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Toddlers and children, aged 6 to 38 months, with their mothers, were observed in free-play that included a hand and standing mirror. The mother-toddler interaction was assessed according to a proposed profile that described 34 categories of maternal behaviors, such as empathy, attunement, acceptance of the child as a separate individual, and capacity to provide a referencing framework. Fourteen maternal modes or styles, such as consistency, genuineness, intrusiveness, and pleasure in maternal role, also were coded. The global ratings of maternal behaviors were related to the behaviors in front of the mirrors as outlined by Amsterdam (1972). Initial observations suggest that deviant mirror behaviors parallel deficits in the mother-toddler interaction. In contrast, mirror behavior is appropriate or beyond the chronological age if the mother-toddler interaction is satisfactory. Because mirror behavior reflects a sense of self and covaries with the quality of the mother-toddler interaction, the behavior in front of the mirror may be used as a clinical diagnostic tool.  相似文献   

BackgroundEarly parent-child interactions have a critical impact on the developmental outcomes of the child. It has been reported that infants with a family history of autism and their parents may engage in different patterns of behaviours during interaction compared to those without a family history of autism. This study investigated the association of parent-child interactions with child developmental outcomes of those with typical and elevated likelihood of autism.MethodThis longitudinal study investigated the relationship between global attributes of parent-child interaction and the developmental outcomes of infant siblings with elevated likelihood (EL: n = 29) or typical likelihood (TL: n = 39) of developing autism. Parent-child interactions were recorded during a session of free-play when the infants were six months of age. Developmental assessments were carried out when the children were 12 and 24 months of age.ResultsThe intensity of mutuality was significantly higher in the TL group than in the EL group, and developmental outcomes were poorer in the EL group when compared to the TL group. Positive associations between parent-child interaction scores at six months and developmental outcomes at 12 months were observed only in the TL group. However, in the EL group, higher levels of infant positive affect and attentiveness paid to the caregiver is associated with lower autism symptoms. Due to the sample size and design of the study, the findings must be viewed as indicative.ConclusionThis preliminary investigation demonstrated differences in the association between parent-child interaction quality and developmental outcomes for children with typical and elevated likelihood for autism. Future studies should combine micro-analytic and macro-analytic approaches to parent-child interaction to further examine the nature of this relationship.  相似文献   

The Meyer-Probst questionnaire on typical encephalopathic behavior in children with early brain damage was used with 32 children attending special schools, at intervals during the first four years of school. Over a long-term test, the questionnaire has proved to be a suitable method for the registration of educational and physiotherapeutic results.  相似文献   

This paper describes the rationale, procedures, and initial validation of an instrument which assesses distal environmental factors thought to negatively influence maternal caregiving ability. A sample of 36 lower class, single, black mothers (ranging in age from 14 to 19 years) of first born, full-term infants were included in an educational intervention program carried out during infants' first 12 months of life. The development of the maternal risk score (MRS) instrument was centered around four areas: maturity of mother, degree of planning of the mother, family support system and level of poverty. Initial, Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 MRS scores were compared with infant development at one and two years as measured by the Bayley Scales, and at three years with the McCarthy Scales, using Pearson product-moment correlations. The initial MRS correlated negatively with the Bayley Mental Development Index (MDI) at Year 1 and also at Year 2 (N=−.38 and −.40 respectively, both significant at p<.05). The MRS for Year 1 showed significant negative correlations with the two Bayley MDIs: two and three year MRS scores were significantly related to three year McCarthy test scores. This screening instrument, which assesses qualitative aspects of the caretaking environment, appears to be a promising approach for identifying lower class mothers of infants who might be at risk for developmental disabilities.  相似文献   

Parent-referred 2- and 3-year-olds and controls, participating in a longitudinal study of hyperactivity and related behavior problems, were observed with their mothers during play at an initial assessment and a 1-year follow-up. Mothers of problem children provided more redirection initially and made more negative control statements at follow-up than mothers of controls; problem youngsters tended to play more aggressively. Sex differences were prominent. Mothers of boys, regardless of referral status, were more directive at the initial assessment; their sons were less cooperative and somewhat more aggressive in their play. Maternal involvement in play decreased over time, possibly as a response to developmental changes in children's play. Group by time interactions indicated that mothers of control children provided fewer negative control statements at follow-up relative to mothers of problem children and to their own levels at the first assessment; mothers of problem youngsters redirected their children less than they had initially. Mothers of boys were also less directive at follow-up relative to their initial levels. Situational and developmental factors are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Sex differences in neonatal temperament were examined in 30 pairs of full-term, opposite-sex twins. Behavior was assessed during feeding, during sleep, while awake for orienting responses, in response to a stressor, and for measures of spontaneous irritability and soothability. Composite and summary scales described irritability, resistance to soothing, reactivity, reinforcement value of the infant's behavior, activity during sleep, and activity while awake. Analyses of variance of paired comparisons performed separately for each behavioral area indicated that female neonates were more irritable and more difficult to soothe than male neonates. The results are discussed in terms of maturational effects on neonatal behavior, implications for infant-caregiver interaction, and their relation to environmental influences on development.  相似文献   

