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Once considered virtually nonexistent, bipolar disorder in children has recently received a great deal of attention from mental health professionals and the general public. This paper provides a current review of literature pertaining to the psychosocial treatment of children with early-onset bipolar spectrum disorder (EOBPSD). Commencing with evidence of the emerging interest in this topic, we then focus on terminology, the rationale for studying EOBPSD in children, current research and clinical progress, possible explanations for the recent increase in recognition, and essential issues that form the foundation of effective psychosocial treatment. Next we explore areas of research with direct implications for psychosocial treatment. These include biological and psychosocial risk factors associated with bipolar disorder; and the psychosocial treatment of adult-onset bipolar disorder, childhood-onset unipolar disorder, and anger management in children. Following this, we discuss treatments being developed and tested for children with EOBPSD. Finally, we conclude with recommendations for future studies needed to move the field forward.  相似文献   

The Role of the Family in the Course and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Bipolar disorder is a highly recurrent and debilitating illness. Research has implicated the role of psychosocial stressors, including high expressed-emotion (EE) attitudes among family members, in the relapse–remission course of the disorder. This article explores the developmental pathways by which EE attitudes originate and predict relapses of bipolar disorder. Levels of EE are correlated with the illness attributions of caregivers and bidirectional patterns of interaction between caregivers and patients during the postepisode period. Although the primary treatments for bipolar disorder are pharmacological, adjunctive psychosocial interventions have additive effects in relapse prevention. Randomized controlled trials demonstrate that the combination of family-focused therapy (FFT) and pharmacotherapy delays relapses and reduces symptom severity among patients followed over the course of 1 to 2 years. The effectiveness of FFT in delaying recurrences among adolescents with bipolar disorder and in delaying the initial onset of the illness among at-risk children is currently being investigated.  相似文献   

Thirty-one subjects with bipolar illness completed a questionnaire about genetic risk for bipolar disorder. Subjects estimated both quantitative and qualitative genetic risk for bipolar disorder for the following categories: general population, siblings, parents, spouses, and children. Results showed that quantitative risks were inflated when compared to qualitative risks and that subjects routinely overestimated the risk for developing bipolar illness. These findings suggest that genetic counseling may be useful for this population.  相似文献   

We reviewed 20 published studies of psychosocial interventions (i.e., preoperative preparation, parental presence) for children undergoing outpatient surgical procedures. The effectiveness of different intervention strategies on child and parent outcomes is summarized. Few positive effects were found for any of the psychosocial interventions. However, only a small number of randomized controlled trials were conducted and many of the studies using quasi-experimental designs had significant methodological problems that limited the interpretation of their findings. Research recommendations are described such as strengthening methodological rigor, making intervention strategies relevant to outpatient surgery, and using developmentally appropriate intervention strategies.  相似文献   

强迫症的元认知模型认为, 元认知是理解强迫症病理的关键。强迫症患者存在错误的元认知知识信念、消极的元认知体验及不恰当使用元认知策略等问题。强迫症的元认知疗法强调思维过程(如自我聚焦注意、对担忧不变的思维风格和威胁调节的注意策略等)的重要性, 而非思维的具体内容, 并在个体心理干预、团体心理干预等研究中显示出较好的疗效。未来研究应从认知神经科学等视角考查强迫症的记忆等元认知特征, 并进一步验证和修正强迫症的元认知模型。  相似文献   

Social anxiety disorder, whose onset peaks in adolescence, is associated with significant impairment. Despite the availability of effective treatments, few affected youth receive services. Transporting interventions into schools may circumvent barriers to treatment. The efficacy of a school-based intervention for social anxiety disorder was examined in a randomized wait-list control trial of 35 adolescents (26 females). Independent evaluators, blind to treatment condition, evaluated participants at preintervention, postintervention, and 9 months later. Adolescents in the intervention group demonstrated significantly greater reductions than controls in social anxiety and avoidance, as well as significantly improved overall functioning. In addition, 67% of treated subjects, compared to 6% of wait-list participants, no longer met criteria for social phobia following treatment. Findings support the possible efficacy of school-based intervention for facilitating access to treatment for socially anxious adolescents.  相似文献   

Counselors who work with older adults with bipolar disorder are in a unique position to help them navigate their challenges. Older adults with bipolar disorder have lived decades with mental illness and also face the regular aging process. Narrative therapy provides counselors with a framework to deal with these issues.  相似文献   

Evidence Based Treatments for Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Limited research has been devoted to developing and testing psychosocial treatments for bipolar disorder (BPD) in children and adolescents, a chronic and impairing mental illness that has received increased attention in recent years. Existing treatments are intended as adjuncts to medication, and share a family-based psychoeducation approach. Components of four treatments are discussed: family-focused treatment (FFT), the RAINBOW Program, multi-family psychoeducation groups (MFPG), and individual family psychoeducation (IFP). Evidence supporting each approach is detailed. Selected components of MFPG are described. A flowchart provides suggestions for sequencing interventions to maximize effectiveness. To illustrate the use of evidence-based treatment for children with BPD, a case example is provided.
Mary A. FristadEmail:

