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张丽  辛自强 《心理科学》2007,30(1):120-122
Zelazo等人提出的认知复杂性和控制理论、意识水平模型认为可在问题解决框架内理解执行功能,且执行功能的变化可根据儿童形成和使用的最大规则复杂性的变化来描述,而规则复杂性的变化可根据儿童意识水平的变化来解释。Zelazo的理论提出后受到不少研究者的关注,但也存在一些问题和不足。  相似文献   

Executive function (EF) is essential for academic achievement, successful work, and physical and mental health. Although evidence shows that several factors have been linked to EF, these results are mixed. This study aims to identify both biological and environmental variables associated with impaired EF in preschoolers. This study was a population-based cross-sectional study of healthy children aged 2–5 years from public and private schools in Chiang Mai, Thailand. EF was assessed using a parent report of the Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Preschool (BRIEF-P). Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to explore the biological and environmental factors relevant to impaired executive functioning. In a total of 1540 included children, 213 children (13.83%) were defined as impaired EF. We found that biological factors—male (odds ratio [OR], 1.41, 95% confidence interval [CI] [1.04–1.91]), overweight/obesity (OR, 1.59, 95% CI [1.10–2.31]), less physical activity (OR, 1.77, 95% CI [1.10–2.84]), and environmental factors—low maternal education (OR, 1.61, 95% CI [1.13–2.31]), permissive parenting style (OR, 2.75, 95% CI [1.24–6.13]), and excessive screen exposure (OR, 1.66, 95% CI [1.15–2.41])—are associated with an increased risk of impaired EF. Adjusting modifiable factors, such as healthy weight status, positive parenting, appropriate screen time, and adequate physical activities, may be necessary for children to promote EF.  相似文献   

本文旨在对认知重评和表达抑制两种常用情绪调节策略的自发脑网络特征及认知神经活动进行深入探讨。研究采集36名在校大学生的静息态和任务态脑电数据,经过源定位和图论分析发现节点效率与两种情绪调节显著相关的脑区,以及脑区之间的功能连接。研究结果表明,在使用认知重评进行情绪调节时会激活前额叶皮质、前扣带回、顶叶、海马旁回和枕叶等多个脑区,在使用表达抑制进行情绪调节时会激活前额叶皮质、顶叶、海马旁回、枕叶、颞叶和脑岛等多个脑区。因此,这些脑区的节点效率或功能连接强度可能成为评估个体使用认知重评和表达抑制调节情绪效果的指标。  相似文献   

老年执行功能的认知可塑性和神经可塑性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜新  陈天勇 《心理科学进展》2010,18(9):1471-1480
执行衰退假说认为执行功能的特异性衰退是引起认知年老化的主要原因, 近年来越来越多的研究表明, 老年人的执行功能及其相关脑区(主要为前额叶)存在可塑性, 通过训练执行功能的衰退可得到缓解, 且相关脑区的激活水平、脑容量或神经递质都可发生改变; 部分研究还发现执行功能训练对其它认知能力有一定的迁移效应。这些发现对于认知年老化理论的继续探索和认知干预研究的实践应用都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

脑科学研究经历了简单的整合论,到简单的还原论,发展到成熟的还原论,以及成熟的整合论,最终认知神经科学的延生标志着还原论与整合论的有机融合进入新阶段.认知神经科学强调多学科、多层次、多水平的交叉,研究的层次包括分子、突触、神经元、网络、脑区、系统、全脑及整体行为乃至环境、社会等.  相似文献   

脑的四个功能系统学说   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文根据实验事实 ,讨论脑内评估 -情绪的功能系统。在此基础上 ,发展鲁利亚的脑的三个功能系统学说 ,提出脑的四个功能系统学说 ,认为脑内存在包括评估 -情绪功能系统在内的四个互相紧密联系的功能系统 ,人的各种行为和心理活动是这四个功能系统相互作用和协同活动的结果  相似文献   

脑可塑性研究综述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
郭瑞芳  彭聃龄 《心理科学》2005,28(2):409-411
本文简要总结了脑可塑性实验研究的三个方面:(1)脑损伤的研究,(2)学习和训练的脑可塑研究,(3)双语习得的研究。目前研究脑可塑的一个重要方向是通过学习和训练,考察认知成分的获得与大脑皮层活动状态变化之间的关系。这些研究说明大脑的成熟是一个动态发展的过程,它的结构和功能在一定程度上具有可塑性。  相似文献   

