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This article proposes an approach to doing theology with and for the indigenous communities in the Philippines, specifically the Ygollotes/Igorots of the Cordillera region, in their struggle for identity and self‐determination. It proceeds from a protest ritual that is representative and celebrative of the culture and identity; the religious and spiritual resources; the emancipatory stories; the vision, hopes and struggles of these northern Philippines indigenous communities. The article focuses on rereading the land‐centred culture, spirituality, and life of indigenous communities in the context of their struggles for fullness of life, with the perspective of identifying several sources and resources for a liberative, ecumenical, and indigenous peoples' theology of struggle.  相似文献   

孙慕义 《学海》2004,(5):126-131
我们所关注的不应仅仅集中于生命科学技术的基督教伦理学或宗教神学问题的解答 ,它应包括所有生命问题的神学研究 ;这其中应指所有生命体的生存状态 ,主要以人的生命为主要研究对象 ,它应包括生理的、心理的、社会的和灵性的四个方面的生命 ;它不仅要解释和解决诸多的理论问题和文化问题 ,还应包含各宗教对生命问题的思想的比较研究 ;生命神学必须基本给出对临床医务活动、高新生命科学技术与死亡、与医学相关的社会问题、卫生经济政策以及生态问题的神学解释和评价方法等。生命神学应该是 :对生命诸问题的道德神学注释 ,是对人类生存状态和过程、生命科学技术、卫生保健和卫生经济政策的神学伦理学研究 ,是有关人和其它生命体的生命终极问题的学科 ;它应涵盖理论生命神学 (元生命神学与文化生命神学 )和应用生命神学 (医务或临床生命神学、生存与死亡神学、卫生经济与医疗保健政策神学、生态神学 )两部分。  相似文献   


The religiousness of individuals and communities can be effective resources for healthcare practitioners serving older Americans. Such effectiveness can be more fully realized if theology and epidemiology are recognized as complementary ways of understanding aging and health. The ways in which theologians and epidemiologists can be complementary consist of the different modalities of hope they engender, the different types of preferential recollection they exercise, and the different stages of life they address. The complementarity of theology and epidemiology is dependent upon a spiritual but not supernatural conception of the relationship between religion and health.  相似文献   

In 1979 this journal published 'Psychodynamic and structural approaches to work with families', a paper reflecting my preoccupation at that time with the move from a psychodynamic model to a model that was not only systemic, but based on developmental principles of family life and family evolution. This paper considers some of the effects of social context, past and present, which relate to the social construction of myself as a woman therapist, and my relationship to changes in professional and gendered issues since 1979.  相似文献   

This article aims to present the past and present state and future possibilities of philosophy of education as an academic discipline in Turkey as related to teacher training programs and academic studies in higher education institutions. It takes philosophy of education as consisting of the approaches that have emerged in its history. It has come to Turkey as a part of the modernization of education. It seems that during the Republican era in Turkey before World War II, mainly due to the dominance of the German conception of educational studies, the pedagogy and the history of pedagogy courses and the textbooks for them, which were central to the curricula of teacher training schools, contained the subjects of philosophy of education in its continental form; and after World War II philosophy of education is mostly understood, primarily due to Turkey’s changing international relations and the spread of American influence, as the isms and the doctrines approaches as found in the USA between the 1940s and 1960s, while other approaches in the field have been less influential. The article identifies how the restructuring of the teacher training system and the curricula of Faculties of Education in 1998 was a serious blow to the discipline, since it excluded philosophy of education from the curricula of teacher preparation schools, and the flourishing discipline thus lost its hold and importance in the undergraduate programs, and then in graduate programs. But the 2006 revision of the curricula has given a kiss of life to the discipline. There are reasons to think that it can recover in the coming period.
Hasan ünderEmail:

