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In this study, groups of ‘alcoholic’ subjects were independently rated as to their degree of dependence by a technique previously validated. The two groups of moderately and severely dependent subjects were then given the 101-item EPQ. In keeping with other similar studies, the data suggested that high N, high P and low E in men were related to the Clinical Alcohol Personality. Further analysis of these and other data suggest that whilst raised N scores may be a spurious artefact which is a consequence of heavy alcohol consumption, the E and P findings may reflect stable predispositions. There were no sex differences, but there was a major group difference on P, with both severely dependent men and women scoring significantly higher than their less dependent counterparts.  相似文献   

The majority of studies that have examined the usefulness of pharmacotherapies selective for serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) as a treatment for alcohol dependence have been standard, double-blind clinical trials that include patients with a variety of clinical presentations. Almost all of the early studies evaluated heavy social drinkers and found only a modest advantage for 5-HT pharmacotherapies in reducing the number of drinks per day. Also, the advantage of these pharmacotherapies was observed primarily when these agents were given at higher daily dosages than suggested prescribing practices for use as an antidepressant. The few studies that evaluated treatment-seeking patients found that 5-HT pharmacotherapies were not instrumental in reducing drinking rates compared with placebo. These results led to a dampening of enthusiasm for use of these agents in treating alcohol dependence. However, more recent investigations have begun to target subgroups with potential abnormalities in 5-HT neurotransmission. The thinking is that these medications should be most useful in alcohol-dependent individuals who have more clearly delineated suggestive signs of 5-HT dysfunction, such as concomitant depression or anxiety. Although few results are available to date, there is growing evidence to suggest that alcohol-dependent subgroups are differentially responsive to 5-HT pharmacotherapies with respect to drinking-related outcomes. This may explain the modest and variable 5-HT pharmacotherapeutic effects that were reported in the earlier studies, which included large heterogeneous patient groups. Further investigations are needed to confirm these initial optimistic results.  相似文献   

The present study examined the cognitive factors uniquely associated with the status of alcohol dependence recovery, assessing Korean patients who were recovered (n = 57), having been alcohol‐abstinent for 4 months or more after treatment, and who were nonrecovered (n = 213), being still in treatment. Compared with the nonrecovered group, the recovered group reported lower levels of denial of drinking problems and rationalization of drinking (two dimensions of specific beliefs that facilitate alcohol use), dysfunctional attitudes, depressed mood, and emotion‐focused coping. The recovered group also showed higher levels of alcohol abstinence self‐efficacy and problem‐focused coping. Both denial and alcohol abstinence self‐efficacy were uniquely associated with alcohol dependence recovery, when we controlled for the other relevant predictors, whereas neither dysfunctional attitudes nor rationalization were so associated. These findings could be useful in refining psychological interventions facilitating the recovery of alcohol‐dependent patients.  相似文献   

The extent to which the genetic risk for alcohol dependence (AD) and conduct disorder (CD) and their common genetic risk overlap with genetic factors contributing to variation in dimensions of personality was examined in a study of 6,453 individuals from 3,383 adult male and female same-sex and unlike-sex twin pairs from the Australian Twin Registry. The associations between the personality dimensions of positive emotionality, negative emotionality, and AD and CD risk were modest, whereas the associations between behavioral undercontrol and AD and CD risk were substantially higher. Genetic influences contributing to variation in behavioral undercontrol accounted for about 40% of the genetic variation in AD and CD risk and about 90% of the common genetic risk for AD and CD. These results suggest that genetic factors contributing to variation in dimensions of personality, particularly behavioral undercontrol, account for a substantial proportion of the genetic diathesis for AD and most of the common genetic diathesis for AD and CD among both men and women.  相似文献   

