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Three experiments, involving 8, 10, and 10 naive participants, respectively, were conducted to examine the phenomenon in which the peripheral member of a parafoveally appearing stimulus pair is more accurately identified than the central. In the first experiment, the asymmetry was observed with stimulus pairs which had but one distinguishing feature; this could have implications for the notion that feature perturbations between stimuli provide the basis for the effect. The second experiment eliminated an explanation based upon acuity at the position of the midpoint of the stimulus configuration, since the asymmetry remains when this position is held constant. The involvement of response or decision factors seems unlikely, since the third experiment found the effect with blocked presentations involving responses to only one member of the pair. It is concluded that accounts which appeal to difficulties in separating stimuli from the overall pair configuration fail to explain more accurate identification of the peripheral stimulus when the pair is positioned at a constant distance from fixation.  相似文献   

In each of three experiments, confusability between members of a parafoveally exposed pair of letters affected accuracy of identifying the peripheral, but not the central, letter. Confusability was determined from a confusion matrix developed for each subject. In Experiment 1, only one letter in each pair was identified on each exposure, and the position of pair members was varied over trials while the absolute position of the pair was held at a constant distance from fixation. In Experiment 2, both letters were identified on each exposure. In Experiment 3, the criterion letter was presented at a constant distance from fixation, and both letters were identified on each exposure. Since results in Experiment 3 were the same as in Experiments 1 and 2, the effect cannot be explained with reference to an interaction between confusability and acuity. The implications of the findings for various models of visual information processing are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study used both judgments of strength of relationship and measures of the ability to predict one variable from another to assess subjects’ sensitivity to the covariation of two continuous variables. In addition, one group of subjects judged strength of relationship after merely observing the presentation of 60 pairs of two-digit numbers, and a second group made strength judgments after being actively engaged in predicting one member of a pair when given the other. The prediction and judgment data provide different pictures of subjects’ sensitivity to covariation. The subjects were quite poor at estimating strength of relationship but, by some measures, good at predicting one variable from another. Judgments were not strongly influenced by whether subjects had previously engaged in overt prediction. The implications of these results for the literature on covariation estimation are discussed.  相似文献   

Berlyne's stimuli were presented in a stereoscope to test his hypothesis that Ss prefer the more irregular member of a pair of stimuli. 32 Ss, screened for normal acuity and phorias, were tested. Contrary to Berlyne's hypothesis and consistent with earlier stereoscopic studies, Ss tend to report more frequently the less irregular member of a pair of stimuli. These data can be explained by an information-conflict model; however, the clearest implication of this study was that experiments concerned with familiarity of stimuli should be qualified by the method.  相似文献   

Caucasian infants were presented 15 pairs of Caucasian own-race faces and 15 pairs of African other-race faces. The infants were assessed longitudinally at ages three, six and nine months. Two measures were obtained from the infants’ eye-movements: (1) the length of fixations on either stimulus of a pair presented for 5.5 s (fixation duration) and (2) the amount of fixation shifts between the two stimuli (shift frequency). The study analyzes the changes in both measures with age and across the within-race face pair presentations. Despite general age-related improvements reflected in shorter fixation durations and a higher shift frequency, the results reveal differences between African face pairs and Caucasian face pairs at six and nine months. During the first trials (spontaneous looking behavior) the infants shift more often between the Caucasian own-race faces than between the African other-race faces. The fixation durations, however, which are typically of focus in Visual Pair Preference Tasks, do not differ significantly between the face races. The results are interpreted in terms of processing differences for own-race faces and the emerging Other-Race-Effect by six months of age. Furthermore, the usability of fixation duration as the only measure in the pair comparison setting is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of masking and simultaneous vs sequential exposure on identification accuracy of parafoveally presented pairs of stimuli were examined in four experiments. When masking figures were continuously present in positions not occupied by stimulus characters, accuracy of identification was significantly poorer on the relatively central member of a pair when members were simultaneously exposed and when the central member was exposed second. When masking figures were not used, performance was significantly poorer on the central member only when pair members were exposed simultaneously. Requiring the identification of both members of the pair produced a different ordering of overall accuracy among the simultaneous and sequential conditions from when only one member was identified. It was concluded that asymmetric lateral inhibition of feature extraction operated only when target and nontarget were simultaneously present. An additional source of asymmetric disruption occurs when masking figures flanking the target change before or with the appearance of the target.  相似文献   

We examined whether highly skilled adult readers activate the meanings of high-frequency words using phonology when reading sentences for meaning. A homophone-error paradigm was used. Sentences were written to fit 1 member of a homophone pair, and then 2 other versions were created in which the homophone was replaced by its mate or a spelling-control word. The error words were all high-frequency words, and the correct homophones were either higher-frequency words or low-frequency words—that is, the homophone errors were either the subordinate or dominant member of the pair. Participants read sentences as their eye movements were tracked. When the high-frequency homophone error words were the subordinate member of the homophone pair, participants had shorter immediate eye-fixation latencies on these words than on matched spelling-control words. In contrast, when the high-frequency homophone error words were the dominant member of the homophone pair, a difference between these words and spelling controls was delayed. These findings provide clear evidence that the meanings of high-frequency words are activated by phonological representations when skilled readers read sentences for meaning. Explanations of the differing patterns of results depending on homophone dominance are discussed.  相似文献   