A Brain-Based Account of the Development of Rule Use in Childhood   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ABSTRACT— The ability to follow explicit rules improves dramatically during the course of childhood, but relatively little is known about the changes in brain structure and function that underlie this behavioral improvement. Drawing from neuroscientific studies in human adults and other animals, as well as from an emerging literature in developmental cognitive neuroscience, we propose a brain-based account of the development of rule use in childhood. This account focuses on four types of rules represented in different parts of the prefrontal cortex: simple rules for reversing stimulus–reward associations, pairs of conditional stimulus–response rules (both univalent and bivalent), and higher-order stimulus–response rules for selecting among task sets. It is hypothesized that the pattern of developmental changes in rule use reflects the different rates of development of specific regions within the prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

李艳玮  李燕芳 《心理科学进展》2010,18(11):1700-1706
自发展认知神经科学兴起以来, 研究者就开始借助MRI等脑成像技术探讨儿童青少年认知能力发展与大脑结构发育和功能特点等之间的关系, 这为揭示行为发展与生理成熟之间的关系、儿童认知发展的神经活动规律、正常和障碍群体的独特大脑神经结构及活动特点等提供了重要启示。通过对有关儿童青少年智力、工作记忆、反应抑制等认知能力发展与大脑结构发育、大脑功能发育之间关系, 以及认知能力训练与大脑可塑性等研究的介绍, 指出发展认知神经科学的未来研究应重视采用纵向设计, 关注自然成熟和经验对正常或障碍儿童青少年认知发展与脑发育关系的交互影响, 同时从练习和训练的角度对大脑可塑性的特点进行探讨。  相似文献   

聋童执行功能发展:聋童与正常儿童的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用标准Dimensional Change Card Sort任务(DCCS),对76名智力正常的3~8岁聋童和78名3~5.5岁的正常儿童进行了对比测试,旨在考察聋童执行功能发展的年龄特征与发展水平。结果发现,3岁组的聋童和正常儿童在DCCS任务上的表现没有显著性差异,但正常儿童在4~4.5岁时进入一个迅速发展期,而聋童要在6岁时才有快速的发展,到7岁后才相当于正常儿童5岁的发展水平,大约滞后2年。研究认为,造成聋童执行功能发展滞后的原因主要有:(1)语言符号系统和聋童特有的符号系统之间可能存在的差异;(2)聋童可能存在计划和灵活性的缺陷;(3)聋童可能存在命名和标识策略上的困难和注意机制的缺陷。结合关于聋童心理理论发展滞后于正常儿童7年以上的报道,心理理论发展和执行功能发展在聋童身上表现出较大的不一致性。  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated preschoolers' interference control in variants of the day–night task. The day–night task involves instructing children across 16 trials to say the word ‘day’ when viewing a card depicting a nighttime sky and to say ‘night’ when shown a picture of the daytime sky. The purpose of the experiments was to investigate whether the depiction on each card distracts children because it is semantically associated with the instructed response or because the depicted item cues the alternative (incorrect) response within the response set. The results in the first study (N=23, M=52.65 months) and second study (N=54, M=50.81 months) indicate that a close semantic relation between the picture and the target response does not pose substantial interference for preschoolers. In contrast, the pictured item poses a significant challenge for preschoolers when it depicts the interfering alternative in the response set. Theoretical implications of these results for the development of interference control are discussed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以脑成像数据为支撑,基于图论的复杂脑网络分析实现了在大尺度上对于大脑的整体定量分析,克服了传统抑郁症病理改变研究仅关注少数几个脑区的缺点。本文主要总结了:(1)基于图论的脑网络分析的概念;(2)基于图论的抑郁症研究现状;(3)以往传统研究的不足,抑郁症脑网络研究的当前总结和未来展望。总体来说:抑郁症病人脑网络的小世界属性依旧存在,但在节点指标上存在明显的异常,且随疾病发展呈线性变化,整个网络趋向于随机化。区域性的异常主要存在于默认网络和前额叶?边缘系统环路。未来研究中,任务状态下的脑网络构建和"最小生长树"技术的应用可能会为抑郁症病人的脑网络异常提供更多的信息。  相似文献   

李旭  陈天勇 《心理科学进展》2011,19(11):1658-1666
日常认知一直是临床心理学家和老年心理学家关注的重点之一, 日常认知的研究主要集中于概念、评估方法和工具、日常认知与智力和执行功能的关系以及相关的干预训练等方面。日常认知概念的深化和相应评估工具的出现, 推动了日常认知研究的深入发展:一方面研究者通过寻找对日常认知有重要作用的基本认知变量, 探究日常认知与智力的关系; 另一方面, 与日常认知有关的训练项目的开发也一直是研究者和老年群体关注的话题, 现有的训练研究提供了很多有启发性的结果。日常认知是老年人身心健康的重要影响因素, 对于保持或提高老年人的生活质量非常重要。  相似文献   

