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近年来,认知训练被广泛应用于防治和延缓老年人的认知功能衰退。通过总结近7年(2008~2014年)关于老年人认知功能训练的研究,比较训练的有效性、训练效果的迁移和保持,结果表明,大部分实验都发现了积极的即时训练效果,训练效果得到保持的研究以认知控制和综合认知能力训练为主;大部分的迁移都集中在与流体智力联系较密切的认知功能如工作记忆和注意力等上;部分研究探索了认知功能提升的大脑神经可塑性基础。未来研究应进一步将行为训练与神经测量手段相结合考察训练效果的迁移与保持,更加注重个体差异的影响,并深入考察认知训练对日常生活能力的迁移。  相似文献   

Working memory (WM) training has recently become a topic of intense interest and controversy. Although several recent studies have reported near- and far-transfer effects as a result of training WM-related skills, others have failed to show far transfer, suggesting that generalization effects are elusive. Also, many of the earlier intervention attempts have been criticized on methodological grounds. The present study resolves some of the methodological limitations of previous studies and also considers individual differences as potential explanations for the differing transfer effects across studies. We recruited intrinsically motivated participants and assessed their need for cognition (NFC; Cacioppo & Petty Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 42:116–131, 1982) and their implicit theories of intelligence (Dweck, 1999) prior to training. We assessed the efficacy of two WM interventions by comparing participants’ improvements on a battery of fluid intelligence tests against those of an active control group. We observed that transfer to a composite measure of fluid reasoning resulted from both WM interventions. In addition, we uncovered factors that contributed to training success, including motivation, need for cognition, preexisting ability, and implicit theories about intelligence.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the role of processing sequence knowledge in negative transfer within multistep cognitive skills. In Experiments 1 and 2, more training resulted in higher error rates when new processing sequences that resembled familiar ones were introduced in transfer. Transfer error responses were executed with the same speed as correct responses to familiar sequence trials, and the errors appeared to be undetected by the performers. Experiment 3 tested whether the effects of sequence learning were attributable to explicit or implicit knowledge of processing sequences. Evidence favored the implicit learning interpretation. Findings are discussed in relationship to earlier demonstrations of the einstellung effect and to current taxonomic theories of human error.  相似文献   

The study examined whether attentional demands of a concurrent cognitive task during balance training affect the acquisition, retention and transfer of a postural control skill. Single-leg balance was evaluated in 64 volunteers (mean age 24.0 years, SD 3.10 years) while performing either a cognitive task requiring little attention (forward counting) or a highly demanding cognitive task (arithmetic manipulation) following three days of training. Skill retention was evaluated two days following the cessation of training, and transfer was determined by changes in the untrained extremity. Three training sessions induced decreases in mean sway velocity and amplitude variability. Skill retention was enhanced in the group trained under conditions with greater attentional demands, suggesting that diverting attention away from the postural task and allowing learning to involve more automatic processes may enhance the learning of such tasks. Practice induced similar changes in the trained and untrained extremities following both training protocols.  相似文献   

Evaluation of training effectiveness is a long-standing problem of cognitive intervention research. The interpretation of transfer effects needs to meet two criteria, generality and specificity. We introduce each of the two, and suggest ways of implementing them. First, the scope of the construct of interest (e.g., working memory) defines the expected generality of transfer effects. Given that the constructs of interest are typically defined at the latent level, data analysis should also be conducted at the latent level. Second, transfer should be restricted to measures that are theoretically related to the trained construct. Hence, the construct of interest also determines the specificity of expected training effects; to test for specificity, study designs should aim at convergent and discriminant validity. We evaluate the recent cognitive training literature in relation to both criteria. We conclude that most studies do not use latent factors for transfer assessment, and do not test for convergent and discriminant validity.  相似文献   


The study of training transfer as something that occurs over time with its own underlying process has been very limited in the training literature to date. This paper argues that we can better understand how transfer unfolds over time, and why it unfolds in any particular way, by considering important theoretical and mathematical concepts from nonlinear dynamics. We draw on nonlinear concepts, such as attractors, to describe how and when training interventions are likely to succeed and how subsequent transfer may unfold in relation to those concepts. We then explicate how taking a dynamic view of transfer forces us to change how our field currently studies transfer methodologically, and then give an extended example of how such an advancement may provide for richer theories regarding the process of transfer by focusing on the effects of supervisor support over time. We close with some practical recommendations informed by our view.  相似文献   

Anticipation skill in tennis was examined using realistic film simulations, movement-based response measures, and a portable eye movement recording system. Skilled players were faster than their less skilled counterparts in anticipating the direction of opponents' tennis strokes, with this superior performance being based, at least in part, on more effective visual search behaviors. The processes mediating superior performance were then modeled in groups of recreational tennis players using video simulation, instruction, and feedback. Players who received perceptual training improved their performance on laboratory- and field-based tests of anticipation when compared with matched placebo and control groups that did not receive any instruction regarding expert performance strategies. The approach used may have practical utility in a variety of performance contexts.  相似文献   

While there has been a veritable explosion of online mentoring websites and opportunities within a wide variety of professions, very few academic articles to date have addressed this phenomenon. The purpose of this article is to remedy this gap in our knowledge by: (a) suggesting that the Internet can provide a viable context for mentoring within defined roles, (b) presenting a new typology of mentoring based on the computer-mediated-communication (CMC) literature, and in doing so suggest new opportunities and challenges, and (c) providing recommendations for researchers and practitioners to explore online mentoring. Past research has found that within the three functions of mentoring (psychosocial, vocational, and role modeling), a mentor can play a number of roles such as business coach, friend, counselor, and/or teacher to a protégé. We extend past research by assessing the major issues applicable to these mentor roles through an examination of CMC literature. We provide specific research propositions to inspire future research into online mentoring and its related contexts, roles, opportunities, and challenges.  相似文献   

当前国内外大部分认知诊断计算机化自适应测验(CD-CAT)主要采用PWKL作为选题策略进行研究。PWKL结合后验分布信息对KL指标进行加权,提高了判准率,但该方法仅利用个体层面信息加权,忽视了项目本身能够提供的信息,属于单源指标。本研究结合认知诊断中的项目区分度信息,对PWKL进行修正,提出了4种新的多源选题策略:GIDPWKL、AIDPWKL、CIDPWKL和KLEDPWKL方法,并在加入曝光控制下与PWKL和互信息法(MIM)进行比较。模拟研究结果表明:(1)在定长测验情景下的绝大多数实验结果表明,测验长度越短,新方法的判准率越高。平均属性/模式判准率最高的是GIDPWKL,之后是AIDPWKL,而CIDPWKL、KLEDPWKL和MIM方法的优势随实验条件不同而不同。(2)在定长测验情景下的绝大多数实验结果表明,题目质量越高,新方法的优势越明显。(3)Q矩阵结构的复杂性会影响不同选题策略的表现。(4)在变长测验情景下,4种新方法和MIM的平均测验长度均要低于PWKL方法,表现最好的是GIDPWKL方法。因此,若实际测验情景与本研究的模拟情景相似,推荐GIDPWKL方法。  相似文献   

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