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For over 20 centuries, Buddhism has been the spiritual practice of the majority of Sri Lankans. Though Buddhist practices have been increasingly influencing psychotherapy in the West, the use of such practices in psychotherapy in Sri Lanka is not common. This paper attempts to bridge this gap by presenting a case study where Buddhist mindfulness practice was used successfully in the treatment of a case of obsessive compulsive disorder. This paper also presents an outline of the association between Buddhist mindfulness practice and mindfulness practices used in modern-day psychotherapy and discusses issues in the use of mindfulness practice in psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Background and objectives: Women in Sri Lanka have been uniquely exposed to a complex and protracted set of stressors stemming from a civil war conflict spanning over 25 years and the tsunami which struck Southeast Asia in 2004. This study investigates coping strategies and their association with trauma-related symptoms of tsunami-exposed mothers in Sri Lanka at two time points.

Design: Data for this study come from surveys administered in two waves of data collection to investigate both mothers’ and adolescent children’s post-tsunami mental health in early 2005, three months after the tsunami struck, and again in 2008, three years later.

Methods: Latent-variable structural equation modeling was used to test the study hypotheses among 160 tsunami-affected mothers in the Polhena village, Matara district, Sri Lanka.

Results: Among the various coping strategies examined, the use of cultural rituals as well as inner psychological strength was associated with lower levels of posttraumatic stress symptoms. In contrast, passive religious beliefs were associated with greater posttraumatic stress levels.

Conclusions: The results of this study reveal the differential associations of various coping strategies including rituals used by mothers exposed to the tsunami in Sri Lanka and their posttraumatic stress symptom levels.  相似文献   


Recent factor analytic investigations of post-traumatic stress disorder in military veterans suggest that symptoms are best described by either a hierarchical 2-factor model or a 4-factor inter-correlated model. Other recent evidence suggests that post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain are intricately related; however, the nature of this relationship is not well understood. Factor analysis provides one method for clarifying this relationship. In study 1, we compared competing models of post-traumatic stress disorder symptom structure in a sample of 400 male United Nations peacekeepers using confirmatory factor analysis. Results indicated that both the hierarchical 2-factor and the 4-factor inter-correlated models provided good fit to the data. In study 2, the reliability of these models was assessed in 427 male United Nations peacekeepers with chronic back pain and 341 without. Group comparisons of the confirmatory factor analysis results revealed that the structure of the hierarchical 2-factor and 4-factor inter-correlated models both provided good fit to the data in both the chronic back pain and the group without. However, the structure of the models for the group with chronic back pain group differed in significant ways from that of the group without chronic back pain. Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in military veterans can be adequately conceptualized using either a hierarchical 2-factor or 4-factor inter-correlated model. Chronic pain has a minimal influence on overall factor structure. The hierarchical 2-factor model, while parsimonious, does not provide the degree of symptom detail provided by the 4-factor inter-correlated model. Implications for conceptualization of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms for patients with chronic back pain and significant post-traumatic stress disorder symptomatology are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between sociodemographic/clinical characteristics, coping strategies and satisfaction with life in individuals with lower limb amputation. Sixty‐three individuals with a lower limb amputation due to Diabetes and Peripheral Vascular Disease participated in the study and answered measures of coping strategies and satisfaction with life. Findings revealed high dissatisfaction with life. Acceptance and active coping were the most used coping strategies. Satisfaction with life was positively associated with active and planning coping, religion, acceptance and humour. There were differences in coping strategies according to gender, age, marital status, presence of residual limb pain, prosthesis use and mobility level. Results emphasize the differential role of coping strategies, for each individual. Psychosocial interventions need to take into consideration coping strategies during the process of rehabilitation and be specific regarding individuals` sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. This study may help design interventions that answer individuals with lower limb amputations given that coping strategies are a valuable resource in the promotion of satisfaction with life.  相似文献   

