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Rorschach sensitivity to minimization is important in forensic evaluations of sex offenders because these individuals frequently deny psychological problems. To study Rorschach minimization, we divided alleged sex offenders according to whether they minimized on the MMPI (Hathaway & McKinley, 1943) or MMPI-2 (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989) and compared their Rorschachs on indexes of distress, faulty judgment, interpersonal dysfunction, and cognitive distortions. We predicted there would be no differences between MMPI minimizers and nonminimizers on these indexes and that sex offenders of both groups would show greater psychopathology than normative adult samples. Results indicate that mini- mizers produce normal MMPI clinical profiles but still show evidence of psychopathology on the Rorschach. As predicted, sex offenders showed more Rorschach psychopathology than normative samples. Sex offenders' protocols that contained sexual content also showed perceptual distortions. These findings indicate that the Rorschach is resilient to attempts at faking good and may therefore provide valuable information in forensic settings where intentional distortion is common.  相似文献   

Rorschach aggressive content was examined in 42 children who had been referred for psychological evaluations and 42 children who were considered well-adjusted. The two groups did not differ on two standard, global indices of aggressive content, but they did differ with respect to various specific kinds of aggressive imagery. In particular, the normal children more frequently focused on aggression in the context of direct interactions fights — whereas the problematic children talked as if the figures were at the mercy of unknown or unreal attackers.  相似文献   

This study examines helper bias through predictions of burned and traumatized children's and adolescents' Rorschach responding on ten content variables: human, fictional human, animal, anatomy, blood, clothing, explosion, food, fire, and sex. Two groups of helpers consisting of 139 inexperienced individuals and 48 members of the American Burn Association who worked directly with patients were asked to predict Rorschach content responding for children and adolescents who had been severely burned (n = 86) or traumatized (n = 75). Inaccurate and inconsistent predictions are interpreted as evidence of biased expectations which could influence the therapeutic relationship between helpers and patients. To control for the confound of Rorschach knowledge, 11 psychologists with Rorschach expertize also made predictions. An analysis of Rorschach responding in the two groups of children and adolescents is also presented.  相似文献   

Children referred for psychoeducational assessment of learning disabilities (LDs) commonly receive the Rorschach test. yet little is known about the impact of LD on Rorschach response patterns. This study investigated Rorschach response patterns in two groups of 9- to 12-year-old children (n = 41) classified by their respective intellectual abilities. Another group of 9- to 12-year-olds (n = 143) served as a nonclinical comparison group. Rorschach variables indicative of personality dimensions failed to discriminate between the two LD groups. Compared to the nonclinical group, the LD group exhibited several Rorschach characteristics--including problems in perceptual accuracy, inefficient visual scanning and problem-solving strategies, and avoidance of affect-laden stimuli--having implications for successful socioemotional adaptation. Suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

The perceptual and cognitive functioning of children with intelligence quotients greater than 135 was examined with the Rorschach Inkblot Test. A criterion measure, the Child Behavior Checklist, was also administered so as to determine whether deviations for Rorschach variables from age-appropriate norms indicated the presence of psychopathology or were evidence of nonentrenched, novel, or creative styles of encoding and processing information. Rorschach variables indicative of intellectual sophistication, nonentrenched thinking or inaccurate reality perception, and cognitive slippage were reliably elevated for this sample versus norms. Results for the Child Behavior Checklist demonstrated that the incidence of psychopathology in the intellectually superior and average samples were comparable. There was a lack of covariance between Rorschach makers of inaccurate reality perception, cognitive slippages, and schizophrenia, and the sum of behavior problems on the Child Behavior Checklist. Results for the Rorschach and Child Behavior Checklist variables were comparable for children with intelligence quotients greater than 150 versus between 136 and 140. It was concluded that the intellectually superior children did process the Rorschach stimuli in a manner that was nonentrenched and reliably different from norms, but that these differences should not routinely be considered as indications of psychopathology.  相似文献   

The perceptual and cognitive functioning of children with intelligence quotients > 135 was examined with the Rorschach Inkblot Test. A criterion measure, the Child Behavior Checklist, was also administered so as to determine whether deviations for Rorschach variables from age-appropriate norms indicated the presence of psychopathology or were evidence of nonentrenched, novel, or creative styles of encoding and processing information. Rorschach variables indicative of intellectual sophistication, nonentrenched thinking or inaccurate testily perception, and cognitive slippage were reliably elevated for this sample versus norms. Results for the Child Behavior Checklist demonstrated that the incidence of psychopathology in the intellectually superior and average samples were comparable. There was a lack of covariance between Rorschach markers of inaccurate reality perception, cognitive slippages, and schizophrenia, and the sum of behavior problems on the Child Behavior Checklist. Results for the Rorschach and Child Behavior Checklist variables were comparable for children with intelligence quotients > 150 versus between 136 and 140. It was concluded that the intellectually superior children did process the Rorschach stimuli in a manner that was nonentrenched and reliably different from norms, but that these differences should not routinely be considered as indications of psychopathology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is twofold: to ascertain the perceptual deficits in schizophrenic subjects and to test the assumption that the Rorschach is mainly a perceptual task. Forty-eight subjects participated in the study, distributed in six groups of eight subjects each: normals, affective disorders, and four groups of schizophrenics (chronic paranoid, chronic nonparanoid, acute paranoid, and acute nonparanoid). They were given a perceptual test developed by Fernández-Trespalacios, Bermudez, and Luna (1979). Contrary to previous findings, no differences in the perceptual test were found among the groups. In the second part of the study, a group of schizophrenic subjects was given the Rorschach and the perceptual test in a balanced order. Subsequently, subjects in the experimental group were trained in the perceptual laws they had failed. Comparison of the Rorschach protocols obtained before and after this training failed to show any significant differences in the expected direction, thus questioning the perceptual nature of this test. Interestingly, an increase in negative categories of the Rorschach subsequent to the perceptual training was observed.  相似文献   

