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The present study examined the correlations of depression and self-efficacy among college students. Responses of 200 college students to the Self-efficacy Scale and Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire showed that there is a negative correlation between the two sets of scores.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the relationship between anxiety and depression in emotionally disturbed children, 30 hospitalized inpatient children were individually administered the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), the Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale-Revised (CMAS-R), and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC). Results indicated a significant relationship between CDI scores, the CMAS-R and its factors, and the STAIC. Correlations between the various factors of anxiety and depression suggest a complex relationship between the two constructs. Stepwise regression analyses indicated further the complexity of this relationship. Results were discussed in terms of the possible differential role which the different anxiety factors play in depression.  相似文献   

H F Clarizio 《Adolescence》1989,24(94):253-267
It is only in recent years that childhood depression has received widespread attention from mental health specialists. Its status as a clinical syndrome of childhood remains unclear. Many controversies surround various facets of this condition, foremost among these are questions relating to the duration of depressive disorders, the likelihood of recurrence, and the long-term outcome of depressed children. In the course of addressing these issues, attention is devoted to the outcomes as well as the advantages and disadvantages of commonly used research designs (prospective, retrospective, and catch-up prospective), the level of diagnosis used (symptom, syndrome, disorder), the significance of the age of onset on severity, and specific areas in need of further research. Among the tentative conclusions, it is asserted that many depressive symptoms are transient, diminishing or disappearing with age and/or changing environmental circumstances, but that severe depressive disorders do persist, with periods of remission, at least into the early adult years.  相似文献   

Rehm's (1977) self-control model for depression and Bandura's (1977) concept that children internalize external controls placed upon them are united to predict family interaction patterns that may contribute to the etiology or maintenance of depression in children. Families of depressed, nondepressed, and nonclinic children were compared on rates of, and criteria for, parental and self-reinforcement. Mother-father-child interactions were sequentially coded to reveal that mothers of depressed and nonclinic children both set very high criteria for rewarding their children, compared to mothers of clinic/nondepressed children. However, mothers of depressed children rewarded their depressed children at much lower rates than mothers of either clinic/nondepressed or nonclinic children. These factors, taken together, are discussed in terms of their possible etiological role in childhood depression.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the utility of earliest childhood memories (EMs) in clinical assessment, this study investigated the value of EMs in predicting naturally occurring depressive mood states. Of interest were those features of EMs that discriminate depressed from nondepressed individuals. Subjects were 212 undergraduate volunteers who completed the Beck Depression Inventory, the Profile of Mood States, and a self-administered EM questionnaire. Utilizing thematic predictors derived from cognitive and psychodynamic theories of depression, depressed subjects were differentiated from nondepressed subjects at a rate significantly greater than chance, p less than .001, with a highly respectable estimate of cross-validation shrinkage. The findings demonstrate the phenomenon of mood dependent recall in autobiographical memory, namely, that memory attributes are strongly influenced by current mood state. Consistent with psychodynamic theories of depression and in contrast to cognitive theory, depressive mood states appear to facilitate retrieval of memory schemas involving deprivation and disturbing human interaction. Schemas involving loss of control, failure, or reactions to noncontingent reinforcement (perceptions of the self as agent) appear less salient than relationship schemas (perceptions of the self as related) in depressive experience.  相似文献   

Clinical features of depression (short attention span, lethargy, poor memory and shortened task persistence) appear to be incompatible with effective learning. This has led several investigators to suggest that depression is a significant cause of academic underachievement. The most adequate test of this hypothesis (Tesiny, Lefkowitz, & Gordon, 1980), however, found only small correlations between depression and academic achievement when neither IQ nor socioeconomic status were controlled. In the present study, three measures of childhood depression (Peer Nomination Inventory for Depression, Children's Depression Inventory, and an ad hoc teacher rating) were correlated with scores from the Peabody Individual Achievement Test and the Stanford Achievement Test. IQ was statistically controlled to provide a direct measure of underachievement and analyses were conducted separately for males, females, and the combined sample in a sample that was homogeneous for socioeconomic status. Although intercorrelations among the variables indicated that the sample was appropriate to test the hypothesis, only a few significant correlations were found. These findings suggest that if depression causes academic underachievement, it is a weak or uncommon effect.  相似文献   

Relational aggression is linked to numerous adverse consequences. However, we know little about how temperament leads individuals to become perpetrators/victims of relational aggression, or how being a perpetrator/victim influences the development of temperament. We used longitudinal data from 674 Mexican-origin youth to examine relations between relational aggression and mother- and child-reported temperament from 5th grade (Mage = 10.8; SD = 0.60) through 11th grade (Mage = 16.8; SD = 0.50). Results show that: (a) high Negative Emotionality and low Effortful Control predicted increases in victimization; (b) low Effortful Control predicted increases in perpetration; (c) victims increased in Negative Emotionality and decreased in Effortful Control; and (d) perpetrators increased in Negative Emotionality and Surgency. Thus, temperament serves as both an antecedent to and a consequence of relational aggression.  相似文献   



