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Les études inter-culturelles en Psychologie. — l'A. évoque les problèmes conceptuels et méthodologiques que pose la psychologie interculturelle; il présente ensuite, à titre d'exemple, une étude génétique sur des enfants mexicains et américains. Les facteurs culturels constituent plusieurs classes dont les trois principales sont: — les différences entre nations; — les différences entre langues; — les différences subculturelles. La complexité des comportements est une autre dimension d'importance pour la conceptualisation en matière de recherche psychologique interculturelle : on peut distinguer six niveaux de complexité. Apparier une combinaison particulière de facteurs culturels et les niveaux de complexité comportementale que l'on vise, soulève une série de questions méthodologiques, les plus fréquentes étant relatives à la confusion entre variables culturelles et au manque d'équivalence des techniques utilisées. l'A. discute également des aspects politiques, économiques et stratégiques de telles recherches. Enfin, il fait un bref bilan des deux premières années d'une étude longitudinale qui, à l'aide de tests, vise à faire apparaître les caractéristiques en matière de perception, de cognition et de personnalité, d'environ 300 enfants américains et d'un nombre comparable d'enfants mexicains de trois groupes d'âge compris entre 6 et 13 ans: les interactions significatives entre culture, sexe et âge semblent pouvoir être interprétées selon une dimension générale d'“ activité-passivité ” qui distinguerait les deux cultures.  相似文献   

In two studies, 374 participants gave retrospective reports of their favorite games, toys, and hobbies (games) and of their favorite exercise and sports (sports) in elementary school, high school, and college. We tested Gilligan's (1982) expectation that more of males' play would be group activities played in public places, whereas more of females' games and sports would be home-based play in intimate dyads. Results showed that sex similarities and differences varied as a function of kind of play. For both sexes, games tended to be home-based and individual or dyadic play, however sports tended to be group, public-based play. Whereas team sports play was most frequent in childhood for both sexes and decreased in frequency from childhood into adulthood, the decrease in team, as compared to individual and dyadic, sports was significantly more dramatic for girls than for boys. The data indicated that whereas girls participate in a variety of types of play, boys' sports play is dominated by team activity across development. Thus, sex differences in the types of sports play provided the strongest support for Gilligan's hypothesis that socialization in team play may foster a reliance upon rights-based moral reasoning in boys.  相似文献   

跨文化发展心理学的研究方法和新趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
齐茨  方富熹 《心理学报》1991,24(2):78-87
本文论述了跨文化发展心理学研究所依据的方法学原则以及当前的研究动向和发展趋势。  相似文献   

中国运动心理学的发展:历史、现状与未来   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张力为  丁雪琴 《心理学报》1994,27(3):324-330
简要回顾了中国运动心理学发展的历史,指出,作为一门应用科学,它的主要实践是在竞技领域对优秀运动员进行心理特征的评定和对青少年运动员进行心理选材,针对训练和竞赛中的问题开展心理训练和心理咨询,以及对教练员进行培训。今后,中国运动心理学需要扩展自己的研究领域,发展适合中国体育运动特点的测量工具和测量方法,并注意汲取其它学科如认知心理学发展的新成果。  相似文献   

Since truly culture-free research is impossible, greater attention should be paid to the nature of collaborative processes among researchers in cross-cultural psychology. Participative methodology should be examined through appropriate research, and methodologies to ensure equal participation should be developed accordingly. It is suggested that the nature of the collaborative process be reported in research publications as a standard methodology section. A short questionnaire on researchers' reactions to these suggestions and on current collaborative processes is presented.  相似文献   

The contributions of feminist psychology to diversity are highlighted, focusing on the example of women of color. A historical overview of the confluence of feminism and ethnicism is provided, stressing the dynamic interplay between these two movements. The relevance of feminist psychology to women of color is assessed in addition to women of color's contributions to feminism. The role of women of color in the transformation and reformulation of an integrative feminist psychology is examined.  相似文献   