Evaluation is an important management tool used by managers and beneficiaries of development projects. However, until recently, only the managers and external agencies evaluated project benefits, and there was little interaction with the beneficiaries. This approach to evaluation ignores the locally available evaluation capacity that could be harnessed not only for meaningful evaluation, but also for rational decision-making at the project level. This article, using some experience from a Village Hydro Project in Sri Lanka, demonstrates the value and relevance of using local capacity in project evaluations. When local capacity is combined with external formal evaluation exercises, not only does the evaluation become more enlightened and participatory, but more importantly, the beneficiaries become partners in development. The article argues that such local capacity could start as an informal evaluation system that could gradually be transformed into a formal evaluation system.  相似文献   

International guidelines for emergency response note the importance of cultural adaptions and facilitation of local spiritual and religious healing practices when appropriate. Deciding whether traditional medicine is safe, effective and appropriate is a complex matter. This study explores the therapeutic factors of a local cleansing ritual in Northern Uganda aimed at healing former child soldiers. The components of the ritual are analysed and compared with research-based therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder. Participant observation was used during the ritual, followed by qualitative in-depth interviews and follow-up interviews over three years. The key informant is a former child soldier participating in the ritual. He was abducted and forced to commit several killings during a three-year period. The collective mobilisation of social support, the collective forgiveness and the strength of the psycho-education appear central for the effect of the ritual. In addition, the ritual draws on common therapeutic factors. The findings indicate that such a ritual involves elements that safely and effectively deal with symptoms in accordance with modern research on trauma therapy, perhaps more powerfully than Western-style therapy. Implications for collaboration with local healers in emergency settings are indicated.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that adult attachment representations guide caregiving behavior and influence parental sensitivity, and thus affect the child's socio‐emotional development. Several studies have shown a link between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and reduced parental sensitivity, so it is possible that PTSD moderates the relationship between insecure attachment representations and insensitivity. In this study symptoms of PTSD (Harvard Trauma Questionnaire), parental sensitivity (Emotional Availability Scales), and attachment representations (Attachment Script Assessment) were assessed in 53 parents who were asylum seekers or refugees. Results showed that when parents were less able to draw on secure attachment representations, symptoms of PTSD increased the risk of insensitive parenting. These findings suggest that parental sensitivity is affected not just by attachment representations, but by a conjunction of risk factors including symptoms of PTSD and insecure attachment representations. These parents should therefore be supported to establish or confirm secure models of attachment experiences, to facilitate their ability interact sensitively and form a secure relationship with their children.  相似文献   

We present a case that is unusual in many respects from other documented incidences of auditory agnosia, including the mechanism of injury, age of the individual, and location of neurological insult. The clinical presentation is one of disturbance in the perception of spoken language, music, pitch, emotional prosody, and temporal auditory processing in the absence of significant deficits in the comprehension of written language, expressive language production, or peripheral auditory function. Furthermore, the patient demonstrates relatively preserved function in other aspects of audition such as sound localization, voice recognition, and perception of animal noises and environmental sounds. This case study demonstrates that auditory agnosia is possible following traumatic brain injury in a child, and illustrates the necessity of assessment with a wide variety of auditory stimuli to fully characterize auditory agnosia in a single individual.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that subjects with medical symptoms would show more signs of stress in projective drawings. A Stress Load Index, including five signs of stress in drawings, was evaluated. A questionnaire with an instruction to draw "a person in the rain" was sent to a cohort of 195 subjects, and the drawings were analysed blindly for eight stress items. Men had a higher index than women (p < .05) and drew clouds more often (p < .05). Drawing of clouds was associated with headache (adjOR = 4.28; 95% CI 1.75; 11.68). Drawing of puddles was associated with ocular symptoms (adjOR = 3.22; 95% CI 1.38, 7.50), facial dermal symptoms (adjOR= 2.94; 95% CI 1.28, 6.81), and tiredness (adjOR = 2.44; 95% CI 1.05, 5.67). Drawing of long rain strokes was associated with nasal symptoms (adjOR = 2.28; 95% CI 1.05, 2.06) and headache (adjOR = 3.20; 95% CI 1.28, 8.05). Age and stress load were predictors of sick building syndrome symptoms (p < .05). In conclusion, a nonverbal projective drawing test detected sex differences which represent directions opposite to those with verbal methods. These need empirical assessment.  相似文献   


