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"文化涵化是指两种或两种以上的不同文化在接触过程中,相互采借、接受对方文化特质,从而使文化相似性不断增加的过程与结果."[1]在民间信仰的变迁过程中,民众的参与影响着民间信仰的传承与变异,民间信仰不再是一成不变的历史遗留物,而是在不断地整合和再生.畲族是一个历史悠久的散杂居民族,在其历经千年的迁徙过程中,足迹遍布我国广袤的东南山区,浙江桐庐是畲族迁徙较晚近的据点.桐庐莪山畲族乡是杭州地区唯一的畲族乡.在畲族迁入后,畲族文化与当地的汉族文化接触,势必有一个文化涵化的过程,并且从衣食住行等物质生产生活领域延伸到精神文化生活领域.在这个地区,畲族与汉族通婚也是近几年才比较多的,畲家人和汉人一起信奉一个汉族神在时间上却可以追溯到新中国成立之前.可见,在这个地区,民间信仰在两个民族的文化涵化过程中首当其冲.  相似文献   

众所周知,文化变迁可以促进不同民族的融合,也可促使同一民族的文化朝不同方向发展。对于独联体(СНГ)的回族来说,最为重要的是他们远离本民族生活区域,生活在多族群的环境中。中亚东干人的文化变迁可分为三阶段。第一阶段:1877—1917年第一阶段是东干人进入中亚初期的几十年。  相似文献   

在文化传播、变迁过程中有一种十分重要的形式,即文化的涵化。涵化指的是不同文化群体深入接触时所发生的变化,即文化移动的过程,也就是伴随着文化接触产生的接收、选择、对抗、统一的过程,这个过程是双向对流的。文化涵化是既区别于“文化抗拒”又区别于“文化同化”的文化影响形式,是一种温和的、渐进的文化接触、传播、移入的过程,它表现为两种或多种文化之间的交流、互渗、不致引起文化之间的剧烈的冲突和对抗。涵化的结果应当促进双方文化的共同发展,或形成一种新的文化。它既是对外来文化、异质文化系统吸收、改造和重建的过程,又是对本土文化重新估价、反思和改铸的过程。文化整合是构成文化的诸要素(特质)、  相似文献   

李建伟 《管子学刊》2007,2(4):43-46
神话是一种原始文化积淀,是各个民族在发轫时期的精神遗存,中国和希腊神话作为两个伟大民族文化的发源和民族意识的深沉积淀,表现出不同的神话精神特征。  相似文献   

李军 《管子学刊》2007,1(2):66-70
近代以来的中国,关于保守与进步的争论一直不断,传统观点认为,社会上有两种人,一种是鼓吹改革与革命的人,另一种是反对社会变革的人士。但长期以来被中国思想史和哲学史的研究者所忽略的一个现象是,在所谓的文化保守主义者之中,存在着一个很重要的区别。就是虽然在表面上他们都对传统文化持保守主义的态度,但是他们其中一些人认为传统文化是存在于世界民族文化之中的一种具有普遍性、世界性的价值,是其他民族文化所永远不能替代的。而另一些人则只是将传统文化看做是一个民族在其现代化的道路上摆脱不掉的包袱。由于这两种对待传统文化态度的不同,我们可以将中国现代思想史上的保守主义思潮和人物,大致分为这两个不同的阵营。  相似文献   

图腾崇拜是世界灿烂文化宝库中重要组成部分,身为世界上为数不多的最古老民族之中的成员地,澳洲和美洲这两个地区产生了这一独特的文化,他们信仰图腾并认为这是一种能保护部族成员,促进部落发展的方式,所衍生出的歌曲、画作、神话等艺术形式令人惊叹。据资料显示,澳大利亚土著地区和美洲印第安地区均有发现"蛙图腾崇拜"现象,但是将两地该现象进行对比的文献资料略少。比较出两个不同地域的"蛙神崇拜"图腾文化之间异同的同时,有利于发现世界图腾文化的趋同性和多样性,从而加深对两地社会文化的了解,也有利于对精神文明的建设起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

<正>过好传统节日,追求文化内涵传统节日主要有两个来源:1.民族或群体对其历史上发生重要事件的群体性记忆的记号;2.—个民族或国家的历史文化长期积淀凝聚的结晶。前者多见于宗教节日,后者多见于民族节日,当然也有民族和宗教相融的,如犹太人的一些节日等。多数节日都是带给人们欢乐和喜庆的,人们借着节日纪念过去,憧憬未来。但是对于  相似文献   