We investigated the DepressionDistortion hypothesis by examining the effects of maternal depressive symptoms on cross-informant discrepancies in reports of child behavior problems and several measures of parent–child relationship. The sample included ninety-six 6 to 10-year-old children diagnosed with ADHD-Combined Type, and their mothers, who provided baseline data before participating in a randomized clinical trial. Measures incorporated child characteristics, self-reports of maternal depressive symptoms, parenting practices, and laboratory mother–child interactions. Elevations in maternal depressive symptoms were associated with maternal reports of negative parenting style but not with observed laboratory interactions. Mothers' levels of depressive symptoms predicted negative biases in their reports of their child's ADHD symptoms, general behavior problems, and their own negative parenting style. Whereas levels of depressive symptoms did not predict observed parenting behaviors, maternal distortions did predict problematic parent–child interactions. Exploratory analyses showed a marginally significant mediation effect of the relationship between maternal depressive symptomatology and reports of negative parenting by depressive distortions. We discuss implications of linkages between depressive symptoms in mothers, depression-related distortions, and mother–child relationships for research and intervention in developmental psychopathology.  相似文献   

I estimate the effects of a program of one-to-one instruction (tutoring) in reading and language for at-risk children in grades 1–3. Thirty college and graduate students tutored more than 100 elementary school students during Spring, 1991. Tutors were trained in the techniques used by Reading Recovery and Success for All. Program effects were large and positive. Across all tutored students, 10 hours of tutoring increased ITBS scores by .25–.30 of a grade-equivalent. Students with above-average attentiveness and participation during tutoring averaged a gain of .66 of a grade-equivalent after 10 hours tutoring. Tutoring also showed a positive effect on teachers' judgment of students' conduct. I conclude that, properly trained, nonprofessional tutors offer a cost-effective means to increase the reading performance of at-risk children in the early grades.  相似文献   

Static balance in children with developmental coordination disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to compare the postural sway profiles of 9/10-year-old children with developmental coordination disorder and balance problems (DCD-BP, n=64) with those of non-DCD children (n=71). We measured center of pressure excursions in conditions with and without vision for 30s while standing still on the dominant leg, the non-dominant leg, or both legs. Sway area, total path length, and Romberg's quotient were analyzed. Most measures differed significantly between groups, except sway area when the children stood with vision on either the dominant leg or both legs. When standing on the dominant leg or both legs, DCD-BP children demonstrated greater total path length in all conditions and a greater sway area in without-vision conditions. DCD-BP children showed more difficulty standing on the non-dominant leg with eyes both open and closed. While boys showed results similar to the total group, the girls with DCD-BP only exhibited significant differences in three conditions with eyes closed, but not with eyes open. Analysis of Romberg's coefficient also indicated that children with DCD-BP did not over-rely on visual information.  相似文献   

The behavior of parents, adult caregivers, and peers comprises the critical features of community support for the development of communication in young children with developmental disabilities. In a bio-ecological model of development, communication development is the result of the interactions of individuals with specific characteristics, in particular contexts over time. From the perspective of this model, foundational findings of intervention research to current views of communication development in children with developmental disabilities are summarized. The contributions of individual child characteristics to child-caregiver interactions that support language development are illustrated based on research with children who have autism, Williams syndrome, Down syndrome, and children who use augmentative communication systems. Parent-child interaction and the quality and quantity of parent talk are discussed as factors in children's language development. The effects of young children's delayed language on their interactions with peers, the contributions of peers to children's language learning and use, and the critical features of classroom settings that support child language development are reviewed. MRDD Research Reviews 7:143-150, 2001.  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders are one of the most prevalent categories of disorder among adults and children. Children of parents with anxiety disorders are known to be at higher risk for anxiety disorders themselves, with manifestations of this risk often appearing in toddlerhood or early childhood. Yet because affected parents are often unskilled in anxiety management, they often have difficulty in helping their young children learn to manage anxiety. Literature on the course of anxiety disorders through childhood and on effective cognitive-behavioral interventions suggests that preventive interventions even with very young children could potentially be of benefit in mitigating the course of these often debilitating disorders. This paper outlines the rationale for offering early or preventive interventions to preschool-age children at risk and their parents and discusses means of identifying children to target for intervention and the importance of parental involvement. Drawing upon the literature on parental factors in childhood anxiety disorders as well as on effective intervention strategies with preschool-age children, it delineates principles for intervention with parents and effective components of intervention with youngsters in this age range.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is characterised by a deficit in the ability to learn or automate motor skills, few studies have examined motor learning over repeated trials. In this study we examined procedural learning in a group of 10 children with DCD (aged 8-12 years) and age-matched controls without DCD. The learning task was modelled on that of Nissen and Bullemer. Children performed a serial reaction time (SRT) task in which they were required to learn a spatial sequence that repeated itself every 10 trials. Children were not aware of the repetition. Spatial targets were four (horizontal) locations presented on a computer monitor. Children responded using four response keys with the same horizontal mapping as the stimulus. They were tested over five blocks of 100 trials each. The first four blocks presented the same repeating sequence, while the fifth block was randomised. Procedural learning was indexed by the slope of the regression of RT on blocks 1-4. Results showed that most children displayed strong procedural learning of the sequence, despite having no explicit knowledge about it. Overall, there was no group difference in the magnitude of learning over blocks of trials - most children performed within the normal range. Procedural learning for simple sequential movements appears to be intact in children with DCD. This suggests that cortico-striatal circuits that are strongly implicated in the sequencing of simple movements appear to be function normally in DCD.  相似文献   