轻度认知损伤(mild cognitive impairment, MCI)是介于正常老化和痴呆之间的过渡阶段。近年来, 执行控制的损伤被认为是MCI的核心特征之一。当前, 在MCI执行控制的领域内, 对冲突监控与解决的特征及其神经机制的研究较少。本研究拟通过认知及情绪冲突实验范式, 结合脑成像技术, 探讨遗忘型MCI (amnestic MCI, aMCI)认知和情绪冲突的监控与解决的特征及相应的脑激活模式; 通过对比aMCI和正常老年人在认知和情绪冲突任务中激活的神经环路, 考察aMCI是否在执行加工的神经网络上存在激活异常。在上述研究基础上, 研究者拟探讨aMCI在执行控制的冲突监控与解决上是否存在一般性的损伤机制, 同时试图寻找aMCI在执行控制的冲突监控与解决方面的认知及神经生物学标记。这对深入理解痴呆的发病进程并有针对性的开展痴呆的早期识别与干预具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

The multidimensional nature of the frontal lobes serves to organize and coordinate brain functionings playing a central and pervasive role in human cognition. The executive processes implicated in complex cognition such as novel problem solving, modifying behavior as appropriate in response to changes in the environment, inhibiting prepotent or previous responses, and the implementation of schemas that organize behavior over time are believed to be mediated by the frontal regions of the brain. Overall, the functioning of the frontal lobes assists individuals in goal directed and self-regulatory behavior. Additional theories of frontal lobe functioning have focused on its involvement in temporal, or time-related domains. The organizational and strategic nature of frontal lobe functioning affects memory processes by enhancing the organization of to-be-remembered information. Among the specific memory systems presumed to be based on anterior cerebral structures is the temporal organization of memory. An essential component of memory that involves temporal organization is sequential ordering entailing the ability to judge which stimuli were seen most recently and the temporal ordering of events in memory. Focal lesion studies have demonstrated the importance of the frontal lobes on retrieval tasks in which monitoring, verification, and placement of information in temporal and spatial contexts of critical importance. Similarly, frontal lobe damage has been associated with deficits in memory for the temporal ordering, or sequencing, of events. The acquisition of abilities thought to be mediated by the frontal lobes, including sequential memory, unfolds throughout childhood, serving to condition patterns of behavior for the rest of the brain. Development of the frontal regions of the brain is known to continue through late adolescence and into early adulthood, in contrast to the earlier maturation of other cortical regions. The developmental patterns of the frontal lobes are thought to involve a hierarchical, dynamic, and multistage process.  相似文献   

Age‐related change in cognitive control for visual selectivity was examined using a conflict adaptation effect (CAE). The CAE reflects an increased stimulus compatibility effect for low levels of conflict frequency within blocks of trials. Younger (n = 20) and elderly (n = 20) adults received an Eriksen‐type flanker task involving compatible (e.g., “44444”) or incompatible (e.g., “44644”) arrays presented to either the left or right visual field (VF). The participants identified the central digit of an array. Relative frequency of conflict (incompatible) trials varied as a function of the VF. Also manipulated was the presentation order of more‐conflict VF and less‐conflict VF conditions over trial blocks. The results showed that a location‐based CAE appeared for both age groups in the first set of trial blocks, whereas in the final set of trial blocks the location‐based CAE appeared only for the younger adults. These results suggested that cognitive flexibility related to context‐dependent cognitive control diminishes with age.  相似文献   

以中国大学生为被试,采用事件相关电位对比研究中英文Stroop干扰效应的脑内时程动态变化。结果发现:两种文字材料都存在反应时的Stroop干扰效应,汉字的干扰效应明显强于英文;被试在完成不同文字材料的字词颜色命名任务时所诱发的ERP成分存在差异,具体为中文Stroop干扰效应表现为在350—550ms内,不一致条件比一致条件诱发一个更负的ERP成分(N450),主要分布于额中部电极。英文Stroop干扰效应表现为不一致条件比一致条件在250—450ms内诱发一个更正的ERP成分(P300),主要分布于左侧额顶叶;在450—550ms内诱发一个更负的ERP成分(N500),主要分布于中后部。研究结果表明语言类型会影响Stroop干扰效应的脑内时程变化。  相似文献   

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