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Seven experiments were conducted to replicate, and extend, a finding by Tipper, Driver, and Weaver (1991). They reported evidence for dynamic, object-centered inhibition of return (IOR)—that is, coding of inhibition following a peripheral cue in coordinates that move with the previously cued object, providing a dynamic bias against reattending to that object. The present experiments used a variation of Posner and Cohen’s (1984) spatial cuing paradigm. Subjects responded manually (simple reaction time) to a luminance increment in one of two peripheral boxes, one of which had previously been cued (brightened). Experiments 1, 2, and 5 replicated the standard (environmental) IOR effect when the display was stationary. IOR was more marked for right-side targets than for left-side targets and tended to be affected by the compatibility between response hand and (cued) target position. However, when the boxes moved around the display center (Experiments 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7), contrary to Tipper et al., there was no evidence of dynamic, object-centered IOR. Rather, there was strong evidence of attentive tracking of whatever box happened to move from left to right, irrespective of the direction of its motion (clockwise or counterclockwise) and whether it was more likely to contain the target than the other (right-to-left moving) box. There was a tendency for left-to-right tracking to be more marked with right-hand responses, pointing to the existence of a dynamic stimulus-response compatibility effect. The implications of the present findings for the role of attentive tracking and IOR in dynamic scenes are discussed.  相似文献   

In a report paradigm, two letters are presented on a trial which are either confusable(e.g., P and R) or nonconfusable (e.g., P and M) in terms of visual features. Across trials, interletter distance, retinal location, duration, and visual field are varied. Identification accuracy on confusable trials was generally lower than on nonconfusable trials, and this effect of level of confusability increased with distance from the fixation point, decreased with duration, and was smaller on the central letter than on the more peripheral letter. A quantitative model, incorporating aspects of the interactive channels model (Estes, 1972) and feature perturbation model (Wolford, 1975), is developed and tested. One parameter of the model measures the effective similarity between two letters after lateral inhibition has occurred, and other parameters measure the probability of feature perturbation in foveal and peripheral directions.  相似文献   

Gaze-contingent multiresolutional displays (GCMRDs) have been proposed to solve the processing and bandwidth bottleneck in many single-user displays, by dynamically placing high-resolution in awindow at the center of gaze, with lower resolution everywhere else. The three experiments reported here document a slowing of peripheral target acquisition associated with the presence of a gaze-contingent window. This window effect was shown for displays using either moving video or still images. The window effectwas similar across a resolution-defined window condition and a luminance-defined window condition, suggesting that peripheral image degradation is not a prerequisite of this effect. The window effect was also unaffected by the type of window boundary used (sharp or blended). These results are interpreted in terms of an attentional bias resulting in a reduced saliency of peripheral targets due to increased competition from items within the window. We discuss the implications of the window effect for the study of natural scene perception and for human factors research related to GCMRDs.  相似文献   

The use of optical tracking systems to record human movement is now widespread. Although such systems are convenient and potentially very accurate, they must be used carefully to ensure good data. This paper describes the procedures of calibration and reconstruction of position data in cartesian coordinates and suggests steps to maximize their accuracy. Procedures are proposed for characterizing the accuracy of measurement throughout the experimental workspace, and open discussion of the issue by the research community is invited.  相似文献   

Why do people often find that performing two tasks at once is harder than performing one task at a time? Three mechanisms of task interference that might answer that question were investigated: resource competition, confusions, and incompatible task proximity between processing stages. The subjects performed dual-axis compensatory tracking with error displays that were either integrated or separated, with axis controls that either were integrated into one stick or remained separate, and with control dynamics on the two axes that were either the same or different. Tracking error increased and control activity decreased as a function of the combined difficulty of the two control dynamics. Integrated displays and integrated controls both led to increased confusions between tracking axes although error was not reliably affected. Significantly, performance was also affected by whether the integrality of displays matched that of controls. These results suggest that resource competition, confusions, and compatibility of proximity play distinct roles in dual-axis tracking performance.  相似文献   

"Turning back the clock" on serial-stimulus sign tracking.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Two experiments examined the effects of a negative (setback) response contingency on key pecking engendered by a changing light-intensity stimulus clock (ramp stimulus) signaling fixed-time 30-s food deliveries. The response contingency specified that responses would immediately decrease the light-intensity value, and, because food was delivered only after the highest intensity value was presented, would delay food delivery by 1 s for each response. The first experiment examined the acquisition and maintenance of responding for a group trained with the contingency in effect and for a group trained on a response-independent schedule with the ramp stimulus prior to introduction of the contingency. The first group acquired low rates of key pecking, and, after considerable exposure to the contingency, those rates were reduced to low levels. The rates of responding for the second group were reduced very rapidly (within four to five trials) after introduction of the setback contingency. For both groups, rates of responding increased for all but 1 bird when the contingency was removed. A second experiment compared the separate effects of each part of the response contingency. One group was exposed only to the stimulus setback (stimulus only), and a second group was exposed only to the delay of the reinforcer (delay only). The stimulus-only group's rates of responding were immediately reduced to moderate levels, but for most of the birds, these rates recovered quickly when the contingency was removed. The delay-only groups's rates decreased after several trials, to very low levels, and recovery of responding took several sessions once the contingency was removed. The results suggest that (a) sign-tracking behavior elicited by an added clock stimulus may be reduced rapidly and persistently when a setback contingency is imposed, and (b) the success of the contingency is due both to response-dependent stimulus change and response-dependent alterations in the frequency of food delivery. The operation of the contingency is compared with the effects of secondary reinforcement and punishment procedures.  相似文献   