Chronic alcohol abuse has long been associated with a mild, generalized pattern of cognitive decrements. However, it is important to note that problem drinking rarely occurs in isolation from abuse of other drugs. For people dependent upon alcohol, tobacco is one of the mostly commonly coabused substances. Recent research suggests that individuals with alcohol dependency may gravitate toward tobacco use, in part, because of the positive effects of nicotine on aspects of cognitive performance that may be compromised as a consequence of chronic alcohol misuse. In this article, the author focuses on the effects of nicotine on behavioral and electrophysiological indexes of cognitive performance, and the impact of these effects on alcohol-related cognitive decrements. The author discusses implications of these findings in the context of treatment and recovery of people with alcoholism.  相似文献   

Dependence to alcohol and drug must be consistently viewed as the consequence of a combination of physical and psychological elements. This is substantiated both philosophically and by taking issue with dualist concepts as well as those which absolutize the psychological aspect. The medical definition of dependence as an illness should be adhered to, whilst at the same time recognizing that psychological and social factors play a determining role.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the variation of suicide by day of the week in alcohol dependence, with public holidays taken into consideration. From 1949 through 1969, 1,312 patients with alcohol dependence were admitted to the Department of Psychiatry in Lund. By 1997, a total of 102 (99 men) alcoholic patients had taken their own life. Suicide victims with severe depression and other diagnoses were compared. There was a suicide peak on the first two days after weekends and holidays in patients with alcohol dependence (p < .05). Alcohol withdrawal is proposed as a contributor to the suicide peak.  相似文献   

20 male, alcohol-discordant twin pairs, aged 45 to 65 yr. were compared for field-dependent cognitive style and general intelligence by means of one-sample t and multivariate Td2-tests. The high alcohol group was more field-dependent (p less than .01) than the low alcohol group, mainly because of poorer scores on the Embedded-figures Test. When general intelligence was controlled for, the amount of embedded-figures variance accounted for by consumption of alcohol dropped considerably.  相似文献   

Meta-analyses were conducted to determine the magnitude of relationships between polymorphisms in 2 genes, ALDH2 and ADH1B, with alcohol dependence in Asians. For each gene, possession of 1 variant *2 allele was protective against alcohol dependence, and possession of a 2nd *2 allele did not offer significant additional protection. The protective effects of these 2 gene polymorphisms were independent. Diagnostic criteria, recruitment strategy, and Japanese ethnicity moderated the effect of ALDH2*2. Recruitment strategy and gender moderated the effect of ADH1B*2. These findings highlight the importance of methodological issues and potential gene-gene and gene-environment interactions that must be considered when examining relationships between genetic polymorphisms and phenotypes.  相似文献   

Alcohol dependent smokers (N=118) enrolled in an intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment program were randomized to a concurrent brief or intensive smoking cessation intervention. Brief treatment consisted of a 15-min counseling session with 5 min of follow-up. Intensive intervention consisted of three 1-hr counseling sessions plus 8 weeks of nicotine patch therapy. The cigarette abstinence rate, verified by breath carbon monoxide, was significantly higher for the intensive treatment group (27.5%) versus the rate for the brief treatment group (6.6%) at 1 month after the quit date but not at 6 months, when abstinence rates fell to 9.1% for the intensive treatment group and 2.1% for the brief treatment group. Smoking treatment assignment did not significantly impact alcohol outcomes. Although intensive smoking treatment was associated with higher rates of short-term tobacco abstinence, other, perhaps more intensive, smoking interventions are needed to produce lasting smoking cessation in alcohol dependent smokers.  相似文献   

The current study had two goals. The first goal was to test the mediational role of young adult personality in the relation between parental alcoholism and young adult alcoholism. The second was to examine the associations between personality and alcohol use motives and reasons to limit drinking in order to explore possible mechanisms by which personality may influence alcohol abuse/dependence. Multilevel modeling techniques were used to analyze data obtained from a community sample of young adult children of alcoholics and demographically matched controls. Results revealed that young adult neuroticism and agreeableness each, in part, mediated the effect of parental alcoholism on young adult alcoholism. Moreover, individuals high in neuloticism reported stronger coping motives to use alcohol, individuals low in agreeableness reported stronger coping motives and weaker upbringing reasons to limit drinking, and individuals low in conscientiousness reported stronger coping and enhancement motives to use alcohol, and weaker performance reasons to limit drinking.  相似文献   