The speeded-classification paradigm, adapted from the study of perceptual interactions, was used to examine interactions among features of the short-term memory trace. In each of four experiments, a trial began with the presentation of a pair of stimuli, each member of which occurred either first or second in time and above or below a fixation point. One of the two stimuli was then presented again, and the task was to classify its prior temporal (Experiments 1 and 3) or spatial (Experiments 2 and 4) position. The main question of interest asked whether subjects could selectively attend to one of these occurrence dimensions while ignoring irrelevant variation along the other. The results suggested that whereas subjects can selectively ignore temporal or spatial variation when no recall of the irrelevant dimension’s value is required, they suffer interference when values on both dimensions must be remembered. The obtained patterns of interference are consistent withpostperceptual interactions of the-spatial and temporal components of the memory trace.  相似文献   

Three experiments are described which relate to models of infant visual preferences, and to the ways in which preferences can be modified or created by habituation. In all experiments newborn babies were used as subjects. In Experiments equated 1 and 2 infants were presented with pairs of stimuli that were equated for contour density but which differed in spatial frequency components. The preferences obtained give support to Banks and Salapatek's (1981, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 31, 1-45) model of infant preferences which predicts that the maximally preferred stimulus will be that which contains high amplitude spatial frequency components falling within the age group's peak contrast sensitivity. In Experiment 3 an infant-controlled habituation procedure was used. The results obtained suggest that strong natural preferences based on the infants' peak contrast sensitivity cannot be changed by habituating infants either to the preferred or to the nonpreferred member of a stimulus pair. However, where no prior preference exists between two stimuli that are perceptually highly discriminable, very strong novelty preferences are found after habituating newborns to either stimulus. The results suggest that the contrast sensitivity model can be a powerful predictor of preferential looking in newborns, and in addition are further evidence that preferences based on experience can be found from birth.  相似文献   

In a sequential same-different comparison task, physically similar visual stimuli with the same interpretation were more poorly discriminated than equally similar stimuli with different interpretations. Physical similarity of stimulus pairs was held constant by using parametrically controlled computer-generated visual forms and by using each pair of figures as both a sameinterpretation pair and as a different-interpretation pair. The interpretation variable used the ambiguous-figure properties of the forms. The two forms in each pair could be seen as representing the same object given one way of interpreting them; a second interpretation applied to only one member of the pair. The discrimination results held for interstimulus intervals of 300 msec and 13 sec. Similarities between the present studies and “categorical perception” studies are noted.  相似文献   

A 300-item list of concrete and abstract nouns with varying frequency of occurrence was presented at a 1-sec rate to 144 subjects under imagery or nonimagery instructions. Subjects were then tested on 72 word pairs homogeneous and heterogeneous with respect to concreteness, where the more frequent member of each pair was to be chosen. Frequency discrimination was found to be a function of relative rather than absolute frequency differences between pair members. In addition, a subjective frequency bias for abstract items was found, with the best performance when the more frequent alternative was abstract and less frequent alternative concrete. The worst performance was for the reverse condition, while that for pair types homogeneous with respect to concreteness fell in-between, with better performance when both alternatives were concrete. The results suggest that the role of imagery may be to produce more discriminable subjective relative frequency differences between alternatives and that the imagery effect generally found in verbal discrimination learning may be reconcilable with frequency theory as it currently stands.  相似文献   

Under a psychophysical trials procedure, pigeons were presented with a red light of one duration followed by a green light of a second duration. Eight geometrically spaced base durations were paired with one of four shorter and four longer durations as the alternate member of a duration pair, with different pairs randomly intermixed. One choice was reinforced if red had lasted longer than green, and a second choice was reinforced if green had lasted longer. Performance was compared when all the base durations and their pair members were included (entire-range condition) or when only the four longest base durations and their comparison durations (restricted-range condition) were used. Discrimination sensitivity decreased for longer duration pairs under both conditions, supporting a memory-based account. Sensitivity was lower under the restricted-range condition. Under both conditions, a bias to report "green as longer" increased as the second green duration increased. Bias changed as a matching function of the green-duration predictiveness of the correct choice. The results are related to a quantitative model of timing and remembering proposed by Staddon.  相似文献   

The effect of preexposure on human perceptual learning was investigated in four experiments. In Experiments 1a and 1b, participants were preexposed to one pair of visual stimuli on an intermixed schedule (AX/BX) and one on a blocked schedule (CX_DX). The ability to discriminate between AX and BX and between CX and DX was then assessed by examining the extent to which key presses assigned to each member of a stimulus pair generalized to the other member (Experiment 1a) and by looking at the accuracy of same-different responses (Experiment 1b). Stimuli were more easily discriminated following intermixed than following blocked preexposure on both the generalization and same-different tasks. This suggests that two stimuli are more perceptually distinct after intermixed preexposure. Experiments 2a and 2b investigated the mechanisms responsible for perceptual learning using same-different tasks. The results support the suggestion that the enhanced discrimination observed after intermixed preexposure is due to increases in the salience of the unique elements.  相似文献   

