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刍议儒释道之“和”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现在是我国的“发展黄金期”,也是“矛盾突显期”。要持续稳定发展,就必须善于化解矛盾,构建和谐。“发展是硬道理”,“和谐”则是“硬道理”后面的道理。构建和谐社会作为一项社会系统工程,需要最广泛的社会动员,需要人心向善,人心思和,广纳群言,广谋良策,多方发动,多种努力。  相似文献   

中央关于“十一五”规划的建议提出两个重要的经济发展目标,一个是2010年人均G DP比2000年翻一番,一个是能源消耗比“十五”期末降低20%。这两个目标直接简明,必须实现,我们别无选择。“十一五”的关键,是可持续发展。这些年我们常说“发展是硬道理”,现在应该说:“可持续发展更是别无选择的硬道理。”这是因为:1)中国的基本国情是人多,就业压力大。解决这个问题必须看到,不把蛋糕做大,就会越切越小。失业的膨胀是更多失业,就业是靠就业扩大的。2)中国的基本问题是彻底摆脱贫困,全面建设小康社会。解决这个问题必须看到,越是身无分文,越不…  相似文献   

比较:“发展论”和“陀螺论”陈辽邓小平同志在他的“建设有中国特色的社会主义”的理论体系中有一个“发展论”。在社会发展问题上,我国某些学者有一个“陀螺论”。两者是不是一回事?孰优孰劣?可以作一番比较。(一)邓小平同志说过:“发展才是硬道理”(《邓小平文...  相似文献   

邓小平加速我国经济发展的思想中主要蕴含了“发展才是硬道理”、改革是经济发展的强大动力、经济发展规律还是波浪式前进、经济发展需要精神动力和良好的社会环境等辩证法观点。  相似文献   

陈瑛 《道德与文明》2011,(4):159-159
发展是硬道理,是我们中国人民最关切的大事,是党和国家的第一要务。从党的十七大以来,中央就指出科学发展观指导我国各方面的发展事业取得了巨大的成就。但是在发展过程中,经常会出现许多与发展的初衷相悖的东西,如"发展异  相似文献   

当今世界,和平与发展是时代的主流,但主流之外暗流汹涌,波诡浪急。不同国家、民族、宗教之间此起彼伏、愈演愈烈的对立和冲突,正在挑战人类的智慧与文明。快速发展引起“双重紧张”进入新世纪,世界经济呈现总体发展态势,中国的经济发展尤其快速。发展是硬道理,但“硬道理”后面  相似文献   

卢风 《道德与文明》2006,2(4):32-35
“发展是硬道理”,这一观念已家喻户晓、深入人心。但现代发展观包含着悖谬,本文将揭示这种悖谬,探讨摆脱这种悖谬的出路,并将证明只有涵盖精神提升和道德进步的发展才是真正可持续的。  相似文献   

基于稳定性为基本特征的传统社会在相应的文化、社会、教育及伦理条件下形成的“道德建设”的理念,在现代化条件下遭遇挑战.适应多元、多变、多样现代文明的“多”气象的“道德发展”理念,是现代文明体系下把握精神世界的一种方式.  相似文献   

从中国教会的发展过程及现状看,就其发展方式以及福传进度,无一不在恢复“信仰自由”后形成的,尽管表现出一种后发展的特征,但对于见证中的中国教会的机遇来说,从20世纪后半叶到21世纪,我国教会的确随着国力的兴盛而广扬的,绝不仅仅是时间的推移,而是涵容着社会大变革的深刻内容。尤其在中国实行改革开放后,教会的“服务体系”得到重振,一种蕴涵着天主教会博爱胸襟正在有条不紊地在中国大地呈现,教会的“教友数”的发展较“解放前”有可喜之处,从而使中国教会以崭新的面貌立于普世教会之林。这不能不说是一个“奇迹”,当然这个奇迹不是…  相似文献   

“恶”与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在人们都致力于探寻发展之道的当今,社会生活中出现了不少“恶”劣现象。其中个别“恶”确实在某种程度和意义上帮助了一些单位、某些地区的发展。于是,有的同志就认定,“恶”是行之有效的一种发展之道;并且,由于恩格斯对黑格尔“恶是历史发展的动力借以表现出来的形式”这一论断表示了某种赞赏,上述认定似乎又找到了“理论依据”。不管这种认定是出于对某些不以我们的意志为转移的现实状况无可奈何的痛苦默认,还是出于无情的赞赏;不管把这种认定仅仅局限于发展初期,还是宽泛到发展过程的始终,“恶”有助于发展的观点已造成了一定…  相似文献   

This article reviews the purpose of the 3-part Special Issue on Spirituality and Adult Development, described in the Introduction to Special Issue Part I (J. D. Sinnott, 2000). It also outlines the contents of Part II. Developing adults express their belief that spirituality plays a key role in their development, yet developmental psychologists have given comparatively little attention to this factor. Also the concept of spirituality has seldom been considered separately from that of religion. The purpose of this special issue is to begin to remedy this neglect. This introduction is a summary of the 7 empirical and theoretical articles that form Part II of the Special Issue on Spirituality and Adult Development.  相似文献   