Children referred for psychoeducational assessment of learning disabilities (LDs) commonly receive the Rorschach test. Yet little is known about the impact of LD on Rorschach response patterns. This study investigated Rorschach response patterns in two groups of 9- to 12-year-old children (n = 41) classified by their respective intellectual abilities. Another group of 9- to 12-year-olds (n = 143) served as a nonclinical comparison group. Rorschach variables indicative of personality dimensions failed to discriminate between the two LD groups. Compared to the nonclinical group, the LD group exhibited several Rorschach characteristics—including problems in perceptual accuracy, inefficient visual scanning and problem-soving strategies, and avoidance of affect-laden stimuli—having implications for successful socioemotional adaptation.  相似文献   

传统观念认为罗夏测验具有投射测验的性质,因此受测者无法在其测验中故意“装好”和诈病。但相关研究发现,受测者的“装好”反应对于罗夏测验结果没有产生实质性的影响,不能改变罗夏测验的基本数据特征和结构汇总性量表;而诈病反应的研究结论不尽相同,受测者有可能造成罗夏测验变量得分的改变,伪装成相应精神病理症状。如果联合使用MMPI和罗夏测验,则可以精确地评估受测者的伪装反应。目前已有的研究存在被试取样单一、研究数量偏少、无法确定临界值等问题。罗夏测验“装好”和诈病反应研究还处于初步阶段,需要继续深入研究并建立专门的“装好”和诈病量表。  相似文献   

While most texts continue to assert that the Rorschach white space response (S) indicates hostility and oppositionality, several studies suggest that such responses are more accurately reflective of cognitive differentiation and autonomous strivings. In addition, there are no studies which have systematically explored the significance of S responses in children's protocols. To shed light on these issues, 47 children (7 to 13 yr.) were administered the Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test, and the WISC-R, while their parents completed a behavioral checklist. Subjects with high S-response, independent of age, IQ, or perceptual accuracy, used the whole blot more often than those who made less frequent use of white space. They also had higher frequencies of shading determinants and blends and used more content categories. These results were interpreted as suggesting a tendency for subjects showing high S-response to construe the world in more complex terms. No differences were found between subjects high and low on S-response on either behavioral ratings or projective indices of hostility or negativism.  相似文献   

This study examined the utility of the Rorschach Mutuality of Autonomy Scale (MOA, Urist, 1977) in the assessment of two groups of 40 father-absent Black male children (aged 6 to 12 years): those whose fathers had left voluntarily versus those whose fathers had left involuntarily. Children who had experienced involuntary father-absence reflected less adaptive object-relations attainment status as measured by the MOA, t(38) = 2.37, p = > .02, when compared to children whose fathers had negotiated their departure. Although the Rorschach MOA can be a useful measure of assessing psychological functioning in Black father-absent male children, a multimethod assessment of object-relations status for ethnic minority children is proposed.  相似文献   

In order to determine the frequency with which children and adolescents give brief Rorschach (R less than 14) records and to test the hypothesis that brief records represent a resistance to testing, the psychological evaluations of 439 admissions to an inpatient unit were reviewed. Of the records reviewed, 16.6% were found to contain less than 14 responses. When the complete test protocol of those subjects who provided brief records were compared with those of a matched group, it was found that the group with brief records failed to complete the other parts of the evaluation significantly more often than did those subjects who did not give brief records. There was no significant difference between the two groups on IQ scores or on self-report scores of depression, anxiety, and social desirability. Result are interpreted as supporting Exner's (1988) hypothesis that brief records represent a form of resistance to being tested.  相似文献   

This study examines the legitimacy of thinking that certain perceptual contents in the Rorschach are pathognomic indicators. Group Rorschach responses, sociometrics, and scores on a personality measure constituted the primary data. Five data collections are reported, sampling 562 pre- and post-pubescent Ss residing in different areas of the country and coming from different socio-economic levels. The findings indicate that most young people in the age range of 11 to 18 years give at least one so-called unhealthy response per ten to the Rorschach, and, where this relative frequency increases it is either of no consequence or probably a healthy sign. Both popular Ss and those who score high on personality test dimensions suggestive of adequate to good personal adjustment report notable amounts of content considered pathognomic in the general Rorschach literature.  相似文献   

