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Divergent values for the Affective Ratio score of Rorschach's test have been reported by Exner and Beck. The results of computation of the scores of 119 school children supported Beck's findings.  相似文献   


Buss, A. H. Psychology of Aggression. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1961, Pp. X + 307, $7.95. Reviewed by Leonard D. Eron

Eiduson, Bernice T. Scientists—their psychological world. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1962. pp. 299, $6.50. Reviewed by John R. Weir

Ginott, Haim G. Group Psychotherapy with Children. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961, pp. 208. Reviewed by Gordon Filmer-Bennett

Holtzman, Wayne H., Thorpe, Joseph S., Swartz, Jon D., &; Herron, E. Wayne Inkblot perception and personality. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1961. 417 pp. $8.00. Reviewed by A. Barclay, Ph.D.

Ittelson, William H., Kutash, Samuel B., ed: Perceptual Changes in Psychopathology. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1961. 262 pp. $9.00. Reviewed by Donald L. Weston

Levitt, E. E. Clinical Research Design and Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1961, pp. 199–xxii. $8.50. Reviewed by Wilson H. Guertin

Lindzey, Gardner. Projective Techniques &; Cross-Cultural Research. Published by Appleton, Century-Crofts, Inc., N.Y., 1961, 339 pp., $6.00. Reviewed by Sohan Lal Sharma, Ph.D.

Clifton, James A. and Levine, David. Klamath Personalities: Ten Rorschach Case Studies, University of Oregon Press, Eugene, 1961, 80 pp. Reviewed by Sohan Lal Sharma, Ph.D.  相似文献   


Anagrams and semantic differential (S-D) test responses of Ss for whom words were “loaded” on a free association test were compared with those of Ss for whom the words were neutral. No differences in rate of word building or mean productivity of the two groups on the anagrams test were found. Mean S-D scale values similarly failed to differentiate between the two groups. However, when numbers of neutral (0) and extreme (+3 and ?3) responses were compared, “loaded” Ss were found on the whole to rate words more neutrally or more positively. The conclusion was that the stimulus value of the words in the associative condition could not be directly determined from responses in other conditions. The strategy of studying stimulus value of projective test items by using those items as stimuli on tests eliciting different levels of response was, therefore, questioned. Several other related experimental strategies which may mix response levels were also discussed and more appropriate techniques were suggested.  相似文献   

This article examines the milieu of Hermann Rorschach's Psychodiagnostics (1921/2021) under development between 1911 and his death in 1922 and explores new evidence about the direction Rorschach's test might have taken after publication of Psychodiagnostics. This includes direct and indirect influences from turn of the century continental philosophy and science and innovative colleagues in the Swiss psychiatric and psychoanalytic societies. The availability of newly translated scholarship, including the correspondence between Ludwig Binswanger and Hermann Rorschach following the 1921 publication of Psychodiagnostics, Binswanger's posthumous 1923 commentary in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, and recent new translation of Psychodiagnostics, permits a fresh appraisal of the milieu and foundations of Rorschach's development. Understanding these sources and influences opens new vistas in reappraising the nature of Rorschach's “test theory” which Rorschach considered undeveloped at the time of his death. This paper presents new evidence that, under the influence of Rorschach's close colleague, Ludwig Binswanger, the Geisteswissenschaften and phenomenology might have figured prominently in future developments. The paper concludes that Rorschach, preoccupied with considerations of kinesthetic subjectivity in his innovative conceptualization of human movement responses, was a nascent phenomenologist whose untimely death cut short further developments in his theory of the test.  相似文献   

In the 1960s, a methodological advancement of significant proportion occured with the development of single case research designs in the field of appleid behavior analysis. Among the methods popularized were the multiple baseline, reversal, and, more recently, the alternating treatment designs. Despite the flexibility and wide applicability of each of these single subject designs, there are conditions under which none of them are appropriate. For example, when limited subjects are available and when repeated presentation of the same stimuli result in improvement due to practice effects of decremental effects due to boredom or habituation, problems arise. To offset this difficulty, the investigators describe a new single case design, the random stimulus design. This design is so named becuase an item pool of equal stimuli is established and then items are randomly selected and assigned to one of several cohorts. Cohorts are then assessed in the typical withdrawal or reversal manner.  相似文献   

