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Helen Bequaert Holmes and Laura M. Purdy have done medical ethicists and clinical practitioners an enormous favor by publishing in book form their edited collection of 21 essays, Feminist Perspectives in Medical Ethics. This is an anthology of articles applying feminist methods and theories to problems in medical ethics. It is a fitting initiation for healthcare professionals and theorists who have yet to introduce themselves to the methods, analyses, and diverse contributions of feminism. In one simple volume, readers can sample feminist contributions to medical ethics that otherwise would be scattered in books or journals unavailable in most medical libraries.  相似文献   

Pain may be seen as a problem to be healed or as a means for healing. The secular biomedical view of pain is that it is to be avoided and alleviated; its only meaning is as a symptom of underlying disease. In contrast, there have been throughout history other views of suffering—as redemptive or as transformative, for example. This paper considers the disparity between these perspectives, examining the role of the emotions and the underlying neurobiological processes though which pain and suffering come to be experienced as meaningful, then analyzes interview material exploring how religion and religious beliefs help people cope with suffering or with pain. The experience of pain is subjective, enculturated experience; the meaning that pain or suffering holds within a given cultural context affects the experience of pain and suffering. In a context where pain and suffering are understood to be valuable, those experiences can be used for spiritual transformation and integrated within a meaningful identity. In contrast, in a context where pain and suffering are not understood to have value, that attitude can create more suffering, even in conditions meant to alleviate suffering, such as in biomedical situations.  相似文献   

Counselor cultural competency with respect to Native Americans requires understanding of common healing practices and ceremonies and of their spiritual significance. Historical trauma serves as a general backdrop for Native America experience and identity. Particular tribal practices and the individual's degree of affiliation with such practices provide a more specific context for client worldview. Knowledge of the symbolic significance of common ceremonies and healing practices will support counseling efforts to be relevant and effective with respect to Native American clients. Direct interaction and involvement with Native American communities facilitate a deeper understanding of Native American cultural identity and healing practices.  相似文献   

A sense of magic has always permeated our theology of healing. Consider the following theses: 1. By the very nature of material creation, however mysteriously it was initiated and is sustained, the power of God to influence material creation is restricted to the immanent (from within) and indirect; 2. God does not arbitrarily, in the case of two persons who have identical illnesses, decide the recovery of one and the death of the other. Rather, his love bears equally on all. This study will defend these theses and show that they are foundational and integral, to a theology of primarily physical healing.  相似文献   

This essay suggests ways in which spiritual resources--healing stories, psalms of lament and reassurance, rituals, and meditative practices--can be used to foster emotional and spiritual healing for people, such as the adult children of missionaries, who have experienced disrupted relationships with parents during childhood.  相似文献   

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