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We investigated cardiac perception in panic disorder with both self-report and objective measures. In Study 1, 120 patients with panic disorder, 86 infrequent panickers, and 38 patients with other anxiety disorders reported greater cardiac and gastrointestinal awareness than 62 normal control subjects. Subjects with panic attacks reported greater cardiac awareness, but not gastrointestinal awareness, than those with other anxiety disorders. Studies 2 and 3 included a test of heart rate perception in which subjects silently counted their heart-beats without taking their pulse. In Study 2, 65 panic disorder patients showed better performance than 50 infrequent panickers, 27 patients with simple phobias, and 46 normal control subjects. No group differences were found in ability to estimate time intervals. In Study 3, 13 patients with panic disorder and 15 with generalized anxiety disorder showed better heart rate perception than 16 depressed patients.  相似文献   

Relationships between subscores of the Autonomic Perception Questionnaire and ability to raise and lower heart rate voluntarily were examined in 40 subjects. Subscores which reflected autonomic awareness in anxiety and pleasure states were not predictive of degree of cardiac control, while the subscore specific to reported awareness of heart functioning during pleasure states only was positively correlated with ability to raise heart rate.  相似文献   

心脏细胞再生的研究是当前心血管研究领域的热点之一。传统的观点认为心肌细胞就像神经细胞一样是终末分化细胞,它不再分化,不再分裂,也不能再生,换句话说,人一旦出生其心肌细胞数量就固定不变,近年来,随着干细胞研究的不断深入,不仅在干细胞移植再生心肌研究中取得了可喜的成果,而且发现心肌细胞本身也具有分裂,再生的能力,使得心肌细胞不能再生的“经典论断”受到挑战,最终被打破,这一科学观念的更新历程体现了科学认识发展的一般规律和特点,给我们带来许多有益的启示。  相似文献   

新近观点认为,病理性心肌肥厚是心肌细胞与冠脉血管不平衡生长的结果,即冠脉系统的生长不能够赶上心肌生长,从而导致心肌收缩障碍和心力衰竭。GATA4是其中一个重要转录调控因子,传统认为它与心肌收缩障碍和心力衰竭密切相关;现在研究发现GATA4是鼠类心脏血管生成的关键调控因子,在各种疾病导致的心肌肥厚中,冠脉血管生成有利于持续的心脏功能代偿,延缓心衰发生。由此看来,在心肌肥厚发病过程中,GATA4既是一个破坏者,也是一个保护者。  相似文献   

In a series of studies, retrospective reports were used to assess differences in physiological symptoms associated with three emotions: Anxious, Angry, Sad. Symptom awareness, as measured by scores on the Autonomic Perception Questionnaire and the Somatic Perception Questionnaire, was significantly greater for Anxious than for the other emotions; reports for Angry and Sad were quantitatively similar. Qualitative analysis showed a different pattern. Sad was characterized as involving a low arousal state, while Anxious and Angry shared several distinguishing symptoms, most notably cardiac symptoms and general restlessness. Predicted gender differences were also observed. Males and females did not differ in overall reported level of awareness, but did differ in their reports of the specific symptoms constituting that awareness.  相似文献   

This study assessed the physiological and cognitive effects of Valins' (Valins, S. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1966, 4, 400–408) false heart rate procedure. Twenty-two male subjects were exposed to two feedback conditions during which measures of actual heart rate and skin conductance were obtained. In each condition, eight slides of nude females were presented; some slides were associated with false heart rate increases, while for other slides the feedback remained stable. In one condition, subjects were told that the heart rate was that of another subject; in the other condition, subjects were told that the feedback was their own heart rate. In both conditions, subjects judged the attractiveness of the slides from their own point of view and from the point of view of the other subject. Slides associated with false heart rate increases were rated as more attractive than stable slides when subjects (1) heard their own heart rate and rated their own attraction; (2) heard the other subject's heart rate and rated their own attraction; and (3) heard the other subject's heart rate and rated the other subject's attraction. Skin conductance responses and actual cardiac decelerations were greater when subjects heard what was allegedly their own heart rate and when the slides were accompanied by apparent cardiac acceleration. However, these actual physiological responses did not play a causal role in relation to the affective judgments. Instead, the relationship between perceived physiological changes and feelings of attractiveness was mediated by cognitive processes associated with informational and directive influences of the feedback.  相似文献   

