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领导者情感能够影响下属个体绩效和团队整体绩效, 但作用机制尚不清晰。基于情感事件理论和情绪传染理论, 在个体层面上, 领导者情感通过情绪传染和领导者行为两条路径影响下属情感, 进而影响下属绩效和工作态度。其次在团队层面上, 个体情感通过情绪传染和交叉影响形成团队情感基调, 通过影响团队过程, 进而影响团队绩效。最后, 文章提出领导者情感的跨层整合模型, 并对未来研究方向进行讨论。  相似文献   

There is a strong evidence base that demonstrates the beneficial impact of engaging in therapeutic writing tasks, often with reference to the successful emotional processing of traumatic life events. This paper looks to explore the experiences and impact of a community-based therapeutic expressive writing group, which embraced a direct psychoeducational model to enhance emotional well-being in a group of women. From an experiential qualitative position that embraces a “hermeneutics of empathy”, this study uses a thematic analysis (TA) methodology (informed by the work of Braun & Clarke (2013) to explore the group members' narratives obtained through semistructured interviews. The study reveals the significance of a number of key factors, including the importance of the group setting, the identification of core therapeutic writing activities, the beneficial impact of skilled and supportive therapist facilitation, and the emotional value in “letting go” of unhelpful thoughts and feelings in order to strengthen psychological well-being and resilience. The findings have important implications for service commissioning and the proactive delivery of effective time-limited, low-cost mental health interventions within primary settings across society.  相似文献   

Mark F. Ettin 《Group》2003,27(4):169-189
This paper was drafted in late November and mid-December 2001, two to three months after 9/11/01, in the weeks following the Opening Plenary of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society's Annual Conference held on 11/9/01. It was written from the position of observer-discussant-participant and impromptu large group facilitator, with the aim of reviewing and drawing meaning from what transpired during the Conference's opening plenary, which focused on existential issues in group psychotherapy. The plenary was chaired by Dr. Bernard Frankel and was comprised of a short talk, demonstration group, discussants' responses, and audience reaction. The emphasis in this review is on the process, content, and synchronous impingement of a real-life event on a remarkable demonstration group. Being in the group demonstration on 11/9 so closely paralleled being in the world of 9/11 that a small group turned into a large group.  相似文献   

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