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Within the context of the problems raised by the use of tests in Africa, this study attempts to demonstrate how traditional practices can improve the situation, by proposing that enigmas be used as a psychometric instrument. In fact, this well known and widely used game in Africa is one of the major components of the oral tradition and as such, performs various important functions, as, for instance, the acquisition and evaluation of basic knowledge and vocabulary, while favoring the acquisition of a sense of competition in children. Presenting a new outlook on the practice of this traditional game in the African milieu, this paper describes the process by which the author, through many experimental studies carried out in Zaïre, is attempting to build a test measuring creativity.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of self-efficacy on the self-regulatory mechanisms exercised during a verbal concept formation task. High or low-self-efficacy is experimentally induced among sixty four college students who subsequently have to solve, aloud, different problems of concept formation. Self-regulation was examined based on the utilization of the cognitive strategies required to solve the task, the monitoring strategies applied over the cognitive enterprise and the metacognitive experiences emerging along the resolution. Both groups exhibite similar cognitive strategies, yet some of their monitoring strategies and metacognitive experiences are affected by their self-efficacy judgments. The nature of self-efficacy should be considered when studying the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and self-regulation as applied during the task resolution.  相似文献   

An opportunity was taken of using Rosenthal's Experimenter-Expectancy effect not only to demonstrate its existence in a new setting, but also to elucidate aspects of group identity among the Baganda of Uganda. Baganda secondary pupils were read four Hsts of identical numbers, merely reshuffled within each list, and asked to write them down and find an average for each. They were told the lists represented exam scores for students drawn respectively from Ankole, Buganda, Northerners and Uganda. The average calculated by Baganda pupils was lower when attributed to Northerners than when associated with the other groups. They did not attribute higher average marks to their own group than for the National group. It is recommended that the positive regard the Baganda may have for the concept Ugandans, be emphasised together with adding the idea that Northerners are also Ugandans.  相似文献   

This study compares different dimensions of the personality, the perception of control and risk-taking behavior of gamblers and non-gamblers exposed to American roulette. The analyses of the data revealed that no significant differences emerged among the two groups on personality or perception of control. Although gamblers started the game by stacking more money than non-gamblers, the latter rapidly bet as much as the regular gamblers. Furthermore, risk-taking behavior increased as the game progressed. The practical implications of the data are discussed in relation to the psychology of gambling.  相似文献   

Sixty-two French-Canadian children, seven to ten years old; 64 schooled Rwandese children, ten to thirteen years old; and 32 unschooled Rwandese subjects aged 15 and 17 were tested on four piagetian logico-mathematical tasks: hierarchical classification (CA), multiple classification (CM), seriation of weight (RA) and double seriation (RM). Due to the effect of order, separate analyses were performed for tasks done during the same test session. When the results of tasks CA and RM, on the one hand, and of RA and CM, on the other hand, are combined, it is observed, firstly, that the items alternate in order of difficulty and, secondly, that the number of coherent patterns of responses exceeds the null hypothesis in French-Canadian and schooled Rwandese populations, supporting the hypothesis of a complementary and partially synchronous modality of structuration of logical abilities. From another point of view, when the items from all four tasks are combined in a single scale of difficulty, the very close similarity observed between the ranks of the items in the three populations strengthens the hypothesis of a universally determined cognitive development based mainly on the equilibration process.  相似文献   

