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"效率优先、兼顾公平"本来是党和政府改革以来在分配领域提出的价值理念。社会主义市场经济既然是一种市场经济,它的首要的基本的分配原则只能是按生产要素的贡献分配,即按效率分配。按效率分配在理想意义上并不否定基本权利的公平、机会与规则的公平。但在以经济赶超为根本任务的语境下,就分配而言的"效率"却被置换为经济发展的速度与数量意义上的"效率",并被赋予了增长主义的含义。与其说近年来"更加注重社会公平"的提法是针对原先"效率优先、兼顾公平"本来含义的大幅调整,倒不如说是针对扭曲了这一理念的增长主义及由单纯追求经济增长引发的贫富差距与公平缺失。  相似文献   

契约与公平   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
契约与公平——兼与李风圣先生商榷夏文斌公平的一个重要特质就是涉及到人们经济利益的维系。从物质利益的分化和整合来透视社会公平的性质和变迁,构成了研究社会公平的基础。公平和效率,之所以在当代中国被人们普遍关注,也正是因为社会转型,人们收入分配差距拉大,从而引出了公平与不公平的话题。应当看到,公平是一个具有多极意义的价值范畴,效率只构成了观测公平的一个重要尺度,而不是唯一尺度。李风圣先生认为:“公平只相对于生产力的状况和效率的提高而言:能够促进效率的最大限度的提高,是公平的本质内涵;反之,不能促进效率…  相似文献   

论社会公正、平等与效率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“效率与公平”的关系始终是改革开放以来学术界争论的一个重要问题。究竟是“效率优先”,还是“社会公正至上”还远未达成共识。但是,以往的争论有很大的片面性,那就是不少学者把“公平”理解为收入分配的均等或财产分配的均等,如此,“效率”与“公平”之间的关系就被扭曲了,就变成了互相对立的关系。实际上,这一对“公平”的理解本身就是十分错误的。依据马克思主义伦理学的社会公正论原理,在当代中国的社会历史条件下,我们认为,社会的公平或公正本来就不可以被“解释为收入分配的均等或财产分配的均等”,相反,除了其他诸道德…  相似文献   

卫生事业发展与公平的伦理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
发展卫生事业的伦理原则是什么 ,是公平抑或效率 ?“效率优先 ,兼顾公平”是经济领域的基本原则 ,但是否也同样适用于卫生领域 ?卫生公平与卫生效率孰轻孰重 ?凡此种种问题常常聚讼不已 ,莫衷一是。在计划经济时代 ,我们曾以单纯的公平为原则 ,追求平均主义的绝对均等 ,但结果造成了卫生效率下降 ,卫生资源匮乏 ,人们的基本卫生需求得不到满足。改革开放以后 ,我们以市场为导向 ,把效率置于优先地位 ,却又拉大了人们的卫生保健差距。在我国进入全面建设小康社会的历史新时期 ,控制乃至缩小不同人群间的卫生保健差距 ,实现卫生公平 ,无疑是卫…  相似文献   

经济公平与效率的道德参数   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
经济公平与效率既是经济学问题 ,又是经济伦理的一对重要范畴。经济公平与效率的正确关系在于确立一个尺度或一个道德参数 ,确保在有效率的经济运行中实施公平。效率促进社会生产力发展 ,是经济公平的物质基础 ,社会主义市场经济条件下依然要坚持效率优先 ,公平优先则会陷入小生产的平均主义泥潭。  相似文献   

周镕基  段进东 《学海》2003,24(2):61-65
随着改革开放的深入发展,我国社会主义劳动收入分配领域已出现了许多新情况、新问题。这要求我们必须深化分配制度改革,坚持效率优先,同时兼顾公平的原则,把按劳分配与按生产要素分配结合起来,鼓励资本、技术等生产要素参与收入分配,建立、健全与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的分配制度。  相似文献   

效率源自公平——关于效率与公平关系的层次分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如果我们超越纯经济学的狭隘眼界而从整个社会的宏观角度来进行考察,那么公平与效率不但不是对立的,而且可以说效率源自公平。具体表现为:生产效率源自分配公平;市场效率源自交换公平;社会效率源自矫正公平;生态效率源自代际公平。  相似文献   

