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This study is concerned with two questions regarding the illusory motion of objects that occurs concomitantly with motion of the head. One is whether this illusory concomitant motion, unlike the perception of real motion, is paradoxical in the sense that, although the object appears to move, it does not appear to go anywhere. The second question is whether illusory concomitant motion can be explained by errors in convergence produced by a tendency for the convergence of the eyes to displace in the direction of the resting state of convergence. Both questions receive a negative answer. In Experiment 1, it is shown that the illusory motion perceptually can add to or subtract from apparent motion resulting from real motion. In Experiment 2, it is shown that, for a binocularly viewed object at a near distance, the error in convergence (fixation disparity) is far too small to be an explanation for the illusory object motion associated with a moving head. The results of both experiments support an interpretation of illusory concomitant motion in terms of errors in the apparent distance of the stimulus object and the veridical perception of its direction.  相似文献   

Accommodation and convergence primarily serve to adjust the eyes to the distance of the object viewed, but, once made, these oculomotor adjustments serve as cues for the object’s distance. Experiments are reported that show that the relation between oculomotor adjustments and the distances they signify can be changed by adaptation to glasses that cause alteration in the oculomotor adjustments with which objects are viewed. This changed relation manifested itself in marked alterations of size perception. Wearing, for 30 min, glasses that caused a change in accommodation and convergence corresponding to a smaller object distance and equivalent to 1.5 lens diopters caused subsequent mean size increases that ranged from 50% to 65%. Adaptation to glasses that changed oculomotor adjustments in the same amount but in the opposite direction resulted in decreases in perceived sizes that varied from 18% to 40%, dependent on the distance of the test object. These were the results of size estimates obtained before and after the adaptation period under conditions where only accommodation and convergence served as cues for distance. A newly developed test of size perception was also used, in which S adjusted the size of the projected image of an array of familiar objects on a screen until the size of the objects appeared normal. Again, such adjustments were made before and after the adaptation period, and size differences were obtained that were in the direction to be expected of adaptation and varied in amount between 12% and 33%, dependent on the distance of the screen. The reason for the different amounts of size change measured by the two kinds of tests was investigated.  相似文献   

Effects of visual angle and convergence upon the perceived sizes and perceived distances of a familiar object (playing card) and a nonrepresentational object (blank white card) were investigated by means of a projector stereoscope with polarizing filters. The results obtained with six Ss indicated that size estimates increased nearly proportionally as the visual angle increased and decreased nearly linearly as the convergence increased. Distance estimates decreased nearly linearly as either the visual angle or the convergence increased. The ratio of the size estimate to the distance estimate for a given visual angle was almost constant irrespective of convergence. In this sense, the size-distance invariance hypothesis held. No clear effect of familiarity was found. Partial correlations were used to discriminate direct and indirect causal relationships between the stimulus variables and perceptual estimates. Both perceived size and perceived distance were found to be determined directly by the two stimulus variables, but to be mutually related only indirectly.  相似文献   

Gender differences in object location memory: A meta-analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The goal of the present study was to quantify the magnitude of gender differences in object location memory tasks. A total of 123 effect sizes (d) drawn from 36 studies were included in a meta-analysis using a hierarchical approach. Object identity memory (37 effect sizes) and object location memory (86 effect sizes) tasks were analyzed separately. Object identity memory task showed significant gender differences that were homogeneous and in favor of women. For the object location memory tasks, effect sizes had to be partitioned by age (younger than 13, between 13 and 18, older than 18), object type (common, uncommon, gender neutral, geometric, masculine, feminine), scoring method (accuracy, time, distance), and type of measure (recall, recognition) to achieve homogeneity. Significant gender differences in favor of females were obtained in all clusters above the age of 13, with the exception of feminine, uncommon, and gender-neutral objects. Masculine objects and measures of distance produced significant effects in favor of males. Implications of these results for future work and for theoretical interpretations are discussed.  相似文献   

