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中国伊斯兰教研究回顾秦惠彬在中国伊斯兰教历史上,明末清初是一个至为关键的时期。这一时期,产生了具有中国作风、中国气派的教义学体系。它是一个里程碑,标志着伊斯兰教本土化历程的基本结束。成就这番事业的,是中国伊斯兰教著名的教义学家王岱舆、刘智、马注等人。...  相似文献   

代表们、朋友们、同志们: 色兰! 首先,我对中国伊斯兰教第五次全国代表会议的召开表示热烈祝贺!这是我国进入新的历史时期以后,全国伊斯兰教的又一次盛会,标志着我国伊斯兰教已迈向一个新阶段,处在建国以来最好的一个历史时期。  相似文献   

这是一座真正属于先知穆罕默德的城市。它向人们讲述着有关先知穆圣那永恒不朽的故事:当年,先知穆圣在麦加的宣教遭遇到巨大的挑战,穆斯林的生命财产面临极度危难,先知穆圣便毅然告别故乡麦加,带领穆斯林奔向这片新的家园,这一伟大的事件发生在公元622年,这一年成为了伊斯兰教的转折点,开创了伊斯兰教的新纪元,这一年也诞生了穆斯林心中的圣城——麦地那。虽然,麦地那是伊斯兰教的第二圣地,但是它却是先知穆圣及四大哈里发时代的政治中心,它见证了伊斯兰教发展的整个初期阶段,拥有许多珍贵的伊斯兰历史文化遗址,在历史与宗教方面具有重要的…  相似文献   

对伊斯兰教的第二大派别的什叶派穆斯林来说.除了与其他穆斯林一样过开斋节和宰牲节以外,他们还有自己隆重的传统节日——阿术技节。“阿木拉”一词,是阿拉伯文的音译,意为“第十”,指的是伊斯兰教历的1月10日。这一天在伊斯兰教的历史上具有不同寻常的含义、它是一个神圣的日子,因为据传安拉就是在这一天创造了人、天园和火狱、同时这一天还是阿丹、努哈、易布拉欣和穆萨等先知的获救之日。而且,公元622年穆罕默德田麦加迁徙到麦地那后,曾定此日为斋减出后来“莱麦丹”月(即教历9月)被定为斋月,整月斋戒,但阿木拉日依然是自愿…  相似文献   

正在《巴别塔之后》中,乔治·斯坦纳(1975,24)评论道,"文本内嵌于特定的历史事件",所以,全面阅读一个文本,就涉及"尽可能地恢复价值与意图的直接性——言语,实际上是在这样的直接性中发生的"。本文的目的,就是要恢复二十世纪六七十年代,伊斯兰研究一开始阅读和听闻克利福德·格尔茨的方式,并指出它在当代,对理解今天的伊斯兰的意义。  相似文献   

在《巴别塔之后》中,乔治·斯坦纳(1975,24)评论道,“文本内嵌于特定的历史事件”,所以,全面阅读一个文本,就涉及“尽可能地恢复价值与意图的直接性一一言语,实际上是在这样的直接性中发生的”。本文的目的,就是要恢复二十世纪六七十年代,伊斯兰研究一开始阅读和听闻克利福德·格尔茨的方式,并指出它在当代,对理解今天的伊斯兰的意义。  相似文献   

苏菲主义是伊斯兰教研究中的核心领域之一,虽然富蕴较高的学术价值,但在研究中存在很大的难度,是一个具有挑战性的课题,一些领域甚至是不敢逾越的禁地,因此,使其研究处于一种"尴尬"的学术境地.长期以来,苏菲主义在伊斯兰学科和思想史中占有举足轻重的地位,它的产生和所发生的事件是伊斯兰教史上的重要方面.正如英国著名历史学家吉布所说:"如果对苏菲主义的运动及其因果关系不能耐心地并以学者的公正态度进行研究,便不能写出一部令人满意的伊斯兰教历史."因此,作为一部完整的伊斯兰教历史著作,定不能离开苏菲主义.其次,对伊斯兰哲学而言,苏菲主义是其主要方面之一,甚至可以说伊斯兰哲学史的核心部分即是苏菲主义.再之,除关涉哲学和宗教外,由于苏菲主义遍及伊斯兰世界,所以其社会影响和作用也极为广泛.从上述意义上说,对苏菲主义的研究就不仅仅是一种单纯的学术活动.  相似文献   

