in this regard — it was determined by the failure of forced sovietization at the institutional, cultural level and the maintenance of Poland's traditional contacts with Western European culture. In this regard Polish universities played an important role since they preserved normal structures of academic activity.Philosophy in Poland has been marked by three currents which managed to rebuff the advances of Marxism. Best known among them is the Lwów-Warsaw school of logic and analytic philosophy. Its contribution is especially important in the methodology of philosophical inquiry and the style of responsible philosophical discourse. Though not a bed of political opposition the school's members mounted a spiritual opposition to Marxism, especially during the Solidarity period. Catholic philosophy, as represented by the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), has been and remains a completely independent force in Eastern and Central Europe. Doctrinally, Catholic philosophy in Poland has been divided between a more traditional, dated Thomism and the more progressive circles in Cracow where Western European philosophy, especially phenomenology, existentialism, and hermeneutics, has been influential (the significance of Józef Tischner and Karol Wojtyla, now Pope Jean Paul II). The third major current, centered in Cracow, is the phenomenology of Roman Ingarden, whose influence is manifest in a style of philosophizing that has attracted professional philosophers as well as committed intellectuals from different disciplines.Against this diversified background Marxism had to prove its mettle, a requirement that explains the unique internal differentiation and pluralism within Polish Marxist philosophy. The decisive factors in its development were its rejection of Soviet Marxism-Leninism and the opening to Western Marxism. The often remarked revisionist character of Polish Marxism consists in the recognition by its most talented representatives of the fundamental incompatibility between Marxism as the ideological legitimation of the Communist state and as a philosophy subject to rational criteria. In effect, Polish Marxists thought the theory through to its end, and in this sense brought to light its inherently unstable nature: to be a philosophy it would have to cease to be Marxist, to be Marxist means having to pander to ideology.The confrontation of the diverse currents in Polish philosophy contributed to an unfortunate result: for political reasons non-Marxists steered clear of social philosophical questions, while official Marxism, which suppressed the revisionist trend, obfuscated the relation between philosophy and social reality. Today philosophy in Poland has the urgent task to contribute to the reconstruction of a social rationality combining a critical consciousness with moral elements of commitment and responsibility.  相似文献   

Carlo Cellucci 《Philosophia》2014,42(2):271-288
Can philosophy still be fruitful, and what kind of philosophy can be such? In particular, what kind of philosophy can be legitimized in the face of sciences? The aim of this paper is to answer these questions, listing the characteristics philosophy should have to be fruitful and legitimized in the face of sciences. Since the characteristics in question demand that philosophy search for new knowledge and new rules of discovery, a philosophy with such characteristics may be called the ‘heuristic view’. According to the heuristic view, philosophy is an inquiry into the world which is continuous with the sciences. It differs from them only because it deals with questions which are beyond the present sciences, and in order to deal with them must try unexplored routes. By so doing, when successful, it may even give birth to new sciences. In listing the characteristics that philosophy should have, the paper systematically compares them with classical analytic philosophy, because the latter has been the dominant philosophical tradition in the last century.  相似文献   

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