Problèmes méthodologiques des recherches interculturelles. — L'A. cherche à montrer dans quelles conditions le problème de la comparabilité des échantillons dans les études intercultuielles peut ou non trouver une solution. Il montre que les thèmes d'étude sont déterminés ethniquement, et souligne qu'il est sage pour un chercheur qui s'éloigne des frontières de son milieu naturel, de se livrer à une exploration préliminaire suffisante pour s'assurer que le thème qui L'intéresse a un sens dans ce qui est, pour lui, un cadre étranger. Le choix des instruments de recherche et leur nécessaire adaptation à deux ou plusieurs cultures, soulève des problèmes particulièrement tenaces qui peuvent être partiellement traités, via la notion de validation construite. Mais celle-ci, à son tour, élimine presque totalement la possibilité de strictes définitions opérationnelles, à moins qu'on ne puisse montrer que les opérations, quoique différentes, ont une signification équivalente. Nous pouvons continuer à faire effort pour interpréter les résultats interculturels dans des termes qui minimisent les appartenances, les déformations, les ancrages d'origine, dans lesquels nous sommes nés et dans lesquels la plupart d'entre nous ont grandi, cependant le manque presque constant de variables universelles dans les sciences sociales requiert que les jugements interprétatifs soient formulés, dans une certaine mesure, dans les termes de ces ancrages ethniques. L'A. pense, enfin, que la plupart des problèmes inhérents aux recherches interculturelles, se rencontrent également dans des études culturellement restreintes; ils sont quelquefois évidents, ils sont rarement totalement absents. Leur intrusion récurrente dans les comparaisons interculturelles requiert qu'on leur prête une particulière attention. Reconnaître qu'ils sont le prolongement de problèmes latents dans presque toutes les études psychosociologiques, peut attirer L'attention des chercheurs qui travaillent “à domicile”, sur leur importance.  相似文献   

The development of psychology in Israel is presented as a reflection of its society's aims and needs. Until the early 50′s, the major orientation of Israel's population was geared towards achieving national and ideological goals. Scientific as well as applied psychology was not perceived as being able to fulfill or even being in line with these goals. However, starting from the early 50′s, Israel's ideological orientation as well as its practical needs changed dramatically. Mass immigration, housing problems, ethnicity, urbanization, industrialization, the emergence of underprivileged groups and a more individualistically oriented ideology raised new problems and strongly required the services of psychology. This paper tries to show how different branches of psychology - scientific as well as applied ones - developed as a direct function of the country's social needs and problems and its search for appropriate ways of dealing with them.  相似文献   

We report the results of an archival study of group research published in three organizational psychology journals (Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Academy of Management Journal) from 1975 through 1994 Moreland, Hogg, and Hains (1994), in a review of three social psychology journals (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, and Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin), suggested there is an increasing enthusiasm for the social psychological study of groups However, their data relations. We tested the proposal that research traditionally viewed as intragroup (e g, group performance) has been taken up by organizational psychologists. Our data support this contention, as the publication Pattern for intragroup research topics in the three organizational journals was an inverse of that reported by Moreland et al. Results are discussed in terms of historical and interdisciplinary  相似文献   

混沌现象及其在生理心理系统中的意义(一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李薇  徐联仓 《心理学报》1987,20(3):89-93
非线性系统的确定性数学模型能够产生复杂的非周期性动力学行为,即混沌现象,许多领域的科学工作者对此已进行了大量、广泛的数值研究和实验分析。本文试图探讨混沌动力学在生理心理学中的意义。第一部分对混沌现象的概念、发生机制以及数值分析方法做了简单的综述,第二部分以神经系统的计算机实验结果为例讨论了混沌动力学的数值分析方法做为新的统计工具,在心理学的研究中可能得到的应用。  相似文献   

The intellectual development of feminist psychology is discussed in terms of social change that is affecting the discipline. The issues that seem important are the changing sex ratio, changes in the practice of psychology, decline of interest in the pursuit of academic/research careers, and the generally conservative tenor of society.  相似文献   

This paper raises some fundamental questions about the consequences of specialization in the discipline of psychology, as well as the psychological consequences of specialization. Increasing specialization is taking place as a result of wide-ranging psychological and societal factors, rather than strictly scientific criteria. Among the consequences of increasing specialization are fragmentation in psychology, and microcosmic, rather than wholistic, models of behavior. Some third world psychologists trained in the first and second worlds are moving toward despecialization, in order to tackle major social problems that invariably require a wholistic approach. It is proposed that despecialization has potential benefits for all of psychology.  相似文献   

A review of the development of Chinese psychology since early 1900 to the present time is given with particular emphasis for the period after 1949 when Chinese psychology was faced with the task of reestablishment. Progress as well as drawbacks are described. At present, China is in the process of modernizations in industry, agriculture, science and technology, and defense. The Four Modernizations have opened up new prospects for psychological research, particularly social psychology and applied psychology could contribute to China's national aspirations.  相似文献   

R asmussen , E. T ranekjær . Bridging physiology and phenomenology in dynamic psychology. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1961, 2, 161–166.—It is important to distinguish between the immediately experienced (the phenomenological) and the physiological-neurological basis for the phenomenological world, e.g. between beta needs (subjectively experienced states of needing or wanting) and alpha needs (objectively defined, physiological needs). The concept of psychon is introduced and defined as a necessary and sufficient condition in the physiological-neurological system for the existence of a subjective experience; psychon bridges the gap between the physiological and the phenomenological world.  相似文献   

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