寺坊是中国回族穆斯林社会一种传统社会组织形式,它是伊斯兰教来到中国后产生的特殊社会组织,最终发展演变为中国社会结构中一种典型的民族社区形式.西安穆斯林秉承伊斯兰文化传统,又具千年古都历史文化深厚底蕴,中国伊斯兰教传统文化特征非常明显.本文从社会组织视角,以西安穆斯林寺坊历史概况和寺坊组织的构成及特点等几个方面展开分析阐述,探讨中国伊斯兰教千百年历史发展进程的一个重要方面.  相似文献   

西安是中国西北五省之一陕西省的省会,是一座具有悠久历史的文化名城。西安这一名称与伊斯兰教进入中国有着紧密地关联,它是中国连接世界尤其是连接阿拉伯-伊斯兰世界著名的陆上丝绸之路的起点。早在1350多年前,当伊斯兰教进入中国时,陆上丝绸之路是除海上丝绸之路之外的另一条重要的通道。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教有着悠久的优良历史文化传统和丰富的文化内涵,它自公元7世纪初诞生于阿拉伯半岛至今已有一千三百多年的历史,先后传播到世界各地。它在传播、发展的过程中,不同程度地同各国各民族的历史、文化和社会生活相结合、相适应,形成了各具特色的伊斯兰文化,并已成为各国各民族文化的一个组成部分。同时也促进了伊斯兰文化的发展,丰富了它的文化内涵和层面。伊斯兰教约在公元7世纪中叶传人中国,经过一千多年的传播发展,已具有了本土化和民族化的特色,这是伊斯兰教与中国历代社会相适应的具体反映。目前它在回、维吾尔、哈萨克、柯尔克孜、…  相似文献   

Immigrant religiosity has recently become a hot topic both in academia and in the public arena. For years, a debate has existed as to whether there is an increase or decrease of immigrant religious participation surrounding the migratory event. Some argue that the act of migration spurs an increase in immigrant religious participation, while others contend that migration is a disruptive event and decreases immigrant religious participation. In addition to contextual factors, a number of micro-level factors may explain this change in religious participation: sex, family composition, religious affiliation, and employment status. This article uses longitudinal data from Quebec, Canada surveying nearly 1,000 immigrants during the 1990s. Results indicate that immigrant religious participation decreases substantially as compared to the average level of religious participation among the same immigrants prior to their migration. Besides religious affiliation, most of the micro-level factors hypothesized to explain this change in religious participation prove statistically insignificant. The lack of significant results for micro-level factors points to environmental factors that may be at work.  相似文献   

It is argued that experiences are complex events that befall their subjects. Each experience has a single subject and depends on the state or the event that it is of. The constituents of an experience are (or underlie) its subject, its grounding event or state, and everything that the subject is aware of during that time that's relevant to the telling of the story of how it was to participate in that event or be put in that state. The experience occurs where the person having the experience is. An experience of an event or state occurs when that event or state makes a difference to its possessor's conscious life, where this difference is either a matter of really knowing what's happening or merely a matter of being affected.  相似文献   

We investigated the psychological adaptation of Ingrian–Finnish migrants from Russia to Finland between 2008 and 2013. Pre‐migration data (N = 225) were collected at the Finnish language courses that were part of the immigration training program. The three post‐migration follow‐ups were conducted half a year (N = 155), and 2 (N = 133) and 3 years (N = 85) after migration. Well‐being was assessed with measures of Life Satisfaction and Self‐Esteem. Life Satisfaction increased from pre‐migration to the first post‐migration measurement point, after which it stabilized. Self‐Esteem decreased throughout the study. Variables reflecting adjustment to the event of migration (e.g., acculturation stress, socio‐cultural adaptation) were primarily associated with well‐being at the first post‐migration measurement point. More general determinants of well‐being (e.g., social support and subjective economic situation) were more consistently associated with well‐being throughout the study. The results suggest that migration can be beneficial to some but detrimental to other types of well‐being.  相似文献   