In this paper, gender differences in personality, psychopathology and personality disorders of alcohol-dependent patients are described. The sample consisted of 158 alcohol-dependent patients attending a psychiatric outpatient clinic (105 men and 55 women). All participants were assessed with various assessment tools related to personality (Impulsiveness Scale, Sensation Seeking Scale and STAI), psychopathology (SCL-90-R, BDI and Inadaptation Scale) and personality disorders (IPDE). There were no differences in personality variables, but the women had more anxiety and depressive symptoms and also more problems to adapt to everyday life than did the men. Personality disorders were not as prevalent as in the case of men, and the most frequent among women were obsessive-compulsive, dependent and histrionic personality disorders. Implications of this study for further research are commented on.  相似文献   

Alcoholism, or alcohol dependence, is a complex disorder with withdrawal symptoms that are often problematic for those trying to recover from their dependence. As researchers attempt to elucidate the neurobiological underpinnings of alcohol dependence and withdrawal, it is becoming clear that numerous factors, including the hormonal environment, impact the manifestations of this disorder. Of particular interest is the observation that women have fewer and less severe withdrawal symptoms than do men even though they tend to suffer greater physiological harm from excessive alcohol consumption. In this article, the authors present an overview of their understanding of how gonadal and stress hormones interact with alcohol, which results in differential neurobiological responses between males and females. Thus far, data generated from representative animal models have shown significant differences between the sexes in behavioral responses and neuroadaptations to chronic alcohol consumption and withdrawal. Accumulating evidence suggests that treatment of alcoholism, including withdrawal, should be tailored to the patient's gender and hormonal status.  相似文献   

This study had three objectives: (1) to assess the relationship between the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1789891 in the alcohol dehydrogenase gene cluster and alcohol dependence and affective disorders; (2) to assess the differences in the Regulative Theory of Temperament (RTT) traits between an alcohol dependent group, an affective disorders group, and a healthy group; and (3) to assess the relationship between rs1789891 and temperament traits in a healthy group, taking into account the interaction of genotype and sex. The SNP rs1789891 was genotyped in a group of 194 alcohol dependent men, aged 21 to 71 years; 137 patients with affective disorders, including 51 males and 86 females, aged 19 to 85 years; and a group of 207 healthy individuals, including 89 males and 118 females, aged 18 to 71 years. Temperament traits (briskness, perseveration, sensory sensitivity, emotional reactivity, endurance, and activity) were assessed in all groups using the Formal Characteristics of Behaviour‐Temperament Inventory. The comparative analysis of genotypic frequencies showed no significant differences between patients with alcoholism or affective disorders and those in the control group. Alcohol dependent men and the affective disorder group were characterised by higher levels of emotional reactivity (p‐value 1.4e‐5 and 9.84e‐7, respectively) and lower levels of briskness, sensory sensitivity, endurance, and activity (p‐value from 3.76e‐8 to 0.012) when compared to the healthy group. The rs1789891 polymorphism was associated with briskness (= 0.02), sensory sensitivity (= 0.036), and activity (= 0.049). None of the results were statistically significant after Bonferroni correction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the self-perceived quality of life of abstinent patients with alcohol dependence disorder during the first month of treatment, and how the presence of personality disorders, psychological adjustment, and the level of craving affect this perception. For this purpose, a sample was used comprising 65 participants with mean age of 43.26 years, of whom 70.8% were male and 29.2% female, with a mean duration of addiction to alcohol consumption of 11.83 years. The results show that quality of life is not related to the duration of abstinence or the course of the addiction. Moreover, the patients who present a personality disorder perceive poorer quality of life in areas such as health status, mood, and social relations. Self-perception of quality of life is affected by psychological adjustment and beliefs about craving. These data should be taken into account when considering quality of life as a measurement of the effectiveness of a treatment for drug addicts with personality disorders.  相似文献   

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