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<内经>"治未病"的预防思想强调疾病防重于治,从养生入手,减少或避免疾病的发生、发展和传变,这一思想对于高血压病早期防治具有重要的指导意义.高血压病的防治应遵循<内经>"治未病"思想和养生保健理论,从饮食、情志、运动等方面进行综合调养,并结合中医中药,达到稳压降压的目的.尤其对于高血压痛的二级预防具有积极的意义.  相似文献   

是针对张功耀<告别中医中药>一文的序言部分所作的辩驳性文章.是以中国文化的历史演变为背景,对照观察中医学的发展历程,从过去、现在和未来三个方面进行了探讨,从而分析"废除中医"的思想对中医不同发展阶段的影响.  相似文献   

<医学与哲学·人文社会医学版>2006年4期,刊载了张功耀<告别中医中药>一文(以下简称<告别>),作者以文化进步、尊重科学、维护生物多样性及人道主义的名义,提出告别中医药的主张.虽然名义很庄严,旗帜很鲜明,但却表现出以偏概全、以旧概新、全面否定的错误,严重违背科学精神.  相似文献   

不仅<周易>的形式架构和思维模式深刻地影响到<文心雕龙>,而且<易传>的一系列范畴和命题,诸如"道"和"器","文"和"章","象"、"辞"和"意"等,对<文心雕龙>产生了全方位的影响;因此,<易传>哲学乃是<文心雕龙>的思想之魂.在一定程度上,没有<周易>,就没有<文心雕龙>.  相似文献   

王广 《周易研究》2004,(5):45-49
朱的治<易>体会.本文据此考察了朱子治<易>理路:一是对<易>道和<易>书的定位,认为圣人所深见的<易>道不仅仅指<易>的生生之道,而且还涵<易>书本为卜筮而作的本义;二是对治<易>困境的省思,认为因<易>之本义被遮蔽,且<易>道还需经历见得之故,故<易>成为难读的"天书".得出:朱子认定只有达至"此心大段虚明宁静"之境后,方可像圣人一样"深见<易>道之无穷",证成"学<易>无大过"的生命境界.  相似文献   

圣凯 《宗教学研究》2008,50(1):80-90
摄论学派对<华严经>的研究,是以昙迁为中心人物而展开.智俨的师承:杜顺、达法师、法常、灵辨、静琳、智正,后四位皆曾受教于昙迁,都具有融合<摄论>与<华严经>的学风.昙迁<亡是非论>阐明"亡是非"、"无心"与"性起"观念中的"离相"、"不起"等观念相合,所以能够"顺性起".智俨是针对<瑜伽论>、<成唯识论>为三乘始教,而强调<摄论>为三乘终教;但是,他又将<摄论>置于"从始入终"的位置,唯识学经过<摄论>的中介作用,最后进入<地论>、<起信论>的终教.法藏通过接受摄论学派的"三无性同一无性",而提出"三性一际",最后归入<起信论>的如来藏缘起,建立了"法界缘起".  相似文献   

<史记>以叔孙通为"汉家儒宗",<汉书>判定的"儒宗"达12人.对比"儒宗"中<史><汉>均有记载的叔孙通和董仲舒,差异源自判定"儒宗"的标准不同.在学说价值上,<史记>注重儒学的社会效用,<汉书>强调学术造诣;在致用问题上,<史记>强调对时机的把握,<汉书>突出学问和学养.从根本上,这是<史><汉>对儒学内容和致用途径理解不同造成的.  相似文献   

就<文心雕龙>撰著体例而言,刘勰依据汉易象数原则及马融对"大衍之数"的解释,原本只将全书定为五十章并分为上下两篇;依汉易对"太极"及"三才"说的解释,由<原道>、<征圣>、<宗经>三篇构成总论,<原道>则相当于"其一不用"的"太极".由<辨骚>至<书记>为上篇文体论,依"取象"原则,旨在论文体渊源与流变;下篇旨在论"问数",而<神思>至<总术>又是集中阐述"驭文之术";上篇<原道>以下及下篇<神思>以下各篇篇第次序都是依取"两两相偶"的解易体例排定的,故<文心雕龙>通行本各篇篇第次序当为原貌.依象数不离及八宫卦原则,上篇与下篇又存在着对应关系.总之,刘勰<文心雕龙>的撰著体例是依取汉易象数学的解易体例而确立的.  相似文献   