People often miss salient events that occur right in front of them. This phenomenon, known as change blindness, reveals the limits of visual awareness. Here, we investigate the role of implicit processing in change blindness using an approach that allows partial dissociation of covert and overt attention. Traditional gaze-contingent paradigms adapt the display in real time according to current gaze position. We compare such a paradigm with a newly designed mouse-contingent paradigm where the visual display changes according to the real-time location of a user-controlled mouse cursor, effectively allowing comparison of change detection with mainly overt attention (gaze-contingent display; Experiment 2) and untethered overt and covert attention (mouse-contingent display; Experiment 1). We investigate implicit indices of target detection during change blindness in eye movement and behavioral data, and test whether affective devaluation of unnoticed targets may contribute to change blindness. The results show that unnoticed targets are processed implicitly, but that the processing is shallower than if the target is consciously detected. Additionally, the partial untethering of covert attention with the mouse-contingent display changes the pattern of search and leads to faster detection of the changing target. Finally, although it remains possible that the deployment of covert attention is linked to implicit processing, the results fall short of establishing a direct connection.  相似文献   

士阶层的起源历来多认为在春秋战国时代,此固然不错,但此问题犹有待深入探析。因为进一步的研究会发现,士阶层起源之远因自西周时代已出现,春秋战国时代之社会转型,只不过成为包括士阶层在内的社会阶层转化过程之加速剂。此外由于孔子所创新型社会教育体制中的思想转换因素,把士由旧式的社会政治仆役,塑造成新型社会文化守护者的角色。  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate as to whether people track multiple moving objects in a serial fashion or with a parallel mechanism. One recent study compared eye movements when observers tracked identical objects (Multiple Object Tracking—MOT task) versus when they tracked the identities of different objects (Multiple Identity Tracking—MIT task). Distinct eye-movement patterns were found and attributed to two separate tracking systems. However, the same results could be caused by differences in the stimuli viewed during tracking. In the present study, object identities in the MIT task were invisible during tracking, so observers performed MOT and MIT tasks with identical stimuli. Observer were able to track either position and identity depending on the task. There was no difference in eye movements between position tracking and identity tracking. This result suggests that, while observers can use different eye-movement strategies in MOT and MIT, it is not necessary.  相似文献   

Two basic activities are involved in radar operating, watchkeeping and target tracking. Deterioration of watchkeeping performance has been explained by a hypothesis which relates absence of sensory variation and failure to attend to one part of the display continuously (Broadbent, 1951). This paper describes a preliminary experiment to examine deterioration on a simple compensatory tracking task.

Twenty-one subjects were each tested for an uninterrupted period of two hours. They were required to keep a target correctly aligned by cranking a handwheel at a constant speed, and it was expected that failures to attend to the display would result in target deviations. Analysis of the results showed that both number of errors and mean duration of errors increased significantly in consecutive half-hour periods, and that there were large individual differences in performance.  相似文献   

White Americans tend to perceive greater progress toward racial equality than do ethnic minorities. Correlational evidence (Study 1) and two experimental manipulations of framing (Studies 2 and 3) supported the hypothesis that this perception gap is associated with different reference points the two groups spontaneously use to assess progress, with Whites anchoring on comparisons with the past and ethnic minorities anchoring on ideal standards. Consistent with the hypothesis that the groups anchor on different reference points, the gap in perceptions of progress was affected by the time participants spent deliberating about the topic (Study 4). Implications for survey methods and political conflict are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated facial expression recognition in peripheral relative to central vision, and the factors accounting for the recognition advantage of some expressions in the visual periphery. Whole faces or only the eyes or the mouth regions were presented for 150 ms, either at fixation or extrafoveally (2.5° or 6°), followed by a backward mask and a probe word. Results indicated that (a) all the basic expressions were recognized above chance level, although performance in peripheral vision was less impaired for happy than for non-happy expressions, (b) the happy face advantage remained when only the mouth region was presented, and (c) the smiling mouth was the most visually salient and most distinctive facial feature of all expressions. This suggests that the saliency and the diagnostic value of the smile account for the advantage in happy face recognition in peripheral vision. Because of saliency, the smiling mouth accrues sensory gain and becomes resistant to visual degradation due to stimulus eccentricity, thus remaining accessible extrafoveally. Because of diagnostic value, the smile provides a distinctive single cue of facial happiness, thus bypassing integration of face parts and reducing susceptibility to breakdown of configural processing in peripheral vision.  相似文献   

Circular visual displays of 12 elements, consisting of A, H, M, and U, were presented to S. She responded with a lever movement in one direction if a given letter designated by a bar indicator was a member of the set A-U and in the opposite direction if it was from the other set. The principal experimental variables were the SOA by which the indicator preceded the display and whether the target letter was flanked by letters of the same or opposite set. The results indicated that the interference produced by noise letters is primarily on the response as opposed to the processing side. Also, there is a limit to the precision of selective attention in the visual field. The interference of opposite-set letters was inversely proportional to their distance from the target.  相似文献   

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