The detection of an invalidly cued target is faster when it appears within a cued object than when it appears in an uncued object equally distant from the cued location; this is a manifestation of object based attention. Five experiments are reported in which it was investigated whether early sensory enhancement (in which attention "spreads" within an attended object but stops at its borders) or a later attentional prioritization mechanism best accounts for these effects. In Experiments 1-4, subjects identified a centrally located target with a buttonpress while attempting to ignore flanking distractors that were mapped to either a compatible or an incompatible response. The flankers appeared either within the object occupied by the target or in a different object but at the same distance from the target. The well-known effect of distance between the target and the flankers on the magnitude of the compatibility effect was replicated. However, whether the target and the flankers were in the same or different objects had no effect on the magnitude of the compatibility effect. In Experiment 5, when attention could not be narrowly focused in advance, object-based modulation of the flanker effect was observed. These results suggest that object-based selection may reflect an object-specific attentional prioritization strategy, rather than object-based attentional modulation of an early sensory representation.  相似文献   

Female rats become aggressive toward adult conspecifics during lactation. This change in social affect is dependent on the presence of the offspring, because maternal aggression disappears when the pups are removed. It was found that a similar decline occurs when the litter is placed in a glass flask while remaining in the home cage. In contrast, maternal aggression persists following placement of the pups in a nylon mesh bag. The pups did not vocalize while being in the mesh bags, so it appears that olfactory cues from the offspring constitute a critical element in the maintenance of maternal aggression in the rat. It has been suggested that the odor not only of the pups but also of the intruder may contribute to eliciting aggressive behavior in lactating rodents. In line with this proposal, it was found that mother rats spend about one third of the time preceding the first attack sniffing the body of the intruder. In contrast to findings in mice, housing of the prospective intruder behind a double wire mesh partition in the lactating female's home cage failed to reduce her aggressiveness toward him. Rats, then, may require more intimate contact with an individual than do mice for the aggression-reducing effect of familiarization to be observed.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental challenges of visual cognition is how our visual systems combine information about an object’s features with its spatial location. A recent phenomenon related to object–location binding, the “spatial congruency bias,” revealed that two objects are more likely to be perceived as having the same identity or features if they appear in the same spatial location, versus if the second object appears in a different location. The spatial congruency bias suggests that irrelevant location information is automatically encoded with and bound to other object properties, biasing perceptual judgments. Here we further explored this new phenomenon and its role in object–location binding by asking what happens when an object moves to a new location: Is the spatial congruency bias sensitive to spatiotemporal contiguity cues, or does it remain linked to the original object location? Across four experiments, we found that the spatial congruency bias remained strongly linked to the original object location. However, under certain circumstances—for instance, when the first object paused and remained visible for a brief time after the movement—the congruency bias was found at both the original location and the updated location. These data suggest that the spatial congruency bias is based more on low-level visual information than on spatiotemporal contiguity cues, and reflects a type of object–location binding that is primarily tied to the original object location and that may only update to the object’s new location if there is time for the features to be re-encoded and rebound following the movement.  相似文献   

Five experiments are reported in which subjects judged the movement or spatial location of a visible object that underwent a combination of real and induced (illusory) motion. When subjects attempted to reproduce the distance that the object moved by moving their unseen hands, they were more affected by the illusion than when they pointed to the object's perceived final location. Furthermore, pointing to the final location was more affected by the illusion when the hand movement began from the same position as that at which the object initially appeared, as compared with responses that began from other positions. The results suggest that people may separately encode two distinct types of spatial information: (1) information about the distance moved by an object and (2) information about the absolute spatial location of the object. Information about distance is more susceptible to the influence of an induced motion illusion, and people appear to rely differentially on the different types of spatial information, depending on features of the pointing response. The results have important implications for the mechanisms that underlie spatially oriented behavior in general.  相似文献   

Lou L 《Perception》2007,36(8):1214-1228
The apparent size of an afterimage viewed from distances between 5 cm and 580 cm was matched to that of a size-adjustable stimulus at a fixed distance (20, 30, 90, and 200 cm). The experiment was conducted under normal indoor illumination with a procedure that facilitated matching for angular size. The matched size was found to increase with focal distance within 1 m and very little beyond 1 m. Similar results were obtained with an equivalent series of real stimuli subtending a constant visual angle. These findings suggest a scaling in perceived angular size in proportion to the oculomotor adjustments for accommodation and convergence. The observations of perceived angular size of the afterimage complement what Emmert's law is meant to describe (perceived object size of the afterimage), even though as the focal distance decreases it may be increasingly difficult to tease out perceived object size and perceived angular size with the matching procedure.  相似文献   