The current study examined whether coping strategies mediate the link between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and adult psychiatric and physical health outcomes.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that the verbal information pathway to fear creates long-term fear cognitions and can create cognitive biases and avoidance in children. However, the interaction between the verbal information pathway to fear and other pathways is untested. This experiment exposed children (aged 6–8) to threat information about a novel animal to see the impact on a measure of avoidance after a subsequent simulated direct negative encounter with that animal. Results showed that a direct negative experience (without prior information) or threat information (without a subsequent negative experience) produced similar effects, but in combination (verbal threat information followed by a direct negative experience) the effect was significantly magnified. These results support theories of fear acquisition that suppose that verbal information impacts on the strength of associations formed in subsequent conditioning episodes, and suggest that pathways to fear have interactive effects.  相似文献   

Theories of cognitive vulnerability to depression (CVD) imply that CVD is early-emerging and trait-like; however, little longitudinal work has tested this premise in middle childhood, or examined theoretically relevant predictors of child CVD. We examined test–retest correlations of self-referent encoding task performance and self-reported attributional styles and their associations with parental characteristics in 205 seven-year-olds. At baseline, child CVD was assessed, structured clinical interviews were conducted with parents, and ratings of observed maternal affective styles were made. Children’s CVD was re-assessed approximately one and two years later. Both measures of children’s CVD were prospectively and concurrently associated with children’s depressive symptoms and showed modest stability. Multilevel modeling indicated that maternal criticism and paternal depression were related to children’s CVD. Findings indicate that even early-emerging CVD is a valid marker of children’s depression risk.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of self-report and thematic measures of depression to the effects of a defensive test-taking approach was assessed among 44 child and adolescent psychiatric inpatients. It was hypothesized that scores on a measure of defensiveness would be associated with self-reported but not thematic measures of depression, and furthermore, that this finding would be more pronounced for girls than boys. Patients completed the Lie Scale of the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS), the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), and the Roberts Apperception Test for Children. As predicted, RCMAS-Lie scores were significantly associated with CDI but not Roberts Depression scores, and this effect was more pronounced among females, primarily due to the high CDI scores of nondefensive girls. Implications of results for psychological assessment of children and adolescents are discussed.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to evaluate cognitive disturbance and depression in children. In Study I, 47 sixth-grade children, including 17 who received a DSM-III diagnosis of depression, and their parents were independently interviewed with the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children, and they completed the Parent-Child Depression Inventory. Children completed the Children's Depression Inventory, the Matching Familiar Figures Test, and the My Standards Questionnaire. Results of Study 1 were consistent across raters and measures: Depression was associated with a negative style of processing self-evaluative information, while being unrelated to a processing deficit. A second study was initiated to replicate the results of Study 1 and to extend them to a wider age range of children. Thirty- eight third-, fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade children, half of whom were depressed and half of whom indicated a minimum of depressive symptomatology on the Children's Depression Inventory, completed the Matching Familiar Figures Test and the My Standards Questionnaire. Results were very similar to those found in Study 1. A third study was conducted to test whether the self-perceptions of depressed children were accurately negative or negatively distorted, as judged against their teachers' observations of them. Results supported the hypothesis that depressed children exhibit a distorted style of processing self-evaluative information. The implications of the results for theory and treatment were discussed.This research was funded by the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, The University of Texas at Austin. The first two authors contributed equally to this investigation, and the order of their authorship was determined by the flip of a coin.  相似文献   

Although a great deal of research has been conducted examining biological and psychological factors related to adult depression, relatively little attention has been given to the study of depression in children. The purpose of the present article is to illustrate the importance of considering normal developmental processes in the study of childhood depression. Epidemiological data, diagnostic issues, and methods of assessment in childhood depression are discussed from a developmental perspective, and the role of developmental issues in both the manifestation of depression and its assessment is outlined. Four major theories of depression—biological, psychoanalytic, behavioral, and cognitive—are presented, and developmental issues are discussed in relation to each theory's formulation of the etiology, maintenance, and treatment of depression. Finally, alternative methodologies for the study of childhood depression are considered, and directions for future research, particularly for investigations examining the relationship between childhood and adult depression, are advanced.  相似文献   