<正>迄今为止,人们对效率与公平关系的探讨主要侧重于财富的创造与分配中有关问题的探讨,而没有或者很少关注其人生价值和幸福方面的涵义。我们认为,效率与公平的关系不仅涉及到财富的创造与分配,更涉及到人生价值与人生幸福方面的内容。从人生价值实现的角度看,财富虽是重要或基本的人生追求,但归根到底只是人生价值最大化的实现手段。所以,虽然效率与公平问题直接关注的对象是财富或收入,但对效率、公平最深层次的内涵及其关系的揭示与评价却应从人生价值实现的维度进行。我们应树立人生价值最大化的效率、公平观,并以此引导财富的生产与分配活动。  相似文献   

论卫生领域效率和公平的特殊性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 卫生领域中效率与公平含义的特殊性所谓效率,一般指在资源有效配置的前提下,经济效果的较高增长,具体指劳动的效率。效率的高低,通常以经济活动中所消耗的劳动量与所获得的劳动成果的比率来衡量。在市场经济条件下,效率的高低表现为在市场上实现的价值多少、经济效益的好坏或利润率的高低。效率是生产领域的问题。所谓公平,一般是指个人收入分配的合理化,属于分配领域的问题,同时也是一个社会伦理问题。由于国民经济不同部门、不同行业的性质及活动特点的差异,效率和公平的具体含义也必然有所不同。卫生服务活动也是一种生产活…  相似文献   

对公共行政而言 ,正确认识公平与效率的关系 ,必须坚持在人的全面、自由发展这一社会发展最高价值目标的关照下 ,从公共行政的性质和使命出发 ,批判地审视传统公共行政和市场原则的公平、效率观。正确处理公平与效率的关系 ,应当坚持价值优先、整体推进、均衡平等和差序实现的实践原则。  相似文献   

Goto K  Wills AJ  Lea SE 《Animal cognition》2004,7(2):109-113
When humans process visual stimuli, global information often takes precedence over local information. In contrast, some recent studies have pointed to a local precedence effect in both pigeons and nonhuman primates. In the experiment reported here, we compared the speed of acquisition of two different categorizations of the same four geometric figures. One categorization was on the basis of a local feature, the other on the basis of a readily apparent global feature. For both humans and pigeons, the global-feature categorization was acquired more rapidly. This result reinforces the conclusion that local information does not always take precedence over global information in nonhuman animals.  相似文献   

大学生情绪智力特征的研究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
张进辅  徐小燕 《心理科学》2004,27(2):293-296
本研究采用自编的大学生情绪智力量表.对重庆地区801名本科大学生情绪智力的特征进行了调查和分析。结果表明:大学生情绪智力量表具有较高的信度、效度,能够较客观地测量大学生的情绪智力的结构性特点;大学生的情绪智力总体上表现出积极的趋势,但其结构内部的发展不平衡,情绪的意识因素的发展高于情绪的行为因素;大学生的情绪智力存在显著的性别差异、一定的专业差异和一定的年级差异。  相似文献   

There has been an increase in studies adopting an individual difference approach to examine visual cognition and in particular in studies trying to relate face recognition performance with measures of holistic processing (the face composite effect and the part-whole effect). In the present study we examine whether global precedence effects, measured by means of non-face stimuli in Navon’s paradigm, can also account for individual differences in face recognition and, if so, whether the effect is of similar magnitude for faces and objects. We find evidence that global precedence effects facilitate both face and object recognition, and to a similar extent. Our results suggest that both face and object recognition are characterized by a coarse-to-fine temporal dynamic, where global shape information is derived prior to local shape information, and that the efficiency of face and object recognition is related to the magnitude of the global precedence effect.  相似文献   

UEFA’s Financial Fair Play (FFP) regulations represent the most restrictive regulatory intervention European club football has ever seen. Put simply, it demands from clubs to operate on the basis of their own football-related incomes. While the policy has attracted considerable attention from the economic and social sciences, very few contributions systematically investigate it from a philosophical-ethical perspective. The present paper fills this research gap by posing questions on FFP in relation to fair play as a normative concept. We draw on sport economic assessments concerning potential outcomes of FFP and argue that the policy should go beyond the mere pragmatic goal of promoting financial sustainability and truly aim for creating a level playing field, otherwise it should not be labeled ‘fair play’.  相似文献   