Bross M 《Perception》2000,29(11):1385-1391
The relationship between apparent size and apparent distance is given by Emmert's law, which states that a retinal image is proportional in size to the distance of the surface it is projected upon. This principle also applies to retinal afterimages in that they, too, will change in apparent size if distance cues suggest that the location of the object onto the retinal image has been altered. It has also been known for some time that non-retinal cues can produce quantitative and qualitative effects on an afterimage when it is viewed in the dark. In the present two studies, positive afterimages of an observer's hand, as well as objects held by that hand, were used as targets to investigate the effects on size-constancy scaling of moving the hand to and fro along the line of sight for different distances in the dark. Results show that, when observers focus on a held object, the changes in size predicted by Emmert's law occur in response to both active and passive proprioceptive or haptic cues. The most intriguing result consisted of the finding that, when only the hand is the target, there appears to be a limit to the decrease in apparent hand size. It appears that the visual system 'refuses' to size-scale the hand below a limit it accepts as representative or acceptable of 'its' hand.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of an indirect method of measuring perceived distance was compared in two experiments with the direct procedure of eliciting verbal reports of distance. Perceived distance was varied by varying the oculomotor cues to object distance. The indirect method, called the “adjustable pivot method,” uses an apparatus that physically moves the stimulus object laterally concomitantly with the lateral motion of the head. The magnitude and direction of this concomitant motion determines the distance of the point around which the direction of gaze to the object rotates (the pivot distance) as the head is moved. The pivot distance at which the object appears stationary with head movement measures the apparent distance of the object. Both types of measures were found to vary systematically with the oculomotor distance of the object for points of light (Experiment 1) and extended objects (Experiment 2). A previous study has shown that the adjustable pivot method avoids cognitive errors that can distort verbal reports of distance. The present study, by demonstrating the discriminative capability of this method under conditions in which differences in perceived distance were expected to occur, provides clear evidence that the adjustable pivot method is a sensitive and useful procedure for measuring perceived distance.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》1994,9(2):193-209
Within a small bounded space, the location of a hidden object can be coded in terms of distance information, general area of hiding, or the boundary of the space. 6.5-month-old infants' use of these three coding strategies was examined using a visual search task. Infants watched as an object was hidden at one of four identical locations. After a short delay (10 s), the object either reappeared at the location where it was hidden (possible event), or reappeared at one of the other three locations (impossible event). Looking behavior was not systematically influenced by the amount of distance the object moved from the original location of hiding or by whether the object was hidden near a boundary. Infants did not appear to code the location of a hidden object in terms of distance information, general area of hiding, or whether it was hidden at a boundary. However, the location of reappearance (i.e., impossible event) did influence looking times. Infants were surprised when the object reappeared at a boundary position that was previously unoccupied. They were not surprised when the object reappeared at a central location. Thus, two factors influenced coding of location: boundary information (but in a different way than specified) and the nature of the change (absence vs. presence of an object). The influence of these two factors on coding of spatial information was discussed.  相似文献   

Given Leonardo's constraint that 2 opaque objects cannot be seen in the same direction, how are the regions of objects occluded to 1 eye included in perception? To answer this question, the authors presented 3-dimensional stimuli, similar to the ones that concerned Leonardo, and measured the visual directions of their monocular and binocular regions. When the distance between near and far objects was large, the nonfixated object was seen as double and blurry. Leonardo's constraint was met by seeing the near object as double and transparent or the distant object as double and superimposed. When the distance between near and far objects was small, the constraint was met by a perceptual displacement and compression of parts of the nonfixated object.  相似文献   

Adaptation to spectacles that alter in equivalent amounts the accommodation and the convergence with which objects are viewed was produced under two conditions. In one, S alternately pushed away or pulled toward him a screen that exhibited only a single vertical contour while wearing glaaaes that caused decreases in accommodation and convergence equivalent to 1.5 lens diopters. Here kinesthesis for these arm movements provided the only veridical distance cues, A small, but highly significant, adaptation effect was obtained with a teat in which S, before and after the adaptation period, pointed to the location of a test line in the distance dimension. Corresponding tests consisting in size and in depth estimates did not show an adaptation effect. In the other condition of adaptation, S moved objects by hand toward and away from himself while wearing spectacles that increased accommodation and convergence by the equivalent of 1.5 lens diopters. In addition to the altered oculomotor cues, some veridical visual cues for distance such as are caused by perspective were present. This condition yielded changes in size and depth estimates indicative of an adaptation in visual distance perception and a larger effect of adaptation measured by the pointing test. We concluded that the excess of the adaptation effect measured by pointing over that measured by size estimation represents an adaptation in proprioception, as did the pointing effect produced by our first adaptation condition.  相似文献   

