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四组中国被试的归因在维度上相对位置的评定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了中国被试对十项归因(心境、技巧、知识、机会、努力、帮助、能力、任务、偏好和运气)在五个维度(基源性、稳定性、控制性、预见性和普遍性)上相对位置的评定。并与钱德拉等人(Cbandler & Spies,1984),用美国被试所得的结果进行了比较。实验结果表明中国被试与美国被试评定的一致性达62%。此外,没有一项归因的评定是在维度的极端等极(1.0-2.0或6.0-7.0)。  相似文献   

By means of the method of ratio estimation, scale values were obtained for subjective distance. In three experiments different stimulus ranges of the objective distances were used. It was found: ( 1 ) Subjective distance is a power function of the objective distance. ( 2 ) The exponent of the function varies with the stimulus range. With increasing stimulus range the exponent has a tendency to decrease. It is conceivable that the change of the exponent may be explained by an adaptation of the subjective range to the stimulus range.  相似文献   

N ordenstreng , K. A comparison between the semantic differential and similarity analysis in the measurement of musical experience. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1968, 9,89–96.—Ten pieces of music were rated by a group of broadcasting sound-controllers using two different scaling techniques, the semantic differential ratings of each sound on 32 scales, and similarity ratings for all pairs of sounds. The two scaling techniques were compared matching factor spaces by transformation analysis. The results indicate almost perfect similarity of the factor structures, which suggests that similarity analysis and the semantic differential in fact measure the same thing.  相似文献   

By means of amethod of ratio estimation, scale values were obtained for the subjective brightness of various physical intensities of monochromatic light of various wave lengths. In a second experiment the scale was constructed by a method of magnitude estimation. The brightness functions were studied by plotting the scale values against stimulus intensity for each wave length. The two experiments gave essentially the same results. It was shown: (1) Brightness of monochromatic light is a power function of stimulus intensity. The exponent of the function is approximately one-third for all wave lengths. (2) Properties of the brightness functions can explain certain empirical relations between brightness, hue and saturation.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of the development of a self-report measure of innovative-ness. The utility of such an instrument in human communication research is discussed, together with issues relating to its reliability, validity, and association with social desirability.  相似文献   

Behavioral items ( N = 78) critical to the job success of logging supervisors were developed from 1204 critical incidents, the frequency with which a supervisor ( N = 300) engaged in each behavior was rated on a 5-point Likert type scale by two sets of observers. A factor analysis reduced the items to 38 and 33, respectively, for the two sets of observers which in turn constituted 10 and 11 factors or criteria for performance evaluation purposes. Multiple regression equations based on composite scores were used to predict cost-related measures of logging crew effectiveness. The shrinkage in Rs after double cross-validation was moderately small. Moreover, the behavioral observation scales (BOS) that were developed by factor analyzing the observation ratings had moderately high reliability and accounted for more variance in the cost-related measures than did the BOS developed by traditional judgmental clustering techniques. The similarities and differences between BOS and BES procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

S joberg , L. Sensation scales in the size-weight illusion. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1969, 10 , 109–112.-The subjects gave magnitude estimations of heaviness of a set of cylinders varying simultaneously in weight and height. The size-weight illusion could be well described by a simple model assuming heaviness to be inversely proportional to a sensation scale of size and directly proportional to a sensation scale of weight. The scale parameters corresponding to weight were a positively accelerated function of weight while the corresponding function for size was negatively accelerated.  相似文献   

语义范畴特异性损伤的理论研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在对人类认知机制的研究中,以患者为研究对象是最近兴起的一种重要的认知神经科学手段.期间,人们发现有些脑损伤患者具有语义范畴特异性损伤现象,即表现出对个别语义范畴的认知能力相对较弱.这一奇特现象的发现,为研究人类的语义记忆系统的结构和功能开辟了一个全新的领域.该文着重介绍了这一现象及其引发的4种新的语义记忆理论,从而对人类的语义记忆作出重新审视.  相似文献   

