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The present research investigated depression in children with and without mothers. Differences in depression scores were tested by gender, socio-economic level, the cause of not having a mother, and the age of separation. The sample included 300 fourth and fifth grade elementary school children. Among them, there were 150 children (68 boys and 82 girls) who were living with their mothers and 150 (68 boys and 82 girls) who did not live with their mothers. Each group had an equal number of students (n=50) representing three different socio-economic levels (i.e., low, middle, high). Students in the sample came from 39 different public elementary schools. Children's ages varied between 10 and 12 years (M = 10.8, SD = .6). Teachers, administrators, and school counselors were asked to identify children without mothers. The children who were living with their mothers were randomly chosen. Results showed significant differences in depression between the two groups of children. Furthermore, there was a significant difference by socio-economic level. Depression of children without mothers is significantly associated with the cause of not having a mother and the age when the child was separated from the mother.  相似文献   

Parallel tests are needed so that alternate forms can be applied to different groups or on different occasions, but also in the context of split-half reliability estimation for a given test. Statistically, parallelism holds beyond reasonable doubt when the null hypotheses of equality of observed means and variances across the two forms (or halves) are not rejected. Several statistical tests have been proposed for this purpose, but their performance has never been compared. This study assessed the relative performance (type I error rate and power) of the Student–Pitman–Morgan, Bradley–Blackwood, and Wilks tests of equality of means and variances in the typical conditions surrounding studies of parallelism—namely, integer-valued and bounded test scores with distributions that may not be bivariate normal. The results advise against the use of the Wilks test and support the use of the Bradley–Blackwood test because of its simplicity and its minimally better performance in comparison with the more cumbersome Student–Pitman–Morgan test.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine children 9 to 12 years old who were identified as moderately to severely depressed using the Children's Depression Inventory were randomly assigned to either a self-control, behavioral problem-solving, or waiting list condition. The self-control treatment focused on teaching children self-management skills. The behavioral problem-solving therapy consisted of education, self-monitoring of pleasant events, and group problem solving directed toward improving social behavior. Subjects were assessed pre-and posttreatment and at 8-week follow-up with multiple assessment procedures and from multiple perspectives. At posttreatment, subjects in both active treatments reported significant improvement on self-report and interview measures of depression while subjects in the waiting list condition reported minimal change. Results were maintained at follow-up. The general success of the experimental treatments was discussed and recommendations for further treatment components were provided.Second authorship on this article is shared by Drs. Reynolds and Kaslow. The authors would like to thank Mr. Ed Guzwieski, Principal, and the teachers of Oregon Middle School for their cooperation with this study. The authors also would like to thank Mary Wysopal for conducting the posttreatment and follow-up interviews, and Carol Fairbanks for rating the audiotapes.  相似文献   

Three methods for selecting a few predictors from the many available are described and compared with respect to shrinkage in cross-validation. From 2 to 6 predictors were selected from the 15 available in 100 samples ranging in size from 25 to 200. An iterative method was found to select predictors with slightly, but consistently, higher cross-validities than the popularly used stepwise method. A gradient method was found to equal the performance of the stepwise method only in the larger samples and for the largest predictor subsets.  相似文献   

The Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire was given to 457 boys and 431 girls in Austria. Factor comparisons indicated that the dimensions of psychoticism, extraversion, neuroticism, and social desirability were identical in Austria and in England. Minimal item changes were required to produce a viable Austrian scoring key with satisfactorily high reliabilities for all dimensions except in the case of P for girls, which was somewhat weaker. Austrian norms indicated that boys score higher than girls on P and E but lower on N and L. Direct cross-cultural comparisons revealed few marked personality differences between Austrian and English children, there being a slight tendency for the former to score higher on psychoticism, extraversion and the lie scale but slightly lower on neuroticism.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to investigate the word superiority effect (WSE) (Reicher, 1969). The first two experiments used mixed presentations of words and nonwords, and positional uncertainty of the critical letter. Experiment 1 used an unrestricted set of alternatives, while Experiment 2 used only two alternatives (R and L). Experiment 3 compared letter detection in nonwords with a restricted and unrestricted alternative set. WSE was found for both Experiments 1 and 2, at about the same level. Experiment 3 showed superior performance when alternatives were known in advance. It was concluded that context has an effect on letter recognition even with prior knowledge of alternatives if the critical position is not known in advance. Some incompatibilities between the present results and those of other investigators in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

