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The VA Maryland Health Care System introduced videoconferencing technology to provide psychiatry, evidenced-based psychotherapy, case management, and patient education at rural clinics where it was difficult to recruit providers. Telemental health services enable rural clinics to offer additional services, such as case management and patient education. Services have been expanded to urban outpatient clinics where a limited number of mental health clinic hours are available. This technology expands the availability of mental health providers and services, allowing patients to receive services from providers located at distant medical centers.  相似文献   

Contemporary Family Therapy - Telemental health services have broadened during the last decade (Choi et al. 2019; Pierce et al. 2020). More recently, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus...  相似文献   

The need for improved counseling and guidance services has emerged as one of the most crucial aspects in the myriad of problems faced by the Vietnam war era veteran. This article focuses on the interagency overseas counseling thrust launched by the federal government in 1971 and designed to mitigate the debilitating effects of the civilian reentry crisis experienced by veterans. The overseas counseling program of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, operating in Europe, the Far East, and Vietnam, was organized and formerly administered by the author and is highlighted here because of its implications for counseling and guidance.  相似文献   

Pain may be a barrier or a negative outcome of initiating and maintaining an exercise program in elderly patients. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of pain in a program designed to increase walking for exercise in 181 veteran primary care patients (60 - 80 years). Self-reported physical activity (min-walked per week) and pain were assessed at baseline, 6, and 12 months. Walking for exercise increased over time without significant changes in pain. Analyses suggested that baseline pain was not a barrier to initiating or maintaining a walking exercise program, nor did increased walking influence reports of pain. These results suggest that patients can be encouraged to engage in physical activity, even if they are currently suffering from pain.  相似文献   

Chaplains play an important role in supporting the mental health of current and former military personnel; in this study, the engagement of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Army, Navy, and Air Force chaplains with suicidality among their service users were examined. An online survey was used to collect data from 440 VA and 1,723 Department of Defense (DoD) chaplains as part of the VA/DoD Integrated Mental Health Strategy. Differences were noted for demographics, work setting characteristics, encountering suicidality, and self‐perceived preparation for dealing with suicidality. Compared to DoD chaplains, VA chaplains encounter more at‐risk service users, yet feel less prepared for dealing with suicidality.  相似文献   

The integration of behavioral health and primary care has received much attention in the literature. Behavioral health providers (BHPs) in integrated settings are faced with different treatment constraints than those who work in specialty mental health. The existing literature focuses on what BHPs should do in primary care settings; however, little research exists specifying what BHPs are actually doing. This study provides a glimpse into what types of interventions BHPs are using, and what types of patients they are seeing, in primary care. A chart review was conducted of patients (N?=?180) seen by BHPs in five Veterans Affairs primary care clinics. Depression was the most common diagnosis, while less common presenting problems included substance abuse/dependence, psychosis, and bipolar disorder. Common interventions used were medical management, psycho-education, elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and supportive psychotherapy. Future research should examine the efficacy of brief interventions in primary care settings.  相似文献   

Effective cognitive-behavioral therapies for insomnia have been developed over the past 2 decades, but they have not been systematically evaluated in some clinical settings. While insomnia is common among veterans with mental health problems, the availability of effective treatments is limited. We report on the group application of a cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia in a veteran population with significant comorbidity for both psychiatric problems and chronic medical conditions. Outcome measures were obtained for both sleep (via sleep diaries) and daytime functioning. Substantial posttreatment improvements were evident for measures of sleep consolidation, total sleep time, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. The unique suitability of the group therapy approach with this population is discussed. Controlled evaluations of the group cognitive-behavioral treatment for comorbid insomnia in this and other ambulatory settings are warranted.  相似文献   

110 male patients in a V. A. Hospital were surveyed in regard to their smoking behavior, attitudes toward smoking, and their willingness to participate in a treatment program designed to eliminate smoking. Some of the more important findings were that 68% of the patient population smoked as compared to 50% for the ggeneral male population. Only 57% of the smokers felt that smoking was harmful to their health. Many of the smokers (60%) had tried to stop smoking but were unsuccessful. 58% of the smokers stated that they would participate in a smoking treatment program. The results of this survey are interpreted to indicate the need for hospital and institutional treatment programs for elimination of smoking.  相似文献   


In 2015, suicide accounted for over 44,000 deaths and was the 10th leading cause of mortality in the US. Although Veterans, in general, are at a high risk for suicide, Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are at even greater risk. While evidence suggests that PTSD symptoms are reduced by Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), little is known about how this treatment impacts changes in suicidal ideation across residential treatment. Studies with active duty personnel have found reductions in suicidal ideation following CPT treatment; however, only one study to date has examined this question in a Veteran sample. The current study examined (a) changes in suicidal ideation across a residential CPT treatment program and (b) the influence of demographic variables on change in suicidal ideation across treatment. Participants (N = 303) were admitted to a residential PTSD treatment in a VA medical center and completed pre-, mid-, and post-treatment assessments. Multilevel modeling of archival data revealed that suicidal ideation significantly decreased over the course of CPT (B = ?0.153, SE =0.028, 95%CI =[?0.21, ?0.10], t= ?5.40, p< .001); however, this change did not differ based on age, marital status, sex, or race/ethnicity. Clinical and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted extensive disruptions to the daily lives of children and adolescents worldwide, which has been associated with an increase in anxiety and depressive symptoms in youth. However, due to public health measures, in-person psychosocial care was initially reduced, causing barriers to mental health care access. This study investigated the feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effectiveness of iCOPE with COVID-19, a brief telemental health intervention for children and adolescents to address anxiety symptoms. Sessions were provided exclusively using videoconferencing technology. Feasibility and acceptability were measured with client satisfaction data. The main outcome measure for effectiveness was anxiety symptom severity measured using the Screen for Child Anxiety and Related Disorders (SCARED). Results indicated that the treatment was well accepted by participants. Significant reductions in anxiety were noted for social anxiety, and were observed to be trending towards a mean decrease for total anxiety. The findings suggest that this brief telemental health intervention focused on reducing anxiety related to COVID-19 is acceptable and feasible to children and adolescents. Future research using a large sample and with a longer follow-up period could inform whether symptom decreases are sustained over time.  相似文献   