尹志华 《中国道教》2008,(5):31-32,33-35
一、<老子河上公章句>独特的经文和注释 本文所据以讨论的<老子河上公章句>,以明<道藏>所收题"河上公章句"之<道德真经注>为底本,参校敦煌唐抄本、<四部丛刊>影印宋建安虞氏刊本、明<道藏>所收宋太守张氏<道德真经集注>本及题"顾欢述"<道德真经注疏>本.  相似文献   

本文以韩愈<进学解>里"<易>奇而法"这句断语为切入点,结合其文学创作与文学理论,界定他所谓的<易>"奇"有什么具体含义,再看看他是如何取"法"于<易>的,从而深入探讨他对<周易>的独特解读与接受.  相似文献   

Infertility is a life crisis for which modern technologies suggest solutions that themselves are stressful. The purpose of the present study was to determine how treatments for infertility are perceived, and the cognitive structure underlying their perception. Fifty women undergoing in vitro fertilization and 50 fertile women recorded their perceptions of 10 infertility treatments on 15 dimensions. Intergroup comparisons showed that patients generally perceived the treatments more positively than nonpatients, and differences in perceptions focused on female-centered treatments rather than on male-centered and donor-involved treatments. Fertile women tended to be more concerned with the risks to the fetus, whereas infertile patients tended to be more concerned with the social exposure of the treatments. Cluster analysis revealed that patients' conceptions of infertility treatments were organized according to the most salient features of the procedures being applied, whereas fertile women's were organized according to the cause of infertility. The significance of these findings for providing care for infertile couples is discussed.  相似文献   

Body image and cosmetic medical treatments   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Cosmetic medical treatments have become increasingly popular over the past decade. The explosion in popularity can be attributed to several factors—the evolution of safer, minimally invasive procedures, increased mass media attention, and the greater willingness of individuals to undergo cosmetic procedures as a means to enhance physical appearance. Medical and mental health professionals have long been interested in understanding both the motivations for seeking a change in physical appearance as well as the psychological outcomes of these treatments. Body image has been thought to play a key role in the decision to seek cosmetic procedures, however, only recently have studies investigated the pre- and postoperative body image concerns of patients. While body image dissatisfaction may motivate the pursuit of cosmetic medical treatments, psychiatric disorders characterized by body image disturbances, such as body dysmorphic disorder and eating disorders, may be relatively common among these patients. Subsequent research on persons who alter their physical appearance through cosmetic medical treatments are likely provide important information on the nature of body image.  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature on body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) in persons who seek appearance enhancing medical treatments such as cosmetic surgery and dermatological treatment. We begin with a discussion of the growing popularity of cosmetic surgical and minimally invasive treatments. The literature investigating the psychological characteristics is briefly highlighted. Studies investigating the rate of BDD among persons who seek appearance enhancing treatments are detailed and, collectively, suggest that approximately 5–15% of individuals who seek these treatments suffer from BDD. Retrospective reports suggest that persons with BDD rarely experience improvement in their symptoms following these treatments, leading some to suggest that BDD is a contraindication to cosmetic surgery and other treatments. The clinical management of patients with BDD who present for these treatments is briefly described and directions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

几乎任何疾病都可能引起疼痛。在临床上和日常生活中,疼痛问题常常被人忽视,而疼痛的敏感性问题也常被人们误认为是耐受性问题。人类的出现,赋予了疼痛以人文意义。随着社会的进步,应该对疼痛问题给予足够的重视。对病人的疼痛,我们有必要给予足够的人文关怀。  相似文献   

