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This paper describes an olfactory discrimination procedure for mice that is inexpensively implemented and leads to rapid discrimination learning. Mice were first trained to dig in small containers of sand to retrieve bits of buried chocolate. For discrimination training, two containers were presented simultaneously for eight trials per session. One container held sand mixed with cinnamon, and the other held sand mixed with nutmeg. Both containers were baited with chocolate buried in the sand. One odor was designated S+, and mice were allowed to dig and retrieve the chocolate from this container. The other odor was S-, and both containers were removed immediately if subjects began to dig in an S- container. After meeting a two-session acquisition criterion, subjects were given a series of discrimination reversals. In Experiment 1, 12 Swiss-Webster mice (6 male and 6 female) acquired the olfactory discrimination in three to five sessions and completed 3 to 10 successive discrimination reversals within a 50-session testing limit. In Experiment 2, subjects were 14 Pah(enu2) mice, the mouse mutant for phenylketonuria; 7 were homozygotes in which the disorder was expressed (PKU), and 7 were heterozygotes with normal metabolism (non-PKU). Thirteen mice completed pretraining in four to seven sessions, acquisition required 3 to 12 sessions, and all mice completed at least three reversals. Learning rates were similar in PKU and non-PKU mice. We discuss issues related to implementation and several potentially useful procedural variations.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to develop a procedure for measuring the within-session onset of human drug discrimination. During daily sessions, under double-blind conditions, caffeine-abstinent adults ingested a letter-coded capsule containing 178 mg caffeine or placebo. Trials were presented at 30-s intervals, beginning immediately after drug ingestion and continuing for 60 min. On each trial, subjects could guess which of their two letter-coded drugs they had received by pressing a left button (for one drug) or right button (for the other drug); subjects could also press a center "no guess" button instead of guessing. Each trial ended after one button press. After each session, subjects were told which drug they had received. Subjects earned one point (worth $0.10 per point) for each correct guess. Subjects lost either 0, 1, or 10 points for each incorrect guess; the point-loss contingencies were varied in random order across sessions. Discrimination earnings accumulated across all sessions. The point-loss contingencies decreased random responding and delayed the discrimination time course. Overall, this procedure provided an orderly and relatively continuous measure of the within-session onset of drug discrimination and should have a range of applications in understanding the human behavioral pharmacology of drugs.  相似文献   

Thresholds for vibrotactile discrimination of pulse interval were determined for pulse frequencies between 1 and 384 Hz. The results point to a temporal resolution significantly more accurate than that demonstrated in earlier studies. Although touch as a vibratory sensor is in general much inferior to audition, the present results show a striking resemblance to those obtained on auditory pitch. The neurophysiological implications for the tactile as well as for the auditory system are discussed.  相似文献   

A psychophysical apparatus and procedure that can be used to define the performance and estimate the thresholds of frequency discrimination in adult primates is described. This protocol has been used to train adult owl monkeys to discriminate differences in the frequencies of successively presented sinusoidal tactile stimuli delivered to a restricted skin surface of a single digit, and to train a second set of adult owl monkeys to discriminate. differences in frequencies between paired auditory tonal stimuli. The thresholds estimated with this procedure are comparable to those measured in other primates. The advantages of using this procedure for combined behavioral and physiological studies are discussed.  相似文献   

We present an adaptive procedure to conduct psychophysical discrimination experiments. In a discrimination experiment, an observer senses (sees, hears, feels, etc.) two stimuli (separated in space or time) and is asked to order these stimuli with respect to a particular parameter (say,s). Under the usual assumption of a locally linear internal representation ofs, perturbed by additive Gaussian noise, the probabilityP(s 2)—of judging test stimuluss 2 “larger” than a reference stimuluss 1—is an error function (a cumulative normal distribution). Such an error function,Erf [(s 2μ)/σ], is parametrized by two parameters: μand σ. The parameter μ is the value for whichP(s 2) = 50% and is related to possible bias effects in the internal representation of the observer. The parameter σ is √2 times the standard deviation of the noise distribution and is generally called thediscrimination threshold. In this paper, we present (1) an algorithm to estimate μ and σ given the data generated by such an observer, (2) an analysis of the efficiency of a stimulus presentation with respect to the estimation of μ and σ , and (3) a method that controls the specific choice of stimulus values during an experiment so that an optimal estimation of μ and σ is obtained.  相似文献   

Pathways within the visual system can be distinguished on the basis of selectivity for low or high spatial frequencies. Spatial frequency discrimination was evaluated in 17 medicated male patients with schizophrenia and 19 male control subjects. Subjects were required to discriminate whether pairs of high contrast, sinusoidally modulated gratings were the same or different in spatial frequency. Accuracy performance was compared at high, medium, and low spatial frequencies on tasks matched for control performance. Patients showed a greater performance decrement of 12% on low as compared with 4% on high spatial frequencies. These findings suggest a disturbance of right hemisphere mechanisms involved in spatial perception and attention in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

A discrimination reversal problem was presented to 192 children varying in age from 3 to 5 years. At the end of both the initial learning and transfer trials, probe trials were introduced to ascertain the response rule describing children's choices. Results were analyzed in terms of a binary division of the children according to their responses to the probe stimuli; children who responded errorlessly (concept responders) were contrasted with children who made errors on the probes (instance responders). Using this criterion, it was found that many children transferred in a way different from the way they learned the initial problem. There was no difference in the proportion of younger and older children responding conceptually to the original problem, but older children were more likely to transfer conceptually when standard geometric blocks were used as stimuli. Future studies must consider the possiblity that learning and transfer may be accomplished by different processes whose application differs with age, the nature of the stimuli, and the stage of training.  相似文献   