The origins and development of mental representations of internal bodily organs are, in general, difficult to discern. This is so even in the case of an internal bodily organ such as the heart, which is more readily perceived than most other body organs since its beating can be felt and heard. It is even true in the case of individuals in whose psyche the heart comes to play an inordinately prominent role. It was so in the case presented in this paper, the case of a man who was preoccupied with the idea that he was going to die of a heart attack, as his father had. It required a great deal of analytic work to uncover some of the underlying conflict-laden factors which lay behind his cardiac preoccupations. Those conflicts and fantasies that were uncovered derived from many developmental layers, but seemed to be organized around a central bisexual conflict resulting from the threat of castration for both positive and negative oedipal wishes. The two main unconscious mental representations of the heart in his case were as an erect, pulsating penis and as a blood-filled vagina, although other representations such as a bloody anus also existed. A relatively accurate, realistic mental representation of the heart probably evolves slowly during the development of any individual and is probably always distorted somewhat by infantile unconscious concepts along the way. In a situation where a parent has had a cardiac illness, and particularly when this illness occurred during the individual's childhood, the mental representation of the heart can be even more distorted than usual by the developmental conflicts that are intensified by the parental illness.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of an accelerated heart rate on information processing and resistance to persuasion. Experiment 1 addressed the effects on cognitive performance of manipulating heart rate exogenously for brief periods of time. Fourteen subjects wearing implanted demand-type cardiac pacemakers performed reading comprehension and sentence generation tasks while their heart rate was either accelerated or not accelerated. Results revealed that performance was better when heart rate was accelerated than when it was not accelerated. Experiment 2 addressed the effects on counterargumentation and resistance to persuasion of manipulating heart rate using the cardiac-pacing technique employed in Experiment 1. Subjects read highly involving counterattitudinal communications while their heart rate was either ostensibly or actually accelerated. Accelerated heart rate resulted in the generation of more total thoughts and counterarguments than did basal heart rate; resistance to persuasion was related significantly to the number of counterarguments generated. The methodology used provides a means by which social psychologists can study the effects on social processes of actual but unperceived changes in physiological processes.  相似文献   

The ability to perceive interoceptive signals plays a central role in many theories of emotions. The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between interoceptive awareness and the conscious processing and memory of emotional information. Heart-rate changes were recorded during baseline and affective picture presentation in two groups of participants, differing in cardiac awareness. After a 60-minute break, a recognition task was conducted. Statistical analyses revealed significantly stronger heart-rate deceleration to pleasant and unpleasant stimuli in participants with high interoceptive awareness. In the subsequent picture recognition task, participants with high interoceptive awareness demonstrated a superior recall of pleasant and unpleasant pictures, while no differences were found between interoceptive awareness groups for pictures of neutral content. Our results demonstrate a strong relationship between the perception of cardiac signals and both the processing as well as the recognition of emotional stimuli. High interoceptive awareness was related to increased physiological responses to emotional stimuli and is therefore an important mediating variable when investigating cardiovascular reactivity both in healthy subjects as well as in clinical populations.  相似文献   

Theories of emotion propose that responses to emotional pictures can occur independently of whether or not people are aware of the picture content. Because evidence from dissociation paradigms is inconclusive, we manipulated picture awareness gradually and studied whether emotional responses varied with degree of awareness. Spider fearful and non-fearful participants viewed pictures of spiders and flowers at four levels of backward masking while electrodermal activity and heart rate were measured continuously. Recognition ratings confirmed that participants’ picture awareness decreased with masking. Critically, effects of spider fear on emotion ratings and heart rate also decreased with masking. These findings suggest that effects of spider fear on emotion ratings and heart rate are closely related to picture awareness.  相似文献   