Clinical and epidemiological data suggest that generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a chronic illness causing patients to suffer for many years leading to significant distress in daily life functioning. The literature suggests the several conclusions. GAD is a disorder in need of appropriate treatment and often has a chronic course with comorbid conditions, such as major depression and other anxiety disorders. Benzodiazepines, while effective anxiolytic agents acutely, when prescribed for >4 weeks cause rebound anxiety and following prolonged therapy may lead to withdrawal symptoms. Antidepressants cause significant anxiety relief compared with placebo and for psychosocial treatment cognitive-behavioral therapy is an efficacious psychosocial treatment. Many GAD patients are in need of long-term medication management. Furthermore, there is limited data for patients diagnosed with GAD the treatment outcome with the combination of medication and psychotherapy both acutely and long-term; how to best sequence these treatments; for those patients who do not meet remission criteria what is the ideal approach for augmentation; and for patients with treatment-refractory GAD the empirical evidence is lacking on medication switching and augmentation strategies. Research is needed in the area of developing treatment strategies for patients suffering from treatment-refractory GAD. There is still an urgent need to explore treatment combinations and duration strategies in the management of patients suffering with GAD.  相似文献   

Usually, between 5% and 20% of psychotherapy patients are dissatisfied with their treatments. This naturalistic study explores seven clearly dissatisfied patients' view of the therapeutic process and outcome. Interviews at termination of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and at a 1.5-year follow-up were analysed to create a tentative conceptual model of patient dissatisfaction using grounded theory approach. At the core of the model is an experience of abandonment by a therapist felt to be insufficiently flexible, a therapy lacking intensity, and links missing between therapy and everyday life. Dissatisfied patients lacked confidence in their relationship with the therapist, described their therapists in negative terms and concluded that their therapies lacked direction. They wanted more response from the therapist. Paying greater attention to the patient's emerging dissatisfaction may prevent lasting disappointment, unnecessary continuation of fruitless treatment, and probably increase efficiency.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the threatened masculinity theory of male body dissatisfaction, which posits that threats to masculinity result in increased muscle dissatisfaction. In Study 1, a masculinity threat was followed by tasks examining confidence in physical ability and perceptions of current and ideal body shapes. Results showed that men who experienced a masculinity threat reported lower confidence in their physical ability and perceived themselves as less muscular than men who experienced an affirmation of their masculinity. In Study 2, men were asked to report their intention to increase muscularity and their appearance anxiety following a threat to masculinity. Results showed that men reported lower appearance anxiety and drive for muscularity when their masculinity was threatened than when their masculinity was affirmed. This apparent contradiction can be explained by noting that men may be motivated to deny appearance concerns following a threat to masculinity, as such concerns are equated with femininity.  相似文献   

The currently available distribution-free confidence interval for a difference of medians in a within-subjects design requires an unrealistic assumption of identical distribution shapes. A confidence interval for a general linear function of medians is proposed for within-subjects designs that do not assume identical distribution shapes. The proposed method can be combined with a method for linear functions of independent medians to provide a confidence interval for a linear function of medians in mixed designs. Simulation results show that the proposed methods have good small-sample properties under a wide range of conditions. The proposed methods are illustrated with examples, and R functions that implement the new methods are provided.  相似文献   

2002年以来,我国经济保持快速增长的势头,但股指却逐级下滑,股市与宏观经济出现完全"背离"的走势,股票市场的筹资功能、投资功能及优化资源配置功能在逐渐弱化。中国股市边缘化趋势明显。其根本原因在于广大投资者对股市监管当局信心和信任的丧失。股票市场作为我国社会主义市场经济体系的重要组成部分,对我国的经济发展起着至关重要的作用。我们应坚持以科学发展观为指导,以实现国家和人民群众的利益为最高价值追求,推进和实施诚信监管,提高监管公信力,恢复市场信心,实现股票市场的健康稳定和有序发展。  相似文献   

晚期消化道肿瘤预后差,生存期短,容易合并某种或某些严重影响脏器功能、甚至危及生命的并发症,如果手术无法彻底根治,需要尽快处理,采取姑息性手术治疗能够缓解症状、减轻痛苦、改善生活质量,甚至达到延长生命的目的。在综合治疗过程中,外科手术能够为下一步治疗提供基础,创造条件。多年以来,对于晚期消化道肿瘤的治疗,姑息性手术取得一...  相似文献   

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