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The purpose of the present study is to determine the association of parenting behaviors and social anxiety in children. Three parental factors—including parental socialization, control, and warmth—were investigated in a sample of 31 two-parent families. Rather than solely relying upon retrospective questionnaires, this study incorporated direct observation and a Daily Activity Log to assess the qualities of social interaction. Moderate associations between parental control and child anxiety symptoms were found, with no support for the association between parental warmth and child anxiety. More specifically, maternal overprotection and observed negative commands related to child social anxiety, and paternal overprotection related to child general anxiety. Several gender differences were found regarding the impact of parent behaviors on child anxiety. Implications, limitations, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Research has consistently found associations among parenting practices, socioeconomic disadvantage, ethnicity and conduct problems in children. We investigated whether parenting practices might mediate the relation between ethnicity and conduct problems and the relation between socioeconomic status (SES) and conduct problems. The subjects were 141 clinic-referred children between the ages of 6 and 17 and their primary custodial parents. Using multiple indicators for each construct, except ethnicity, the mediational role of parenting was tested using structural equation modeling. The results indicated that the effects of SES on conduct problems was largely mediated by the influence of ineffective parenting practices. In contrast, ethnicity was not associated with conduct problems in this clinic-referred sample, even prior to controlling for SES and parenting practices, suggesting that the link between minority status and conduct problems may be dependent on the demographic characteristics of the sample. Exploratory analyses also revealed that there were ethnic differences in the types of parenting practices that were most strongly associated with conduct problems.  相似文献   

以696名初高中学生为研究对象,考察家庭社会经济地位与青少年智慧的关系,以及积极教养方式和开放性人格的中介作用。结果表明:(1)家庭社会经济地位、积极教养方式、开放性人格与智慧四个变量之间存在显著正相关;(2)积极教养方式在家庭社会经济地位与青少年智慧之间起完全中介作用,但开放性人格在家庭社会经济地位与智慧之间不起中介作用,开放性人格在积极教养方式与智慧之间起部分中介作用,积极教养方式、开放性人格在家庭社会经济地位与智慧之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

幼儿时期是培养个体良好行为习惯的重要关键期。以814名幼儿及其家长为研究对象,探讨家庭社会经济地位与幼儿良好行为习惯的关系,以及父母教养方式和幼儿心理素质的中介作用。结果表明:(1)家庭社会经济地位与幼儿良好行为习惯显著正相关;(2)父母教养方式与幼儿心理素质在家庭社会经济地位和良好行为习惯间起连续中介作用,且权威型教养方式与心理素质的链式中介作用显著高于专制型教养方式与心理素质的链式中介作用。因此,要促进幼儿养成良好行为习惯,应注重父母教养方式的选择与幼儿心理素质的培养。  相似文献   

幼儿时期是培养个体良好行为习惯的重要关键期。以814名幼儿及其家长为研究对象,探讨家庭社会经济地位与幼儿良好行为习惯的关系,以及父母教养方式和幼儿心理素质的中介作用。结果表明:(1)家庭社会经济地位与幼儿良好行为习惯显著正相关;(2)父母教养方式与幼儿心理素质在家庭社会经济地位和良好行为习惯间起连续中介作用,且权威型教养方式与心理素质的链式中介作用显著高于专制型教养方式与心理素质的链式中介作用。因此,要促进幼儿养成良好行为习惯,应注重父母教养方式的选择与幼儿心理素质的培养。  相似文献   

We evaluated the relative goodness-of-fit of two factor structures of the Parenting Scale (Arnold, O'Leary, Wolf, {&} Acker, 1993) among two samples of low-income African American families. Participants included 271 mother-child dyads from urban and rural areas in the southern and southeastern US, who completed the Parenting Scale along with other measures of parenting style and dyadic relationship. Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) indicated that a two-factor solution, comprising Laxness and Overreactivity dimensions, was the better fit to the data. Some direct evidence for convergent validity was provided by a correlation between the Laxness factor of the Parenting Scale and the Firm/Lax Control subscale of the Children's Report of Parenting Behavior Inventory (CRPBI). Results are discussed in term of Brody and Flor's (1998) “no nonsense” parenting style.  相似文献   

Funderburk and Eyberg (1989) described the psychometric properties of the Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory (SESBI), a teacher rating scale of disruptive behaviors, for a sample of 55 preschool children. Additional data on the SESBI are presented for a sample of 60 preschool children. While both studies produced almost identical reliability and validity analyses, the scale score means are statistically and clinically different (i.e., a child in the clinical range in one study would be in the middle of the normal range in the other). These findings are used to emphasize the distinction between well-standardized norms and the psychometric properties of a measure. Suggestion are also made as to how behavioral assessment can more thoroughly attend to both of these properties of a measure.  相似文献   

