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Allocentric tendencies were studied with a multimethod questionnaire and Illinois undergraduates. Nine scales measuring different aspects of allocentrism were shown to have good reliability and to be intercorrelated, thus showing convergent validity. Factor analysis identified three aspects: subordination of personal to group goals, the ingroup as extension of the self, and ingroup identity. The scales also had satisfactory discriminant validity. Those high on idiocentric tendencies used equity and those high in allocentric tendencies used equality and need in distributing rewards. A second study found that those who are allocentric are more likely to emphasize the values of cooperation, equality, and honesty, and those who are idiocentric to emphasize the values of comfortable life, competition, pleasure, and social recognition. Those who were allocentric reported receiving more social support and a better quality of social support; those who were idiocentric were higher in achievement motivation, alienation, anomie, and reported greater loneliness.  相似文献   

The Marital Disillusionment Scale, together with measures of divorce proneness, marital disaffection, work addiction, sensation seeking, intimacy, and marital satisfaction (using the subscales Marital Disharmony and Disaffection), was administered to 116 married people (42 men, 74 women) in a university town in the western USA. Scores on the Marital Disillusionment Scale had significant positive correlations with scores on the Marital Instability Scale (r = .54), the Marital Disaffection Scale (r = .72), and the two subscales Disharmony (r = .53) and Disaffection (r = .75) of the eMarital Satisfaction Inventory. Scores for the Marital Disillusionment Scale were negatively correlated with those for the Personal Assessment of Intimacy in Relationships Inventory (r = -.65) but were not significantly associated with scores for the Work Addiction Risk Test and the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale. The results support the convergent and discriminant validity of the Marital Disillusionment Scale.  相似文献   

Four studies employing a prototype approach tested the convergent and discriminant validity of a lay forgiveness representation. In Study 1, participants nominated a wide range of forgiveness features. In Study 2, participants rated the centrality of forgiveness features, which created a reliable graded structure from central to peripheral features. Study 3 tested the convergent validity of this lay forgiveness representation while controlling for several confounding variables. In Study 4, the discriminant validity of this lay forgiveness representation was tested through a categorization procedure. The findings replicate and extend prior research on forgiveness (Kearns & Fincham, 2004), and support the psychological reality of a lay forgiveness representation distinct from other victim responses.  相似文献   

Using Campbell and Fiske's (1959) multitrait-multimethod matrix technique and Jackson's (1975) multimethod factor analysis, convergent and discriminant validity were investigated for masculinity and femininity scales from the Adjective Check List, Bem Sex Role Inventory, and PRF ANDRO Scale as compared with measures of dominance and nurturance. Results indicated very good convergent and discriminant validity for the masculinity and femininity scales from the Adjective Check List and Bem Inventory, but not for the PRF ANDRO Scale. Implications of these results for research on sex roles and psychological androgyny are discussed.  相似文献   

Though most social psychologists are aware of the use of factor analysis as an exploratory method to uncover latent dimensions, factor analysis can also be used in a confirmatory mode to test specific hypotheses. A confirmatory solution is unique and cannot be rotated. One possible use of confirmatory factor analysis is with the multitrait-multimethod matrix. Jaccard, Weber, and Lundmark's (1975) multitrait-multimethod matrix of two traits and four methods is analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis. Given the very small sample size the analysis is primarily illustrative. A simple two factor model with errors of measurement correlated across measures using the same method satisfactorily fits the data. Both discriminant and convergent validity are high and none of the methods has higher reliability or less correlated measurement error. The reliability of measures estimated by maximum likelihood factor analysis is lower than the test-retest reliability since method variance is subtracted out. Confirmatory factor analysis is recommended over the Campbell-Fiske criteria.  相似文献   

The convergent and discriminant validity of Russell's Revised Wechsler Memory Scale (RWMS) was investigated in a sample of 228 males referred to a VA Medical Center Psychology Service for evaluation. Results of correlational and regression analyses involving background characteristics (race, age, ward assignment) and scores on other measures (WAIS, MMPI, Graham-Kendall Memory for Designs, Tapping, Trails, Aphasia Screening Test) suggested both strengths and weaknesses in the RWMS. Strenghts included minimal relationships between RWMS scores and personality disturbance, race, or age, and substantially lower correlations with IQ than reported for the original WMS. Weaknesses involved the measurement properties of the retention scores, and uncertain discriminant validity in relation to the various other ability measures.  相似文献   

The present study used a multitrait-multimethod technique [D.T. Campbell and D. W. Fiske (1959) “Convergent and Discriminant Validation by the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix,” Psychological Bulletin, 56, 81–105] to examine Bem's [(1974) “The Measurement of Psychological Androgyny,” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42, 152–162] use of an instrumental-expressive dichotomy to conceptualize the Masculinity and Femininity scales of the Bem Sex Role Inventory as statistically orthogonal constructs. Results indicate that while perhaps reliable, masculinity and femininity lack clear convergent and discriminant validity. Therefore, Bem's contention that masculinity and femininity are orthogonal constructs is questioned. Results are discussed in light of trait- vs. method-driven research.  相似文献   

Although the Taylor and Buss paradigms have been the most widely used measures of human physical aggression, few attempts have been made to establish validity of the measures. The present investigation attempted to demonstrate convergent and discriminant validity of the paradigms. Fifty-five males engaged in five tasks designed to measure helping, competition, and aggression. Correlations computed among these measures lend support for convergent and discriminant validity of the Taylor and Buss paradigms.  相似文献   