Theories of emotion propose that responses to emotional pictures can occur independently of whether or not people are aware of the picture content. Because evidence from dissociation paradigms is inconclusive, we manipulated picture awareness gradually and studied whether emotional responses varied with degree of awareness. Spider fearful and non-fearful participants viewed pictures of spiders and flowers at four levels of backward masking while electrodermal activity and heart rate were measured continuously. Recognition ratings confirmed that participants' picture awareness decreased with masking. Critically, effects of spider fear on emotion ratings and heart rate also decreased with masking. These findings suggest that effects of spider fear on emotion ratings and heart rate are closely related to picture awareness.  相似文献   

While subjects viewed and rated a series of 25 emotionally evocative slides, their heart rate and skin conductance were continuously monitored and their facial expressions were covertly videotaped. Judges subsequently viewed the videotapes and rated trial-by-trial the pleasantness and intensity of each subject's facial expressions. Both phasic skin conductance responding and judged facial intensity were curvilinearly related to self-reported pleasantness, with the largest responses occurring at both extremes of the self-report scale. In contrast, phasic cardiac reactions and judged facial pleasantness were linearly related to self-reported pleasantness; extreme pleasantness was accompanied by heart rate acceleration, and unpleasantness by cardiac deceleration. The results suggest that visceral information reflects the dimensions that underlie the organization of affects and, hence, may play a more important role in emotional experience than is assumed in a number of currently held theories of emotion.  相似文献   

In panic disorder bodily sensations appear to play an important role as a trigger for anxiety. In our psychophysiological model of panic attacks we postulate the following vicious circle: individuals with panic attacks perceive even quite small increases in heart rate and interpret these changes as being catastrophic. This elicits anxiety and a further increase in heart rate. To evaluate this model we conducted a field study of 28 subjects with panic attacks and 20 healthy controls. A 24 hr ambulatory ECG was recorded and the subjects were instructed to report any cardiac perceptions during this period and to rate the anxiety elicited by these perceptions. The incidence of cardiac perceptions was about the same in both groups, but only subjects with panic attacks reported anxiety associated with such perceptions. Analysis of the ECGs revealed that in both groups heart rate accelerations preceded cardiac perceptions. Following cardiac perceptions, the healthy controls showed a heart rate deceleration, whereas the subjects with panic attacks had a further acceleration. This heart rate increase after cardiac perceptions was positively related to the level of anxiety elicited by the perceptions. These results provide clear evidence in support of the vicious circle model of panic attacks.  相似文献   

Two fundamental issues in emotion theory and research concern: (a) the role of emotion in promoting response coherence across different emotion systems; and (b) the role of awareness of bodily sensations in the experience of emotion. The present study poses a question bridging the two domains; namely, whether training in Vipassana meditation or dance, both of which promote attention to certain kinds of bodily sensations, is associated with greater coherence between the subjective and physiological aspects of emotion. We used lag correlations to examine second-by-second coherence between subjective emotional experience and heart period within individuals across four different films. Participants were either: (a) experienced Vipassana meditators (attention to visceral sensations), (b) experienced dancers (attention to somatic sensations), and (c) controls with no meditation or dance experience. Results indicated a linear relationship in coherence, with meditators having highest levels, dancers having intermediary levels, and controls having lowest levels. We conclude that the coherence between subjective and cardiac aspects of emotion is greater in those who have specialized training that promotes greater body awareness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare two methods of analyzing the effects of exteroceptive feedback training on the voluntary bidirectional control of human cardiac rate with the use of a within-subject control design. In this design heart rate (HR) during an experimental period (increase or decrease) is compared with that recorded during some other control period, generally a baseline “rest” period. Ten male undergraduates were instructed to control HR and given visual feedback of heart activity. Trials on which Ss were to raise and to lower HR were both given in a single training session. The data were analyzed in two ways: (a) cardiac rate during HR control periods was compared to an initial pre-experiment baseline; (b) cardiac rate during HR control periods was compared to a running pretrial baseline. The results support the argument that the former procedure fails to take account of habituating levels of cardiac rate and favors finding large magnitude decreases in HR but small increases, whereas the latter procedure favors finding large magnitude increases but small decreases. It is suggested that magnitude of directional control will be artifactual when initial values are used to assess change. Contaminating influences on the running pretrial baseline were also discussed.  相似文献   