本研究通过使用美国国家儿童健康与人类发育研究所的纵向研究数据建立分层线性模型,探究在儿童的早期发展中,母亲抑郁症状对儿童的社会性退缩的影响,以及母亲的教养行为在这一关系中的中介作用,结果发现:(1)在儿童24~54个月期间,随着母亲抑郁症状的升高,儿童的社会性退缩也随之升高;(2)母亲抑郁症对儿童社会性退缩的影响存在着性别差异,与女孩相比,男孩的社会性退缩更容易受到母亲抑郁症状的影响;(3)在男孩中,消极的教养行为在母亲抑郁症状与男孩的社会性退缩之间起到了中介作用,而在女孩中,这一中介作用并不显著。  相似文献   

The clinical intake interview is an opportunity to observe family interactions and formulate hypotheses about their influence on presenting problems. In this study family interactions were assessed during an unstructured segment of a clinical intake. Families with disruptive preschool boys were compared with those having nonproblem boys. Mothers' and fathers' reports of marital satisfaction, parenting involvement, and child behavior problems were examined in relation to observed behavior during intake. Patterns of family interaction emerged which were consistent with previous research and with family systems theory. Clinic boys oriented more toward mothers than fathers and interacted more negatively with their fathers than did comparison boys. Implications for integrating the assessment of family interactions into clinical practice and research with behavior problem children are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors' objective was to investigate the association between Chinese immigrant mothers' authoritative parenting and their children's socioemotional and behavioral difficulties. Participants were 136 first-generation Chinese immigrant mothers with 3–5-year-old children residing in the United States. Authoritative parenting was associated with lower socioemotional and behavioral difficulties in children as reported by preschool teachers. Further moderation analyses revealed that immigrant mothers' English proficiency moderated the association between authoritative parenting and children's difficulties. Specifically, authoritative parenting was significantly associated with fewer total difficulties only for children with mothers who reported higher English proficiency.  相似文献   

以全国24013名10~15岁儿童青少年为对象,探讨家庭社会经济地位与父母教养方式对公正世界信念的影响。结果发现:(1)家庭社会经济地位能够正向预测一般公正世界信念与个人公正世界信念;(2)权威型教养方式能够正向预测一般公正世界信念与个人公正世界信念,独裁型与纵容型教养方式能够负向预测一般公正世界信念与个人公正世界信念;(3)家庭社会经济地位与父母教养方式的交互作用对公正世界信念的影响显著,其中,权威型教养方式对高家庭社会经济地位比对低家庭社会经济地位儿童青少年公正世界信念的促进作用更大,独裁型与纵容型教养方式对低家庭社会经济地位比对高家庭社会经济地位儿童青少年公正世界信念的削弱作用更大。  相似文献   


Two studies examined the association between income and meaning in life (MIL). Study 1 (N = 781) demonstrated that income and other measures of financial status are positively associated with MIL and other aspects of well-being. The association between income and MIL was partially explained by autonomy, competence, and perceptions of control. Study 2 (N = 123) examined people’s forecasts of how financial status would affect their future well-being. Having a middle class or upper-middle class income in the future was expected to result in higher MIL, happiness, and need satisfaction than a life with a low income, showing that people perceive income as tied to meaning. These studies demonstrate how financial status can contribute to actual and expected MIL.  相似文献   

The resistance of the Personal Orientation Dimensions (POD) to deliberate attempts at creating a favorable impression was investigated. Two groups of college students were used: (a) 21 students completed the POD under standard instructions, then received information about actualization, and completed the POD again under instructions to Create a very good impression; (b) 21 students completed the POD under standard instructions, then received information not related to actualization, and completed the POD again under instructions to create a very good impression. An analyses indicated that providing students with information about actualization did not facilitate their ability to create a favorable impression on the POD. The POD profiles produced by both groups changed significantly, and in a similar direction from pretest to posttest. Evidence is presented suggesting the existence of a "lie profile" which distinguishes deliberate attempts to create a favorable impression on the POD. These findings provide support for the resistance of the POD to deliberate attempts at creating a favorable impression.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the theoretical and empirical foundations of a unique multilevel parenting and family support strategy designed to reduce the prevalence of behavioral and emotional problems in preadolescent children. The program known as Triple P-Positive Parenting Program is a multilevel system of family intervention, which provides five levels of intervention of increasing strength. These interventions include a universal population-level media information campaign targeting all parents, two levels of brief primary care consultations targeting mild behavior problems, and two more intensive parent training and family intervention programs for children at risk for more severe behavioral problems. The program aims to determine the minimally sufficient intervention a parent requires in order to deflect a child away from a trajectory towards more serious problems. The self-regulation of parental skill is a central construct in the program. The program uses flexible delivery modalities (including individual face-to-face, group, telephone assisted, and self-directed programs) to tailor the strength of the intervention to the requirements of individual families. Its multidisciplinary, preventive and community-wide focus gives the program wide reach, permitting the targeting of destigmatized access points through primary care services for families who are reluctant to participate in parenting skills programs. The available empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of the program is discussed and its implications for research on dissemination are discussed.  相似文献   