Two studies, one retrospective and the other prospective, investigated the relation of cognitive strategies (association, dissociation) with injury, motivation, and performance variables among marathon runners. Association was found to predict injury in runners at 4 month follow-up. It appears that association is favored by runners who are more competitive, participate in numerous races, and are heavily invested in running. Contrary to early theorizing, findings demonstrated that dissociation was not related to injury but was related to motivation and performance variables suggesting that dissociating runners tend to run slower, be less competitive, and be less invested in running. It is proposed that motivational and physiological factors account for the use of cognitive strategies among marathon runners.  相似文献   

According to cognitive models, negative post-event processing rumination is a key maintaining factor in social anxiety disorder (SAD). Analogue research has supported the differentiation of self-focus into different modes of self-focused attention with distinct effects on rumination in depression and social anxiety. The purpose of this study was to replicate these effects with a sample of clients with SAD (N = 12) using (a) an experimental, cross-over design and (b) an evaluation situation (impromptu speech) prior to manipulation. Processing an identical list of symptoms, half of a sample was asked to successively adopt an analytic (abstract, evaluative) and an experiential (concrete, process-focused) self-focus; the other half employed the modes in the reversed order. Effects were assessed with a thought-listing (TL) procedure. As predicted, the two modes of self-focused attention affected cognitions differently; participants in the experiential condition showed a tendency for a decreased proportion of negative thoughts, whereas those in the analytical condition reported a decreased proportion of neutral thoughts. No difference was shown on positive cognitions. Furthermore, the participants' self-evaluation following the speech predicted their degree of subsequent negative thinking. After self-focus inductions, however, this effect was only seen in those participants who started by receiving the analytical self-focus induction. The results support previous findings that the analytical and the experiential self-focus modes affect cognitions differently, and that experiential processing may have beneficial effects on rumination in SAD. However, results need to be replicated in a larger sample.  相似文献   

This study compared the structure of cognitive ability (specifically, verbal/crystallized [Gc] and visual-spatial ability [Gv]), as measured in the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, in youth with manic symptoms with a nationally representative group of similarly aged youth. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis found the majority of the estimated parameters were invariant between the groups, although there was a difference in the intercepts for the Similarities subtest and difference in unique variances for the Picture Completion, Comprehension, and Picture Arrangement subtests. Thus, although there are many neurological changes associated with manic symptoms, the structure of verbal/crystallized and visual-spatial abilities appear relatively robust and invariant. As Gc and Gv are the primary domains on all the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children, results also indicate that clinical interpretation of the Wechsler scales may be appropriate to measure cognitive performance in youths with manic symptoms.  相似文献   

Limited research has been conducted on dispositional mindfulness, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and academic burnout in Chinese adolescents following a tornado. The present study investigated the ways in which dispositional mindfulness is related to PTSD symptoms and academic burnout in Chinese adolescents following a tornado by considering the role of regulatory emotional self-efficacy. A total of 431 Chinese adolescents (mean age: 14.75 years) who had experienced a severe tornado 9 months prior to this study were recruited for this study. The results indicated that our model fit the data well [χ2/df = 2.774, CFI = 0.952, TLI = 0.934, RMSEA (90% CI) = 0.064 (0.051–0.077)], and revealed that regulatory emotional self-efficacy partially mediates the relationships between dispositional mindfulness and PTSD symptoms and academic burnout, respectively. The clinical implications and limitations of our research, and recommendations for future research, are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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