Research on the predictors of response to cognitive-behavioral treatments for PTSD has often produced inconsistent or ambiguous results. We argue this is in part due to the use of statistical techniques that explore relationships among the entire sample of participants rather than homogeneous subgroups. Using 2 large randomized controlled trials of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), CPT components, and Prolonged Exposure, we employed growth mixture modeling to identify distinct trajectories of treatment response and to determine the predictors of those trajectories. We determined that the participants’ trajectories could be best represented by 2 latent classes, which we subsequently labeled responders (87% of the sample) and nonresponders (13% of the sample). Notably, there was not a separate class for partial responders. Assignment to the nonresponder class was associated with receiving the written accounts (WA) component of CPT, a pretreatment diagnosis of major depression (MDD), and more pretreatment hyperarousal symptoms. Thus, it appears that some individuals do not benefit from merely writing about their trauma and processing it with the therapist; they may also need to engage in cognitive restructuring to successfully ameliorate their symptoms. Additionally, those who meet criteria for MDD or have high levels of hyperarousal at the onset of treatment might require additional treatment or support.  相似文献   



Treatment decision‐making in bipolar II disorder is complex due to limited evidence on treatment efficacy and potentially burdensome side‐effects of options. Thus, involving patients and negotiating treatment options with them is necessary to ensure that final treatment decisions balance both clinician and patient preferences. This study qualitatively explored clinician views on (a) effective treatment decision‐making, unmet patient needs for (b) decision‐support and (c) information.


Qualitative semi‐structured interviews with 20 practising clinicians (n = 10 clinical psychologists, n = 6 general practitioners, n = 4 psychiatrists) with experience treating adult outpatients with bipolar II disorder were conducted. Interviews were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically using framework methods. Self‐report professional experience, and clinician preferences for patient decision‐making involvement were also assessed.


Qualitative analyses yielded two inter‐related themes: (a) challenges and barriers to decision‐making and (b) facilitators of clinician decision‐making. Symptom severity, negative family attitudes, system‐based factors, and information gaps were thought to pose challenges to decision‐making. By contrast, decision‐making was supported by patient information, family involvement and patient‐centredness, and a strong therapeutic relationship. Clinician views varied depending on their professional background (medical vs clinical psychologist), patient involvement preferences, and whether the clinician was a bipolar specialist.


Whilst clinicians uniformly recognise the importance of involving patients in informed treatment decision‐making, active patient participation is hampered by unmet informational and decision‐support needs. Current findings inform a number of bipolar II disorder‐specific, clinician‐endorsed strategies for facilitating patient decision‐making, which can inform the development of targeted patient decision‐support resources for use in this setting.  相似文献   

This paper describes Skills for Academic and Social Success (SASS), a cognitive–behavioral, school-based intervention for adolescents with social anxiety disorder. Clinic-based treatment studies for socially anxious youth are reviewed, and a strong rationale for transporting empirically-based interventions into schools, such as SASS, is provided. The SASS program consists of 12, 40-min group sessions that emphasize social skills and in-vivo exposure. In addition to group sessions, students are seen individually at least twice and participate in 4 weekend social events with prosocial peers from their high schools. Meetings with teachers provide information about social anxiety and facilitate classroom exposures for socially anxious participants. Parents attend 2 psychoeducational meetings about social anxiety, its treatment, and approaches for managing their childs anxiety. Initial findings regarding the programs effectiveness are presented. We conclude by discussing the challenges involved in implementing treatment protocols in schools and provide suggestions to address these issues.  相似文献   

As children and adolescents receive increased research attention, ethical issues related to obtaining informed consent for pediatric intervention research have come into greater focus. In this article, we conceptualize parent permission and child assent within a goodness-of-fit framework that encourages investigators to create consent procedures “fitted” to the research context, the child's cognitive and emotional maturity, and the family system. Drawing on relevant literature and a hypothetical case example, we highlight four factors investigators may consider when constructing consent procedures that best reflect participants' rights, concerns, and well-being: (a) the child's current assent capacity and the likely impact of study information on the child's mental and physical development, (b) parents' understanding of their child's treatment needs and distinctions between treatment and clinical trials research, (c) the family's history of shared decision making, and (d) the child's strivings for autonomy within the context of their parents' duty to make decisions in the child's best interest.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, theorists have suggested that bipolar disorder symptoms result from increases and decreases in the activity of the Behavioral Activation or Facilitation System (BAS or BFS) and the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS). These neurobehavioral systems are thought to determine the intensity of affective and behavioral responses to incentives and threats. This study examined cross-sectional and prospective associations of self-reported BIS and BAS with mania and depression in a sample of 59 individuals diagnosed with Bipolar I disorder. Depression was tied to BIS, pointing to the importance of sensitivity to threats in depression. However, links between BIS and depression appeared state-dependent. BAS subscales did not correlate with manic symptoms in a state-dependent manner; however, BAS (total scale and reward responsiveness subscale) predicted relative intensification of manic symptoms over time. Thus, evidence suggests that BAS sensitivity may constitute a vulnerability to mania among persons diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Discussion focuses on the integrative potential of the BIS/BAS constructs for linking psychosocial and biological research on bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