Participants studied a list of words, presented 1 at a time. When they were tested on pairs of words and asked to indicate whether both had occurred in the list, they gave more positive responses than would be expected on the basis of results from participants tested 1 word at a time. When participants were asked whether either member of a test pair had been shown on the study list, they gave positive responses less often than expected. When participants were asked to indicate how many words in a test pair came from the study list, they answered "2" more often and "1" less often than would be expected on the basis of results from single-item recognition. Accuracy was not affected by testing items in pairs.  相似文献   

A conceptual framework for treating couples who come into therapy desirous of changing the behavior of their partner. A case history is cited wherein sensitivity towards equality of input, power and responsibility for the couples' plight is continuously emphasized for each member of the pair. The histories of both partners are described in order to stress the no fault nature of the couples' conditions.  相似文献   

In two experiments, subjects made pairs of lexical decisions verbally. In Experiment 1, masked stimuli appeared concurrently to the left and right of fixation; in Experiment 2, nonmasked stimuli appeared sequentially at fixation. The left-hand letter strings were judged more accurately in in Experiment 1, and the second letter strings were judged more accurately in Experiment 2. Each string in the pair could be either a word (e.g., fork) or a nonword anagram (e.g., frok). Consequently, the two strings in the pair could be related (e.g., fork-spoon, frok-spoon, etc.) or unrelated (e.g., fork-door, frok-door, etc.), independently of whether neither, either, or both strings were words. Semantically related stimuli induced consistent biases to respond "word," as noted in other studies. These biases were typically stronger for the event reported second. Minimal evidence was found for perceptual priming effects. The asymmetrical effects were consistent with spreading-activation-type mechanisms, but other considerations support a multiple-process view.  相似文献   

The effect of preexposure on human perceptual learning was investigated in four experiments. In Experiments 1a and 1b, participants were preexposed to one pair of visual stimuli on an intermixed schedule (AX/BX) and one on a blocked schedule (CX_DX). The ability to discriminate between AX and BX and between CX and DX was then assessed by examining the extent to which key presses assigned to each member of a stimulus pair generalized to the other member (Experiment 1a) and by looking at the accuracy of same–different responses (Experiment 1b). Stimuli were more easily discriminated following intermixed than following blocked preexposure on both the generalization and same–different tasks. This suggests that two stimuli are more perceptually distinct after intermixed preexposure. Experiments 2a and 2b investigated the mechanisms responsible for perceptual learning using same–different tasks. The results support the suggestion that the enhanced discrimination observed after intermixed preexposure is due to increases in the salience of the unique elements.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the cued recall of paired associates is greater when one member of a pair has been apprehended as lying on the other member, as compared with the two having been apprehended as independent objects. The effect occurs when the objects have been perceived, imagined, or described in the relevant relationship. The additional thoughts hypothesis postulates that participants have more spontaneous "additional thoughts" when apprehending a pair in the relational condition. These may provide additional retrieval routes, thereby explaining the effect. In four experiments, the hypothesis was tested under conditions in which a clear unambiguous definition could be specified for an additional thought. The results showed that the greater recall in an "on" condition, as compared with an independent condition, occurs at least in part because more additional thoughts occur in the "on" condition. There was no evidence for any other contribution to the effect. It is argued that the findings question whether relations between objects play a fundamental role in the structure of memory.  相似文献   

Patterns of visual selection were recorded as Ss viewed pairs of stimulus drawings in which the two members were either both incongruous or both banal. Prior to presenting the paired stimuli, S was preexposed to either one member of the stimulus pair or to the incongruous or banal counterpart of one member of the stimulus pair. The results indicate that: (1) preexposure to a stimulus reduced its potential to elicit looking responses, and the magnitude of that reduction was greater for incongruous stimuli than for banal stimuli; (2) preexposure to an incongruous stimulus affected the potential of its banal counterpart to elicit looking responses, but preexposure to a banal stimulus did not affect the potential of its incongruous counterpart to elicit similar responses; and (3) the reduced potential of the preexposed member of a stimulus pair to elicit looking responses waned after 10 sec. These results were discussed in light of an “information-conflict resolution” model of visual selection.  相似文献   

Four experiments are reported that reevaluate P. M. Merikle and E. M. Reingold's (1991) demonstration of unconscious memory: the greater sensitivity to familiarity (repetition) of an indirect (implicit) memory task than of a comparable direct (explicit) task. At study, participants named the cued member of a pair of visually presented words. At test, new and uncued study words were presented against a background mask. Participants judged whether each word was old or new (direct task) or whether the contrast between the word and the background was high or low (indirect task). Contrary to the original findings, the sensitivity of the indirect task to familiarity never exceeded that of the direct task. These findings pose a challenge to a key pillar of evidence for unconscious influences of memory.  相似文献   

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