This pilot study examined changes in parenting skills and child behavior following participation in an online positive parenting skills program designed for young children with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Thirty-seven families with a child between 3 and 9 years of age who sustained a moderate to severe TBI were randomly assigned to one of two interventions: online parenting skills training (n = 20) or access to Internet resources on managing brain injury (n = 17). Parent–child interaction observations and parent ratings of child behavior were collected pre- and post-treatment. Generalized estimating equations and mixed models were used to examine changes in parenting skills and child behavior problems as well as the moderating role of family income on treatment response. Participants in the parenting skills group displayed significant improvements in observed positive parenting skills relative to participants in the Internet resource group. Income moderated improvements in parent ratings of child behavior, with participants in the low-income parenting skills group and high-income Internet resource group reporting the greatest improvements in behavior. This is the first randomized controlled trial examining online parenting skills training for families of young children with TBI. Improvements in positive parenting skills and child behavior support the utility of this intervention, particularly for families from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.  相似文献   

王美萍  张文新 《心理学报》2014,46(7):931-941
采用基因-环境设计, 以208名初中生为被试, 系统考察COMT基因rs6267多态性与青少年期亲子亲合与冲突的关系, 以及性别与父母教养行为在其中的调节作用。结果显示rs6267多态性对亲子关系无显著主效应, 但其与亲子亲合、母子情绪冲突的关联模式在男女青少年群体中相反; rs6267多态性与父母积极教养行为对亲子关系无显著交互作用, 但其与母亲消极教养行为对母子冲突具有交互作用趋势。  相似文献   

考察气质(感觉寻求、意志控制)和教养方式(权威、专制、纵容)对青少年病理性网络使用(PIU)的独特效应,以及气质间对青少年PIU的交互效应和气质与教养方式对青少年PIU的交互效应。采用气质问卷、教养方式问卷和青少年PIU问卷,对1312名青少年进行调查。结果显示:(1)意志控制、感觉寻求、专制教养对青少年PIU有独特效应,权威教养、纵容教养对青少年PIU没有独特效应;(2)气质内部交互影响青少年PIU,意志控制缓冲感觉寻求的风险作用。(3)教养方式调节部分气质与青少年PIU的关系,具体为权威教养缓冲感觉寻求的风险作用,纵容教养增强感觉寻求的风险作用。  相似文献   

Several factors thought to influence the representativeness of behavioral assessment data were examined in an analogue study using a multifactorial design. Systematic and unsystematic methods of observing group behavior were investigated using 18 male and 18 female observers. Additionally, valence properties of the observed behaviors were inspected. Observers' assessments of a videotape were compared to a criterion code that defined the population of behaviors. Results indicated that systematic observation procedures were more accurate than unsystematic procedures, though this factor interacted with gender of observer and valence of behavior. Additionally, males tended to sample more representatively than females. A third finding indicated that the negatively valenced behavior was overestimated, whereas the neutral and positively valenced behaviors were accurately assessed.  相似文献   

Although attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults has recently emerged as an important area of research, little attention has been given to the family functioning of women with ADHD, particularly in their role as mothers. We examined parenting self-esteem, locus of control, and disciplinary styles in a community sample of mothers with varying levels of ADHD symptoms. Women with high levels of ADHD symptoms reported more occupational and psychiatric problems than women with lower levels of ADHD symptoms. They also reported lower parenting self-esteem, a more external parenting locus of control, and less effective disciplinary styles. The findings suggest that women with ADHD symptoms may face a number of difficulties within the parenting domain.  相似文献   

A growing literature suggests robust associations between dimensions of emotion regulation and emotional disorder psychopathology. However, limited research has investigated associations of emotion regulation dimensions across several emotional disorders (transdiagnostic associations), or the incremental validity of emotion regulation versus the higher-order construct of neuroticism. The current study used exploratory structural equation modeling and a large clinical sample (N = 1,138) to: (a) develop a multidimensional emotion regulation measurement model, (b) evaluate the differential associations between latent emotion regulation dimensions and five latent emotional disorder symptom dimensions (social anxiety, depression, agoraphobia/panic, obsessions/compulsions, generalized worry), and (c) determine the incremental contribution of emotion regulation in predicting symptom dimensions beyond neuroticism. The best-fitting measurement model of emotion regulation included four dimensions: Problematic Responses, Poor Recognition/Clarity, Negative Thinking, and Emotional Inhibition/Suppression. Although many zero-order associations between the four latent emotion regulation dimensions and five latent symptom dimensions were significant, few associations remained significant in a structural regression model that included neuroticism. Specifically, Negative Thinking and Problematic Responses incrementally predicted depression symptoms, while Emotional Inhibition/Suppression predicted both social anxiety and depression symptoms. Associations between neuroticism and the emotional disorder dimensions were similar regardless of whether the emotion regulation dimensions were held constant. These results suggest that self-reported emotion regulation dimensions are associated with the severity and expression of a range of emotional disorder symptoms, but that some emotion regulation dimensions have limited incremental validity after accounting for general emotional reactivity. Studies of emotion regulation should assess neuroticism as a key covariate.  相似文献   

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