There are few effective treatments for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and a pressing need to develop such treatments. We examined the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of a manualized modular cognitive-behavioral therapy for BDD (CBT-BDD). CBT-BDD utilizes core elements relevant to all BDD patients (e.g., exposure, response prevention, perceptual retraining) and optional modules to address specific symptoms (e.g., surgery seeking).  相似文献   

Applied relaxation (AR), originally developed by Lars-Göran Öst, is a long-standing, efficacious treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). While newer treatments are continuing to be developed, AR remains one of the most efficacious treatments for GAD. However, AR has received less in-depth attention more recently, particularly in terms of potential mechanisms of action. This article is written to honor the development and history of AR and to highlight the ways that it has continued to be adapted. In this article, AR treatment strategies are presented, which include: noticing early signs of anxiety, learning relaxation skills, and applying relaxation at the first sign of anxiety. Then, additional adaptations to AR are presented along with recommendations of how AR may be enhanced by understanding potential mechanisms of change. Finally, recommendations are made for the continued evolution of AR as a powerful and efficacious treatment for GAD.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2023,54(1):119-131
Internet-based psychological interventions have proven effective in the treatment of prolonged grief disorder (PGD). Yet, some patients do not benefit from treatment in a clinically significant way. We aimed to examine predictors of symptom reduction in an Internet-based intervention for PGD after cancer bereavement, in order to identify possible treatment mechanisms and discern directions for future intervention design. A secondary analysis of data from a randomized wait-list controlled trial on an Internet-based intervention for PGD after cancer bereavement was conducted. Multiple regression models were used (1) to test for the influence of pretreatment PGD, working alliance, avoidance and gender on PGD symptom reduction; and (2) to explore further predictors of treatment success with a best subset selection protocol. The regression models explained 18% (Model 1) and 34% (Model 2) of variance in symptom reduction. Participants with more favorable symptom change had more severe pretreatment PGD scores and better working alliance. Those with lower social support and less posttraumatic growth experienced more PGD symptom change. In conclusion, therapeutic alliance is an important factor that should be monitored and fostered. Findings regarding social support and posttraumatic growth need further replication and clarification.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis compares the findings of empirical studies that employ either a traditional form of cognitive–behavioral-based exposure therapy or virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to determine which is more viable and effective. Statistical analyses were performed on 26 studies to determine pre- to posttreatment effect sizes and interactions. Results demonstrated a trend toward significance in favor of traditional exposure therapy showing lower posttreatment PTSD. Limitations included a restricted number of relevant studies; future research on VRET for PTSD should orient more to experimental designs, larger samples, and increased use of control groups.  相似文献   

The study tested the efficacy and tolerability of cognitive processing therapy (CPT) for survivors of assault with acute stress disorder. Participants (N = 30) were randomly allocated to CPT or supportive counseling. Therapy comprised six individual weekly sessions of 90-min duration. Independent diagnostic assessment for PTSD was conducted at posttreatment. Participants completed self-report measures of posttraumatic stress, depression, and negative trauma-related beliefs at pre-, posttreatment, and 6-month follow-up. Results indicated that both interventions were successful in reducing symptoms at posttreatment with no statistical difference between the two; within and between-group effect sizes and the proportion of participants not meeting PTSD criteria was greater in CPT. Treatment gains were maintained for both groups at 6-month follow-up.  相似文献   

This study examined headache characteristics and psychological variables associated with pediatric headache in a specialty treatment clinic. Children were referred by pediatric neurologists to a hospital-based pediatric behavioral medicine clinic for behavioral treatment in conjunction with medical management of the pain. Headache typology of the children indicated that 1/3 of the sample reported at least daily headaches, and a large percentage of patients described experiencing headaches that lasted for more than a day (26%). Child and parent report of pain revealed a fairly high level of correspondence for headache activity. Regarding other psychological characteristics, children in this study endorsed higher than expected levels of somatization even after adjusting for headache symptoms. Compared with children's report, parents' report showed only slightly higher levels of secondary gain experienced by children because of pain. Gender differences were not found. The implications of these findings for improving our understanding of pediatric headache are discussed.  相似文献   

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