According to scholars as influential as Hans Urs von Balthasar, Eric Voegelin and Cyril O'Regan, what was once rejected as an esoteric second century Christian heresy, has, and indeed continues to, exert a significant amount of influence over modern philosophy and theology in the form of ancient Gnosticism. While a variety of major studies have applied this hermeneutical lens to evaluate and better grasp Hegel's philosophical system, very few have sought to interpret Schelling's philosophy in this manner, when there seems to be ample evidence to suggest that Schelling consciously adopted Gnostic philosophy, particularly Valentinian speculation, alongside other theosophic proposals, when constructing his own ideas. And, given the rise of theological systems, notably from the East, although not exclusively, in the guise of Sergius Bulgakov, that are heavily indebted to Schelling and are currently exerting a notable influence on contemporary Anglophone systematic theology (theologians such as John Milbank), it would seem beneficial for such a study to be conducted to better grasp certain trends in current, mainstream, theological proposals.  相似文献   

While Heidegger's earlier phenomenological writings inform much contemporary discourse in the continental philosophy of religion, his 1927 essay on ‘Phenomenology and Theology’ offers a largely uncontested distinction between philosophy and theology on the basis of their possibilities as sciences following ontological difference. This paper reconsiders Heidegger's distinction by invoking spirit and wonder, concepts Jacques Derrida and Mary‐Jane Rubenstein have more recently emphasized as central to thought that is open to that which ruptures metaphysical schemas. I contend Heidegger's use of ontological difference as a formal distinction between philosophy and theology distances us from the wonder, spirit, and truth (alētheia) that undoes the binaries behind which we take shelter. However, I temper this critique with the recognition that Heidegger, Derrida, and Rubenstein equally recognize an inescapable repetition of metaphysical thinking in the philosophy of religion.  相似文献   

作为一种生活方式的哲学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在古希腊,哲学首先是一种活动,而不是静态的知识;是对智慧的爱,而不是智慧本身;是一种生活方式,而不是一个在学院被教授的学问;是提升精神的一个方法,它意味着个体存在方式的根本改变和转换。因此,在古希腊,哲学家不仅是指那些创造了哲学理论体系的人,而且包括那些实践某种哲学观念的人。此种哲学观从中世纪开始发生了根本的转换,哲学成为了一种纯粹抽象的、理论的活动,这种状况直到今天仍然没有完全改变。  相似文献   

This paper responds to John Haldane's recent criticisms of D. Z. Phillips’ treatment of the Christian belief in eternal life. I argue that Haldane's attempt to show that Phillips only partially elucidates, and hence misrepresents, this belief is unsuccessful, the biblical and theological passages cited by Haldane being amenable to elucidation in terms of which Phillips would have approved. Haldane makes three points to support his main claim, and I argue that none of these has significant force against Phillips’ position unless we presuppose the truth of some realist account of meaning, which Phillips would, of course, reject.  相似文献   

生活哲学:一种哲学观   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
哲学观问题日益引起学者们的关注。本文从分析生活概念入手,尝试性地提出一种哲学观——生活哲学观,此种哲学观认为,哲学是人生活的一种形式,其功能在于保持人的生成意识。  相似文献   

This paper examines the problem of ontotheology as it was defined by Martin Heidegger, and how it has subsequently been approached by those philosophers and theologians who have followed in his wake. It argues that Heidegger's initial analysis of the onto-theological condition was mistaken by its presumption of a radical divide between philosophy and theology. Furthermore, many of the key thinkers who have followed after Heidegger have merely reinscribed this supposed divide between thought and faith, rather than genuinely questioning the terms Heidegger thought self-evident. The result, even among some of the most radical and influential contemporary thinkers such as Emmanuel Levinas, John Caputo, and Jean-Luc Marion, has been a contemporary philosophy deprived of questions of faith and a theology unaccountable to its place in the world. In response to this shortcoming of contemporary philosophical and theological thought, Jacques Derrida has approached the problem of ontotheology from the dual perspective of both thought and faith, and thereby, has provided a new path of thought beyond the problem of ontotheology and towards a renewed appreciation for the possibilities for a genuine philosophical theology.  相似文献   

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