In a study of the developmental significance of certain perceptual activities, the Rorschach and four structured tests of perception were administered to five groups of children at various CA, MA, and IQ levels. All three Rorschach measures were significantly related to MA, as were all four of the structured tests. The Childrens' Embedded Figures Test was the best predictor of MA; it accounted for 52% of the variance, while the six remaining measures yielded nonsignificant increments to a multiple regression equation. In a factor analysis the four structured tests loaded on one factor (51% of total variance), while the three Rorschach variables loaded on a second (17%); MA loaded on both (.669 and .447, respectively). In an additional finding, Zigler's “developmental” hypothesis that level of development and not IQ determines cognitive competence, received partial support from 13 of 14 statistical tests.  相似文献   

This study examined two modes of administering the Rorschach Inkblot Technique to determine which was more appropriate for a college-educated, deaf population. Twenty-four prelingually deaf adults took the Rorschach in sign language and in written English, using a counterbalanced test-retest design, and their sign and written scores were compared to each other and to 1986 norms for Exner's Comprehensive System. Seventeen variables measuring such areas as perceptual accuracy, perceptual complexity, and self-focus were found to vary more than one standard deviation from Exner's norms. Differences between sign and written conditions on several affective variables were found. Written administration can be used by examiners who are informed about deafness and aware of variables that may be underreported by written inquiry.  相似文献   

This study examined two modes of administering the Rorschach Inkblot Technique to determine which was more appropriate for a college-educated, deaf population. Twenty-four prelingually deaf adults took the Rorschach in sign language and in written English, using a counterbalanced test-retest design, and their sign and written scores were compared to each other and to 1986 norms for Exner's Comprehensive System. Seventeen variables measuring such areas as perceptual accuracy, perceptual complexity, and self-focus were found to vary more than one standard deviation from Exner's norms. Differences between sign and written conditions on several affective variables were found. Written administration can be used by examiners who are informed about deafness and aware of variables that may be underreported by written inquiry.  相似文献   

For a majority of the women who kill, the victim is a family member; the most frequent is a spouse, and the woman is very frequently a battered woman. Clinical reports on battered women suggest a set of psychological symptoms that develops out of spousal abuse (i.e., pervasive anxiety, hyperalertness, impaired memory and concentration, a narrowed focus on signs of danger, constricted affect, development of chronic psychophysiological illnesses, and pervasive feelings of hopelessness and helplessness). Psychological tests have not been systematically used to assess or document these psychological symptoms. The present study employed the Rorschach to assess the psychological functioning of 28 battered women who killed their battering spouses. The Rorschach records displayed cognitive constriction, a lack of internal resources for problem solving, an ambitensive and passive problem-solving style, intense and poorly modulated affect, poor scanning of the stimulus field, and unconventional reality testing. The Rorschach protocols of this group showed strong similarities to those of veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Common psychological effects of the experience of inescapable violence are suggested.  相似文献   

In order to determine the frequency with which children and adolescents give brief Rorschach ( R < 14) records and to test the hypothesis that brief records represent a resistance to testing, the psychological evaluations of 439 admissions to an inpatient unit were reviewed. Of the records reviewed, 16.6% were found to contain less than 14 responses. When the complete test protocols of those subjects who provided brief records were compared with those of a matched group, it was found that the group with brief records failed to complete the other parts of the evaluation significantly more often than did those subjects who did not give brief records. There was no significant difference between the two groups on IQ scores or on self-report scores of depression, anxiety, and social desirability. Results are interpreted as supporting Exner's (1988) hypothesis that brief records represent a form of resistance to being tested.  相似文献   

Clinical researchers have noted that compared with other diagnostic groups, adults with Borderline Personality Disorder tend to demonstrate relatively more thought disorder on unstructured projective tests (e.g., Rorschach) than on structured objective tests of cognitive performance (e.g., Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WAIS). Using archival data, our study found evidence that adolescents with Identity Disorder tend to exhibit this same phenomenon. The records of 62 adolescent inpatients who had been administered the WAIS or WAIS-R and the Rorschach were examined. Of the 62 cases, 25 were diagnosed with Identity Disorder, 14 with Conduct Disorder (Group Type), 15 with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and 8 with Schizophreniform Disorder. For each participant, the WAIS or WAIS-R and the Rorschach were scored according to the Thought Disorder Index (TDI; Johnston & Holzman). Adolescents with Identity Disorder revealed a significantly larger discrepancy between TDI scores on the WAIS or WAIS-R and TDI scores on the Rorschach than did adolescents with other diagnoses. The findings suggested that the discrepancy between the degree of thought disorder on structured versus unstructured psychological tests (i.e., differential decompensation) is related to diagnosis.  相似文献   

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