Ted Peters 《Dialog》2002,41(4):273-284
The Lutheran vocation is to be a friend of grace; and since the 16th century Lutheran systematic theology has built upon a foundation of grace. Two apparent barriers to grace need addressing. First, doubt in the form of agnosticism and atheism provides a metaphysical argument against God's existence. Second, evil and suffering provide a moral argument against God's existence. From a Lutheran point of view the question of God's graciousness takes precedence over God's existence.  相似文献   

Experience with more than 500 patients over the last decade has led to the conclusion that the quest for sex reassignment is a symptomatic compromise formation serving defensive and expressive functions. The symptoms are the outgrowth of developmental trauma affecting body ego and archaic sense of self and caused by peculiar symbiotic and separation-individuation phase relationships. The child exists in the pathogenic (and reparative) maternal fantasy in order to repair her body image and to demonstrate the interconvertability of the sexes. Gender identity exists not as a primary phenomenon, but in a sense as a tertiary one. There is, no doubt, a tendency to gender-differentiate in a way concordant with biological endowment. Nevertheless, gender formation is seriously compromised by earlier psychological difficulty. Gender identity is a fundamental acquisition in the developing personality, but it is part of a hierarchical series beginning with archaic body ego, early body image, and primitive selfness, representing their extension into sexual and reproductive spheres. Gender identity consolidates during separation-individuation and gender pathology bears common features with other preoedipal syndromes. Transsexualism is closely linked to perversions, and the clinical syndromes may shade from one into another. However, what is kept at the symbolic level in the perversions must be made concrete in transsexualism. In this regard there is a close relation to psychosis. The clinical complaint of the transsexual is a condensation of remarkable proportions. When the transsexual says that he is a girl trapped in a man's body, he sincerely means what he says. As with other symptoms, however, it takes a long time before he begins to say what he means.  相似文献   

一个社会的良序状态是资源配置的高效率,然而效率并不是人们追求的终极目的,仅仅是实现终极追求的条件。置效率于公平之上实质上是错误的把实现终极目的的条件(手段)当作了终极追求。效率与公平不是相互割裂的范畴,离开了公正,就背离了人的真实追求。“效率优先,兼顾公平”其错误在于理论的根基建立在生活的表层,只有从存在意义上探求人类生存的意义,理论的合理性才能得到证实。  相似文献   

The Supreme Court dismissed the Pornography/Civil Rights Ordinance as an unconstitutional restriction of speech. The Court's dismissal itself violates the free speech of the proposers of the Ordinance. It is not possible for both pornographers to perform the speech act of making pornography and feminists to perform the speech act of proposing the Ordinance. I show that the speech act of proposing the Ordinance takes First Amendment precedence over the speech act of making pornography.  相似文献   

We examine the proposition that, in ordinary conversation, people are concerned to argue — to justify their claims and to counter potential and actual counter claims. We test out the proposition by analysing explanations in one particular conversation. We attend to the validity claims of what the speakers say, and to the authority with which they say it. Viewed in that light, we find that the majority of what might look like causal attributions turn out to look like argumentative claim-backings. We then go on to flesh out the quasi-pragmatic rules which might help to decide formally whether any given utterance is be er understood as an argument or a causal explanation. These rules revolve around the speaker's apparent intention and the projected relationship between the clauses in what she or he says. All of this takes us a fair way from attribution theory's model of explanation as the reporting of a cause, and we end up with an argumentative model of ordinary explanation.  相似文献   

收入分配公平判断是人们对自己收入所得公平与否的主观评价。通过对参照点和收入金额的控制,探讨参照依赖和损失规避对收入分配公平判断的共同影响。结果发现,(1)民众的收入公平判断受参照点的影响,在有参照点的情景下比无参照点情景下更感觉不公平;(2)不同工资水平下,民众的公平判断具有显著差异,而且民众对低于平均工资的“受损”比高于平均工资同等金额的“受益”赋予的公平感的权重更大,即存在得失感受的不对称;(3)不同的工资参照点、多得和少得的分配结果共同影响民众的公平判断,即损失规避在参照依赖对公平判断的影响中起调节作用。  相似文献   

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