城市是人类文明的结晶、社会进步的摇篮,它不仅是一国家或地区的经济中心,更是文化的集中地和发源地。城文化和城市性格是现代城市的两个基本特征。城市文化为城市的精神产品,规范着人们的思想和行为,对人的响是根本的。城市性格则可以体现出这一地区或民族文的基本特征。  相似文献   

随着社会的急剧变迁与多元文化的相互融合与碰撞, 少数民族的压力应对问题已经变得日益重要。对少数民族压力应对与文化的关系进行全面的审视与探讨, 能够更好地理解多元文化交融下少数民族压力应对的心理机制, 促进民族团结与社会和谐。文章总结了少数民族压力应对研究的4种文化视角, 包括压力应对的跨文化研究、文化适应的压力应对研究、宗教应对研究、中国传统文化的应对思想研究, 并对不同研究视角进行了评述。未来中国少数民族压力应对研究应该综合多学科、多元文化视角的研究思路, 加强量与质的研究范式的整合, 进一步扩展少数民族压力应对的研究领域与研究范围, 从我国民族地区社会变迁的实际情况出发, 加强对少数民族不同社会群体的压力应对研究。  相似文献   

本文以中缅跨境民族地区的一个佤族村寨为田野点,通过对南传佛教、基督教在丙叶社会的具体实践过程的观察,关注制度性宗教与本土民族文化在接触、碰撞、冲突、融合等互动后所产生的文化效应。因宗教间的系统差异以及佤族文化面对不同的信仰冲击而表现出的差异性反应与实践,导致南传佛教与基督教所展开的文化重构技术是各异的,南传佛教积极吸纳佤族传统中优秀的文化特质,在重构中实现佤族传统文化的历史延续,而基督教作为绝对的一神信仰,全面深刻地改造佤族传统文化,型构的崭新的文化形态更多强调其文化中心主义的优越性。最终丙叶佤族文化在南传佛教与基督教的改造与引领下采取不同的发展路径,面对不同的发展前景。  相似文献   

People consider the mental states of other people to understand their actions. We evaluated whether such perspective taking is culture dependent. People in collectivistic cultures (e.g., China) are said to have interdependent selves, whereas people in individualistic cultures (e.g., the United States) are said to have independent selves. To evaluate the effect of culture, we asked Chinese and American pairs to play a communication game that required perspective taking. Eye-gaze measures demonstrated that the Chinese participants were more tuned into their partner's perspective than were the American participants. Moreover, Americans often completely failed to take the perspective of their partner, whereas Chinese almost never did. We conclude that cultural patterns of interdependence focus attention on the other, causing Chinese to be better perspective takers than Americans. Although members of both cultures are able to distinguish between their perspective and another person's perspective, cultural patterns afford Chinese the effective use of this ability to interpret other people's actions.  相似文献   

在不同的文化背景中,自尊既有相似性,也有差异性。在东西方文化中,自尊在其根源性、包容性及表达性等方面均存在差异。树立文化差异性与普遍性的意识,加强对自尊文化差异的研究对于科学地认识社会心理现象和学科建设都具有重要意义。未来可以从自尊的内涵、自尊研究的内容及研究方法等方面开展自尊的中国化研究。  相似文献   

文化智力研究评述与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化智力是指人们与来自不同文化的其他人打交道时,采取有效措施以适应新文化的能力。文化智力的结构与测量,与其他相关构念的关系,以及不同的开发方法成了现有研究的重点;另外,也有实证研究表明,文化智力对一些结果变量有显著影响,例如认知结果、情感结果以及行为结果。本文对文化智力的相关研究进行了较为全面的总结,并指出了今后的研究趋势与方向  相似文献   

社会科学的重要性越来越被人们发现和重视,在我国更是如此。社会科学对于一个国家、一个地区的经济和文化等方面的发展,特别是经济发展到一定程度以后,其巨大作用将日益凸显出来。我国是具有悠久历史文化传统的国家,这些悠久历史文化传统源于我国各个地方地域文化,是这些地域文化的有机统一。从社会科学的各个角度挖掘和研究这些历史文化遗产,无疑能够增加这些地区的文化底蕴,从而增强这些地区的社会和经济发展的后劲。社会科学意义重大,它是我们党领导人民取得胜利的重要法宝;它是我们党领导人民进行社会主义建设的重要法宝;它还是我们党领导人民进行改革开放的重要法宝。  相似文献   