Sensory properties of verbally depicted items, such as those of color or shape, were indexed for dominance (frequency of output) and typicality (perceptual “goodness”). Participants (total N=193) served in one of four conditions. The most dominant property response was computed for 105 nouns by one group. A second group rated these properties for typicality, relative to a constituent property (i.e., given one’s idea of yellow, how typically “yellow” are the following items: butter, canary, daffodil, ...). A third group produced as many properties as possible for each of 65 nouns. Dominance was computed for all 459 properties so produced. The last group rated these 459 properties for typicality relative to the parent noun (i.e., Given your image of an apple, how typically round is it? How typically soft is it? etc.). A multimethod-multitrait analysis indicated that both typicality and dominance were reliable, and that both exhibited convergent and discriminant validity. Typicality measured relative to an ideal property exhibited greater discriminant validity from dominance than when measured relative to the parent noun. Selected uses of these norms in studies of semantic memory, metaphor judgment, and concept identification were discussed.  相似文献   

The University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (E. A. McConnaughy, J. O. Prochaska, & W. F. Velicer, 1983), the Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale (W. R. Miller & J. S. Tonigan, 1996), and the Readiness to Change Questionnaire (S. Rollnick, N. Heather, R. Gold, & W. Hall, 1992) are commonly used multidimensional measures of stage of change. The authors examined the convergent and discriminant validity of drug-use versions of these 3 measures through multitrait-multimethod analysis in a population of indigent, out-of-treatment drug users (N = 377). Agreement in stage-of-change assignment and the relationship between stage of change and drug-use behaviors were also examined. Confirmatory factor analysis suggests that the Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale may have questionable convergent validity with the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment and Readiness to Change Questionnaire. There was moderate agreement in stage assignment. Analysis of behavior did provide some support for the construct validity of the measures. The results suggest that these drug-use stage-of-change measures may not be equivalent.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight outpatients from a veterans' administration psychiatry clinic and community mental health center were assessed with 3 measures of depressive personality disorder (DPD)-the Diagnostic Interview for Depressive Personality Disorder (Gunderson, Phillips, Triebwasser, & Hirschfeld, 1994), the Depressive Personality Disorder Inventory (Huprich, Margrett, Barthelemy, & Fine, 1996), and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders (First, Gibbon, Spitzer, Williams, & Benjamin, 1997a)-to evaluate their convergent and discriminant validity. Evidence supporting the measures' validity was mixed. The rate of convergence of depressive personality diagnoses across 3 measures was less than optimal, but the degree of intercorrelation among the measures was strong. Although depressive personality scores had moderate levels of intercorrelations with other personality disorders, the degree of intercorrelation decreased substantially after controlling for depressive symptoms. I conclude that further work is needed to strengthen the validity of measures of DPD.  相似文献   

The present study examined the prevalence of personality disorders (PDs) in a sample of first-year university students. The three self-report measures used to assess personality disorders were the (a) Coolidge Axis II Inventory (CATI); (b) Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II (MCMI-II); and (c) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Personality Disorder Scale (MMPI-PD). The prevalence of PD was estimated by including the number of participants above the cut-off scores selected for each of the three PD instruments. The results indicate prevalence in the range of 0% to 16% for the males, and approximately 1% to 26% for the females. These findings generally confirm the prevalence range of 5% to 15% reported in other investigations of nonpatient samples. With few exceptions, the three tests are generally consistent in their estimates of PD prevalence of all the 11 personality disorders. The multitrait-multimethod matrix reveals that the disorders are generally positively correlated with each other on all the three tests, suggesting considerable construct overlap. Specifically, passive-aggressive and schizotypal disorders produce the most convergent correlations. On the MMPI-PD, however, schizoid is a relatively more discriminant disorder.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship among the College Self-Expression Scale (CSES), the Dominance Scale of the California Psychological Inventory (Do), role-play assessment, and peer ratings of assertion. Peer ratings served as the criterion measure. Fifty-three members of a college sorority completed the CSES and the Do Scale, role played eight scenes requiring an assertive response, and rated each other on a five-point scale of assertion. Peer ratings were significantly correlated with the Do Scale and the CSES. A significant correlation was also obtained between the CSES and the Do. Role-play ratings were not significantly related to any measure. Results are discussed in terms of convergent and concurrent validity for the Do and CSES as measures of assertion. A precautionary note is presented regarding the use of role-play assessment for measuring assertion and as a behavioral validation procedure.  相似文献   

This study compared the relative accuracy of (a) single Occupational Scale (OS) scores on the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) and (b) multiple-predictor scoring functions for discriminating members of nine occupations from people-in-general. The functions were constructed using discriminant function analysis with 4797 adults drawn from criterion samples for the 1985 SII. The analyses included Basic Interest Scale (BIS) scores only or combinations of OSs and BISs. Two subsequent analyses, one of which was cross-validation using 1302 young adults with little work experience, also were conducted. Results indicated that BIS-only functions yielded hit rates comparable to single OSs, and functions that combined OSs and BISs generally produced slight improvements in accuracy. These findings are potentially relevant for future SII scale development decisions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity of one ability test of emotional intelligence (EI)--the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso-Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)--and two self-report measures of EI--the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) and the self-report EI test (SREIT). The MSCEIT showed minimal relations to the EQ-i and SREIT, whereas the latter two measures were moderately interrelated. Among EI measures, the MSCEIT was discriminable from well-studied personality and well-being measures, whereas the EQ-i and SREIT shared considerable variance with these measures. After personality and verbal intelligence were held constant, the MSCEIT was predictive of social deviance, the EQ-i was predictive of alcohol use, and the SREIT was inversely related to academic achievement. In general, results showed that ability EI and self-report EI are weakly related and yield different measurements of the same person.  相似文献   

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