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Consideration is given to our cognitive, volitional, and emotive functions as they are experienced in the I‐It and I‐Thou realms of our existence, focusing on our emotive function. Feelings in the I‐It realm are limited to the physical and psychical parts of ourselves. They are defensive and motivate our survival in the world. In the I‐Thou realm, they permeate our whole being, including that part of ourselves that is beyond phenomenological manifestation that lies at the ground of our being as potential awaiting actualization. Our ontology necessitates the experience of our primary feelings in our struggle to become what we are uniquely “created” to be. Dialogical psychotherapists consider this as crucial to our therapeutic endeavors.  相似文献   

Behavioral procedures aimed at decreasing disruptiveness through increasing self-evaluative skills and programming generalization in a class of disruptive retarded children were examined. Phases of the study included: (a) baseline; (b) systematic feedback; (c) a token economy; (d) matching of teacher's ratings by students; (e) four fading phases during which progressively fewer students were required to match the teacher; (f) self-evaluation during which each student received the amount of points self-allotted regardless of teacher's ratings; (g) doubling of point costs of back-up reinforcers ("Inflation"); (h) complete removal of back-up reinforcers ("Points Only"); and (i) return to baseline conditions. The class was observed 5 days per week dueing a morning experimental period and several times per week in the afternoon as a measure of generalization. Additional measures of generalization included days when the token program was not in effect ("Off Days") and when the class was taught by a substitute teacher. Behavior was recorded according to an interval sampling observational code. The results showed that systematic feedback was effective in significantly reducing disruptiveness with even greater reductions resulting from the token program and the subsequent matching and fading phases. Decreased levels of disruptiveness were maintained throughout self-evaluation and the phases which followed. Decreased levels of disruption also generalized to afternoon sessions, to days when the experimental procedures were not in effect, and to self-evaluate, the class initially matched the teacher's ratings with about 50% accuracy. This gradually increased to consistently above 90% during the latter phases. The study demonstrated that retarded children can learn to accurately observe and veridically evaluate their own behavior, and that this has beneficial effects in terms of decreased disruptiveness.  相似文献   

A 5-year old subject was treated for molestation-induced behavior problems consisting of excessive verbal ruminations and concamitant negative emotional responding. Treatment invovled utilization of a modified operant DRO procedure using the subject's mother as primary behavior change agent. Data based observations predicated on home-environment and generalization probe sources demonstrated dramatic reductions in problem behaviors targeted for intervention. Treatment gains remained stable over a 12-month period as indicated by extended follow-up assessment queries.  相似文献   

Successful reports of behavioral treatment of encopresis describe interventions as unpleasant as the disorder: hospitalization, laxatives, prompted toileting, aversive consequences. The focus on soiling rather than on the constant constipation that precedes encopresis, on the reduction of soiling rather than on the acquisition of effective toilet use. Five normal chronically constipated children (four of whom were encopretic) were treated at home with combinations of: preparatory instructions, rewards for clean pants, reward for appropriate toileting (bowel movement in toilet). Once soiling was eliminated and appropriate bowel movements occured regularly, all families were taught to fade treatment contingencies. To determine the contribution of the toileting reward to treatment effectiveness, this reward was added to the other two treatment components in a multiple baseline across four cases; it provided a significant ingredient in short-term success. A fifth child achieved short-term success with only the instructions and the clean pants reward. Long-term results (11-20 months) revealed that the fifth child, who never received the toileting reward, was the only one who relapsed.  相似文献   

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