Reported estimates of the frequency difference limen (DL) for tones show considerable variability. To determine the extent that the differences are dependent on psychophysical method, three estimates of the DL at 1,000 Hz were obtained from the same subjects for each of three psychophysical procedures. The three estimates were: (1) the standard deviation of final settings in a methbd of adjustment, (2) the average of several reversals in an adaptive two-interval forced-choice procedure, and (3) the 76%-correct point in a two-interval forced-choice procedure using constant stimuli. The two forced-choice procedures yielded very similar DLs. The adjustment procedure yielded significantly smaller estimates. Possible reasons for the different values produced by adjustment procedures and the nature of the underlying decision process are discussed.  相似文献   

The relation between performance during discriminative training and subsequently obtained measures of stimulus control was investigated. Pigeons served as experimental subjects. In the discriminative training phase, a single peck on the center key, transilluminated by a bright or dim white light, resulted in the onset of the side keys, one red and one green. If the center key was brightly lighted, a response on the red side key was correct. A response on the green side key was correct if the center key was dimly lighted. Correct responses were reinforced on independently arranged variable-interval schedules. Following discriminative training, tests of stimulus control were administered during which white light of 11 intensities was projected on the center key and responses on the red and green side keys recorded. The proportion of correct responses in the presence of a bright or dim center-key stimulus decreased with decreases in the frequency of reinforcement of correct red or correct green responses, respectively. The slopes of the stimulus control gradients were related to the extent of response bias during training. The greater the bias to respond on the green key, the flatter the gradient showing the proportion of green-key responses to each stimulus and the steeper the corresponding gradient of red-key responses.  相似文献   

A novel, optional-shift procedure was used to assess changes in the attention paid to stimuli that occur over the course of discrimination learning. In Phase 1, rats were trained on a conditional instrumental discrimination using audiovisual stimulus compounds; one stimulus dimension (auditory or visual) was relevant to the solution of the discrimination, the other was irrelevant. In Phase 2, all animals received three sessions of training with novel audiovisual compounds where both dimensions were equally diagnostic. Results from probe test trials indicated that, during Phase 2, animals learnt most about cues belonging to the stimulus dimension that was relevant during Phase 1. These results suggest that over the course of discrimination learning there was an increase in the amount of attention paid to relevant stimuli and/or a decrease in the attention paid to irrelevant stimuli.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated how frequency discrimination of a sinusoidal, mechanical vibration applied to the tip of the right index finger is affected by shortening the duration of the stimuli from 200 ms to 30 ms. Using a standard stimulus of 100 Hz at 30 dB above threshold, seven comparison frequencies (at intervals of 10 Hz) were judged as higher or lower in frequency according to the method of constant differences. Vibrotactile stimuli were matched for subjective intensity across both frequency and duration. Difference limens for vibrotactile frequency were found to decline slightly from 200 ms to 50 ms (attributable to practice) and to increase noticeably at 30 ms. This result is discussed in relation to the seemingly contradictory results for auditory pitch discrimination.  相似文献   

A 300-item list of concrete and abstract nouns with varying frequency of occurrence was presented at a 1-sec rate to 144 subjects under imagery or nonimagery instructions. Subjects were then tested on 72 word pairs homogeneous and heterogeneous with respect to concreteness, where the more frequent member of each pair was to be chosen. Frequency discrimination was found to be a function of relative rather than absolute frequency differences between pair members. In addition, a subjective frequency bias for abstract items was found, with the best performance when the more frequent alternative was abstract and less frequent alternative concrete. The worst performance was for the reverse condition, while that for pair types homogeneous with respect to concreteness fell in-between, with better performance when both alternatives were concrete. The results suggest that the role of imagery may be to produce more discriminable subjective relative frequency differences between alternatives and that the imagery effect generally found in verbal discrimination learning may be reconcilable with frequency theory as it currently stands.  相似文献   

PEST, an adaptive (tracking) procedure originally developed for sensory research, was modified for cognitive studies with the multiple sequential frames paradigm and a letter-search task. The program which controlled stimulus presentation was designed to track the frame duration required for successful search on 75% of trials (the duration threshold). For each of the three subjects used, the threshold increased as a linear function of the number of sequentially presented frames, which varied between 1 and 10. Each tracking run was immediately followed by 40 trials with frame-exposure time fixed at the computer-selected threshold. Performance on these fixed level trials was close to the expected 75% correct. The Discussion addresses issues related to the use of the threshold measure in basic and applied cognitive research, explores the present findings about performance on fixed level trials at the computer-selected threshold, and examines the increase in duration threshold with the number of sequentially presented frames.  相似文献   

Pigeons were presented a series of keylight time periods (separated by blackouts) during which two response keys were lit, one by blue light and the other either by orange or green. Blue-key responses changed the color on the other key. Orange-key responses sometimes produced food during the first half of a time period; green-key responses sometimes produced food during the second half. In three experiments, the probability of a green-key response increased as a function of elapsed time. Experiment 1 compared performance when the duration of the keylight periods was varied across a wide range. Discrimination of performance was similar across the range of durations. Experiment 2 varied both relative reinforcement rate and the local reinforcement rate for orange-key and green-key responses. These manipulations produced changes in response bias but not discrimination sensitivity. Experiment 3 varied the local temporal placement of reinforcers within time periods and demonstrated that choice behavior was affected by differential reinforcement at different points during the time periods. The results were consistent with previous research on duration discrimination that used psychophysical trials procedures.  相似文献   

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