Critiqued the published double-blind, placebo-controlled studies of antidepressant pharmacotherapy in child and adolescent major depressive disorder to assess their overall efficacy. The pharmacological mechanism of antidepressant action also was discussed. At best, antidepressant treatment for depressed youths is only modestly effective. In particular, the tricyclic antidepressants are not superior to placebo; however, early evidence with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors is more encouraging. The theoretical basis for this response pattern is discussed from a methodological perspective, from a neurodevelopmental status, and from a biological viewpoint. Study modifications are suggested which could improve some of the methodological limitations apparent in previous clinical drug trials.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) are associated with high disease burden. Pathways by which PTSD and MDD contribute to disease burden are not understood. Design: Path analysis was used to examine pathways between PTSD symptoms, MDD symptoms, and disease burden among 251 low-income heart failure patients. Methods: In Model 1, we explored the independent relationship between PTSD and MDD symptoms on disease burden. In Model 2, we examined the association of PTSD symptoms and disease burden on MDD symptoms. We also examined indirect associations of PTSD symptoms on MDD symptoms, mediated by disease burden, and of PTSD symptoms on disease burden mediated by MDD symptoms. Results: Disease burden correlated with PTSD symptoms (r = .41; p < .001) and MDD symptoms (r = .43; p < .001) symptoms. Both models fit the data well and displayed comparable fit. MDD symptoms did not mediate the association of PTSD symptoms with disease burden. Disease burden did mediate the relationship between PTSD symptoms and MDD symptoms. Conclusions: Results support the importance of detection of PTSD in individuals with disease. Results also provide preliminary models for testing longitudinal data in future studies.  相似文献   

This paper is a qualitative family therapy process study which is part of a larger European-based outcome study comparing family therapy to child psychotherapy plus parent support for depressed children and their families. The family therapists and two clinical supervisors from the original study formed themselves into a research team to study the process of therapy with twelve families. Therapists selected the significant moments from fifty-nine sessions, and were then interviewed by the research team using a standard protocol to investigate the therapists' own thinking about the significant moments. Applying a thematic analysis, the significant moments were clustered into eleven themes. The paper discusses the rationale for this model of research, which is well suited for clinical teams, and the application of the themes to therapeutic work with depressed children and their families.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo examine the influence of efficacious beliefs on affective states, enjoyment, and satisfaction after performing a maximal intensity exercise task (i.e. Sprint Interval Training (SIT).DesignAn experimental design was utilized and participants were randomized to a high self-efficacy feedback (HE), low self-efficacy feedback (LE), or no feedback control condition.MethodsCollege-aged men and women (n = 74) performed four 30-second maximal sprints, interspersed with 4-min breaks. Following each sprint interval, participants received either positive, negative or no feedback and SIT self-efficacy, affective states (i.e., positive well-being, psychological distress, fatigue), heart rate (HR), and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were assessed. Upon terminating the exercise session, enjoyment and satisfaction were assessed.ResultsThere was group equivalency in HR and RPE among participants of each group. The HE group had significantly less of a decline in SIT self-efficacy from pre to post SIT than both the LE and control groups, and reported significantly higher levels of exercise enjoyment than the other two groups. In addition, the HE and control groups reported significantly higher satisfaction than the LE group.ConclusionsWe recommend that exercisers receive positive feedback statements while performing SIT to minimize the decrease in SIT self-efficacy and to bolster feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction.  相似文献   

In order to advance the detection and prevention of suicide, recent research has focused on predictors of suicidal ideation and behavior such as negative cognitive styles, dysfunctional attitudes, hopelessness, and rumination. In this study the relationships among these risk factors in the context of the Attention Mediated Hopelessness (AMH) theory of depression are examined. One hundred and twenty-seven undergraduates in the Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression (CVD) project were followed for 2.5 years. The CVD project followed initially nondepressed freshmen, at either high or low cognitive risk for depression, in order to predict onsets and recurrences of depressive disorders. The presence and duration of suicidal ideation were predicted prospectively by rumination and hopelessness, and hopelessness partially mediated the relationship between rumination and ideation and fully mediated the association between rumination and duration of suicidality. Further, rumination mediated the relationship between cognitive vulnerability and suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

The study aimed to design and evaluate a program for the prevention of childhood depression (“Pozik-Bizi” [in English, “Live-Happily”]), comparing its effects with a socio-emotional intervention program based on cooperative play. The sample comprised 420 students aged 7 to 10?years from the Basque Country, 51.9% were randomly assigned to the experimental condition (“Pozik-Bizi”) program and 48.1% to the control group (“Play program”). Using a pretest-posttest repeated measures experimental design, 7 evaluation instruments were administered. When comparing the two interventions, it was confirmed that those who participated in the “Pozik-Bizi” program significantly decreased their level of clinical maladjustment, school maladjustment, emotional, and behavioral problems, and they increased positive behaviors that inhibit depression. However, the cooperative play program improved self-concept and social skills significantly more than the “Pozik-Bizi” program. The effect size in all the variables was small. The discussion analyzes the effectiveness of specific programs of prevention of childhood depression versus global programs of social-emotional development. This work provides a program to prevent childhood depression that has been shown to be effective in the reduction of clinical variables. In addition, this study confirms the positive potential of programs of cooperative play, to increase self-concept and social skills.  相似文献   

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