Using R. J. Sternberg's (1988, 1997) theory of thinking styles and W. G. Perry's (1970) theory of cognitive development, the author investigated the nature of thinking styles as they relate to cognitive development. Eighty-two Hong Kong university students (44 male, 38 female) responded to the Thinking Styles Inventory (R. J. Sternberg & R. K. Wagner, 1992) and the Zhang Cognitive Development Inventory (L. F. Zhang, 1997). Statistical analyses provided varying degrees of support for the prediction of an overlap between the thinking style and cognitive development constructs. In general, students who reasoned at a higher cognitive developmental level tended to use a wider range of thinking styles than students who reasoned at a lower cognitive developmental level. Implications of results are discussed in relation to education and research.  相似文献   

小学儿童提问能力的发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以图片和文章两种不同形式呈现实验材料,以小学二、四、六年级的90名小学生为被试,要求他们对实验材料进行提问,从而考察儿童提问的发展以及刺激材料属性对提问生成的影响。结果表明:(1)小学儿童提问的数量和质量随年级的增长而提高;(2)刺激材料属性与年级之间的交互作用对儿童的提问产生了影响,六年级儿童对图片的提问在数量和质量两方面优于对文字的提问;(3)小学儿童的提问元认知随年龄的增长而提高。  相似文献   

This article describes the purpose of the 3-part Special Issue on Spirituality and Adult Development, and the contents of Part I. Developing individuals express their belief that spirituality plays a key role in their development, yet developmental psychologists have given comparatively little attention to this factor. The concept of spirituality is seldom considered separately from that of religion. The purpose of this Special Issue is to begin to remedy this neglect. This introduction is a summary of the 6 empirical and theoretical articles that form Part I.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the purpose of the three-part Special Issue on Spirituality and Adult Development, described in the Introduction to Special Issue Parts I and II (J. D. Sinnott, 2001, in press). It also outlines the contents of Part III. Developing adults express their belief that spirituality plays a key role in their development, and humanistic psychology supports this view, yet developmental psychologists have given comparatively little attention to this factor. Also the concept of spirituality seldom has been considered separately from that of religion. The purpose of this Special Issue is to begin to remedy this neglect and to begin to examine the meanings spirituality has for the developing adult. How might spirituality be adaptive? How might it relate to our connections with others and our society? This introduction is a summary of the five empirical and theoretical papers that form Part III of the Special Issue on Spirituality and Adult Development.  相似文献   

Whereas the chief development question of the past has been “how much is a nation producing?” the human development perspective that characterizes the United Nations Human Development Reports shifts the question to “how are its people faring?” This shift reflects the fundamental moral orientation of the human development perspective which makes a case for the common good in a global economy. Relating the themes and claims of the human development reports to Brian Stiltner’s recent study on religion and the common good, the author shows a variety of ways in which the common good as a moral norm is embedded in the human development perspective, without the context of religion. She explicates the presence and utility of this norm in these United Nations reports written by economists, development specialists, and policy advisors who seek to present and assess the humanizing and dehumanizing features of globalization.  相似文献   

The design of global development goals has been beset by deep flaws, inconsistencies, and manifest unfairness to some developing countries. Momentum has now peaked for the creation of Sustainable Development Goals to replace the Millennium Development Goals. This comment addresses three challenges that arise in setting development goals, and recommends feasible development goals that can meaningfully guide development cooperation, and focus the attention of policy makers on the worst-off.  相似文献   

经济与道德的协调发展 ,对于我国社会发展来说 ,不仅在于它是我国社会发展历史经验的忠告 ;更在于它是我国社会发展的内在根据、现实要求和基本规律 ;还必须选择现实的实现途径 ,一是作出制度安排和政策选择 ,二是作为有机统一的实践过程 ,三是变成每个社会成员的精神、心理和行动。  相似文献   

Wollstonecraft's early works express a coherent view of moral psychology, moral education and moral philosophy which guides the construction of her early fiction and educational works. It includes a valuable account of the relation between reason and feeling in moral development. Failure to recognize the complexity and coherence of the view and unhistorical readings have led to mistaken criticisms of Wollstonecraft's position. Part I answers these criticisms; Part II describes and textually supports her view.  相似文献   

儿童青少年人格发展与培养是新世纪全面推进素质教育的一个关键性问题。自1981年以来,我们将理论研究、实证研究和经验总结有机结合,在全面系统地评述儿童人格发展理论的基础上,采用综合研究方法对我国儿童青少年人格进行全方位系统研究,基本构建出我国儿童青少年,特别是儿童人格发展与教育的基本框架。本文将具体阐述我们三十多年来对于儿童青少年人格发展研究的成果,系统地阐述儿童青少年人格及重要特质的结构,发展的一般特点,影响儿童青少年人格发展的因素,以及培养儿童健全人格发展的有效模式,并对未来的研究提出建议。  相似文献   

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