Growing globalisation of the world draws attention to cultural differences between people from different countries or from different cultures within the countries. Notwithstanding the diversity of people’s worldviews, current cross-cultural research still faces the challenge of how to avoid ethnocentrism; comparing Western-driven phenomena with like variables across countries without checking their conceptual equivalence clearly is highly problematic. In the present article we argue that simple comparison of measurements (in the quantitative domain) or of semantic interpretations (in the qualitative domain) across cultures easily leads to inadequate results. Questionnaire items or text produced in interviews or via open-ended questions have culturally laden meanings and cannot be mapped onto the same semantic metric. We call the culture-specific space and relationship between variables or meanings a ’cultural metric’, that is a set of notions that are inter-related and that mutually specify each other’s meaning. We illustrate the problems and their possible solutions with examples from quantitative and qualitative research. The suggested methods allow to respect the semantic space of notions in cultures and language groups and the resulting similarities or differences between cultures can be better understood and interpreted.  相似文献   

基本归因错误曾被社会心理学家认为是人类普遍具有的一种归因倾向,然而,文化心理学的研究却发现:不同文化脉络中的人表现出不同的归因倾向,确切地说,归因实际上会受到文化的影响,即便是所谓的基本归因错误亦具有文化局限性。进而言之,文化心理学的研究打破了以往心理学中关于人们的基本认知过程和方式具有文化普遍性的思维定式。由此看来,心理学研究只有立足于一定的社会文化脉络,才能更好地理解和把握人类的心理和行为  相似文献   

The process of globalisation has increased the opportunity for Chinese individuals to utilise influences from other cultures that differ from their own collectivistic culture. The explorations of the impact of acculturation on Chinese individuals' self‐construals have become intriguing. Thus, we recruited German‐Chinese (N = 192) people who live in Germany and had direct bicultural experiences, as well as Mainland‐Chinese (N = 192) people who live in Mainland China and had internalised a second culture through more indirect means of exposure. We investigated their accessibility to both interdependent and independent cultural frameworks using temporal self‐construal priming. The results showed that priming effects were observed in both cultural groups. However, the self‐construals of the German‐Chinese participants were more flexible than those of Mainland‐Chinese under self‐construal priming. Also, the results suggested that women were easier to be influenced by direct bicultural experiences, due to their private and collective self were different between the two cultures. These findings provide evidence regarding the opinion that individuals could use influences from more than one culture. More importantly, these results suggest that the acculturation induced by direct bicultural experiences facilitates cultural frame switching.  相似文献   

Tokenism is a situation in which a member of a distinctive category is treated differently from other people. This article is about the situation in which Tokens (people perceived as distinctive) are considered experts on something for having the properties of a token (the thing which makes them distinctive). Tokens who differ by appearance or by being born into another culture might be considered experts on cultures grouped into the same racial/cultural category. Tokens who differ by being skilled in number-related mathematics might be considered experts on the mathematization of phenomena. Tokens might say that some result is valid for all people in some racial/cultural category without sufficient evidence, or use number-related mathematics as a mathematization of psychological phenomena without trying to find more abstract mathematizations. This harms psychological research. A possible future genesis of cultural and number tokenisms is discussed, and some suggestions to improve the discourse offered. The effect of tokenism might be diminished if psychologists focus on more proper thinking about psychological phenomena.  相似文献   

Past research examined how encounters with cultural mixing affect people’s responses toward those cultures. We examined broader effects of cultural mixing—on general social behavior. We tested that reminders of mixing between one’s local culture and a foreign culture make people less considerate. Also, this response is more likely for people who are voluntarily psychologically distant (vs. close) to the foreign culture. In studies with Americans, reminders of American and Asian (local–foreign) cultural mixing decreased considerate behavior. Individuals who were psychologically distant from Asian culture showed this effect (Studies 1–5). The underlying process involved perceived threat (Studies 2–5). Threat was decreased by highlighting cleansing (Study 3) or priming affinity to Asian culture (Study 5). Overall, mixing between home and foreign cultures can put people in a self-protective (self-concerned) mode that decreases their consideration of others. We discuss the implications for research on cultural mixing and organizational behavior.  相似文献   

All people want to feel that they are morally adequate. People tend to evaluate their moral adequacy by judging their behaviour through their own eyes (first-person perspective) or the eyes of others (third-person perspective). People in all cultures use both perspectives, but there may be cultural variations in which perspective takes precedence. By conducting two studies, we explore the way people in face cultures are more likely to secure their moral self-regard through the eyes of others (vs. their own eyes), whereas the opposite is true in case of people from dignity cultures. Study 1 found that people from face culture (Korean participants) cheated to a lesser extent when others were invoked (vs. not invoked), but people from dignity culture (American participants) were not affected by this priming. Study 2 found that moral intentions were more strongly influenced by what participants perceived others to do in moral situations in face (vs. dignity) cultures. In contrast, moral intentions were found to be more strongly influenced by what they believed they should do in moral situations in dignity (vs. face) cultures.  相似文献   

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