In two experiments with rats, three stimuli, A, B, and X, were used for an AX+ BX+ Xo discrimination in which food was presented after the simultaneous presentation of A and X, or B and X, but never after X by itself. For one group in each experiment, X was repeatedly presented by itself before the start of discrimination training. This manipulation weakened responding on test trials in which the three stimuli were presented together. The results are interpreted in terms of a configural theory of conditioning that assumes that preexposure to a stimulus will reduce its capacity to promote generalization among different configurations to which it belongs.  相似文献   

Various stimulus components (video, orally-presented questions) and response components (multiple-choice, written, orally-given replies) of situational judgement tests of occupational social competency were investigated as to their impact upon the validity for a behavior-oriented role playing criterion while keeping test content constant. The stimulus component video alone had no impact upon validity. The response components contributed to validity. Validity increased with improved fidelity of response components. Concerning stimulus-response-combinations, the validity of two video tests (r = 0.17 and r = 0.36) was not higher than the validity of similar oral questioning (r = 0.13 and r = 0.37) but was significantly lower than a situational interview (r = 0.59). Response fidelity proved to be a bottleneck regarding validity of video tests. As a result, it is recommended that, in order to maximize validity of video and multimedia efforts, the developers of video- and multimedia tests focus special attention on response fidelity.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of non-clinical subjects (N=74) the study examines the Defence Mechanism Test (DMT) by focusing on when perceptual distortions, called ‘signs of defence’ in DMT terminology, occur (distribution in exposure duration), which part of the picture is involved (distribution in localisation), and which ‘signs’ go together (using correlation and factor analyses). The results disclosed that the occurrence of perceptual distortions (‘signs of defence’) was related to exposure duration (some ‘defences’ are more frequent at brief exposures, some others at longer exposure durations), and to localisation on the picture. The location of misperceptions to the central person (hero) or the peripheral person (pp) of the picture was the major explanatory principle for the distribution of ‘signs’ on factors. Rather than capturing psychodynamic defence mechanisms, which is the theoretical basis of the test, the analyses imply that the DMT seems to measure misperceptions which are a function of the localisation of persons on the stimulus picture and of exposure durations.  相似文献   

In a group of 42 healthy volunteers the correlations between the concept of Extraversion-Introversion as defined by Eysenck and Erlebnistypus as defined by Rorschach were analysed to relate these with the tolerance of an experimentally induced tonic pain. We conducted an experimental procedure comprising a test and retest. At test the subjects were administered the Rorschach, the Eysenck Personality Inventory, the Cold Water Pressor Test, a nongraduated Visual Analogue Scale, and the Italian version of the McGill Pain Questionnaire. At retest the experimental induction of pain was measured again. At test subjects who scored higher on the EPI Extraversion scale tolerated pain longer and did not modify their performance at retest. Also, the concepts of Extroversion defined by the Rorschach test and by the Extraversion scale of the Eysenck Personality Inventory shared some psychophysiological features of higher tolerance to pain. These personality features did not influence how subjects qualitatively describe the immediate painful experience.  相似文献   

This study examined the vulnerability of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST), a widely used, direct alcohol inventory, to positive dissimulation. An earlier study by developers of the MAST suggested that most alcoholics were unable to alter their scores and thereby avoid detection by the instrument. But closer examination indicated that a standard scoring procedure was not employed. This study examined the ability of alcoholics to avoid detection by the MAST when using a standard scoring procedure. As predicted, alcoholics readily manipulated their MAST scores and avoided detection when so motivated. These results are discussed, indications and contraindications for use are included, and recommendations regarding future research are made.  相似文献   

Most studies investigating the Stroop phenomenon have used duration of performance as a measure to demonstrate the interference effects. In the present study the Stroop phenomenon was examined by means of a recall test. Sixty male and female undergraduates, randomly assigned into one of three experimental conditions, were included in the study. The three conditions consisted of lists of six colored Xs, six colored words, and six color names printed in incongruent colors. The task was to recall the items in each list. Color names were recalled better than and at the expense of printed colors. These findings support the Norman and Bobrow notion regarding the limited amount of processing resources.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record -  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - Studies comparing the effectiveness of the stimulus-pairing-observation and matching-to-sample procedures in facilitating equivalence relations have reported conflicting...  相似文献   

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