汉语语义记忆提取的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对汉语语义记忆的提取进行了两个实验。实验1是自由联想实验,从十三个句子中选出二十三个词作为刺激词。结果表明,以两词间所保持的常识关系来定义的语义距离,对预测自由联想的作业是有效的。实验2采用反应时技术,对真假命题判断及信息提取的时间进行了考查。实验结果与A.M.Collins等人的结果一致,说明了存储于网络不同水平上的句子其提取时间不同这一事实。结果还表明,在信息提取阶段上,汉字字形的作用不是一个重要的因素。  相似文献   

Abstract— Hemispheric differences in the recognition and manipulation of meaning may be based on distinctions in size, composition, or organization of the right and left semantic networks. The present study describes these features of pictorially based semantic networks in 3 subjects with complete forebrain commissurotomy. Stimuli were presented for prolonged viewing to the left and right visual hemifields. For each trial, the subjects chose from a 20-choice array all pictures that were associated with a target, then indicated the member of each pair of chosen associates that was more closely related to the target. The hemispheres' networks were found to be of similar size and composition, but were organized differently. The right hemisphere more often produced linear rankings of semantic associates to a target than did the left, and rankings by the two hemispheres were not strongly correlated. Hemispheric differences in semantic organization mirror differences in perceptual organization, with the right hemisphere specialized for conventional meaning and the left hemisphere specialized for detecting and processing deviations from standard meaning.  相似文献   

問題 經济編碼和減少噪音是提高信息传递效率和保証通信准确性的重要手段。信息論关于編碼問題的研究,为充分利用信道容量和抗干扰提供了理論依据,对于通信技术的发展作出了重大貢献。但是,信息諭的編碼理論仅考虑信源的統計特点,而不考虑信号的意义。这样的編碼虽然适用于机器之間的信息传递和加工,可是如果信息的接收者和加工  相似文献   

汉语句子理解中语义分析与句法分析的关系   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
两个实验研究了中文句子理解中句法分析与语义分析的关系。实验1采用被试者自控阅读速度的方法,要求被试者对每个句子(合理句或不合理句)进行语法判断。结果表明,在歧义词(AW)和解歧词(DAW)上,合理句与不合理句的错误率存在显著差异,而反应时差异不显著。实验2研究了语境对句子理解的作用。结果表明,在有语境和无语境条件下,两类句子在歧义词和解歧词上的反应时,均有明显的差异。这些结果支持了句子理解中句法与语义加工的弱相互作用模型。  相似文献   

Greater understanding of the complex interrelationships among work-relevant constructs has increased the number of constructs on organizational surveys. Good psychometric practice also dictates the use of multiple items per construct. The net result has been longer surveys. Longer surveys take more time to complete, tend to have more missing data, and have higher refusal rates than short surveys. Arguably, then, techniques for reducing the length of scales while maintaining psychometric quality are worthwhile. Little guidance exists on how to reduce the length of a multi-item scale and we argue that the most common technique, maximizing internal consistency, is problematic and should be avoided. We present a set of item "quality indices" to help conceptualize the competing issues that influence item retention decisions. Statistical analysis of an example case using these indices suggested that there are 3 key aspects of item quality to consider when reducing a scale. We describe strategies that can assist scale developers in using these 3 aspects of item quality when making scale reduction decisions.  相似文献   

Facial expressions were posed by student actors and labeled by student judges, the judges being restricted to the same labels as were given to the actors. Factor analyses yielded evidence for three major dimensions resembling those proposed by Schlosberg (1954): Pleasantness, Activation, and Control. A hypothetical emotional-expression solid, a pyramid truncated at the far end (passive direction), is proposed as a resolution of recent controversies over the number and nature of dimensions. Cluster analyses confirm the existence of some seven to ten regions within this space, densely populated with quasi-synonymous states, which warrant identification as 'primary affects'.  相似文献   

E isler , H. On the problem of category scales in psychophysics. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1962, 3 , 81–87.—In the first Part of the paper it is shown that, if three assumptions are granted, the category scale must be logarithmically related to the magnitude scale: K =α log φ +β . In the second part of the paper, the relation K =α log ( kφ+ q) +β is derived, starting from the assumptions that the category scale is a pure function of discrimination and that discrimination is appropriately described by the linear generalization of Weber's law for prothetic continua. We can reconcile these two formulas by defining the zero-point of the magnitude scale as the point where variability vanishes.  相似文献   

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