We assessed aspects of the reliability and validity of three measures of socialcognitive processing in children that have been developed to investigate the relations of such processes to childhood depression: the Children's Attributional Style Questionnaire (CASQ), the Children's Negative Cognitive Error Questionnaire (CNCEQ), and the Common Beliefs Inventory for Students (CBIS). In an unselected sample of 61 children, aged 8 to 12, the internal consistencies of the total scores on the CNCEQ and the CBIS were good; for the CASQ, it was only moderate. Internal consistencies of all subscale scores were inadequate. Despite this, several subscale and total scores were significantly associated with depressive symptoms, and the measures were generally correlated with each other. Although these data are encouraging concerning the role of social-cognitive processing in childhood depression, the field needs to develop psychometrically stronger measures and to test the role of social cognition in prospective studies of depression.This study was supported in part by a grant from the Spencer Foundation Awards to Young Scholars Program to the first author. The authors would like to express their thanks to Deborah Long for secretarial assistance, and to W. Edward Craighead, John Curry, and two anonymous reviewers for comments on an earlier draft of this article.  相似文献   

基于精神障碍网络理论,采用中文版流动调查中心抑郁量表对3634名青少年进行调查,使用网络分析方法考察了我国青少年抑郁的核心症状,比较不同性别和抑郁程度青少年的抑郁症状特征网络。结果发现:(1)我国青少年抑郁的核心症状为压抑情绪、失败感、悲伤和乏力;(2)不同性别青少年的抑郁症状网络结构、网络连接强度和核心症状不存在显著差异;(3)不同抑郁程度青少年的抑郁症状网络结构、网络连接强度、核心症状存在显著差异。  相似文献   

The project selection is one of the most important phases of a project life cycle. The project selection is considered as a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) problem. This research aims to study the integration between Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) into Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) under neutrosophic environment to provide a new technique for making a decision regarding the choice of appropriate project (project selection) as one of the most important phases of the project life cycle. Projects are selected by comparing them against many criteria. Criteria are evaluated based on expert’s opinion. Sometimes experts cannot give reliable information due to the non-deterministic environment. The neutrosophic set theory will be used to handle and overcome the ambiguity or lack of confirmation of information. The criteria are weighted by DEMATEL, then the best project alternative is selected using TOPSIS. In the proposed model, each pairwise comparison judgments is symbolized as a trapezoidal neutrosophic number. Experts will focus only on (n − 1) judgments for n alternatives to overcome the difficulties of [(n * (n − 1))/2] consistence judgments in case of increasing number of alternatives. A numerical example is developed to show the validation of the suggested model in the neutrosophic environment.  相似文献   

Young children dislike getting less than others, which might suggest a general preference for equal outcomes. However, young children are typically not averse to others receiving less than themselves. These results are consistent with two alternatives: young children might not have any preferences about others receiving less than themselves, or they might have preferences for others receiving less than themselves. We test these alternatives with 5- to 10-year-old children. We replicate previous findings that children will take a cost to avoid being at a relative disadvantage, but also find that 5- and 6-year-olds will spitefully take a cost to ensure that another’s welfare falls below their own. This result suggests that the development of fairness includes overcoming an initial social comparison preference for others to get less relative to oneself.  相似文献   