It is well established that scenes and objects elicit a highly selective response in specific brain regions in the ventral visual cortex. An inherent difference between these categories that has not been explored yet is their perceived distance from the observer (i.e. scenes are distal whereas objects are proximal). The current study aimed to test the extent to which scene and object selective areas are sensitive to perceived distance information independently from their category-selectivity and retinotopic location. We conducted two studies that used a distance illusion (i.e., the Ponzo lines) and showed that scene regions (the parahippocampal place area, PPA, and transverse occipital sulcus, TOS) are biased toward perceived distal stimuli, whereas the lateral occipital (LO) object region is biased toward perceived proximal stimuli. These results suggest that the ventral visual cortex plays a role in representing distance information, extending recent findings on the sensitivity of these regions to location information. More broadly, our findings imply that distance information is inherent to object recognition.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated a female advantage, albeit imperfectly, on tests of object location memory where object identity information is readily available. However, spatial and visual elements are often confounded in the experimental tasks used. Here spatial and visual memory performance was compared in 30 men and 30 women by presenting 12 abstract designs in a spatial array for recall and recognition (visual memory) and spatial location ("object" location memory). Object location memory was measured via a sensitive absolute displacement score defined as the distance in mms between the position assigned to the object during recall and the actual position it originally occupied. There were no sex differences in either the visual or spatial location tests. Controlling for age and estimated IQ scores made no impact on the results. These data suggest an absence of a sex difference in purely visual and spatial aspects of object location memory.  相似文献   

Hoffmann J  Sebald A 《Perception》2007,36(3):461-470
When an observer looks at a hollow mask of a face, a normal convex face is often perceived [the hollow-face illusion--Gregory 1973, in Illusion in Nature and Art (London: Duckworth) pp 49-96]. We show that in exploring an illusory face, the eyes converge at the illusory and not at the real distances of fixated targets like the tip of the nose. The 'vergence error' appears even though the resulting disparities of the two retinal images of the target provide feedback that would allow an immediate correction. It is presumably the success of recognising a familiar object (a face) which overrides the correction of convergence. This suggests that the brain strives for a congruency of eye vergence and distance perception.  相似文献   

The process-dissociation procedure was used to investigate conscious and unconscious influences of memory for object location. In two experiments, subjects worked with drawings of household objects and rooms of a house depicted on a computer monitor to simulate placing objects in various locations. Memory for object locations was tested by having subjects search for those objects. A double dissociation was obtained between estimates of conscious and unconscious influences of memory computed from equations that assumed independence between these two influences: Age-related differences were found in the estimate of conscious influences, but not in the estimate of unconscious influences, whereas manipulation of habit strength affected the unconscious estimate, but not the conscious estimate. These results were closely fit by a multinomial model assuming independence between conscious and unconscious influences of memory.  相似文献   

Carlson and Tassone (1971) reported that an object of familiar size viewed at an appreciable distance is perceived to be more distant than an unfamiliar object. Six experiments were designed to examine this effect. The results indicated that the effect is not dependent on Carlson and Tassone's method for assessing perceived relative distance; it occurs at some minimum viewing distance; it is unlikely to be caused by stimulus attributes confounded with the familiar versus unfamiliar size dichotomy; appears to be specific to judgments of the familiar object itself; and it does not occur if the familiar and unfamiliar objects have a common reference target. These findings are discussed with respect to the issue of whether familiar size influences perceived distance as distinct from influencing judgments of distance.  相似文献   

Inhibition of return (IOR) causes people to be slower to return their attention to a recently attended object (object-based IOR) or location (location-based IOR). In attempts to separately measure the two components, moving stimuli have been used that permit the dissociation of the attended object from its location when it was attended. The implicit assumption has been that both object- and locationbased components of IOR will operate whenever the cued object and cued location are identical. We show here that although this assumption may be true in a static display, it appears to be unwarranted when moving stimuli are involved: Very little IOR is observed when a cued object moves away from, and then subsequently returns to, its initial location. Thus, the processes that underlie IOR operate very differently in static versus dynamic scenes.  相似文献   

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