本研究对167名三到六年级的汉语儿童进行了英语拼写测验和英语正字法规则意识测验,结果发现:(1)汉语儿童在整个小学时期的英语拼写能力都基本处于字母名称拼写策略阶段,在四年级到五年级期间,其整体拼写水平有较显著提高;(2)汉语小学儿童的英语拼写水平与其正字法规则意识显著相关,四、五、六年级儿童的英语字母可双写位置规则对其英语拼写能力具有显著预测作用。  相似文献   

Influential models highlight the central integration of bodily arousal with emotion. Some emotions, notably disgust, are more closely coupled to visceral state than others. Cardiac baroreceptors, activated at systole within each cardiac cycle, provide short-term visceral feedback. Here we explored how phasic baroreceptor activation may alter the appraisal of brief emotional stimuli and consequent cardiovascular reactions. We used functional MRI (fMRI) to measure brain responses to emotional face stimuli presented before and during cardiac systole. We observed that the processing of emotional stimuli was altered by concurrent natural baroreceptor activation. Specifically, facial expressions of disgust were judged as more intense when presented at systole, and rebound heart rate increases were attenuated after expressions of disgust and happiness. Neural activity within prefrontal cortex correlated with emotionality ratings. Activity within periaqueductal gray matter reflected both emotional ratings and their interaction with cardiac timing. Activity within regions including prefrontal and visual cortices correlated with increases in heart rate evoked by the face stimuli, while orbitofrontal activity reflected both evoked heart rate change and its interaction with cardiac timing. Our findings demonstrate that momentary physiological fluctuations in cardiovascular afferent information (1) influence specific emotional judgments, mediated through regions including the periaqueductal gray matter, and (2) shape evoked autonomic responses through engagement of orbitofrontal cortex. Together these findings highlight the close coupling of visceral and emotional processes and identify neural regions mediating bodily state influences on affective judgment.  相似文献   

Cardiodynamic determinants of heart perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Subjective perception of one's heartbeat is augmented by psychological factors (stress, fear) as well as by physiological influences (e.g., physical work). It is still unclear on which cardiac or circulatory parameters the "signal" for cardiac perception is based. In this study, the relation between cardiac performance and the ability to perceive one's heartbeat was investigated. Sixteen healthy subjects (8 female, 8 male, aged from 21 to 31 years) participated. Cardiac activity was varied by a combination of passive tilt and physical work on a bicycle ergometer. Subjects had to perform physical work (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 W) on the bicycle at seven different angles (90 degrees, 75 degrees, 60 degrees, 45 degrees, 30 degrees, 15 degrees, 0 degrees). A cardiac perception test was carried out after each load. The following cardiodynamic parameters were measured: stroke volume, contractility, and heart rate. The mean correlation coefficient between cardioceptive performance and cardiodynamic parameters was .62 for stroke volume, .45 for contractility, and .12 for heart rate. Obviously, a remarkable relation exists between the mass and--to a lesser degree--the velocity of ejected blood and cardiac perception. From this we infer, tentatively, that the subjectively perceivable heartbeat stimulus is generated by mechanical events that occur close to the left ventricle.  相似文献   

将GO/NO-GO任务范式和错误意识判断范式相结合,对21名ADHD儿童,27名正常儿童,在错误监控中的错误觉察水平进行考察,结果表明:1)ADHD儿童能够正常觉察到自己的错误反应;2)错误意识判断任务诱发出ADHD儿童的错误延迟效应,这种作用,既是因为该任务能够刺激ADHD儿童的有意觉察,又因为该任务无形中增加了GO/NO-GO任务中的刺激间隔时间。该结果表明,增加刺激间隔时间,可能会促使ADHD儿童改变错误后的反应策略,对错误反应进行错误调节,提高其错误监控水平。  相似文献   

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