首先界定了健康发展战略与卫生服务体系.健康发展战略体现在两个方面,一是国家政治层面的健康观,发达国家往往通过立法的方式固定下来;二是国家健康行动纲领.健康观是项层设计,行动纲领是整体规划,卫生服务体系是布局设计.我国目前在健康发展战略和卫生服务体系两者之间缺乏协调和整合的种种表现及其原因,主要在于健康发展战略的不完善.要根据"科学发展观",抓住改革的契机,建立和完善国家健康发展的顶层设计,并连贯性地制定健康行动纲领,有计划地设计和变革现有的卫生服务体系.  相似文献   

During the last ten years in the UK, service user consultation and collaboration has gradually entered the vocabulary of people providing and purchasing mental health services. However, we are not convinced that much needed change in mental health services will be achieved as a function of increased commitment to market consumerism. We argue here that service user consultation and collaboration should take account of the effects of social inequalities on mental health and on mental health services. This perspective highlights the need for fundamental change in mental health services, and helps us to appreciate the strength of resistance to change, and to understand some of the dynamics involved. We describe here how this perspective has motivated and shaped our own efforts to collaborate responsibly with service users to change mental health services.  相似文献   

The Mental Health Liaison Program developed and used by the Secret Service is presented as a model for comprehensive, multidimensional interactions between law enforcement and mental health systems, with particular focus on assessing and preventing violent behavior. The structure of the program pairs consultants—psychologists and psychiatrists—with Secret Service field offices to provide (a) consultation regarding risk assessment and case management of individuals who threaten or display inappropriate interest in the President or other protectees; (b) training for agents on risk assessment, mental illness, and mental health care issues; and (c) liaison activities between the Secret Service and the mental health community. Practical benefits to the Secret Service are discussed to encourage more systematic use of broad based psychological and psychiatric consultation to law enforcement, with a goal of enhanced intersystem communication and collaboration. The need for program evaluation and outcome research is discussed in the context of applying the model to improve other mental health and law enforcement systems interactions. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current study provides naturalistic data documenting the pathways-to-care to vocational services for 155 veterans who were receiving some form of mental health care from the Veterans Health Administration and had a vocational need but were not currently enrolled in vocational services. Of the participants, 94.2% had recognized their vocational need, 80.6% reported that they or someone else had sought help to alleviate the need, and 77.4% had previously received some form of vocational services. The median length of the participants' vocational need was more than 4.2 years. Delays associated with recognition, help-seeking, and treatment entry all contributed to the overall delay in entering appropriate care. Filtering factors associated with quicker recognition, seeking help, and receiving services included diagnosis, level of disability, type of vocational need, and support from primary providers, family, and friends. The results provide information for designing interventions to improve service entry by adults with mental health problems and vocational needs.  相似文献   

Collaborative approaches are being increasingly advocated for addressing a variety of health, mental health and social needs for children, youth and families. Factors important for effective knowledge translation of collaborative approaches of service delivery across disciplines, however, have not been rigorously examined. TAPP-C: The Arson Prevention Program for Children is an intervention program for child and adolescent firesetters provided collaboratively by fire service and mental health professionals. The present study examined the adopter, innovation, and dissemination characteristics associated with TAPP-C implementation, protocol adherence and extent of collaboration by 241 community-based fire service professionals from communities across Ontario. Results revealed that dissemination factors are particularly important for understanding program implementation, adherence and cross-discipline collaboration. Moreover, the findings of this study show significant benefits to both within discipline (intra-disciplinary) and across discipline (interdisciplinary) knowledge translation strategies.  相似文献   

The Child Mental Health Service (CMHS) is an Australian primary care program introduced in July 2010 to provide mental healthcare to children who have, or are at risk of, developing psychological disorders. The Australian Government provided supports (e.g., training for mental health professionals), resources (e.g., funding for positions devoted to fostering inter-agency linkages or partnerships) and various flexibilities in service delivery. This study aimed to explore the processes used in the implementation of the CMHS in order to achieve its objectives of delivering a high quality standard of service, and forging linkages and support networks with other relevant health and non-health agencies. Structured interviews were conducted with 20 program administrators, six referring professionals and eight mental health professionals. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed for themes using NVivo. The CMHS appears to have made good progress towards achieving its objectives by implementing processes that facilitated the delivery of a high quality service (e.g., engaging appropriately qualified, and encouraging additional training and clinical support for, mental health professionals; employing quality assurance mechanisms and clinical governance arrangements) and establishment of inter-agency linkages (e.g., devoting a professional role—Coordination and Liaison—to this purpose). Provider perspectives suggest that the CMHS has had a positive impact on children and their families. Comparable countries implementing primary mental health programs for children may benefit from considering similar additional supports (e.g., training for mental health professionals), resources (e.g., funding positions devoted to fostering service inter-agency linkages) and service delivery flexibilities as those available in the CMHS.  相似文献   

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