This paper offers new insights into Chinese migration law since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, set against a backdrop of briefly examined historical developments in international migration law. Despite significant changes during its years of reform and opening up—with the massive influx of foreigners into, and exodus of Chinese citizens from, China—Chinese migration law is still restrictive and unadvanced. As part of its reform and opening-up policies, China has been relaxing its control on persons crossing its border, and advancing its exit and entry administration. The paper also offers an exploration of fresh perspectives on Chinese migration law’s history, including insights into the comparative value—for Chinese migration law—of international migration law experiences.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of migration has received a considerable amount of scholarly attention in recent years. This article presents and elaborates on how contemporary missiological research addresses and discusses migration processes. It approached the theme of migration from various perspectives, including how migration phenomena influence individual and communal expressions of faith; how migration experiences are and can be reflected on theologically; and challenges and opportunities of migration to mission thinking and practice. Further, based on the presentation of themes and approaches in the field, the article discusses how migration might challenge and develop the research agenda within missiology. It is argued that migration and migration processes do not only challenge the idea of easily identifiable contexts, but that they also blur and destabilize the whole idea of fixed borders. This challenges missiology to rethink its basic theories related to contextualization and inter‐religious encounters, as well as the understanding of mission thinking and practice.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to examine how perfectionism is contributing to social anxiety and its cognitive processes of post‐event rumination and self‐perception of performance following a speech task. Forty‐eight undergraduate students completed measures of perfectionism and trait social anxiety prior to performing a 3‐min impromptu speech task. Immediately following the speech task, participants rated their state anxiety and self‐perception of performance, and 24 hr later, their level of post‐event rumination was measured. Structural equation modelling revealed that perfectionism, in the form of socially prescribed perfectionism and doubts about actions, directly influences trait social anxiety, and indirectly influences post‐event rumination and self‐perception of performance through its relationship with trait social anxiety and state anxiety. This is the first study to investigate how perfectionism is contributing to social anxiety and its cognitive processes. The findings of this study provide evidence in support of the potential predictive role of perfectionism in social anxiety.  相似文献   

The clarity with which events that happened 6 years earlier can be recalled was estimated. The estimates are consistent with a gradual degradation rather than a precipitate decline of memory, and with the proposition that once an event cannot be recalled then it will remain inaccessible under similar conditions of cueing. Rare events are recalled well, suggesting that proactive interference has a strong influence on difficulty to recall. Vivid events are recalled well, also, but other dimensions such as importance of the event, its association with semantic knowledge, and the intensity of physical sensation are not related to recallability. Memory for the date of an event is poor, but for its time of day is good.  相似文献   

The current study explored the finding that parsing a narrative into separate events impairs anaphor resolution. According to the Event Horizon Model, when a narrative event boundary is encountered, a new event model is created. Information associated with the prior event model is removed from working memory. So long as the event model containing the anaphor referent is currently being processed, this information should still be available when there is no narrative event boundary, even if reading has been disrupted by a working-memory-clearing distractor task. In those cases, readers may reactivate their prior event model, and anaphor resolution would not be affected. Alternatively, comprehension may not be as event oriented as this account suggests. Instead, any disruption of the contents of working memory during comprehension, event related or not, may be sufficient to disrupt anaphor resolution. In this case, reading comprehension would be more strongly guided by other, more basic language processing mechanisms and the event structure of the described events would play a more minor role. In the current experiments, participants were given stories to read in which we included, between the anaphor and its referent, either the presence of a narrative event boundary (Experiment 1) or a narrative event boundary along with a working-memory-clearing distractor task (Experiment 2). The results showed that anaphor resolution was affected by narrative event boundaries but not by a working-memory-clearing distractor task. This is interpreted as being consistent with the Event Horizon Model of event cognition.  相似文献   

While adults are known to exhibit biases when making conjunctive probability judgments, little is known about childhood competencies in this area. Participants (aged between four and five years, eight and ten years, and a group of young adults) attempted to select the more likely of two events, a single event, and a conjunctive event containing, as one of its components, the single event. The problems were such that the objective probabilities of the component events were potentially available. Children in both age groups were generally successful when the single event was likely. However, when it was unlikely, a majority of children rejected it, choosing the conjunctive event instead, thereby committing the conjunction fallacy. A substantial minority of adults also committed the fallacy under equivalent conditions. It is concluded that under certain conditions children are capable of normative conjunctive judgments but that the mechanisms underpinning this capacity remain to be fully understood.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the extent to which the aggregate happiness of a country affects the flow of people across its borders. We merge data from the World Values Survey, which produces happiness indices for 84 countries between 1981 and 2004, with three different migration datasets: emigration rates from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, immigration rates from the U.S. Census, and net migration rates from the United Nations. We find that happiness has a U-shaped relationship with emigration rates: emigration rates fall in happiness for relatively unhappy countries, but rise for relatively happy countries. The U-shaped relationship also holds for migrant flows into the U.S. When analyzing net migration rates, we find that the reverse relationship exists. Net migration is associated with an increase in happiness for relatively unhappy countries, but after a threshold level of happiness, net migration is associated with a decrease in happiness. Our findings are robust to various empirical specifications and datasets.  相似文献   

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