Two theoretical approaches to smoking cessation were compared. Participants were randomly assigned either to (a) a traditional treatment program that used contingency contracting and that emphasized the necessity for absolute abstinence (AA) or to (b) a relapse-prevention (RP) treatment that focused on gradual acquisition of nonsmoking skills. It was hypothesized that participants in the RP treatment would be less successful initially but would have better maintenance skills and thus would relapse less during a 1-year follow-up period. Each program was evaluated in two formats: group-based treatment and self-help materials. Results indicated comparable 1-year abstinence rates for all treatments, although more participants dropped out of the self-help formats. Participants in the RP intervention were more likely to lapse sooner after quitting and were more likely to quit again during the 1-year maintenance period. Exploratory analyses of successful participants suggested that women were more successful in the RP program and that men had greater success with the AA approach.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined measures for the assessment of depressive symptomatology in children, as well as two related constructs (self-esteem and anxiety). The sample consisted of 166 elementary school children from grades 3 through 6. Two self-report depression measures, the Children's Depression Inventory (Kovacs, 1979) and the Child Depression Scale (Reynolds, in press), as well as anxiety and self-esteem scales, were completed by the children. Parents (mothers and fathers) evaluated their children on the depression and anxiety scales from the Personality Inventory for Children (Wirt, Lachar, Klinedinst, & Seat, 1977), and teachers provided global ratings of depression and academic performance. The results support the reliability and validity of both self-report children depression measures. Data obtained on the parent report measure do not recommend its use at this time for assessing depression in children, while results on teachers' global ratings of depression provide some evidence that teachers may be a good source of information regarding depression in children.The authors gratefully acknowledge the generous assistance provided by Al Holmquist, principal of Mazomanie Elementary School, and James Clark, principal of Oregon Elementary School, and their teachers. This research was funded in part by a Spencer Foundation Grant to the first author, through the School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison. The writing of this article was facilitated by a Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation grant (135–1503) to the first author.  相似文献   

DiStefano C  Morgan G 《心理评价》2011,23(2):354-363
This study compared 3 different methods of creating cut scores for a screening instrument, T scores, receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis, and the Rasch rating scale method (RSM), for use with the Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) Teacher Rating Scale for Children and Adolescents (Kamphaus & Reynolds, 2007). Using the BESS norm data set, we compared the methods across 7 classification indices. Additional information about accuracy was used with a subset of children who had been given a prior diagnosis for selected disorders. The results showed that the methods were generally in concordance, with similarities identified across methods. RSM and ROC analysis methods performed similarly, with both methods identifying the same optimal cut-point. The method based on T scores appeared to be more conservative, identifying a lower cut score as optimal.  相似文献   

In a sample of 976 consecutive cases derived from the recent world-wide Field Trial of Autism and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders, we tested the accuracy of the 15 ICD-10 criteria for the diagnosis of Autism, by comparing neural network models (NN) to more conventional multivariate competitors, namely, linear and quadratic discriminant function analyses and logistic regression. NNs were less accurate than competitors, both in terms of cross-validation results as well as in levels of shrinkage from training to test conditions. The clinical research implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Children referred with specific reading dysfunction were subtyped as accuracy disabled or rate disabled according to criteria developed from an information processing model of reading skill. Multiple measures of oral and written language development were compared for two subtyped samples matched on age, sex, and IQ. The two samples were comparable in reading fluency, reading comprehension, word knowledge, and word retrieval functions. Accuracy disabled readers demonstrated inferior decoding and spelling skills. The accuracy disabled sample proved deficient in their understanding of oral language structure and in their ability to associate unfamiliar pseudowords and novel symbols in a task designed to simulate some of the learning involved in initial reading acquisition. It was suggested that these two samples of disabled readers may be best described with respect to their relative standing along a theoretical continuum of normal reading development.  相似文献   

Research on life stress has been characterized by inconsistent results, which some researchers attribute to different assessment methodologies. Generally, studies have used either self-report checklists or investigator-based interviews. To test whether different results are derived from these approaches, the authors compared information from a self-report measure of life stress with the additional data available from a follow-up investigator-based measure in prospectively predicting the outcome of treatment for recurrent major depression. The 2 approaches produced different results, with investigator-based life events predicting lower probability of remission and self-report life events either predicting increased likelihood of remission or not predicting at all. The results demonstrated that methodology may account for some of the inconsistencies in the life stress literature.  相似文献   

1150 Hungarian boys and 1035 girls were given the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire translated into Hungarian. Product-moment correlations were factored by principal components methods, rotated by Varimax and then obliquely by Promax. Thirteen extra items, added for substitution if necessary, were included in this analysis. Very close agreement between the responses of British and Hungarian children were found for the Lie or Social Desirability scale, good agreement for Extraversion but less satisfactory agreement for Neuroticism and Psychoticism items. It is argued that the strength of the Lie score could well have interfered with the true responses for the other dimensions. Means and standard deviations for British and Hungarian children are given on scales comprised of items both groups have in common on their respective scoring keys, this being the only way the means can be compared.  相似文献   

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