Preschool to school-age trajectories of 242 children, including 37 with insecure-disorganized and 66 with insecure-organized attachment patterns, were examined. Child attachment and stressful life events (the latter retrospectively) were measured at ages 5-7, and mother-child interactive quality, parenting stress, marital satisfaction, and teacher-reported behavior problems were evaluated concurrently and 2 years earlier. Results indicated that all three disorganized subgroups had poorer mother-child interactive patterns and more difficult family climates than secure or insecure-organized children. The controlling-punitive group showed significant increases in maternal reports of child-related stress between preschool and school age. The controlling-caregiving group showed greater likelihood of loss of a close family member, and mothers of the insecure-other group reported lower marital satisfaction and greater likelihood of their own or a spouse's hospitalization. Controlling-punitive children had higher externalizing scores, and controlling-caregiving children higher internalizing scores, than secure children.  相似文献   

This study investigated global versus local pitch pattern perception in children with dyslexia aged between 8 and 11 years. Children listened to two consecutive 4-tone pitch sequences while performing a same/different task. On the different trials, sequences either preserved the contour (local condition) or they violated the contour (global condition). Compared to normally developing children, dyslexics showed robust pitch perception deficits in the local but not the global condition. This finding was replicated in a simple pitch direction task, which minimizes sequencing and short term memory. Results are consistent with a left-hemisphere deficit in dyslexia because local pitch changes are supposedly processed by the left hemisphere, whereas global pitch changes are processed by the right hemisphere. The present data suggest a link between impaired pitch processing and abnormal phonological development in children with dyslexia, which makes pitch pattern processing a potent tool for early diagnosis and remediation of dyslexia.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThere is increasing evidence to suggest that developmental dyslexia (DD) and developmental coordination disorder (DCD) actually form part of a broader disorder. Their frequent association could be justified by a deficit of the procedural memory system, that subtends many of the cognitive, motor and linguistic abilities that are impaired in both DD and DCD. However, studies of procedural learning in these two disorders have yielded divergent results, and in any case no studies have so far addressed the issue of automatization (dual-task paradigm).MethodsWe administered a finger tapping task to participants aged 8–12 years (19 DCD, 18 DD, and 22 with both DD and DCD) to explore procedural learning and automatic movements in these three groups of children, comparing motor performances at the prelearning stage, after 2 weeks of training, and in a post-training dual-task condition.ResultsFirst, results indicated that all the children were able to learn a sequence of movements and even automatize their movements. Second, they revealed between-groups differences in procedural/automatization learning abilities, setting the DCD group apart from the other two. Third, contrary to our expectations concerning comorbidity, they suggested that the DD + DCD association does not have an additional impact on behavioral performances.  相似文献   

To date, few studies have sought to investigate the effects of child maltreatment and processes influencing maladaptation and resilience in Latino children. In the current investigation, multiple aspects of functioning, personal resources, and relationship features were examined in school-age maltreated and nonmaltreated Latino children. Maltreated Latino children were found to have fewer areas of resilient functioning. Ego-resiliency and ego-control, as personal resources, and the ability to form a positive relationship with an adult figure outside of the immediate family predicted resilience. However, certain aspects of interpersonal functioning were differentially related to resilience for maltreated and nonmaltreated Latino children. These findings have implications for understanding how resilience can be promoted in maltreated and nonmaltreated Latino children.  相似文献   

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