Need and meaning of comparative studies in genetic psychology. — The comparative studies in the field of genetic psychology are indispensable for Psychology in general and also for Sociology, because only such studies allow us to separate the effects of biological or mental factors from those of social and cultural influences on the formation and the socialization of individuals. Relevant to this discussion is the well-known issue between culturalistic psychoanalysts like Fromm, Horney, etc., and classical freudian psychoanalysts who reduce the whole individual development to an endogenous evolution of « instinct ». In the field of cognitive functions to which this paper is devoted, at least four kinds of various factors must be distinguished, the respective influences of which can be separated through comparative studies : I. Biological factors depending on the “epigenetic” system (maturation of nervous system, etc.). These factors probably explain the sequential aspects (constant and necessary order) of the stages in the development of operative intelligence. However, if only these factors were acting, the stages would not only appear in a sequence, but at the same ages, whereas in fact, the ages where a stage appears differ from one environment to another. 2. Equilibration or autoregulation factors, determining behavior and thought in their various specific activities. They correspond to the sequential forms in general coordination of the actions of individuals as interacting with their physical environment; such intervening regulations are probably at the origin of the mental operations themselves, especially logical - mathematical operations. 3. General socialization factors, which are identical for all societies : cooperations - discussions - oppositions - exchanges, etc., between children or between adults or between adults and children. These factors 3 are closely related with the factors 2, because the general coordination of actions concerns inter-individual as so as intra-individual actions. 4. Factors related to educational and cultural transmission, which differ from one society to another; they are those we usually have in mind when we say briefly “social factors”. To discuss the influence of these four factors, Mohseni's study on Teheran school children and illiterate rural children is given as an example. Three results were obtained : (1) For “conservation” tasks, the same stages of intellectual development are observed for urban and rural children, in Iran as well as in Europe. (2) For these same tasks, a systematic delay of two to three years is observed among rural children with respect to Teheran children. (3) For performance tests (i.e. Porteus, Goodenough, etc.) there is a delay of four and primarily five years. These data seem to show that there is some sequential order of the stages which depends partially on the factors I. But, the ages for each stage are not constant, showing the factors 2 and 3 are intervening in a probably inseparable way. On the other hand, the difference between the actual operative results and the performance tests seems to indicate that a distinction might be made between the factors of general coordination (factors 2 and 3) and the educational transmissions (factors 4). About these last factors, the three and four year delays observed by Canadian psychologists working in Martinique with school children (French curriculum) in operative tasks (like conservations) seem to indicate that the general operations depend less on school than on the activities themselves of children or in general on the adult stimulations in the environment. We must pay special attention to the problems raised by language. In some precise and systematic experiments in Geneva, Sinclair shows children on the “preoperative” level (i.e. with no conservation…) do not spontaneously use the same language as operative children : the former use chiefly “scale” words (“much” or “many”, “little” or “few”, “large”, “small”) and the latter use chiefly “vector” words (“more”, “less”). If the younger subjects are submitted to a verbal training, they do learn to use the older children's language, but it only results in very little operative improvement (about one case out of 10 subjects on the average). Therefore, replicating the same experiments in countries speaking different languages would be very interesting. For instance, in the Turkish language, there is only one “vector” word, i.e. “again”; so that the Turk says “again much, again many” to say “more”. Then, the question is to know whether a change will be observed for the stages of logical-mathematical operations or whether these operations will be found everywhere with their identical common background; it seems that this last conclusion has already been observed in Aden (Hyde), Hong Kong (Goodnow), South Africa (Price-Williams). In conclusion, the kind of psychology we develop in our social environments, remains conjectural as long as comparative extensive and systematical research is not available; a great effort is still to be made in this direction.  相似文献   

A formal analysis of a set of linear syllogisms led the author to a definition of two factors involved in the construction of these syllogisms: (a) a logical factor linking the two premises (I, identical relation; R, reciprocal relation), (b) a linguistic factor concerning the formulation of the premises (affirmative or negative propositions). Thirty-six French adolescents were given a set of 48 problems in which the logical and the linguistic factors were combined in the same proportion. These subjects were of equal ability with regard to the functioning of the formal operatory systems, but of different abilities with respect to field dependence–independence. The results show a significant correlation between latencies and field dependence–independence. The analysis of this correlation leads to the conclusion that the restructuration processes worked more slowly in the dependent subjects than in the independent subjects. It appears from the analysis of the results that the differences observed in the subjects' reasoning processes may be interpreted in terms of mobility of intellectual operations.  相似文献   

Trois groupes d'enfants (102 Canadiens français urbains, 110 Rwandais ruraux scolarisés, 74 Rwandais ruraux non scolarisés) subissent une épreuve de conservation des longueurs de deux tiges dont l'égalité est d'abord constatée par coïncidence des extrémités et dont l'une (la plus rapprochée de S, ou la plus rapprochée de E) ou les deux sont ensuite déplacées. L'analyse des résultats montre que: a) les plus jeunes enfants de chacun des groupes sont fortement inclinés à estimer plus longue la tige réellement déplacée (ou jugée déplacée) et/ou la tige la plus rapprochée de S; b) la conservation est acquise par les enfants de chacun des groupes, mais dans l'ordre chronologique suivant: Canadiens français, Rwandais scolarisés, Rwandais non scolarisés; c) dans chacun des groupes, les jugements de conservation s'appuient principalement sur l'identité et les jugements de non-conservation sur le déplacement et/ou le dépassement de l'une des tiges. Ces résultats suggèrent que la thèse de Piaget voulant que l'enfant passe d'une conception topologique ordinale à une conception euclidienne dans l'acquisition de la conservation des longueurs peut s'appliquer à des milieux différents malgré de larges différences d'urbanisation et de scolarisation.  相似文献   

Fourty right-handed brain-damaged subjects (20 left- and 20 right-injured; 8 patients with a visual field defect in each group) were submitted to a matching task of facial expressions under various conditions of photographic clearness. Results indicate that right-damaged subjects, particularly with a visual field defect, produce the lowest performances, although this defect appears only if the stimuli are not too foggy. Our data on neurological subjects agree thus with the literature on normal subjects indicating that the right brain (of normal subjects) is more involved in visual processing of emotional aspects of a face than the left brain. These facts suggest also that this asymmetry appears only under the everyday life conditions of visual clearness.  相似文献   

Three groups of 16 subjects (rural school Rwandese, rural unschooled Rwandese and urban school French-Canadian children), classified as preoperational on a pretest including eight tests of conservation, were trained on the conservation of liquid quantities by a method based on anticipation of levels and compensation of dimensions. It was found that a) the performance of all three groups, when compared with controls, was significantly higher on two successive post-tests (two months interval); b) the three groups did not differ from one another either in global scores on both post-tests or in number of training sessions required for learning; c) the types of justification were based predominantly on perceptual features and on identity in non-conservation and conservation judgments, respectively. Results are discussed mainly in terms of the kind of justifications given by the three groups, the relative effectiveness of the two types of training given, and the genuineness of the conservation induced.  相似文献   

Plusieurs problèmes portant sur la notion de temps ont été posés à une population rurale de la Côte-d'Ivoire. Les situations expérimentales comportaient divers déplacements de personnes ou d'objets. Au sujet de ces déplacements, on posait des questions de durée, de vitesse et d'espace parcouru. Des solutions correctes nécessitaient une mise en relation coordonnée de ces trois paramètres. La méthode d'interrogatoire critique utilisée conduit à une analyse détaillée des arguments explicitant les réponses des sujets. Les résultats montrent que des hommes sans scolarisation et des adolescents scolarisés parviennent à une bonne compréhension des problèmes posés, tandis que des femmes et des adolescents sans scolarisation n'accèdent pas à la réussite. Les faits obtenus soulèvent le problème de la comparaison de deux milieux culturels (Genève-Côte-d'Ivoire) scolarisés et non scolarisés, quant à une influence sur le système conceptuel. Uno discussion finale s'efforce de montrer en quoi le recours à la théorie de Piaget pour l'interprétation des données observées peut apporter des éclaircissements sur le problème.  相似文献   

A comparison of the habituation rate of two infant populations was performed: Ivory Coast and French 3-, 5- and 8-month-olds. The same age evolution of the habituation performance was observed, but no differences were found between the two cultures at any age. The African infant's lead in development as shown by infant tests is not observed with the habituation paradigm. If such data are confirmed, they will lead to the conclusion that the difference is more a motor than a cognitive one.  相似文献   

This study examines some aspects of the adaptive process of African refugees taking up residence in Quebec city, a rather culturally homogenous area. Considering that acculturative stress and degree of contact and participation with the host society are strong indicators of one's adjustment to a new culture, the main hypothesis is that the more contact and participation one establishes with the host society, the less acculturative stress he will report. Out of 62 subjects who voluntarily accepted to participate in the study, 57 were retained for analysis. Results reveal no significant relationship between stress and contact. Multiple regression analyses used to determine the significant predictor variables indicate that age and length of stay explain 19.5% of the total variance for stress while length of stay, sex and adaptive options explain 44% of the total variance for contact. These results tend to demonstrate that, for African refugees, degree of contact is a better indicator of adaptation than stress.  相似文献   

Perception of geometric forms and optical illusions in French and American children. — A 30-item series of perceptual problems involving geometric forms and optical illusions was administered to 357 French and 732 American children, ages 8 through 16 years. A developmental gradient was observed in both samples: performance correlated +.33 with age in the French sample and +.22 in the American. Age-by-age comparison of means gave approximately identical results, except at age 12 where the French children scored significantly higher. Prior research has shown the perceptual series to be uncorrelated with verbal and linguistic ability, but significantly related to performance on tasks (such as the embedded figures test) which reflect analytic capacity. These findings, plus the cross-national stability of age norms and developmental gradients found here, suggest that the series may have value as a research tool for cross-cultural study of interpersonal effectiveness and analytic aptitude.  相似文献   

The received view of Bergson's philosophy of life is that it advances some form of vitalism under the heading of an “élan vital.” This paper argues against the vitalistic interpretation of Bergson's élan vital as it appears in Creative Evolution (1907) in favor of an interpretation based on his overlooked reflections on entropy and energetics. Within the interpretation developed here, the élan vital is characterized not as a spiritualistic “vital force” but as a tendency of organization opposed to the tendency of entropic degradation. It is then shown how Bergson's view of evolution and living organization resonates with more contemporary scientific approaches belonging to a “thermodynamic paradigm” in theoretical biology in different respects, including the critique of neo‐Darwinism and the positing of a driving force behind evolution. Finally, the special interest that Bergson's philosophical biology bears today is considered in terms of the connection between the concepts of élan vital and duration.  相似文献   

Twenty aggressive and rejected children (boys and girls), twenty socially competent and popular children, and twenty children having average social skills - all of which were first and second graders attending regular school - participated in this study. All were presented on videotape with nine typical peer-conflict situations. Each child was asked about the way that he/she felt, and the way that he/she would resolve each problem situation. In addition, each child had to specify what he/she thought to be the offender's intentions in each problem situation. Several points differentiated first grade from second grade subjects. However, aggressive, socially skilled and average subjects distinguished themselves on only a few items. Differences relating to subject's sex were also scarce. Data support the view that aggressive children know as well as other children how to appropriately resolve interpersonal conflict situations. However, they do not use this knowledge because of impulsivity control problems, an inability to correctly identify others' intentions or a lack of motivation.  相似文献   

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